Exclusivefocus - National Association of Professional Allstate Agents ...

Exclusivefocus - National Association of Professional Allstate Agents ... Exclusivefocus - National Association of Professional Allstate Agents ...


to our mutual interest to satisfactorily servethe insuring public, to comply with all applicablelaws, to increase business commensuratewith the available potential, and tomaintain the Companies’ operations on aprofitable basis in order to insure the necessaryfinancial strength to protect the policyholders’interests.Insurance is a closely regulated business.The Companies and the agents must dealequitably with policyholders as to rates andclaims, be trustworthy in handling money,avoid false advertising and unfair practices,and refrain from any action that wouldresult in violation, by State Farm or anyagent, of any applicable law or regulation.The Companies believe that agents operatingas independent contractors are bestable to provide the creative selling, professionalcounseling, and prompt and skillfulservice essential to the creation and maintenanceof successful multiple-line companiesand agencies. We do not seek, and willnot assert, control of your daily activities,but expect you to exercise your own judgmentas to the time, place, and manner ofsoliciting insurance, servicing policyholders,and otherwise carrying out the provisionsof this Agreement. You have chosen this independentcontractor relationship, with itsopportunities for financial reward and personalsatisfaction, in preference to one whichwould place you in an employee status.”Leaving no doubt as to the status ofState Farm agents as independent contractors,the preamble confidently statesthe agent’s role in the company. StateFarm’s contract is an adhesion contractthat it is painstakingly crafted to err onthe side of the agent. There is no mentionof an addendum or supplement that canbe modified from time to time. The StateFarm contract is explicit in detail and becauseit is a bilateral contract, assures theagent of mutual loyalty and respect.Reinforcing the message of independence,State Farm repeats a key messagein Section I of the contract, shown below.“Section IMutual Conditions and Duties” [Note:section contains sections A through M]“B. You are an independent contractorfor all purposes. As such you have full controlof your daily activities, with the rightto exercise independent judgment as to time,place, manner of soliciting insurance, servicingpolicyholders, and otherwise carryingout the provisions of this Agreement.”Companies utilizing adhesion contractsfor their independent contractorsmust be careful to delineate not onlyNeed Help Selling AFS?Learn from a ProWhen You Join NAPAAGerry Flores was Number #1 in AFS Production Credit 4Times in the Last 5 Years. After 37 Years as an Allstateagent, Gerry retired last year and now wants to help yousucceed. Receive some good tips when you join NAPAA.To Learn More ContactGerry Flores at (563) 564-1800or at GERBEAR_61@HOTMAIL.COMthe ongoing working relationship in theagreement, but the termination processas well. Companies whose independentcontractors are subject to unreasonabletermination procedures or to other inequitiesin the termination process, aresubject to scrutiny by the IRS. This isbecause the termination of a worker for“any reason” is a key element in establishingan employee/employer “at will” relationshipBoosting Agent Morale theAllstate way: Hire, fire, deny,then repeat.According to the Allstate agent’s contract,it can terminate an agent for “anyreason.” Allstate may then impose thesubjective guidelines in the ever-changingSupplement to disapprove the sale ofthe agency to a prospective buyer. Whilethe termination of an agent’s contractand subsequent disallowing of a sale aretwo separate events, they both clearly areconstituted in Allstate’s favor. BecauseAllstate retains the “right” to amend theSupplement to the Exclusive Agent contractat any time, there is an “unequal”basis for management’s dealings withan agent. Simply put, when a contractis enforced through the imposition ofunilaterally dictated changes, there isan unconscionable event. In Fanning vs.Fritz’s Pontiac-Cadillac-Buick Inc. thecourt ruled there is a “doctrine of unconscionability”where there is an “absenceof meaningful choice on the part of oneparty due to one-sided contract provisions,together with terms which are sooppressive that no reasonable personwould make them and no fair and honestperson would accept them.”Reprinted below is the entire StateFarm Termination of Agreement section.“Section IIITermination of AgreementA. This Agreement will terminate uponyour death. You or State Farm have the rightto terminate this Agreement by written noticedelivered to the other or mailed to theother’s last known address. The date of thetermination shall be the date specified in thenotice, but in the event no date is specified,the date of the termination shall be the date30 — Exclusivefocus Spring 2009

of delivery if the notice is delivered, or thedate of the postmark, if the notice is mailed.Either party can accelerate the date of terminationspecified by the other by givingwritten notice of termination in accordancewith this paragraph.B. In the event we terminate this Agreement,you are entitled upon request to a reviewin accordance with the terminationreview procedures approved by the Boardof Directors of the Companies, as amendedfrom time to time.C. After termination of this Agreement,you agree not to act or represent yourself inany way as an agent or representative of theCompanies.D. Within ten days after the terminationof this Agreement, all property belonging tothe Companies shall be returned or madeavailable for return to the Companies ortheir authorized representatives.E. For a period of one year following terminationof this Agreement, you will not eitherpersonally or through any other person,agency or organization (1) induce or adviseany State Farm policyholder credited to youraccount at the date of termination to lapse,surrender, or cancel any State Farm insurancecoverage or (2) solicit any such policyholderto purchase any insurance coveragecompetitive with the insurance coveragessold by the Companies. In the event the “periodof one year” conflicts with any statutoryprovision, such period shall be the periodpermitted by statute.”In the End, Everybody Loses,but Allstate is the BiggestLoser of AllOppressive employee controls, a “takeit or leave it” contract and a subservientagency force have combined to giveAllstate a product delivery system that isdying on the vine. As company managersscratch their heads figuring out waysto wring more AFS sales out of theirunhappy agents, many of the agents areleaving on their own for greener pastures.Imbedded deep inside Allstate’s corporateculture is management’s inabilityto admit when it is wrong. Clearly theagent/company relationship has beenstrained for decades. But the patentlyunconscionable imposition of employeecontrols has done more to damage thatbond than anything in the previous twentyyears. NAPAA has repeatedly reachedout to Allstate, but any olive branch thatcould have been accepted has been eitherrebuffed or ignored.Agents are reluctant to invest ingrowing their agencies when confrontedwith the prospect of losing everythingfor missing something as trivial as aquota. Financial tragedy hits especiallyhard for new agents who are driven bymanagers to spend thousands if not hundredsof thousands of dollars only to findout they are being terminated for missingtheir quotas. Rather than deal withits agency force equitably as partners andwith a bilateral contract, Allstate insteaduses its unilateral, employee-style agreement.Were it not for the control Allstatedeems necessary to exert over its workforce, agents would respond to the challengesof entrepreneurship with vigor.Faced with termination on a daily basis,no one can thrive for long. The fact thatso many have tried for so long speaksmore to the determination, convictionand perseverance of these agents than totheir faith or belief in the unstable andone-sided relationship that Allstate forcesupon them.Not only does the all or nothing,“take it or leave it” contract not work, itis being implemented by IDLs, MDLsand TDLs who do nothing but profit offof the hard work of the very agents theyclaim to support. Clearly then, it is notjust a rich landlord and a poor tenant thatare described herein. More to the point, itis a greedy corporation utilizing a confiscatoryemployee program to enrich itself.Unwilling to give up the employee-stylecontrols described by IRS rules, Allstateconsciously chooses to perpetuate itsmisclassification scheme through the useof an employee contract.Aside from counting on the IRS forhelp, the only way for agents to overcomethis inequitable relationship is tosupport their agent association. GrowingNAPAA is a little like growing a vegetablegarden, if you nourish it with yourmembership, it will grow and flourish.Withholding nourishment will inhibitgrowth and reduce your harvest. Thesame applies to NAPAA - limited fundingcan only produce limited results.Folks, it is time to support your agentassociation. There’s a membership applicationincluded in this magazine. Pleasefill it out and fax or mail it to NAPAA.It’s springtime, it’s time to water andfertilize the NAPAA garden with yourmembership.Spring 2009 Exclusivefocus — 31

to our mutual interest to satisfactorily servethe insuring public, to comply with all applicablelaws, to increase business commensuratewith the available potential, and tomaintain the Companies’ operations on apr<strong>of</strong>itable basis in order to insure the necessaryfinancial strength to protect the policyholders’interests.Insurance is a closely regulated business.The Companies and the agents must dealequitably with policyholders as to rates andclaims, be trustworthy in handling money,avoid false advertising and unfair practices,and refrain from any action that wouldresult in violation, by State Farm or anyagent, <strong>of</strong> any applicable law or regulation.The Companies believe that agents operatingas independent contractors are bestable to provide the creative selling, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcounseling, and prompt and skillfulservice essential to the creation and maintenance<strong>of</strong> successful multiple-line companiesand agencies. We do not seek, and willnot assert, control <strong>of</strong> your daily activities,but expect you to exercise your own judgmentas to the time, place, and manner <strong>of</strong>soliciting insurance, servicing policyholders,and otherwise carrying out the provisions<strong>of</strong> this Agreement. You have chosen this independentcontractor relationship, with itsopportunities for financial reward and personalsatisfaction, in preference to one whichwould place you in an employee status.”Leaving no doubt as to the status <strong>of</strong>State Farm agents as independent contractors,the preamble confidently statesthe agent’s role in the company. StateFarm’s contract is an adhesion contractthat it is painstakingly crafted to err onthe side <strong>of</strong> the agent. There is no mention<strong>of</strong> an addendum or supplement that canbe modified from time to time. The StateFarm contract is explicit in detail and becauseit is a bilateral contract, assures theagent <strong>of</strong> mutual loyalty and respect.Reinforcing the message <strong>of</strong> independence,State Farm repeats a key messagein Section I <strong>of</strong> the contract, shown below.“Section IMutual Conditions and Duties” [Note:section contains sections A through M]“B. You are an independent contractorfor all purposes. As such you have full control<strong>of</strong> your daily activities, with the rightto exercise independent judgment as to time,place, manner <strong>of</strong> soliciting insurance, servicingpolicyholders, and otherwise carryingout the provisions <strong>of</strong> this Agreement.”Companies utilizing adhesion contractsfor their independent contractorsmust be careful to delineate not onlyNeed Help Selling AFS?Learn from a ProWhen You Join NAPAAGerry Flores was Number #1 in AFS Production Credit 4Times in the Last 5 Years. After 37 Years as an <strong>Allstate</strong>agent, Gerry retired last year and now wants to help yousucceed. Receive some good tips when you join NAPAA.To Learn More ContactGerry Flores at (563) 564-1800or at GERBEAR_61@HOTMAIL.COMthe ongoing working relationship in theagreement, but the termination processas well. Companies whose independentcontractors are subject to unreasonabletermination procedures or to other inequitiesin the termination process, aresubject to scrutiny by the IRS. This isbecause the termination <strong>of</strong> a worker for“any reason” is a key element in establishingan employee/employer “at will” relationshipBoosting Agent Morale the<strong>Allstate</strong> way: Hire, fire, deny,then repeat.According to the <strong>Allstate</strong> agent’s contract,it can terminate an agent for “anyreason.” <strong>Allstate</strong> may then impose thesubjective guidelines in the ever-changingSupplement to disapprove the sale <strong>of</strong>the agency to a prospective buyer. Whilethe termination <strong>of</strong> an agent’s contractand subsequent disallowing <strong>of</strong> a sale aretwo separate events, they both clearly areconstituted in <strong>Allstate</strong>’s favor. Because<strong>Allstate</strong> retains the “right” to amend theSupplement to the Exclusive Agent contractat any time, there is an “unequal”basis for management’s dealings withan agent. Simply put, when a contractis enforced through the imposition <strong>of</strong>unilaterally dictated changes, there isan unconscionable event. In Fanning vs.Fritz’s Pontiac-Cadillac-Buick Inc. thecourt ruled there is a “doctrine <strong>of</strong> unconscionability”where there is an “absence<strong>of</strong> meaningful choice on the part <strong>of</strong> oneparty due to one-sided contract provisions,together with terms which are sooppressive that no reasonable personwould make them and no fair and honestperson would accept them.”Reprinted below is the entire StateFarm Termination <strong>of</strong> Agreement section.“Section IIITermination <strong>of</strong> AgreementA. This Agreement will terminate uponyour death. You or State Farm have the rightto terminate this Agreement by written noticedelivered to the other or mailed to theother’s last known address. The date <strong>of</strong> thetermination shall be the date specified in thenotice, but in the event no date is specified,the date <strong>of</strong> the termination shall be the date30 — <strong>Exclusivefocus</strong> Spring 2009

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