mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army

mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army mfturp-1 - SDDC - U.S. Army
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MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B2. For all truckload shipments, a TSP will report overages and/or shortages to the shipper viatelephone or email within 24 hours of the timeline delivery.3. A TSP shall supplement the oral or e-mail notice requirement with written correspondenceregarding a shipment discrepancy. See DTR 4500.9R, Ch. 210 and Appendix I forTransportation Discrepancy Report (TDR) instructions.ITEM 55PICKUP/DELIVERY ON SATURDAYS (SAT), SUNDAYS,HOLIDAYS (HOL) OR BEFORE/AFTER NORMAL OPERATINGHOURS (PUD)1. When a shipper requests, pickup or delivery service to be provided at times other than aninstallation’s normal operating hours as indicated in the Transportation Facilities Guide(TFG), the shipment will be subject to the following charges:a. PUD(l) $______ per hour or fraction per driver before or after installation’s normaloperating hours as indicated in TFG.b. SAT(1) $______ per hour or fraction per driver on Saturdays, subject to a minimumcharge of SAT(2) $______ per driver.c. HOL(1) $______ per hour or fraction per driver on Sundays and holidays, subject to aminimum charge of HOL(2) $______ per driver.2. Hourly charges shall commence when the TSP’s driver reports toshipper/consignee/destination and consignee representative with the proper equipmentordered for loading or unloading, and terminates when driver(s) is/are released by therepresentative. The pickup and/or delivery time shall be annotated on BL by therepresentative, the consignor or consignee. .ITEM 57PRELODGING (PRL)1. Prelodging is the hand delivery or data transmission of shipping documents by the deliveringTSP 24-hours or more in advance of shipment delivery. Shipping documents shall at aminimum be marked with the permit number, date and time of delivery, and the deliveringTSP’s name. A charge for Prelodging is considered valid only if preloading is specificallyrequested by the shipper or consignee.2. When a delivering TSP consolidates multiple shipments to the same consignee for deliveryon the same date, and each shipment is subject to different DoD tenders filed with SDDC, thedelivering TSP shall bill the lowest prelodge charge available.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-100-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B3. Invoices submitted to the consignee for payment of prelodge charges shall at a minimum becross-referenced with BL number(s), TSP pro number(s), permit number, and the date theprelodge service was provided.4. The charge for Prelodging shall be PRL(1) $_______ per delivery vehicle.ITEM 59PREARRANGED SCHEDULING OF VEHICLE ARRIVALFOR LOADING OR UNLOADINGWhen requested, a TSP will prearrange schedules for arrival of vehicles to load or unloadshipments, per Detention: Vehicles with Power Units (DEP), Item 21 and Detention: Vehicleswithout Power Units (DET), Item 23 in addition, prearranged scheduling is subject to thefollowing provisions:1. Shipper requests for prearranged scheduling may be made either orally, in writing, or via theInternet (where appropriate).2. Prearranged schedules for arrival of vehicle may be on a one-time, periodic, or continuousbasis. In the event that a continuous prearranged scheduling agreement is made, thatagreement may be terminated by any party providing notice either orally, in writing, or via theInternet within 24 hours to the other party.3. In the event that an arrival time for unloading cannot be scheduled , storage charges will beassessed as provided in Storage, Section A, VI, Para. K in this publication.4. In the event that a TSP vehicle arrives prior to appointment, free time shall not commenceeither until the scheduled arrival time, or at the time when actual loading or unloading begins.ITEM 61PROTECTIVE TARPING SERVICES (PTS)1. All TSP will cover any shipment with tarpaulin(s) to avoid revealing the classified nature ofthe material, or where the shipper specifically request PTS due to the nature of the goods inquestion. When transporting AA&E by motor using a flat bed trailer, flat rack container, orsimilar open equipment, a TSP will ensure load is completely covered by a properly fittedtarpaulin. The tarpaulin must be both fire and water resistant. Battle damaged armoredtactical vehicles shall be completely covered by a tarpaulin.2. TSP will verify that the BL is annotated as follows:―TARPS AND TARPING REQUIRED.‖3. Charges will be PTS(1) $_______ per shipment.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-101-

MOTOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE PROVIDER RULESSECTION B3. Invoices submitted to the consignee for payment of prelodge charges shall at a minimum becross-referenced with BL number(s), TSP pro number(s), permit number, and the date theprelodge service was provided.4. The charge for Prelodging shall be PRL(1) $_______ per delivery vehicle.ITEM 59PREARRANGED SCHEDULING OF VEHICLE ARRIVALFOR LOADING OR UNLOADINGWhen requested, a TSP will prearrange schedules for arrival of vehicles to load or unloadshipments, per Detention: Vehicles with Power Units (DEP), Item 21 and Detention: Vehicleswithout Power Units (DET), Item 23 in addition, prearranged scheduling is subject to thefollowing provisions:1. Shipper requests for prearranged scheduling may be made either orally, in writing, or via theInternet (where appropriate).2. Prearranged schedules for arrival of vehicle may be on a one-time, periodic, or continuousbasis. In the event that a continuous prearranged scheduling agreement is made, thatagreement may be terminated by any party providing notice either orally, in writing, or via theInternet within 24 hours to the other party.3. In the event that an arrival time for unloading cannot be scheduled , storage charges will beassessed as provided in Storage, Section A, VI, Para. K in this publication.4. In the event that a TSP vehicle arrives prior to appointment, free time shall not commenceeither until the scheduled arrival time, or at the time when actual loading or unloading begins.ITEM 61PROTECTIVE TARPING SERVICES (PTS)1. All TSP will cover any shipment with tarpaulin(s) to avoid revealing the classified nature ofthe material, or where the shipper specifically request PTS due to the nature of the goods inquestion. When transporting AA&E by motor using a flat bed trailer, flat rack container, orsimilar open equipment, a TSP will ensure load is completely covered by a properly fittedtarpaulin. The tarpaulin must be both fire and water resistant. Battle damaged armoredtactical vehicles shall be completely covered by a tarpaulin.2. TSP will verify that the BL is annotated as follows:―TARPS AND TARPING REQUIRED.‖3. Charges will be PTS(1) $_______ per shipment.Issue Date: 29 March 2011 Effective Date: 01 April 2011Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command1 Soldier WayScott Air Force Base, IL 62225-101-

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