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CHILD HEALTH AS VIEWED BY IBN-SINAAbdul Nasser KAADANcomposed a popular poem included all branches ofmedicine in a very interesting and easy way. This iscalled Orjozah (taken from the name of the poemmeter or measure, which is called al-Rajaz). Indeed,many Orjozah are attributed to Ibn-Sina, but the mostfamous one is the long poem and consists of 1337verses. The next famous Orjozah consists of 146verses in which Ibn-Sina talked about health managementin the four seasons.The long Orjozah is considered as a revision of al-Qanun book, and Ibn-Sina intended to make it as aquick reference for the medical students, in additionto be easily memorized.Ibn-Sina divided this poem into two parts, the firstone is theoretical, while the second is practical exactlyas he did in his book al-Qanun.Many medical students in the middle ages benefitedbecause of this Orjozah. Ibn-Zuhr praised it andsaid it contained the most important medical principles,so it is possible to dispense with so many othermedical textbooks.The Orjozah explanations: Ibn-Sina Orjozahcontains some clear verses and easily to be understood,while some others contains difficult meaningsfor many medical students. The first who composedan explanation for it was Ibn-Rushd who died in1198. After that some explanations were appeared,but the most famous are:1. Al-Sharif al-Sakalli explanation, who died in 1434.2. Musa Ibn-Ibrahim explanation, who died in 1465.3. Muhammad Ibn-Ismail, who died in 1575.4. Muhammad al-Jabali, who died in 18655. Dr. Shebli al-Shameel, who died in 1887.Translation of the Orjozah into Latin and Hebraic:Gerard of Cremona translated this Orjozah intoLatin in the year 1180. The first translation intoHebraic was carried out in the year 1265 by SulimanIbn-Yousef al-Garnati, a copy of this translation iskept in the National Library of Paris under the number1135. Another translation into Hebraic wasaccomplished by Musa Ibn-Tabbon; a copy is kept inthe British Museum under the number 893.Ibn-Sina begins the long Orjozah:While he begins the second Orjozah which is devoted for talking about health preserve during the four seasons:Ibn-Sina devoted fifty-six verses for talking briefly about prenatal and postnatal care, delivery, newbornbaby care and how to choose the suitable wet nurse.Regarding prenatal care he says:JISHIM 2003, 239

Abdul Nasser KAADANCHILD HEALTH AS VIEWED BY IBN-SINADuring labor:In choosing the wet nurse:40JISHIM 2003, 2

Abdul Nasser KAADANCHILD HEALTH AS VIEWED BY IBN-SINADuring labor:In choosing the wet nurse:40JISHIM 2003, 2

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