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Islamic Medicine History and Current Practice - International Society ... Islamic Medicine History and Current Practice - International Society ...


THE INDIAN MUSLIMS RED CRESCENT SOCIETY'S AID TO THE OTTOMANSTATE DURING THE BALKAN WAR IN 1912Zuhal OZAYDINFigure 3- A tent from the Indian Red Crescent Mobile Hospital (Osmanlý Hilâl-i Ahmer Cemiyeti 1329-1331 Sâlnâmesi, p.: 238).Seyyid Al Umran; Sincor Province, student atOxfordSeyyid Mehmed Hussein; South Hyderabad, studentat OxfordSeyyid Husnabid Ceferi; Akra in Delhi Province,student at Oxford (5).The Second Indian Medical Team“The Bombay Medical Team for Assisting thePoor Muslims” created with funds that were collectedby “The Islamic Youth Foundation” and the “ZiyayiIslam Council” from the city of Bombay, arrived inIstanbul on December 17, 1912. The medical teamwas placed at the Red Crescent Darulfunun(Charitable) Hospital. During the negotiations theystayed about one month and treated about 100 bedriddenand accepted 135 patients.The medical team that had excellent tents andmobile hospital equipment, established a mobile hospitalwith 100 beds near Çatalca at the chief front ofOmerli, and accepted sick and wounded soldiers.Many important people visited the mobile hospitalthat was established at Omerli and wrote downtheir gratitude in the hospital ledger.JISHIM 2003, 2Medical Team consisted of:Dr. Feyzi; (director)Dr. Mehmed Hussein Bey; (chief physician)Dr.Dr.NimkarDr. Nizar AhmedDr. SelimPharmacist: RuþenSecretary: Seyyid AbdulvacidHead nurse (man): Seyyid Mehmed Þerif MeshediOfficier: Hekim SeraceddinCashier: Abdullatif13 nurse (man) and three vice-nursesThe Third Indian Medical TeamThe medical team that was established as “El vefdeltibbi min bilad-el Hind”, “ ”by the Indian Red Crescent in Delhi, was headed by Dr.Muhtar Ahmed Ensârî Bey and arrived in Istanbul onJanuary 9, 1913. During the negotiation period they15

Zuhal OZAYDINTHE INDIAN MUSLIMS RED CRESCENT SOCIETY'S AID TO THE OTTOMANSTATE DURING THE BALKAN WAR IN 1912Figure 4- Patients andstaff from the second IndianRed Crescent MobileHospital (Osmanlý Hilâl-iAhmer Cemiyeti 1329-1331Sâlnâmesi, p.: 230).stayed in a hospital in Kadýrga, and then they establisheda mobile hospital in Omerli. When the war startedfor the second time, a group of them went down toGallipoli to establish another mobile hospital.Medical Team consisted of:Dr. Muhtar Ahmed Ensârî (chief physician)Dr. Ali Ezher Feyzi Bey (chief physician assistant)Dr. Mehmed Naim EnsârîDr. Seyyid AbdülrahmanDr. Seyyid ÞemsülbariDr. MahmudallahDr. Mirza Rýza KhanPharmacist Gulam Ahmed Khan, Nurulþems,Abdülvahid Khan, Hâmit Resul, Seyyid Hussein.12 nurse (men) and two translators. (5,7,9).After his service at the front, Dr. Ensârî Beystayed in Turkey with a few of his friends, andtogether with Turkish statesmen he searched for aFigure 5- The Bombay RedCrescent Medical Team for Assistingthe Poor Muslims’ Mobile Hospital,Mosque and Minaret (Osmanlý Hilâl-iAhmer Cemiyeti 1329-1331 Sâlnâmesi,p.: 323).16 JISHIM 2003, 2

THE INDIAN MUSLIMS RED CRESCENT SOCIETY'S AID TO THE OTTOMANSTATE DURING THE BALKAN WAR IN 1912Zuhal OZAYDINFigure 3- A tent from the Indian Red Crescent Mobile Hospital (Osmanlý Hilâl-i Ahmer Cemiyeti 1329-1331 Sâlnâmesi, p.: 238).Seyyid Al Umran; Sincor Province, student atOxfordSeyyid Mehmed Hussein; South Hyderabad, studentat OxfordSeyyid Husnabid Ceferi; Akra in Delhi Province,student at Oxford (5).The Second Indian Medical Team“The Bombay Medical Team for Assisting thePoor Muslims” created with funds that were collectedby “The <strong>Islamic</strong> Youth Foundation” <strong>and</strong> the “ZiyayiIslam Council” from the city of Bombay, arrived inIstanbul on December 17, 1912. The medical teamwas placed at the Red Crescent Darulfunun(Charitable) Hospital. During the negotiations theystayed about one month <strong>and</strong> treated about 100 bedridden<strong>and</strong> accepted 135 patients.The medical team that had excellent tents <strong>and</strong>mobile hospital equipment, established a mobile hospitalwith 100 beds near Çatalca at the chief front ofOmerli, <strong>and</strong> accepted sick <strong>and</strong> wounded soldiers.Many important people visited the mobile hospitalthat was established at Omerli <strong>and</strong> wrote downtheir gratitude in the hospital ledger.JISHIM 2003, 2Medical Team consisted of:Dr. Feyzi; (director)Dr. Mehmed Hussein Bey; (chief physician)Dr.Dr.NimkarDr. Nizar AhmedDr. SelimPharmacist: RuþenSecretary: Seyyid AbdulvacidHead nurse (man): Seyyid Mehmed Þerif MeshediOfficier: Hekim SeraceddinCashier: Abdullatif13 nurse (man) <strong>and</strong> three vice-nursesThe Third Indian Medical TeamThe medical team that was established as “El vefdeltibbi min bilad-el Hind”, “ ”by the Indian Red Crescent in Delhi, was headed by Dr.Muhtar Ahmed Ensârî Bey <strong>and</strong> arrived in Istanbul onJanuary 9, 1913. During the negotiation period they15

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