mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B12. CIS will be subject to the following charges:1 to 150 miles CIS(1) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedary151 to l,000 miles CIS(2) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryl,00l to l,500 miles CIS(3) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryl,50l to 2,000 miles CIS(4) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedary2,00l to 3,000 miles CIS(5) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryOver 3,000 miles CIS(6) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryMinimum Charge CIS(7) $_______ per vehicle or single dromedaryunitITEM 103DUAL DRIVER PROTECTIVE SERVICE (DDP)1. Dual Driver Protective Service (DDP) is a TPS that is required for CONFIDENTIALshipments and AA&E shipments that are not SRC I or II. Any TSP who provides DDP mustcomply with all requirements set forth under Item 1, Transportation Service ProviderSecurity Clearance Requirements, and Item 101, Constant Surveillance and Custody Service,and the following requirements in this section.2. DDP is required for CONFIDENTIAL and/or AA&E (SRC III/IV/UNCAT) shipments,unless the exceptions specifically set forth indicated in DTR, Part II, Chapter 205 apply.3. For information regarding en route stops of AA&E shipments, see Item 85, En Route Stopsof Protective Security Service (PSS) and Dual Driver Protective Service (DDP) Shipments,in this section.4. For brief stops en route, the attendance requirements stated in Constant Surveillance andCustody Service, Item 101, will apply.5. When circumstances require lengthy stops en route, the per time limitations prescribed inItem 91, Terminal Security Standards for Secure Hold of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives(AA&E) shall apply. The TSP will ensure under such circumstances that the vehicle isparked only a within SDDC-approved TSP owned secure holding facility. When a vehicle isparked in a TSP terminal:Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-126-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Ba. A qualified TSP or terminal representative must continuously maintain the shipmentwithin view and be located at all times within 25 feet of the vehicle or shipment; orb. The shipment must be secured in an adequately lighted area that is surrounded by at leasta 6-foot chain link fence, continuously patrolled by a representative of the TSP orterminal continuously under observation of a qualified TSP or terminal employee.Shipments under DDP must be checked at least once every 30 minutes.6. The vehicle conveying the shipment must remain connected with the power unit (tractor)during shipment except when the vehicle is stopped at a DoD activity/contractor forloading/unloading; held at DoD Secure Hold location; or is physically within a SDDCapproved TSP owned secure holding facility. When there is a change in equipment, a DTTS―C‖ message, as more fully described under Item 111, Satellite Motor Surveillance Service(SNS), shall be sent from both the losing and gaining tractors to identify the equipmenttransfer and shipment. At least one of the ―C‖ messages shall include an explanation of thereason for the transfer.7. DDP will be subject to the following charges:1 to 500 miles DDP(1) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedary50l to l,000 miles DDP(2) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryl,00l to l,500 DDP(3) $_______ per mile per vehicle ormilesdromedaryl,50l to 2,000 DDP(4) $_______ per mile per vehicle ormilesdromedary2,00l to 3,000 DDP(5) $_______ per mile per vehicle ormilesdromedaryOver 3,000 miles DDP(6) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryMinimum Charge DDP(7) $_______ per vehicle or dromedaryITEM 105PROTECTIVE SECURITY SERVICE (PSS)1. Protective Security Service (PSS) is a TPS that is required for SECRET shipments and SRC Iand II AA&E shipments. Any TSP who provides PSS must comply with all requirements setforth under Item 1, Transportation Service Provider Security Clearance Requirements, andItem 103, Dual Driver Protective Service, and following requirements in this section.2. When circumstances require in transit stops, a TSP will ensure that SRC I and II AA&Eshipments will be secured only at a DoD owned or SDDC approved secure holding facility.This provision requiring secure holding of such shipments does not relieve the TSP of anyIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-127-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B12. CIS will be subject to the following charges:1 to 150 miles CIS(1) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedary151 to l,000 miles CIS(2) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryl,00l to l,500 miles CIS(3) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryl,50l to 2,000 miles CIS(4) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedary2,00l to 3,000 miles CIS(5) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryOver 3,000 miles CIS(6) $_______ per mile per vehicle ordromedaryMinimum Charge CIS(7) $_______ per vehicle or single dromedaryunitITEM 103DUAL DRIVER PROTECTIVE SERVICE (DDP)1. Dual Driver Protective Service (DDP) is a TPS that is required for CONFIDENTIALshipments and AA&E shipments that are not SRC I or II. Any TSP who provides DDP mustcomply with all requirements set forth under Item 1, Transportation Service ProviderSecurity Clearance Requirements, and Item 101, Constant Surveillance and Custody Service,and the following requirements in this section.2. DDP is required for CONFIDENTIAL and/or AA&E (SRC III/IV/UNCAT) shipments,unless the exceptions specifically set forth indicated in DTR, Part II, Chapter 205 apply.3. For information regarding en route stops of AA&E shipments, see Item 85, En Route Stopsof Protective Security Service (PSS) and Dual Driver Protective Service (DDP) Shipments,in this section.4. For brief stops en route, the attendance requirements stated in Constant Surveillance andCustody Service, Item 101, will apply.5. When circumstances require lengthy stops en route, the per time limitations prescribed inItem 91, Terminal Security Standards for Secure Hold of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives(AA&E) shall apply. The TSP will ensure under such circumstances that the vehicle isparked only a within <strong>SDDC</strong>-approved TSP owned secure holding facility. When a vehicle isparked in a TSP terminal:Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-126-

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