Islamic Medicine History and Current Practice - International Society ...

Islamic Medicine History and Current Practice - International Society ... Islamic Medicine History and Current Practice - International Society ...


SCIENTIFIC EVENTS14-17 May, 2003Second Congress of Russian Confederation ofMedical Historians (KIM) Moscow, RussiaSecond congress of KIM will take place at theSechenov Medical Academy in Moscow, Russia onMay 14-17, 2003.Contact Address:Dr. Tatjana Zhuravleva, Secretary General of KIMNPO “Meditsynskaya Encyclopedia”Petroverigsky per. 6/8Moscow 111838, Russia25-28 June 2003Turkish Society of Bioethics 3rd NationalCongress of Medical Ethics(With International Participation)Kervansaray Thermal Hotel/Cekirge, Bursa-TURKEY3rd National Congress of Medical Ethics will beorganised by Turkish Society of Bioethics in Cekirgein Bursa during 25-28 June 2003. The main topics inthe fields such as clinical ethics,bioethics, researchethics will be discussed . Many scholars from Turkeyand many places of the world will participate in thiscongress. This congress is with international participation.Oral and poster participations, conferences, workshopswill take place. The congress of medical ethicswill be held as international for the first time in Turkey.Scientific Contact:Congress PresidentProf. Dr. Aysegul DEMIRHAN ERDEMIRCongress SecretaryDr. Elif ATICIUludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Departmentof Medical Ethics, 16059Görükle-Bursa/TURKEYTel: +90-224-4428315Gsm: +90-532-4529437Fax: +90-224-4419892e-mail: ademirer@yahoo.comJISHIM 2003, 2Congress OrganizerBurkonCekirge Cad. No.55 Bursa-TURKEYTel: +90-224-2334000Fax. +90-224-2338000e-mail: kongre@burkon.comwww.burkon.comOslo ConferenceThe VI th Conference Of The EuropeanAssociation for the History of Medicine andHealth (EAHMH)Health Between The Private And the Public ShiftingApproachesIt will be held in Oslo during 3-7 September 2003.Contact:Prof. Dr. Oivind LarsenOslo Universitye-mail: oivind.larsen@samfunnsmed.uio.noBritish Society for the History of Medicine20 th CongressIt will be held in Reading, United Kingdom during4-7 September. 2003Contact:Dr. Dermot O’Rourkee-mail: dermot@ouvip.comSecond International Meeting on the History ofMedicineIt will be held in Mexico City during 17-20September 2003Contact:Dr. Carlos Viesca T.e-mail: ventas@frontstage.org61

First Balkan Congress of History of MedicineIt will be held in Ohrid, Macedonia during 23-25September 2003Contact:Elena rd International Congress for the History ofPharmacyIt will be held in Bucharest, Romania during 24-27September 2003Contact:Fax:+ 40 1-2 112730International Congress Ethical Issues in BrainDeath and Organ TransplantationIt will be held in Tsukuba Science City, Tokyo during1-3 November 2003Contact:Dr. Alireza Bagherie-mail: th Congress on the History of Turkish MedicineIt will be held in 2004, in Divriði, Sivas, Turkey.Contact:Dr. Ýnci Hote-mail: inci_hot@mynet.com39. International Congress on the History ofMedicineIt will be held in Bari, Italy during 5-10 September2004.Contact:Prof. Dr. Alfredo Musajo SommaVia Calefati, 190 79122, Bari-Italye-mail: musajosomma@libero.itThe Seventh World Congresss of BioethicsIt will be held in Sydney, Australia during 10-15November, 2004Contact:Kimberley HatchettEven CoordinatorUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney, Australiae-mail: JISHIM 2003, 2

SCIENTIFIC EVENTS14-17 May, 2003Second Congress of Russian Confederation ofMedical Historians (KIM) Moscow, RussiaSecond congress of KIM will take place at theSechenov Medical Academy in Moscow, Russia onMay 14-17, 2003.Contact Address:Dr. Tatjana Zhuravleva, Secretary General of KIMNPO “Meditsynskaya Encyclopedia”Petroverigsky per. 6/8Moscow 111838, Russia25-28 June 2003Turkish <strong>Society</strong> of Bioethics 3rd NationalCongress of Medical Ethics(With <strong>International</strong> Participation)Kervansaray Thermal Hotel/Cekirge, Bursa-TURKEY3rd National Congress of Medical Ethics will beorganised by Turkish <strong>Society</strong> of Bioethics in Cekirgein Bursa during 25-28 June 2003. The main topics inthe fields such as clinical ethics,bioethics, researchethics will be discussed . Many scholars from Turkey<strong>and</strong> many places of the world will participate in thiscongress. This congress is with international participation.Oral <strong>and</strong> poster participations, conferences, workshopswill take place. The congress of medical ethicswill be held as international for the first time in Turkey.Scientific Contact:Congress PresidentProf. Dr. Aysegul DEMIRHAN ERDEMIRCongress SecretaryDr. Elif ATICIUludag University, Faculty of <strong>Medicine</strong>, Departmentof Medical Ethics, 16059Görükle-Bursa/TURKEYTel: +90-224-4428315Gsm: +90-532-4529437Fax: +90-224-4419892e-mail: ademirer@yahoo.comJISHIM 2003, 2Congress OrganizerBurkonCekirge Cad. No.55 Bursa-TURKEYTel: +90-224-2334000Fax. +90-224-2338000e-mail: kongre@burkon.comwww.burkon.comOslo ConferenceThe VI th Conference Of The EuropeanAssociation for the <strong>History</strong> of <strong>Medicine</strong> <strong>and</strong>Health (EAHMH)Health Between The Private And the Public ShiftingApproachesIt will be held in Oslo during 3-7 September 2003.Contact:Prof. Dr. Oivind LarsenOslo Universitye-mail: oivind.larsen@samfunnsmed.uio.noBritish <strong>Society</strong> for the <strong>History</strong> of <strong>Medicine</strong>20 th CongressIt will be held in Reading, United Kingdom during4-7 September. 2003Contact:Dr. Dermot O’Rourkee-mail: dermot@ouvip.comSecond <strong>International</strong> Meeting on the <strong>History</strong> of<strong>Medicine</strong>It will be held in Mexico City during 17-20September 2003Contact:Dr. Carlos Viesca T.e-mail: ventas@frontstage.org61

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