Black Book - School of Architecture - The Chinese University of ...

Black Book - School of Architecture - The Chinese University of ...

Black Book - School of Architecture - The Chinese University of ...

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MArch 1DESIGN STUDIOG3 wallace chang t1Arts and <strong>The</strong> City<strong>The</strong> focus <strong>of</strong> West Kowloon Cultural District is <strong>The</strong> memory <strong>of</strong> a city is <strong>of</strong>ten carried in its buildingabout the hardware <strong>of</strong> cultural facilities whereby fabrics. Over time, the city changes, the buildings In an increasing pace, governments, NGOs andurban connectivity and waterfront public spaces change. In this movement, buildings might be a new generation <strong>of</strong> social investors are adopting34are being subsidiary. In addressing the artistic kept accidentally or on purpose, and again over ‘Philanthrocapitalism’ to reshape the way theygoals, there are uncertainties <strong>of</strong> whether the time, individual buildings may carry different 'give' for the betterment <strong>of</strong> the environment.programs within the cultural facilities are meetinglargely unaltered for many generations.35specific needs or public spaces are fulfilling publicexpectations. As the complexity <strong>of</strong> arrivingconsents in the architectural design and culturalplanning includes a multitude <strong>of</strong> considerationsfrom understanding to interpretation, the studio isaiming at exploring architectural and urban designalternatives via a thorough investigation fromoperation to transformation <strong>of</strong> the contemporarypublic cultural spaces within the existing culturaldistrict in Tsim Sha Tsui to arrive at both practicaland imaginative public cultural spaces for HongKong.ELECTIVEPainting toward <strong>Architecture</strong> Part IIarch 5201b gu daqing t2<strong>The</strong> course investigates the method <strong>of</strong> spaceorganization in both painting and architecture.Instead <strong>of</strong> restricting knowledge to doctrine <strong>of</strong>Modern <strong>Architecture</strong>, the course take a fresh lookwith intention <strong>of</strong> establishing a body <strong>of</strong> knowledgeconcerning issues as listed: fundamentals <strong>of</strong> spaceconcept, spatial organization in architecture,operation and perception, realization <strong>of</strong> spaceconcept, materiality, and construction.G6 ho puay-peng t2Designing with Historic Buildingsmeanings, or layers <strong>of</strong> meanings. This studiorequires critical interpretation <strong>of</strong> historic buildingsand approaches to design new buildings alongsidethese historic structures. <strong>The</strong>re are thousands <strong>of</strong>good examples <strong>of</strong> such approach around theworld, the best <strong>of</strong> the historic interventions andinsertions are those who respect, re-interpret thehistoric buildings and created new additions tocomplement, contrast and suggest new spatialityand historicity. <strong>The</strong> site selected for the studiowould allow different scopes for interpretations.<strong>The</strong> studio therefore builds on the premise thatintervention within and around historic buildingscan be the locomotive for cultural and socialregeneration and creationIntroduction to ArchitecturalConservationarch 5801 ho puay-peng t1<strong>The</strong> preservation <strong>of</strong> architectural heritage indicatesthe importance that a culture places on its past.<strong>The</strong>re are recent trends in the developed world topreserve historical monuments and districts, tangibleand intangible heritage. This course introduces basicconcepts and practices in conservation, serving asfoundation for further development <strong>of</strong> interest andexpertise in conservation. This course is desirablefor students taking design studio arch 5120f.G7 marisa yiu t2Glass Commune: Spaces <strong>of</strong> Charity andCultural ProductionThis research and design studio will examine theintersections <strong>of</strong> ‘<strong>Architecture</strong> and <strong>The</strong> Social’, byunderstanding contemporary strategies in theformulation <strong>of</strong> spaces <strong>of</strong> Charity.We will first study communities that have playeda key role in determining new networks <strong>of</strong>Charity, then the studio will examine historicand new values <strong>of</strong> the material and sustainabilityresearch <strong>of</strong> the notion <strong>of</strong> 'Glass'. <strong>The</strong> final projectwill culminate in a design <strong>of</strong> a façade prototypefor a 'Glass Commune', that combines hybridprograms to accentuate the research <strong>of</strong> 'giving'into formal and spatial strategies. <strong>The</strong> design <strong>of</strong>the building will allow the 'giver' and 'receiver' toexchange, and experiment with new socialrelations and an emerging aesthetic <strong>of</strong> space andexperience.G8 christine hawley t2Within the next 50 years our way <strong>of</strong> living willchange in ways that are now unimaginable….or are they? Utopia and dystopia had both beenspeculated. How would you picture the future andan alternative to a housing model that has remained<strong>The</strong> programme asks students to design a ‘house’that must address the logistics <strong>of</strong> everyday living butthe space(s) will be nuanced by the owner’s preoccupationsand dreams. This is a dwelling thataddresses both the mundane and the extraordinaryand will act as a springboard for the more strategicagenda. <strong>The</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> land availability and spacewill be central to the strategic development <strong>of</strong>the programme which will look at designing forthe communities <strong>of</strong> the future. Hong Kong hasdeveloped housing typologies that are a product<strong>of</strong> uniquely high densities and economic return.Both the restriction on space and its usage nowbegin to question the existing models and theirappropriateness for the future. Creating a balancebetween the practical and the poetic, the real andthe unreal this project should push the boundaries<strong>of</strong> all possibilities.

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