About me - the Spoken Language Systems Lab - INESC-ID

About me - the Spoken Language Systems Lab - INESC-ID

About me - the Spoken Language Systems Lab - INESC-ID

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Personal skillsand competences2008 June 21 st and 22 nd , 2008The Young Researchers’ Roundtable on <strong>Spoken</strong> Dialog <strong>Systems</strong>.The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.– June 20 th , 2008Workshop on Software Engineering, Testing, and Quality Assurance for Natural <strong>Language</strong> Processing(SETQA-NLP), workshop of <strong>the</strong> ACL.Hyatt Regency Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, USA.– raising awareness of <strong>the</strong> need for good software engineering practices in NLP.– June 19 th and 20 th , 2008SIGDIAL – Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue.Hyatt Regency Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, USA.– June 16 th to 18 th , 2008Annual Meeting of <strong>the</strong> Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)and <strong>the</strong> Human <strong>Language</strong> Technology Conference (HLT) of <strong>the</strong> North A<strong>me</strong>rican Chapter of <strong>the</strong> ACL.Hyatt Regency Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, USA.– a broad spectrum of disciplines working towards enabling intelligent systems to interact with humans using naturallanguage.– June 15 th , 2008ACL Tutorial on Building Practical <strong>Spoken</strong> Dialog <strong>Systems</strong>.Presented by Antoine Raux, Brian Langner, Maxine Eskenazi, and Alan BlackHyatt Regency Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, USA.– a practical description of <strong>the</strong> free software Carnegie Mellon OLYMPUS 2 <strong>Spoken</strong> Dialogue Fra<strong>me</strong>work.– June 15 th , 2008ACL Tutorial on Speech Technology from Research to Industry.Presented by Roberto Pieraccini.Hyatt Regency Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, USA.– <strong>the</strong> evolution of speech technology from research to a mature industry.2007 April 22 nd , 2008Doctoral Consortium at NAACL-HLT.Rochester, NY, USA.– an opportunity to discuss and explore research and career objectives with a panel of established researchers.2006 Fall 2006Big Picture Talk Series.Computer Science Depart<strong>me</strong>nt, University of Rochester, NY, USA.– weekly series focuses on topics in AI, NLP, KR, CL and many related areas.– February 9 th and 10 th , 2006XATA: XML – Aplicações e Tecnologias AssociadasEscola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Portalegre (ESTGP)Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portugal.– national conference about XML, its usage and related technologies.2005 September 4 th to 8 th , 2005INTERSPEECH – 6 th annual International Conference on Speech Communication and TechnologyEUROSPEECH – 9 th biennial European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology.Ubiquitous Speech Processing.Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon, Portugal.2003 October 3 rd , 2003TASHA: Workshop on Tagging and Shallow Processing of Portuguese.University of Lisbon, Portugal.– review <strong>the</strong> current state of <strong>the</strong> art in <strong>the</strong> field in what concerns <strong>the</strong> Portuguese language.2002 June 23 rd to 26 th , 2002PorTAL: Portugal for Natural <strong>Language</strong> ProcessingAlgarve University, Faro, Portugal.– all aspects of natural language processing related areas.2001 December 17 th to 20 th , 2001Workshop on Extraction of Knowledge from Databases, of <strong>the</strong> 10 th Portuguese Conference on ArtificialIntelligence (EPIA)Porto, Portugal.Mo<strong>the</strong>r tongue(s)PortuguesePage 11 / 12 - Curriculum vitæ ofJoana P. Pardal

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