mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Balleys, bridges, tunnels, and overpasses or public travel routes that are in proximity tothe terminal. Terminals that intend planning to handle Division 1.3 and 1.4 items willnot be located within 300 feet of any of these inhabited buildings or public travelroutes. Terminals planning to handle Division 1.1 and 1.2 items will comply withdistance requirements set forth paragraph 2, below.4) Temporary storage areas, administrative areas or other inhabited areas.5) Number of personnel in each area ordinarily assigned to those structures listed inparagraph 4 above.6) All documents of both past and current state, and/or local HAZMAT operatingapproval.7) A terminal safety Standing Operating Procedure (SOP), which shall includingemergency and evacuation plans and employee safety training. Unannounced tests ofthese emergency and evacuation plans and a validation of emergency contactnumbers will be conducted at a minimum of twice a year.b. The following general safety precautions will be followed in the terminal:1) Terminals will have a clear zone that at a minimum will measure 20-feet for boththe inside and outside of the perimeter that is clear of weeds, bushes, vegetation orother combustible materials.2) Terminals will have ―NO SMOKING‖ signs that include emergency responsetelephone numbers.3) Terminal employees will be regularly trained and be aware of the hazardclassification of explosives in the terminal at any given time. Employees trainingshall include instruction concerning proper safety measures and procedures to befollowed in order to protect the public at large, as well as individuals located withinthe terminal from those dangers.4) A minimum of one vehicle that is fully capable of moving the explosives trailerswill be physically present at the terminal at all times. Terminal personnel will betrained with vehicle operation. Under no circumstance shall this vehicle be parkedwithin 25-feet of an explosives vehicle.5) Fire protection equipment capable of handling initial fires will be provided withineach structure on the facility. Extinguishers will have rating of at least 4-A:70-B:Cand located throughout the terminal. An adequate water supply will be available inaddition to the portable fire extinguishers.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-118-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bc. When parking vehicles in terminals:1) All vehicles entering a terminal’s restricted area will undergo a safety inspection.Vehicle will be checked for safety defects or damage, and if discovered will becorrected immediately.2) Parked trailers shall at a minimum have free space of at least five-feet on all sides.Parking of trailers will be operated in such a manner so that moving vehicles willnot be required.3) Trailers in the terminal will be regularly maintained in such a manner as to ensuresafe operation under highway conditions, including at a minimum, conformitywith all DOT safety standards and placarding regulations.4) A vehicle containing hazardous materials, including commercial explosives, willnot be parked in a terminal unless the hazardous material has been determined bythe TSP’s compliance officer to be compatible with explosives.d. The following rules shall apply to control ignition sources within a terminal:1) No repair work will be performed on any vehicle that has been parked in aterminal.2) Smoking, matches, open flames, spark-producing devices and firearms will beprohibited at all locations inside the terminal, and within a50-foot perimeteroutside of the terminal. Authorized terminal security personnel and lawenforcement authorities will be permitted to carry firearms to carry out theirsecurity and law enforcement duties.3) Electric lines that pass directly overhead of any portion of the terminal isprohibited and those lines that are in close proximity of the air space above theterminal shall be no closer than the actual length of the lines, unless an effectivemeans to physically prevent and ensure that they cannot reach or otherwise comeinto contact with any parked vehicle in the terminal.e. Terminal managers will provide initial training for any new employees within fivedays of their date of employment, and annual training for all employees. Training willat a minimum include:1) General HAZMAT awareness, munitions-specific, and safety training formunitions shipments indicated in 49 CFR, Subpart H, Part 172.700 through172.704, and this publication.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-119-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bc. When parking vehicles in terminals:1) All vehicles entering a terminal’s restricted area will undergo a safety inspection.Vehicle will be checked for safety defects or damage, and if discovered will becorrected immediately.2) Parked trailers shall at a minimum have free space of at least five-feet on all sides.Parking of trailers will be operated in such a manner so that moving vehicles willnot be required.3) Trailers in the terminal will be regularly maintained in such a manner as to ensuresafe operation under highway conditions, including at a minimum, conformitywith all DOT safety standards and placarding regulations.4) A vehicle containing hazardous materials, including commercial explosives, willnot be parked in a terminal unless the hazardous material has been determined bythe TSP’s compliance officer to be compatible with explosives.d. The following rules shall apply to control ignition sources within a terminal:1) No repair work will be performed on any vehicle that has been parked in aterminal.2) Smoking, matches, open flames, spark-producing devices and firearms will beprohibited at all locations inside the terminal, and within a50-foot perimeteroutside of the terminal. Authorized terminal security personnel and lawenforcement authorities will be permitted to carry firearms to carry out theirsecurity and law enforcement duties.3) Electric lines that pass directly overhead of any portion of the terminal isprohibited and those lines that are in close proximity of the air space above theterminal shall be no closer than the actual length of the lines, unless an effectivemeans to physically prevent and ensure that they cannot reach or otherwise comeinto contact with any parked vehicle in the terminal.e. Terminal managers will provide initial training for any new employees within fivedays of their date of employment, and annual training for all employees. Training willat a minimum include:1) General HAZMAT awareness, munitions-specific, and safety training formunitions shipments indicated in 49 CFR, Subpart H, Part 172.700 through172.704, and this publication.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-119-

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