mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B12. Sewers, air and water intakes, exhausts and other utility openings of 10-inches or more indiameter that pass through or under perimeter barriers will have security measures equivalentor greater than that of the perimeter.13. Clear zones will be maintained on both sides of the perimeter barrier to provide anunobstructed view of the adjacent barrier and ground. Clear zones will be kept free of weeds,trash, vehicles, containers, pallets, trash receptacles, or other material capable of offeringconcealment to an intruder. Clear zones of 20 feet or more will exist on both sides of therestricted area perimeter barrier. Clear zones of 10 feet or more will exist on both sides of thecontrolled area perimeter barrier. Separation of at least 20-feet will be maintained between thecontrolled area fence and the restricted area fence, with a minimum of 100-feet between thecontrolled and restricted area entry gates. Parking bumpers will be installed to enforce interiorclear zones and prevent damage to perimeter fencing. Clear zones may not be feasible becauseof property lines, landscape, natural or fabricated features. Increased height of perimeterbarriers, increased security patrol coverage, additional security lighting or installation of anintrusion detection device along that portion of the perimeter will be necessary.14. Protective lighting will be operational to discourage or deter attempts by intruders, ensuredetection of unauthorized personnel and prevent glare. Security lighting will be timed toautomatically and continuously provide illumination from dusk until dawn. Lighting will notexpose/shadow guards or other terminal personnel. This protective lighting will illuminateareas beyond terminal perimeter to the outer edge of a clear zone that extends 25-feet beyondterminal fence. If mercury vapor lights or any other lights are utilized that require more thanfive minutes to cycle through a cool down process when power is disrupted, emergencyhalogen lights will be used. The TSP will have a security firm perform a lighting survey for ofeach terminal facility and each lighting plan must be approved by SDDC during the initialterminal certification inspection, or whenever a significant modification to an existing thelighting system is planned.15. Primary and alternate power sources will be identified and be operational. Primary sourcesmay be a local public utility. In the event of power failure, backup power must be at aminimum sufficient to properly power emergency communications systems, CCTV camerasand monitor, guard building lighting, and the entire controlled and restricted area lightingsystem. Generators will have adequate fuel storage and supply at all times, be periodicallytested (at a minimum of every six months) under load to ensure operational effectiveness andbe located within the controlled area. All electrical cabling and telephone lines within a heightten feet above the ground will be encased in metal conduit to preclude lines from beingmanipulated/cut.16. A formal key and lock control system shall exist will be established for the terminal. Aterminal manger or facility security officer will be designated in writing as the responsible keyand lock custodian. Possession of keys and locks will be limited to personnel whose officialduties require access. Only DoD approved locks and locking devices to include hasps andIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-114-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION Bchains will be utilized. Any keys and padlocks not in use will be stored in a locked metalcontainer or key depository. In the event that the key(s) are lost, misplaced, or stolen, thelocking device(s) will be replaced immediately. Facility personnel shall immediately reportany lost key(s) to the terminal manager/facility security officer. Use of a master key ormultiple key systems is prohibited. Keys will be signed out as needed to authorized employeeson a key control register. Key and lock inventory will contain a record of keys, locks, keyserial numbers, lock serial numbers, location and the number of keys maintained for eachlock. This record will be maintained in the key depository. A 100 percent inventory of all keysand padlocks will be performed monthly. Documents used to control keys and locks will beretained on file for a minimum of one year.17. Terminals will provide adequate means of alerting local law enforcement and/or emergencyresponse forces to the presence of unauthorized personnel. Terminal managers will identifyand coordinate with the local law enforcement and/or emergency response forces. At aminimum terminals will have the following emergency communications:a. A Satellite Monitoring (SNS) unit with a panic button will be located at all guard post,and each shall be directly linked to the DTTS at the main guard post. Portable SNSSatellite Monitoring units will be utilized held by the mobile patrol to reportemergencies. Pending availability of a hand-held satellite vendor unit, the link from theguard to the terminal SNS unit may be a cellular phone or radio-telephone.b. An intercom system for communications between the guard office and the primaryvehicle entry gate.18. Vehicle inspections, including undercarriage, will be continuously performed for all vehiclesentering the controlled and restricted areas in accordance with restrictions outlined inInspection of Vehicles, Item 11 of this section.19. All terminal employees responsible for the transportation, handling and or storage of SRCshipments and other sensitive cargo will possess an appropriate and current security clearanceequal to the level of the commodity being handled (see Constant Surveillance and CustodyService, Item 101 of this section).20. Any shipment entered into an approved TSP terminals or DoD secure holding areas shall bethe responsibility of the last person signing the DD Form 1907. The original driver isresponsible for the custody and contents of AA&E shipments from origin to destination,unless that shipment is properly transferred to a new driver or terminal personnel whoaccepts responsibilities by signing the DD Form 1907.21. Facility guards at secure holding areas are not required to take custody of the shipment or signthe DD Form 1907. Facility guards shall only be responsible for verifying the condition of theconveyance seals and maintaining proper surveillance of shipment upon entry into the facility.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-115-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B12. Sewers, air and water intakes, exhausts and other utility openings of 10-inches or more indiameter that pass through or under perimeter barriers will have security measures equivalentor greater than that of the perimeter.13. Clear zones will be maintained on both sides of the perimeter barrier to provide anunobstructed view of the adjacent barrier and ground. Clear zones will be kept free of weeds,trash, vehicles, containers, pallets, trash receptacles, or other material capable of offeringconcealment to an intruder. Clear zones of 20 feet or more will exist on both sides of therestricted area perimeter barrier. Clear zones of 10 feet or more will exist on both sides of thecontrolled area perimeter barrier. Separation of at least 20-feet will be maintained between thecontrolled area fence and the restricted area fence, with a minimum of 100-feet between thecontrolled and restricted area entry gates. Parking bumpers will be installed to enforce interiorclear zones and prevent damage to perimeter fencing. Clear zones may not be feasible becauseof property lines, landscape, natural or fabricated features. Increased height of perimeterbarriers, increased security patrol coverage, additional security lighting or installation of anintrusion detection device along that portion of the perimeter will be necessary.14. Protective lighting will be operational to discourage or deter attempts by intruders, ensuredetection of unauthorized personnel and prevent glare. Security lighting will be timed toautomatically and continuously provide illumination from dusk until dawn. Lighting will notexpose/shadow guards or other terminal personnel. This protective lighting will illuminateareas beyond terminal perimeter to the outer edge of a clear zone that extends 25-feet beyondterminal fence. If mercury vapor lights or any other lights are utilized that require more thanfive minutes to cycle through a cool down process when power is disrupted, emergencyhalogen lights will be used. The TSP will have a security firm perform a lighting survey for ofeach terminal facility and each lighting plan must be approved by <strong>SDDC</strong> during the initialterminal certification inspection, or whenever a significant modification to an existing thelighting system is planned.15. Primary and alternate power sources will be identified and be operational. Primary sourcesmay be a local public utility. In the event of power failure, backup power must be at aminimum sufficient to properly power emergency communications systems, CCTV camerasand monitor, guard building lighting, and the entire controlled and restricted area lightingsystem. Generators will have adequate fuel storage and supply at all times, be periodicallytested (at a minimum of every six months) under load to ensure operational effectiveness andbe located within the controlled area. All electrical cabling and telephone lines within a heightten feet above the ground will be encased in metal conduit to preclude lines from beingmanipulated/cut.16. A formal key and lock control system shall exist will be established for the terminal. Aterminal manger or facility security officer will be designated in writing as the responsible keyand lock custodian. Possession of keys and locks will be limited to personnel whose officialduties require access. Only DoD approved locks and locking devices to include hasps andIssue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-114-

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