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Trestles Ti:sapphire Lasers2 0 / 5 0 / 1 0 0 Fe m t o s e c o n d O s c i l l a t o r sT i t a n i u m -doped sapphire(Ti:sapphire) is a solidstate laser medium capableof tunable laser operation overa broad range of near-infraredwavelengths centered at 800 nm.Trestles series Ti:sapphire femtosecondlasers from Del Mar Photonics have beendesigned as low-cost and reliable devicesfor ultrafast applications or for seeding Ti:sapphire amplifier systems such as our WedgeSeries multipass and regenerative amplifiers. Ti:sapphire lasers are being used in an ever growingnumber of applications including biomedicalimaging, material processing, micromachining,optical communications, spectroscopy, defense,research and many other fields that require studyingphysics at extremely short time scales or extremelyhigh powers.Del Mar Photonics has modeled, analyzed and optimizedthe laser cavity design for optimum performance inminimal space. Models are available with 20/50/100femtosecond output pulse durations. In addition topulsed lasers, continuous wave (CW) Ti:sapphire lasersare also available. All models can be customized tomeet costumer needs. Solid-state mode-locked lasersproduce femtosecond light pulses using the Kerrlens mode-locking (KLM) principle of operation andcontinuous wave pumping sources. The KLM principlecombines a self-focusing nonlinear optical effect andaperture effect together to reach the shortest opticalpulses. Because of its broad absorption band in thegreen, pumping energy for lasing can be supplied witha continuous wave (CW) diode-pumped solid state(DPSS) laser operating in the green with TEM00 mode.A standard argon ion laser can also be used as a pump.When matched with any 3 - 10 Watt argon-ion or DPSSpump laser, the Trestles Ti:sapphire lasers provideeffective and stable femtosecond operation over the710 - 950 nm spectral range. All Trestles series modelsare available with Del Mar Photonics installation andtraining or as a fully tested and configured customerinstalled kit.• Stable Kerr-lens mode-locking operation• Z-folded compact cavity design• Tunable wavelength (710-950 nm)• Designed for maximum customizability• Full installation and training available• Real-Time autocorrelator (option)• SPIDER pulse measurement system (option)• Prism compression (option)• SHG, FHG (option)<strong>DEL</strong><strong>MAR</strong> <strong>PHOTONICS</strong>SeongKyeong Photonics 1 info@skphotonics.com

Cavity Schematic (Trestles-100)M2Trestles-20 Trestles-50 Trestles-100 Trestles-CWPulse Length

PL SeongKyeong Photonics 3 info@skphotonics.com

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Mavericks Cr:forsterite Lasers6 5 Fe m t o s e c o n d N e a r I R O s c i l l a t o r sThe Mavericks-65 Cr:forsterite laser istunable over wavelengths from 1230 to1270 nm, making it ideal for imaging,condensed matter and biomedicalapplications. These wavelengths areless damaging to biological samplesthan the shorter wavelengthsproduced by Ti:sapphire and otherfemtosecond lasers. This allows in vivoimaging of cells and other biologicalsamples. With wavelengths atbove1200nm it is possible to image tissuesamples that are non transparent atshorter wavelengths. Cr:forsteritelasers are an attractive alternative toother ultrafast laser mediums for opticalcoherence tomography (OCT) and otherimaging techniques. OCT employs thecoherent properties of the Cr:forsterite lightsource to study the morphological structuresand functions of biological samples on micronscale, such as cellular development, with very highr e s o l u t i o n .Because the axialresolution depends primarily on the bandwidth of • Center wavelength of 1250 nmthe light source, high bandwidth Cr:forsterite laserscan give superior image resolution and imaging depths. • Tunable from 1230 - 1270 nmWith high bandwidth and short pulse duration Cr:fosteritefemtosecond lasers are being used in a growing numberof applications, including ultrafast photochemistry,photophysics, photoablation, micromachining and otherareas. Mavericks-65 Cr:forsterite laser system is a Kerrlens mode-locked femtosecond laser producing ultrafastpulses in the near infrared region centered at 1250 nm.The Cr:forsterite gain medium is pumped by a 6-10 WYtterbium fiber laser that is included with the Mavericksultrafast oscillator, giving an all solid state laser systemthat is an affordable source of femtosecond pulses inthe 1230 - 1270 nm region. The pump laser is includedin the Mavericks-65 making it a complete source offemtosecond pulses that is available at a price wellbelow that of competing systems.• Sub 65 femtosecond pulses• Fiber pump laser included• Amplified systems available• High resolution Imaging• Broadband absorption• Material processing<strong>DEL</strong><strong>MAR</strong> <strong>PHOTONICS</strong>SeongKyeong Photonics 5 info@skphotonics.com

F r e q u e n c y d o u b l i n g c a n p ro d u c e w av e l e n g t h si n t h e v i s i b l e a t ~ 6 3 0 n m a n d s u p e r- c o n t i n u u mg e n e r a t i o n p ro d u c e s p u l s e s i n t h e i n f r a r e da n d v i s i b l e r a n g e . A w i d e r a n g e o f w av e l e n g t hc o n v e r s i o n m o d u l e s a r e av a i l a b l e f ro m D e l M a rP h o t o n i c s . T h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f a n Y t t e r b i u mf i b e r l a s e r a n d a C r : f o r s t e r i t e o s c i l l a t o r a l l o w st h e M av e r i c k s - 6 5 t o p ro d u c es u b - 6 5 f e m t o s e c o n d p u l s e sa t a r e p e t i t i o n r a t e o f 7 6 -Ti:Sapphire1 2 0 M H z a n d d e l i v e r p o w e rb e t w e e n 1 8 0 m W a n d 2 5 0m W. P u l s e e n e r g i e s a r e o nt h e o r d e r o f 3 n J .Cr:ForsteriteT h e M ave r i c k s - 6 5 i s av a i l a b l ew i t h c o m p l e t e i n s t a l l a t i o n 800 nma n d t r a i n i n g f ro m a D e lM a r P h o t o n i c s e n g i n e e ro r a s a p r e - a l i g n e d a n dt e s t e d c u s t o m e r i n s t a l l e dk i t . E a c h s y s t e m c a n b ec u s t o m b u i l t t o m e e t c u s t o m e r n e e d s a n ds p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n s . S y s t e m s c a n b e c o u p l e dw i t h m u l t i p a s s o r r e g e n e r a t i v e a m p l i f i e r s t og i v e c o m p l e t e h i g h p o w e r s y s t e m s f o r m a t e r i a lp ro c e s s i n g a n d o t h e r h i g h e n e r g y a p p l i c a t i o n s .T h e f e m t o s e c o n d p u l s e d u r a t i o n i s v e r ys h o r t m a k i n g e v e n l o w e n e r g y p u l s e s p ro d u c ee x t r e m e l y h i g h p e a k p o w e r. T h i s l i m i t s l o we n e r g y t h r e s h o l d t h e r m a l a n d m e c h a n i c a l s i d ee f f e c t s . T h e h i g h p e a k p o w e r o f t h e f e m t o s e c o n d1250 nm1500 nmCr:f lasers offer an attractive alternative to Ti:s for manyapplications. Frequency doubling reaches the 600-650 nmvisible range.p u l s e a l l o w s m u l t i p l e p h o t o n s t o b e a b s o r b e d ,c r e a t i n g a n e l e c t ro n p l a s m a i n t h e m a t e r i a l .A s t h e p l a s m a e x p a n d s m a t e r i a l i s e j e c t e d f ro mt h e t a r g e t a r e a . B e c a u s e t h i s m a t e r i a l a b l a t i o ni s n o t a t h e r m a l e f f e c t , c av i t a t i o n s a n d l a s e ri n d u c e d p r e s s u r e t r a n s i e n t s a r e r e d u c e d .F e m t o s e c o n d l a s e r s a r eu s e d t o p ro d u c e m i c ro -g r a t i n g s a n d m u l t i - d i m e n s i o np e r i o d i c n a n o - s t r u c t u r e s i n av a r i e t y o f m a t e r i a l s i n c l u d i n gd i e l e c t r i c s , s e m i c o n d u c t o r s ,m e t a l s , p l a s t i c s a n d r e s i n s .M u l t i p h o t o n a b s o r p t i o na l l o w s f o r p ro c e s s i n g o fm a t e r i a l s t h a t a r e n o t v e r yp h o t o s e n s i t i v e . B e l o w t h ea b l a t i o n t h r e s h o l d t h e h i g hp u l s e e n e r g i e s i n t ro d u c es t r u c t u r a l c h a n g e s r e s u l t i n gi n a c h a n g e i n t h e i n d e x o fr e f r a c t i o n o f t h e m a t e r i a l . A l l o p t i c a l w av eg u i d e s a n d p h o t o n i c d e v i c e s a r e m a n u f a c t u r e du s i n g t h e s e t e c h n i q u e s .C o m p l e t e a m p l i f i e d t e r aw a t t C r : f o r s t e r i t es y s t e m s a r e a l s o av a i l a b l e , d e l i v e r i n g p e a ko u t p u t p o w e r f ro m 1 - 2 t e r aw a t t s a t 1 2 5 0 n m .Ty p i c a l p u l s e d u r a t i o n f o r t h e Te r aw a t t s y s t e mi s 6 0 f s . P u l s e e n e r g i e s a r e o v e r 1 2 0 m J p e rp u l s e .Cavity SchematicProduct FeaturesOutput CouplerHigh ReflectorParameterMavericks-65PPulse Width (FWHM)

Tamarack Fiber LasersE r - D o p e d Fe m t o s e c o n d F i b e r L a s e rFemtosecond pulsed lasers are used in a growing numberof applications in physics and the life sciences includingmaterial processing, multi-photon imaging, pump-probespectroscopy and parametric generation.Femtosecond Fiber Laser Advantages• Turnkey operation• Small footprint• Affordable cost• Stable and compact• Great teaching toolPulse WidthCenter WavelengthAverage Output PowerPeak Output PowerRepetition RateOutput Coupling- Fiber -- Free-space -Polarization70-100 fs (fixed)1560 ± 10 nm10 mW2 kW70 MHz- SM Fiber -- TEM 00-Linear - HorizontalAs the number of applications for ultrafast lasers grows sodoes the need for small and reliable, low noise femtosecondpulse sources. All solid-state fiber lasers based on Erdopedand Yb-doped fibers are an ideal solution. Modelocked femtosecond lasers based on Er-doped and Ybdopednonlinear optical fibers offer an alternative toconventional Ti:sapphire and Cr:forsterite femtosecondlaser systems. Fiber lasers do not require the expensivepump lasers that traditional solid-state femtosecond lasersdo and are assembled from established telecommunicationcomponents, further reducing the system cost.Using standard fiber components, fiber based femtosecondlasers offer robust and stable operation without the need forconstant realignment. The low cost and stability of fiberbased femtosecond lasers means that even basic researchlabs can have a femtosecond pulse source without theneed for expensive or complicated equipment. This bringsultrafast research into the realm of undergraduate andother educational environments. With pulse lengths of 70fs at 1560 nm, fiber femtosecond lasers can also be usedas a seed source for femtosecond amplifiers. The 1560nm wavelength of Er-doped fiber lasers make them anattractive tool for ultrahigh-speed optical communicationsapplications.Excellent source for:• Amplifier systems seeding• Teraherz generation and detection• Multi-photon microscopy• Frequency metrology• Ultrafast spectroscopy• Semiconductor device characterization<strong>DEL</strong><strong>MAR</strong> <strong>PHOTONICS</strong>SeongKyeong Photonics 7 info@skphotonics.com

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C-FIBER 780 Femtosecond LaserThe design of the ultra-fast femtosecond fiber laser C-Fiber 780 integrates latest achievements infiber technology into an easy-to-use instrument for telecommunication, medical and industrialpurposes. The fiber based ring laser utilizes passive mode-locking leading to ultra short pulses. Anintegrated software routine automatically identifies the mode-locking state and guaranteesoptimum performance. This makes the C-Fiber 780 a truly reliable turn-key commercialfemtosecond laser source.Features and Benefits• Truly turn-key operation by self-startingmode-locking mechanism• High Average Output Power of > 80 mW @ 780 nm• Pulse Width

C-FIBER 780 Femtosecond LaserTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSC-Fiber 780 C-Fiber A 780Output Port 1: WavelengthAverage Output PowerPulse WidthSpectral WidthOutput Port 2: WavelengthAverage Output PowerOutput port 1,2Repetition RateRepetition Rate InstabilityLine VoltageLine FrequencyPower ConsumptionStorage TemperatureDimensions Laser HeadDimensions Control UnitWeight Laser HeadWeight Control Unit780 nm +/- 10 nm> 60 mW< 150 fs> 10 nm1560 nm +/- 20 nm> 30 mWFreespace, linear polarized100 MHz +/- 1 MHz, fixed1 ppm100/115/230 VAC50/60 Hz120 VA10 °C - 40 °C415 x 110 x 350 mm 3448 x 132 x 437 mm 316 kg10 kg> 80 mW415 x 140 x 350 mm 318 kgControl unitLaser headORDERING INFORMATIONFREQUENCY DOUBLED FIBER LASERSC-Fiber 780Ultra-Fast Femtosecond Fiber Laser with sub-150 fs pulsesand > 60 mW average output power, center wavelength 780 nm,100 MHz repetition rate€ 42 000C-Fiber A 780 Ultra-Fast Femtosecond Fiber Laser with sub-150 fs pulsesand > 80 mW (typically 100 mW) average output power, center€ 47 000wavelength 780 nm, 100 MHz repetition rate-SYNC100-RRE100*OPTIONS FOR C-Fiber SERIESRepetition Rate Synchronization – Variable Cavity LengthTuning of cavity length by 400 kHzRepetition Rate Stabilization – Complete Phase Lock Electronic LoopPhase lock to external reference (requires SYNC100 option)€ 4 600€ 9 400* For more information please contact us or refer to our data sheet for RRE100.Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice.ContactInvisible laser radiationavoid exposure to beamClass 3B LaserMenlo Systems GmbHAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 Martinsried/MunichGermanyTel: +49 89 189166 -0Fax: +49 89 189166 -11www.menlosystems.comsales@menlosystems.comIn the US:Thorlabs, IncTel: 973-579-7227Fax: 973-300-3600In Japan & Asia:Thorlabs Japan Inc.Tel: +81-3-5977-8401Fax: +81-3-5977-8402SeongKyeong Photonics 16 info@skphotonics.com

C-FIBER Femtosecond LaserThe design of the ultra-fast femtosecond fiber laser C-Fiber integrates latest achievements in fibertechnology into an easy-to-use instrument for telecommunication, medical and industrial purposes.The fiber based ring laser utilizes passive mode-locking leading to ultra short pulses. Anintegrated software routine automatically identifies the mode-locking state and guaranteesoptimum performance. This makes the C-Fiber a truly reliable turn-key commercial femtosecondlaser source.Features and Benefits• Truly turn-key operation by self-startingmode-locking mechanism• High Average Output Power up to 250 mW• Pulse Width down to 50 fs• Repetition Rate 100 MHz (others on request)• Fiber Coupled Output (FC/APC) or Free Space Output• Long Lifetime & Low Cost of Ownership• Excellent Price/Performance RatioApplications Include• Telecommunication• Information Technology• Multi-Photon-Spectroscopy• Instrumentation• Diagnostics & Imaging in Biologyand MedicineSHG Frog Trace of a 150 fs PulseOptions• RRE100 Repetition rate stabilizationto external clock signal• HP High average output power• We offer CUSTOM solutions on request,e.g. different repetition rateFemtosecond Laser Source TechnologyThe Menlo Systems fiber based femtosecond laser source takes advantage of the availability oftelecom rated components to ensure long life-time and trouble-free operation. The fiber based ringcavity uses a highly doped Er-fiber as gain media. The self-starting passive mode-lockingmechanism is superveyed by an integrated software routine. In the event that mode-locking isinterrupted (e.g. due to heavy vibrations) the software routine takes control and automatically tunesthe laser to a mode-locking state again. Front panel control of all functions of the stand alone unitallows easy handling, an RS232 interface is provided for data collection.Power [dBm]Optical Spectrum of C-Fiber0-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-401480 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640Wavelength [nm]Drift in Repetition Rate [Hz]Repetition Rate in Locked Status (with RRE100)0,010,0060,002-0,002-0,006-0,010,00 30,00 60,00 90,00 120,00 150,00 180,00Time [min]SeongKyeong Photonics 17 info@skphotonics.com

C-FIBER Femtosecond LaserT E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N SC-FiberWavelength 1560 nm +/- 20 nmAverage Output Power > 10 mWPulse Width < 150 fsSpectral Width > 20 nmOutput Port Option1: Freespace, linear polarizedOption 2: Single mode fiberRepetition Rate 100 MHz +/- 1MHz, fixedRepetition Rate Instability 1 ppmLine Voltage 100/115/230 VACLine Frequency 50/60 HzPower Consumption 120 VAOperating Temperature 22 °C +/- 5 °CStorage Temperature 10 °C - 40 °CDimensions Laser Head 413 x 90 x 178 mm 3Dimensions Control Unit 448 x 132 x 437 mm 3Weight Laser Head 8 kgWeight Control Unit 10 kgC-Fiber HP> 130 mW< 90 fs> 40 nmFreespace, linear polarizedControl unitLaser headO R D E R I N G I N F O R M A T I O NULTRA FAST FIBER LASERSC-Fiber Ultra-Fast Femtosecond Fiber Laser with sub-150 fs pulses and>10 mW average output power, center wavelength 1560 nm, 100 MHzrepetition rate, linear polarized freespace output port or single modefiber port, additional monitor port, laser head and electronics separated€ 25 000C-Fiber HP High Power Output with sub-90 fs pulses and >130 mWaverage output power, center wavelength 1560 nm, 100 MHz€ 34 600repetition rate, linear polarized freespace output port, additionalmonitor port, laser head and electronics separatedC-Fiber A Amplified Femtosecond Fiber Laser with sub-90 fs pulses and € 42 500> 200 mW average output power, center wavelength 1560 nm, 100 MHzrepetition rate, linear polarized freespace output port, additional monitorport, laser head and electronics separated-SYNC100-RRE100*OPTIONS FOR C-Fiber SERIESRepetition Rate Synchronization – Variable Cavity LengthTuning of cavity length by 400 kHzRepetition Rate Stabilization – Complete Phase Lock Electronic LoopPhase lock to external reference (requires SYNC100 option)€ 4 600€ 9 400Fiber CoupledInvisible laser radiationavoid direct eye exposureClass 3R LaserFree SpaceInvisible laser radiationavoid exposure to beamClass 3B Laser* For more information please contact us or refer to our data sheet for RRE100.Prices and Specifications are subject to change without notice.ContactMenlo Systems GmbHAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 Martinsried/MunichGermanyTel: +49 89 189166 -0Fax: +49 89 189166 -11www.menlosystems.comsales@menlosystems.comIn the US:Thorlabs, IncTel: 973-579-7227Fax: 973-300-3600In Japan & Asia:Thorlabs Japan Inc.Tel: +81-3-5977-8401Fax: +81-3-5977-8402SeongKyeong Photonics 18 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx2. Uranus SeriesUranus series represent PolarOnyx's high energy / power femtosecond fiber laser products.These includestandard high energy products with energy levels of 1 J , 10 J, and 100 J, and standard high power products withpower levels of 1 W , 5 W , and 10 W. Both OEM modules and instruments are available. OEM versions providesuperior interfaces for system integration and instrument versions offer a turn-key solution for R&D. Customizeddesigns related to high energy/power are also in this category.Key featuresHigh energy/powerCompact sizeEmbedded electronics & computerinterfaceTurn key and maintenance freeSelf starting and highly stable operationApplications Material processing, marking, engravingerahertz imaging and two-photo imaging Biomedical research and development Instrumentation and measurement Ultrafast phenomena research Nano material/device fabricationKey specs for high energy Uranus seriesPart Number Max. Energy Pulse Width PRRUranusUranusUranus1000200030001 J < 500 fs 10 -1000 kHz10 J < 700 fs 10-100 kHz100 J < 800 fs 10- 50 kHzKey specs for high power (PRR 35-50 MHz) Uranus seriesPart Number Max. Power Pulse Width Center WavelengthUranusUranusUranusUranus00100501015501 W < 350 fs 1030 nm5 W < 500 fs 1030 nm10 W < 600 fs 1030 nm1 W < 350 fs 1550 nmPolarOnyx, Inc. reserves the right to change specs at any time without notice.!! DANGER!!INVISIBLE LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 200J / 20WPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:900 -1100 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 19 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx2.1 High Energy 1m Mode-Locked Femtosecond Fiber Laser SystemBased on our patent pending proprietary technology on pulse shaping, polarization shaping and spectral shaping, andexpertise on specialty fiber optics, PolarOnyx has successfully developed high energy ultra-short pulsed fiber lasersoperating at 1m wavelength region. This module provides a turn key solution as well as an embedded electronicswith a computer interface. It has an option of polarized output.Key featuresSpecifications< 200 fs pulseHigh EnergyTurn key/RS 232Competitive priceApplicationsMaterial processingUltrafast phenomena researchBiomedical research and developmentPhoto-detector characterizationItem Min Typical Max UnitOutput pulse energy 100 JPulse width 800 fsBandwidth 5 30 nmWavelength range 1030 nmPulse repetition rate 0.01 1 MHzPeak power 1 GWReturn loss 30 dBOperating temperature 10 35oCPower consumption 200 WOutput typeFree spaceSize 766(L)x550(W)x220(H) mmPolarOnyx, Inc. reserves the right to change specs at any time without notice.!! DANGER!!INVISIBLE LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 200J / 20WPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:900 -1100 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 20 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx2.2 High Power Mode-Locked Femtosecond Fiber Laser SystemPolarOnyx has developed a series of high power ultra-short pulsed fiber lasers operating at 1 m up to 10W and1.55 m up to 1W. These modules/instruments provide fiber-coupled output and a turn key solution. It has an optionof polarized output.Key features< 200 fs pulseHigh EnergyTurn key/RS 232Competitive priceApplicationsMaterial processingUltrafast phenomena researchBiomedical research and developmentPhoto-detector characterization1 um High Power Mode locked Femtosecond Fiber Laser SpecificationsItem Min Typical Max UnitOutput average power 10 WPulse width 600 fsBandwidth 5 30 nmWavelength range 1030 nmPulse repetition rate 35 50 MHzPeak power 1.5 MWReturn loss 30 dBOperating temperature 10 35oCPower consumption 200 WFree space orOutput typeFiber outputSize 340x130x430 (instrument) mmPolarOnyx, Inc. reserves the right to change specs at any time without notice.!! DANGER!!INVISIBLE LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 200J / 20WPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:900 -1100 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 21 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx1550 nm High Power Mode Locked Femtosecond Fiber Laser SpecificationsItem Min Typical Max UnitOutput average power 1 WPulse width 350 fsWavelength range 1530 Fixed 1600 nmPulse repetition rate 35 50 MHzPeak power 0.5 200 kWReturn loss 30 dBOperating temperature 10 35oCPower consumption 100 WOutput typeFree space or Fiber outputSize 340x130x430 (instrument) mmPolarOnyx, Inc. reserves the right to change specs at any time without notice.!! DANGER!!INVISIBLE LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 200J / 20WPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:900 -1100 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 22 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx2.3 Order InformationHigh Energy Femtosecond Mode Locked Fiber LaserURANUS XXXX-YYY-ZZZZXXXX: Output energy level. For example, 1000 represents 1 J, 2000 represents 10 J and 3000represents 100 J.YYY: Pulse width. For example, 100 represents 100 fs and 200 represents200 fs of pulse width.ZZZZ: Repetition rate. For example, 0010 represents 10 kHz and 1000Represents 1 MHz repetition rate.Example: URANUS 3000-500-0020This part number represents 1030 nm high energy mode locked femtosecond fiber laser with pulse energyof 100J, pulse width of 500 fs, and pulse repetition rate of 20 kHz.1030 nm High Power Femtosecond Mode Locked Fiber LaserURANUS XXX-YYY-AAAXXX: Output power level. For example, 001 represents 1 W and 010 represents 10 W.YYY: Pulse width. For example, 100 represents pulse width of 100 fs and 200 representspulse width of 200 fs.AAA: MOD represents OEM Module.INS represents Instrument.Example: URANUS 010-300-MODThis part number represents 1030 nm high power mode locked femtosecond fiber laser module withaverage output power of 10 W and pulse width of 300 fs.1550 nm High Power Femtosecond Mode Locked Fiber LaserURANUS 1550 XXXX-YYYXXXX: Output power level. For example, 0500 represents 500 mW and 1000 represents 1 W output power.YYY: Pulse width. For example, 100 represents pulse width of 100 fs and 200 representspulse width of 200 fs.Example: URANUS1550-500-300This part number represents 1550 nm high power mode locked femtosecondfiber laser instrument with average output power of 500 mW and pulse widthof 300fs.!! DANGER!!INVISIBLE LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 200J / 20WPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:900 -1100 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 23 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx3. Mercury SeriesMercury series represent PolarOnyx's low power seed mode locked femtosecond fiber laser products. These includestand ard seed lasers at 1570 nm and 1030 nm and their SHG wavelengths at 780 nm and 514 nm. Both OEMmodules and instruments are available. OEM versions provide superior interfaces for system integration andin strument versions offer a turn-key solution for R&D. Customized designs are also available.Key features< 100 fs pulse widthFiber deliveryEmbedded electronics & computer interfaceTurn key and maintenance freeSelf starting and highly stable operationApplicationsMaterial processing, marking & engravingTerahertz imaging and two-photon imagingBiomedical research and developmentInstrumentation and measurementUltrafast phenomena researchNano material/device fabricationKey specs for SEED Mercury seriesPart Number Wavelength Pulse Width Max. PowerMercuryMercury100020001570 +/- 15 nm < 200 fs 150 mW1035 +/- 5 nm < 200 fs 200 mWKey specs for SHG Mercury seriesPart Number Min. Output Power Pulse Width Center WavelengthMercuryMercury780514> 20 mW < 100 fs 780 nm> 20 mW < 200 fs 514 nmPolarOnyx, Inc. reserves the right to change specs at any time without notice.!! DANGER!!LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 0.5W CWPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:450 -1700 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 24 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx3.1 Seed Mode-Locked Femtosecond Fiber LaserPolarOnyx introduces high power ultra-short pulsed fiber laser modules/instruments with up to 150 mW averagepower and < 100 fs pulse width at 1550 nm, and 200mW average power and

PolarOnyx1550 nm Seed Mode Locked Femtosecond Fiber Laser SpecificationsItem Min Typical Max UnitOutput average power 150 mWPulse width 100 200 fsWavelength range 1530 Fixed 1600 nmPulse repetition rate 30 50 MHzPeak power 0.5 30 kWReturn loss 30 dBOperating temperature 10 35oCPower consumption 10 WConnector typeFC/APC200x160x49 (module)Size 348x129x340 (instrument) mmPolarOnyx, Inc. reserves the right to change specs at any time without notice.1030 nm Seed Mode Locked Femtosecond Fiber Laser SpecificationsItem Min Typical Max UnitOutput average power 1 200 mWPulse width 70 200 fsBandwidth 5 30 nmWavelength range 1030 nmPulse repetition rate 30 110 MHzPeak power 0.2 40 kWReturn loss 30 dBOperating temperature 10 35oCPower consumption 10 WConnector typeFC/APC200x160x49 (module)Size 255x200x62 (instrument) mmPolarOnyx, Inc. reserves the right to change specs at any time without notice.!! DANGER!!LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 0.5W CWPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:450 -1700 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 26 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx3.2 SHG Mode-Locked Femtosecond Fiber LaserBased on our patent pending proprietary technology on pulse shaping, polarization shaping and spectral shaping, andexpertise on specialty fiber optics and SHG , PolarOnyx has successfully developed a series of 780 nm ultra-shortpulsed fiber lasers with an output power up to 30 mW and < 100 fs pulse width. Customers have a flexibility to selecteither a 780 nm SHG laser head or the laser head with one of our 1550 femtosecond fiber lasers.Figure 1 Photo of a 780 nm SHG laser headKey featuresSpecifications< 100 fs pulseUp to 30mW average powerTurn keyCompetitive priceApplicationsInstrumentation and measurementUltrafast phenomena researchBiomedical research and developmentMaterial processingPhoto-detector characterizationItem Min Typical Max UnitOutput average power 30 mWPulse width 100 200 fsWavelength range 780 or 514 nmPulse repetition rate 30 50 MHzPeak power 0.5 30 kWPolarization outputLinearReturn loss 30 dBOperating temperature 10 35oCPower consumption 10 WOutput typeFree spaceSize66(L)x20(W)x25.5(H)mmPolarOnyx, Inc. reserves the right to change specs at any time without notice.!! DANGER!!LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 0.5W CWPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:450 -1700 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 27 info@skphotonics.com

PolarOnyx3.3 Order InformationSeed Mode Locked Femtosecond Fiber LaserMERCURY XXXX-YYY- AAAXXXX: Center wavelength. For example, 1000 represents 1550 nm and 2000 represents 1030 nm.YYY: Output power level. For example, 010 represents 10 mW output power and200 represents 200 mW output power.AAA: MOD represents OEM Module.INS represents Instrument.Example: MERCURY 1000-100-MODThis part number represents 1550 nm low power seed mode locked femtosecond fiber laser module with anaverage output power of 100 mW.SHG Mode Locked Femtosecond Fiber LaserMERCURY XXX-YYYXXX: Center wavelength. For example, 780 represents 780 nm and 514 represents 514 nm.YYY: Output power level. For example, 010 represents 10 mW output power and030 represents 30 mW output power.Example: MERCURY 780-030This part number represents 780 nm SHG mode locked femtosecond fiber laser module with an average output powerof 30 mW!! DANGER!!LASER RADIATIONAVOID EYE OR SKIN EXPOSURE TODIRECT OR SCATTERED RADIATIONMAXIMUM OUTPUT: 0.5W CWPULSE DURATION: < 1 psWAVELENGTH:450 -1700 nmCLASS 3b LASER PRODUCTSeongKyeong Photonics 28 info@skphotonics.com

SeongKyeong Photonics 29 info@skphotonics.com

SeongKyeong Photonics 30 info@skphotonics.com

SeongKyeong Photonics 31 info@skphotonics.com

SeongKyeong Photonics 32 info@skphotonics.com

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