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Exclusivefocus - National Association of Professional Allstate Agents ... Exclusivefocus - National Association of Professional Allstate Agents ...


agent issuesMr. Wilson: Please ReconsiderYour Decision to Terminate MeEditor’s Note: Following is the uneditedtext of a long-term agent’s letter to AllstateChairman and CEO Tom Wilson askinghim to spare her from termination. Despiteher heartfelt desire to remain with Allstateand her commitment to improve and growher agency, she “never received the courtesyof a reply” from Mr. Wilson. Instead, she receivedphone calls from the Human ResourcesDepartment and the Territorial SalesManager who told her that theirs would bethe only responses to her letter. Ms. Coppolahas now sold her agency and has moved on.Allstate Chairman and CEOThomas J. WilsonAllstate Insurance CompanyNorthbrook, IllinoisDecember 10, 2008Dear Mr. Wilson:Yesterday I met with Olga Otero ofAllstate’s Human Resources Departmentin Palm Beach County, Floridaand with Richard Cairns, DistributionLeader in a private meeting where I hadno representation and no recording orwritten documentation of said meeting.I was told that I was being terminatedand that there was nothing I could doto prevent it. As a veteran 30-plus yearagent I was shocked by such treatment,especially coming as it did on the heelsof one of the worst years for Allstate inFlorida ever.As you are aware, we are in the midstof a huge recession with the largest numberof people unemployed in history. Insuranceand brokerage firms have madeheadlines in very infamous ways. Addedto this, the State of Florida mandateda moratorium on Allstate writing newbusiness in Florida for many months andour Governor, Mr. Charlie Crist, toldFloridians to take their insurance businessto another company. It has been adamaging blow to our reputation. Ontop of all this, Allstate has non-reneweda large portion of my book of business inorder to lower their hurricane exposurerisk. As a 30-year agent I had to spenda large portion of my time and moneytrying to retain clients by rewriting themwith brokered companies and often losingnot only the home insurance policy,but often the multi-car auto policy aswell, due to clients far too disgruntledto stay with Allstate. Newer agents mayhave been able to concentrate their effortsprimarily on new business, but thathas not been the case with my agency.Now, I am being told I will be terminatedfor not growing my agency. Thisseems totally unreasonable to me.I proposed to Mr. Cairns and Ms.Otero that I have a new business plan for2009 that includes maximizing the newAllstate auto product coming out in January2009. I have also recently hired twonew agents who previously worked for avery successful agent in our district and Iam quite confident that this will improveour agency results, as well.When I contacted my manager, EliasSmith, to request assistance with approvalof a new location as my lease isexpires 12/31/08, he indicated to me thatI should not consider signing a new leaseas I was to be terminated soon. I thenasked human resources and sales managementfor more concrete informationbut they avoided me for weeks and havenot sent me anything in writing to confirmwhat they have told me orally.Independent Contractor statusshould not cause me to be terminated forquotas. I am not ready for such abruptaction to be taken. I have always cooperatedwith the company in trying to reachcompany objectives. Many life specialists,hired and trained by the company,have come and gone without ever helpingme reach my financial services goals.Obviously, it is my desire to reach thesegoals as well as it benefits my agencyin many ways. I have invested my ownworking capital in mailings, purchasingleads, hiring staff, advertising, etc. topromote Allstate products and services.Recently, as you are also aware I’m sure,I have even been purchasing paper with42 — Exclusivefocus Spring 2009

the Allstate logo on it from the companyto print the policies and endorsementsand receipts that the company requires.Since so many costs have been passed tothe agent I cannot see why it is imperativeto terminate an agent for not meetinggoals set by management. I have beenquite willing (and have discussed withmy manager Elias Smith) to hire an aggressiveproducer to work in my office togenerate new business. The disabilitiesI sustained in an auto accident in 2003have left me permanently disabled andlimit my activities, but I do manage theoffice and spend as much time as I cansupervising my employees, paying bills,communicating with clients and maintainingcompliance with licensing, etc.Ms. Otero conveyed to me yesterday thatI could not hire a producer to work forme as I must be active full time with myagency. This is not how I understood ourIndependent Contractor status to worknor does in allow for my disabilities to beaccommodated. I am always available toAllstate, my agency staff and my clients.In the past few years my book of businesshas dwindled from approximately2,500 items to around 1,100. My agencyrevenue is down by over $100,000 a yearat a time when costs have risen tremendouslyfor rent and payroll and expenses.It is imperative for me to be given achance to move to a better location, marketthe new auto product and do my bestto regrow my agency to its former levelor better. I would sincerely appreciateit if local management would assist mein my endeavors to grow my book andincrease my agency instead of managingnegatively. One of our managers ata kick-off meeting told us “The secondwinner is the first loser”. Do you honestlythink that criticism is an effectivemotivator?I now find myself, a disabled seniorcitizen at 55-years-old, not marketablefor a career change and not being able tosell my book of business for even half ofwhat it was worth a few years ago beforeall the homeowner cancellations and badfaith with the Florida Governor andDepartment of Financial Services. Thisafter 30 years of loyal service to Allstateand its customers. Such a terminationseems unreasonable.I recently participated in a communitycharity event with my two children2,500 items to around 1,100. My agency nity charity event with my two childrenand we represented The Good HandsPeople”. I want to be proud to be a partof a company that is reputable and honest.I have been affiliated with Allstatesince 1978 and the company is now regroupingand trying to adapt to a newbusiness environment. I ask you for theopportunity to continue my affiliationwith Allstate.Sincerely,Debbie Millard Coppola,Allstate AgentCc: Richard Cairns,District Distribution Leader,Florida RegionOlga Otero,Human Resources, Florida RegionElias Smith,Distribution Manager, Florida RegionBob Jackson,Regional Distribution Leader,Florida RegionPhil Lawson,Field Vice President, Florida RegionHuman Resources, Northbrook,IllinoisFor many people, disability means an interruption in earnings that can put them financiallyat risk. With the NAPAA Long Term Disability Income Insurance program, Allstateagents can get the coverage they need to help protect against that risk. With no medicalunderwriting necessary* and additional flexible options available, each participant caneasily customize a plan to suit their own specific needs.* Benefits subject to a pre-existing condition limitationInsurance Program Administered by Lockton RiskServices. Underwritten by Standard Insurance Company,Portland, Oregon.This policy has exclusions, limitations, reductions of benefitsand terms under which the policy may be continued in forceor discontinued. For costs and complete details of thecoverage please contact Lockton Risk Services.Spring 2009 Exclusivefocus — 43

agent issuesMr. Wilson: Please ReconsiderYour Decision to Terminate MeEditor’s Note: Following is the uneditedtext <strong>of</strong> a long-term agent’s letter to <strong>Allstate</strong>Chairman and CEO Tom Wilson askinghim to spare her from termination. Despiteher heartfelt desire to remain with <strong>Allstate</strong>and her commitment to improve and growher agency, she “never received the courtesy<strong>of</strong> a reply” from Mr. Wilson. Instead, she receivedphone calls from the Human ResourcesDepartment and the Territorial SalesManager who told her that theirs would bethe only responses to her letter. Ms. Coppolahas now sold her agency and has moved on.<strong>Allstate</strong> Chairman and CEOThomas J. Wilson<strong>Allstate</strong> Insurance CompanyNorthbrook, IllinoisDecember 10, 2008Dear Mr. Wilson:Yesterday I met with Olga Otero <strong>of</strong><strong>Allstate</strong>’s Human Resources Departmentin Palm Beach County, Floridaand with Richard Cairns, DistributionLeader in a private meeting where I hadno representation and no recording orwritten documentation <strong>of</strong> said meeting.I was told that I was being terminatedand that there was nothing I could doto prevent it. As a veteran 30-plus yearagent I was shocked by such treatment,especially coming as it did on the heels<strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the worst years for <strong>Allstate</strong> inFlorida ever.As you are aware, we are in the midst<strong>of</strong> a huge recession with the largest number<strong>of</strong> people unemployed in history. Insuranceand brokerage firms have madeheadlines in very infamous ways. Addedto this, the State <strong>of</strong> Florida mandateda moratorium on <strong>Allstate</strong> writing newbusiness in Florida for many months andour Governor, Mr. Charlie Crist, toldFloridians to take their insurance businessto another company. It has been adamaging blow to our reputation. Ontop <strong>of</strong> all this, <strong>Allstate</strong> has non-reneweda large portion <strong>of</strong> my book <strong>of</strong> business inorder to lower their hurricane exposurerisk. As a 30-year agent I had to spenda large portion <strong>of</strong> my time and moneytrying to retain clients by rewriting themwith brokered companies and <strong>of</strong>ten losingnot only the home insurance policy,but <strong>of</strong>ten the multi-car auto policy aswell, due to clients far too disgruntledto stay with <strong>Allstate</strong>. Newer agents mayhave been able to concentrate their effortsprimarily on new business, but thathas not been the case with my agency.Now, I am being told I will be terminatedfor not growing my agency. Thisseems totally unreasonable to me.I proposed to Mr. Cairns and Ms.Otero that I have a new business plan for2009 that includes maximizing the new<strong>Allstate</strong> auto product coming out in January2009. I have also recently hired twonew agents who previously worked for avery successful agent in our district and Iam quite confident that this will improveour agency results, as well.When I contacted my manager, EliasSmith, to request assistance with approval<strong>of</strong> a new location as my lease isexpires 12/31/08, he indicated to me thatI should not consider signing a new leaseas I was to be terminated soon. I thenasked human resources and sales managementfor more concrete informationbut they avoided me for weeks and havenot sent me anything in writing to confirmwhat they have told me orally.Independent Contractor statusshould not cause me to be terminated forquotas. I am not ready for such abruptaction to be taken. I have always cooperatedwith the company in trying to reachcompany objectives. Many life specialists,hired and trained by the company,have come and gone without ever helpingme reach my financial services goals.Obviously, it is my desire to reach thesegoals as well as it benefits my agencyin many ways. I have invested my ownworking capital in mailings, purchasingleads, hiring staff, advertising, etc. topromote <strong>Allstate</strong> products and services.Recently, as you are also aware I’m sure,I have even been purchasing paper with42 — <strong>Exclusivefocus</strong> Spring 2009

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