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THE APPLICATION OF AYURVEDIC THERAPIES IN TURKEY AND THE IMPORTANCEOF GINGER USE FROM THE POINT OF VIEWOF AYURVEDIC PRINCIPLESAysegul Demirhan ERDEMIRderanged, predisposes toward respiratory disease,diabetes, atherosclerosis, and tumorsAccording to the ayurvedic constuct, there arefour categories of diseasesAyurvedic DiseasesAccidental, eg typhoon, elephant tramplingMental, eg loss of mental harmonyNatural, eg aging, childbirthExternal, eg weather, foods, and othersAyurvedic Approaches To TherapyDiet- Foods should be consumed slowly, in theirnatural season in a tranquil surrounding; occasionalfasting, is thought to promote healthMedicine- The primary terapeutic and preventativearsenal is based in herbal remedies, which maybe supplemented by homeopathy and conventional(western or orthodox) drugsPractical- Behaviour modification, breathingexercises, mental counseling, enemas, transcendentalmeditation, yoga, and a ‘healthy’ life style (3,4).Ayurvedic RemediesConstitutional Remedies- Diet, mild herbs, mineralpreparations, an lifestyle adjustments, which areintended to balance life forces, and return the body toits normal state of harmonyClinical Remedies- Medication and strong herbs,coupled with purification practices, which include purgation,medicated enemas, therapeutic vomiting, nasalmedication, and therapeutic bloodletting (5,6,7).Some special clinics apply these ayurvedic methodsto their patients in Turkey. Moreover, in theseclinics, some drugs are used for some diseases. Oneof these Clinics is Hay in Turkey. It was founded in1994. The director of this clinic is Dr. Ender Sarac.The Application Of Ayurvedic TherapiesIn Turkey And Ginger UseAyurvedic therapies are applied in some specialclinics in Turkey. Ayurveda isn’t taught in Turkishmedical faculties. But, modern Turkish doctors knowthe importance of this subject. An agreement aboutacupuncture is present in Turkey. But, a law or agreementwith regard to Ayurvedic applications isn’tfound in our country. Some special clinics treat thepatients according to ayurvedic principles. Turkishdoctors learn ayurvedic treatments in some Europeancountries such as Holland, Switzerland etc. by participatingin some courses. Moreover, they also learn itfrom some American books on Ayurveda. Some ofthem go to India and also continue to some courses.We can give a special clinic as an example fromTurkey. This special clinic called HAY is in Istanbulin Turkey. This clinic is a center of health. In thisclinic, 4 specialist doctors in some fields of medicine,1 physiotherapist, 15 beds and 20 personnel arefound. Ayurvedic therapies, family physician-shipservices, acupuncture, dermatologic treatments, dietapplication, physiotherapy, reflexology, estheticapplications, face sport are applied in this clinic. Thedirector of this clinic is Dr. Ender Sarac. He graduatedfrom Ege University, Medical Faculty. He is aayurveda doctor. He obtained the first basic Ayurvedaeducation in Switzerland in 1990. Afterwards, in1991 and 1992, he graduated from Ayurveda coursesin Holland and Switzerland. He educated onPanchakarma therapies. Panchakarma means anintense detoxification regimen used in ayurvedicmedicine to enhance a person’s prana, the livingforce of the universe; a panchakarma regimen maylast one week, and is used once or twice per year toeliminate ama (impurities); a panchakarma mayinclude a sneban-a cleansing herbal oil massage thatfocuses on spesific marma or pressure points, a saunawith herbal oils, which imparts vapors that areinhaled, aromatherapy, herbal tea, and music therapy.In HAY Clinic, bronchitis, asthma, ulcer, hepatit,cholitis, stress, depression, eczema, allergy, tuberculosis,infectious diseases, rheumatism, osteoporosis,multiple sclerosis, fatness etc. are treated withayurveda and other ways. 30-49 patients come to thisclinic in a day. Modern pulse diagnosis is applied.Moreover, in this clinic, ayurveda, acupuncture, dermatologictherapies, diet, physiotherapy, esthetics arealso applied In the department of ayurveda, someayurvedic therapies are present. Ayurvedic therapiessuch as yoga, exercise, diet, transcendental medita-JISHIM 2003, 259

Aysegul Demirhan ERDEMIRTHE APPLICATION OF AYURVEDIC THERAPIES IN TURKEY AND THE IMPORTANCEOF GINGER USE FROM THE POINT OF VIEWOF AYURVEDIC PRINCIPLEStion, asana (any of a number of poses used in thepractice of yoga, usually performed in the context ofa routine of exercises, which are practiced daily for10 to 20 minutes. This application is intended to stimulatethe activity of certain organs. In this practice,massage is applied with some oils.) are also applied.Moreover, plant infusions are also administered topatient (8,9). Moreover abhyanga means ayurvedicmassage. Abhyanga is performed by touch and usingspecial oils and transcendental meditation. Plant infusionsare also administered to patient. Pranayamameans breathing exercises, in which an individualbreathes through alternate nostrils by closing off onenostril, then the other by pressing a finger against it,pranayama is believed to enhance the prana, the universallife force.According to Ayurvedic medicine, ginger stengthensdigestive organs. Agni which is a metabolic firecauses some symptoms such as weakness, cold, fitnessin the organism. Ginger is the best drug of thesesymptoms.Ayurveda tells us that ginger is particularly goodfor Kapha types, and with Kapha foods. That is, inthe diet it helps to absorb and balance watery and oilyfood, and prevents the heaviness and obesity arisingfrom such foods, especially in a Kapha type of person.It will help to balance overly sweet foods, toomuch daily produce, too much to drink, too muchfruit and too much meat.Ginger is better at this than pepper or mustardwhich, though pungent, can be too drying. In general,ginger is good for Kapha types to counteract a tendencyto lethargy, congestion and stagnation.An importance concept in Ayurveda is that ofAgni, or digestive and metabolic fire. If food andother inputs are properly burnt up, processed anddigested, they will not create toxins, called Ama,which collect in deposits around the body. The furringup of the arteries with cholesterol is a king ofAma deposit, as is arthritic deterioration of the joints.Ayurveda employs herbs, oils, yoga, massages,dietary principles, colours, gems, minerals and anythingyou can imagine as therapeutic tools. One of themany principles which will help us understand gingerbetter is that of the six tastes. Ginger has the stomachicand expectorant effects. Because, it containsvolatile oil. This oil effects on digestive system.Furthermore, this drug is also used as an importantspice in Turkey. Furthermore, Adeka Factory preparedginger as an antiemetic drug and this drug hasbeen used by doctors.ResultAs a result, in the ayurvedic applications, quackeryshouldn’t be made and these are accepted as alternativetherapies (10).REFERENCES1. Segen, C.J: Dictionary of Alternative Medicine Stamford,Connecticut, 1998, pp. 32-33.2. Lockie, A., Gedde, N.: The Complete Guide toHomeopathy, Dorling Kindersly, London 1995, pp.22.3. Mills, S., Finando, S.J.: Alternatives in Healing, NewAmerican Library, NYC, 1988, pp.45-52.4. Pelton, R., Overholser, L.: Alternatives in Cancer Therapy,Fireside of Simon and Schuster, NYC, 1994.5. Raso, J.: “Alternative Healthcare”, Prometheus Books,Amherst, NY, 1994.6. Shealy, C.N.: The Complete Family Guide to AlternativeMedicine, Element Books Ltd., Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1996.7. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 26th ed. Williams, Wiilkins,Baltimore, MD, 1995.8. Sarac, E.: Ayurveda, Milliyet Publications, Ýstanbul 1999,pp. 1-200.9. Özel Hay Polikliniði (Hay Clinic) Documents.10. Erdemir, D.A.: Lectures on Medical History and MedicalEthics, Ýst. 1995, pp.1-120.60 JISHIM 2003, 2

THE APPLICATION OF AYURVEDIC THERAPIES IN TURKEY AND THE IMPORTANCEOF GINGER USE FROM THE POINT OF VIEWOF AYURVEDIC PRINCIPLESAysegul Demirhan ERDEMIRderanged, predisposes toward respiratory disease,diabetes, atherosclerosis, <strong>and</strong> tumorsAccording to the ayurvedic constuct, there arefour categories of diseasesAyurvedic DiseasesAccidental, eg typhoon, elephant tramplingMental, eg loss of mental harmonyNatural, eg aging, childbirthExternal, eg weather, foods, <strong>and</strong> othersAyurvedic Approaches To TherapyDiet- Foods should be consumed slowly, in theirnatural season in a tranquil surrounding; occasionalfasting, is thought to promote health<strong>Medicine</strong>- The primary terapeutic <strong>and</strong> preventativearsenal is based in herbal remedies, which maybe supplemented by homeopathy <strong>and</strong> conventional(western or orthodox) drugsPractical- Behaviour modification, breathingexercises, mental counseling, enemas, transcendentalmeditation, yoga, <strong>and</strong> a ‘healthy’ life style (3,4).Ayurvedic RemediesConstitutional Remedies- Diet, mild herbs, mineralpreparations, an lifestyle adjustments, which areintended to balance life forces, <strong>and</strong> return the body toits normal state of harmonyClinical Remedies- Medication <strong>and</strong> strong herbs,coupled with purification practices, which include purgation,medicated enemas, therapeutic vomiting, nasalmedication, <strong>and</strong> therapeutic bloodletting (5,6,7).Some special clinics apply these ayurvedic methodsto their patients in Turkey. Moreover, in theseclinics, some drugs are used for some diseases. Oneof these Clinics is Hay in Turkey. It was founded in1994. The director of this clinic is Dr. Ender Sarac.The Application Of Ayurvedic TherapiesIn Turkey And Ginger UseAyurvedic therapies are applied in some specialclinics in Turkey. Ayurveda isn’t taught in Turkishmedical faculties. But, modern Turkish doctors knowthe importance of this subject. An agreement aboutacupuncture is present in Turkey. But, a law or agreementwith regard to Ayurvedic applications isn’tfound in our country. Some special clinics treat thepatients according to ayurvedic principles. Turkishdoctors learn ayurvedic treatments in some Europeancountries such as Holl<strong>and</strong>, Switzerl<strong>and</strong> etc. by participatingin some courses. Moreover, they also learn itfrom some American books on Ayurveda. Some ofthem go to India <strong>and</strong> also continue to some courses.We can give a special clinic as an example fromTurkey. This special clinic called HAY is in Istanbulin Turkey. This clinic is a center of health. In thisclinic, 4 specialist doctors in some fields of medicine,1 physiotherapist, 15 beds <strong>and</strong> 20 personnel arefound. Ayurvedic therapies, family physician-shipservices, acupuncture, dermatologic treatments, dietapplication, physiotherapy, reflexology, estheticapplications, face sport are applied in this clinic. Thedirector of this clinic is Dr. Ender Sarac. He graduatedfrom Ege University, Medical Faculty. He is aayurveda doctor. He obtained the first basic Ayurvedaeducation in Switzerl<strong>and</strong> in 1990. Afterwards, in1991 <strong>and</strong> 1992, he graduated from Ayurveda coursesin Holl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Switzerl<strong>and</strong>. He educated onPanchakarma therapies. Panchakarma means anintense detoxification regimen used in ayurvedicmedicine to enhance a person’s prana, the livingforce of the universe; a panchakarma regimen maylast one week, <strong>and</strong> is used once or twice per year toeliminate ama (impurities); a panchakarma mayinclude a sneban-a cleansing herbal oil massage thatfocuses on spesific marma or pressure points, a saunawith herbal oils, which imparts vapors that areinhaled, aromatherapy, herbal tea, <strong>and</strong> music therapy.In HAY Clinic, bronchitis, asthma, ulcer, hepatit,cholitis, stress, depression, eczema, allergy, tuberculosis,infectious diseases, rheumatism, osteoporosis,multiple sclerosis, fatness etc. are treated withayurveda <strong>and</strong> other ways. 30-49 patients come to thisclinic in a day. Modern pulse diagnosis is applied.Moreover, in this clinic, ayurveda, acupuncture, dermatologictherapies, diet, physiotherapy, esthetics arealso applied In the department of ayurveda, someayurvedic therapies are present. Ayurvedic therapiessuch as yoga, exercise, diet, transcendental medita-JISHIM 2003, 259

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