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possible for attackers to obtain such licenses through infectedmachines under their control, rather than applyingfor one. As result, we suggest that iOS should warn theuser when a provisioning profile is installed or promptsthe user the first time an app is run that is signed by anunknown provisioning profile.To prevent the malicious PC from stealing cookiesthrough the USB connection, third-party developersshould be aware that plaintext credentials could be easilyleaked through the USB interface and store the credentialsin a secure manner.8 ConclusionThis <strong>paper</strong> discussed the feasibility of large scale infectionsof non-jailbroken iOS devices. We demonstratedthree kinds of attacks against iOS devices that can belaunched by a compromised computer: delivering Applesignedmalicious apps, delivering third-party developersigned malicious apps, and stealing private data from iOSdevices. Furthermore, by analyzing DNS queries generatedfrom more than half a million IP addresses in knownbotnets, we measured that on average, 23% of bots arelikely to have USB connections to iOS devices, potentiallyleading to a large scale infection.9 ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank our anonymous reviewers and Manos Antonakakisfor their invaluable feedback. We also thank thevarious members of our operations staff who providedproofreading of this <strong>paper</strong>. This material is based uponwork supported in part by the National Science Foundationunder Grants No. CNS-1017265, CNS-0831300,and CNS-1149051, by the Office of Naval Research underGrant No. N000140911042, by the Department ofHomeland Security under contract No. N66001-12-C-0133, and by the United States Air Force under ContractNo. FA8650-10-C-7025. 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