Appendix 1, Runway Incursion Avoidance - FAA

Appendix 1, Runway Incursion Avoidance - FAA

Appendix 1, Runway Incursion Avoidance - FAA

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AAEnhanced taxiway centerline marking extends 150 feet priorto a runway holding position marking. Prepare to STOP.BBPrepare to STOP unless you have been cleared ontoor across the runway by ATC.Figure 1-25. (A) Enhanced taxiway centerline marking. (B)Enhanced taxiway centerline marking and runway position marking.<strong>Runway</strong> Safety Area Boundary SignIn addition to the runway hold marking, some taxiway stubsalso have a runway safety area boundary sign that faces therunway and is visible to you only when exiting the runway.This sign has a yellow background with black markingsand is typically used at towered airports where a controllercommonly requests you to report clear of a runway. This signis intended to provide you with another visual cue that is usedas a guide to determine when you are clear of the runwaysafety boundary area. The sign shown in Figure 1-27 is whatyou would see when exiting the runway at Taxiway Kilo,and is out of the runway safety area boundary when theentire aircraft passes the sign and the accompanying surfacepainted marking.Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)When simultaneous operations (takeoffs and landings) arebeing conducted on intersecting runways, Land and HoldShort Operations (LAHSO) may also be in effect. LAHSOis an ATC procedure that may require your participation andcompliance. As pilot in command (PIC), you have the finalauthority to accept or decline any LAHSO clearance.Figure 1-26. (A) Elevated flashing yellow runway guard lights alsoreferred to as “wig-wag” lights. (B) In-pavement flashing yellowrunway guard lights.Figure 1-27. <strong>Runway</strong> safety area boundary sign and marking locatedon Taxiway Kilo.If issued a land and hold short clearance, you must be awareof the reduced runway distances and whether or not you cancomply before accepting a land and hold short clearance. Youdo not have to accept a LAHSO clearance. Pilots should onlyreceive a LAHSO clearance when there is a minimum ceilingof 1,000 feet and 3 statute miles of visibility.1-17

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