The Spirit of the Cure of Ars.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!

The Spirit of the Cure of Ars.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom! The Spirit of the Cure of Ars.pdf - the Catholic Kingdom!
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16 SPIRIT OF THE CUR^ OF ABB.Ipraying, our heart in loving, our eyee in moping."We are great, and we are nothing. . . .There is nothing greater than man, andthing less. Nothing is greater, if we considerhis soul; nothing is less, if we look at hisbody. . . . We occupy ourselves with thebody, as if we had it alone to take care of; wehave, on the contrary, it alone to despise. . . .('We aie the work of a God: . . . one adways loves one's own work. . . . It is easyenough to understand that we are the work ofa God; but that the crucifixion of a God s h dbe our work1 that is incomprehensible. . . ." Some people attribute a hard heart to theEternal Father. ' Oh, how mistaken they.are!The Eternal Father, to disarm His own justice,gave to His Son an excessively tender heart;no one can give what he does not possess.'' Our Lord said to His Father: ' Father, donot punish them!' . . .Our Lord suffered more than was necessayto redeem us. But what would have satis-fied the justice of His Father would not havesatisfied His love. Without our Lord's Death.all mankind together could not expiate a singlelittle lie." In the world, people hide heaven and hell:wen, because if we knew its beauty, we

BPIBIT OB TEE CUBE OF m. 17shod wieh to go there at all costs-we should,indeed, leave the world alone; hell, becauseif we knew the torments that are endured there,we should do all we could to avoid going there.'& The sign of the cross is formidable to thedevil, because by the Cross we escape fromhim. ; . . We should make the sign of thecrose with great respect. We begin with theforehead: it is the head, creation-the Father ;then the heart: love, life, redemption-theSon ; then the shoulders: strength-the HolyGhost. . . ." Every thing reminds ue of the Cross. Weourselves are made in the form of a cross."In heaven we shall be nourished by thebreath of God. . . . The good God will placene as an architect places the stones of a building--eachone in the spot to which it is dapted." The souls of the saints contained the foundationsof heaven. They felt an emanationfrom heaven, in which they bathed and lostthemselves. . . . As the disciples on MountThabor saw nothing but Jesus alone, so inte-rior souls, on the Thabor of their hearts, nolonger see any thing but our Lord. Theyare two friends, who are never tired of eachother. . . .There are some who lose the faith, andnever see bell till they enter it.C

16 SPIRIT OF THE CUR^ OF ABB.Ipraying, our heart in loving, our eyee in moping."We are great, and we are nothing. . . .<strong>The</strong>re is nothing greater than man, andthing less. Nothing is greater, if we considerhis soul; nothing is less, if we look at hisbody. . . . We occupy ourselves with <strong>the</strong>body, as if we had it alone to take care <strong>of</strong>; wehave, on <strong>the</strong> contrary, it alone to despise. . . .('We aie <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> a God: . . . one adways loves one's own work. . . . It is easyenough to understand that we are <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong>a God; but that <strong>the</strong> crucifixion <strong>of</strong> a God s h dbe our work1 that is incomprehensible. . . ." Some people attribute a hard heart to <strong>the</strong>Eternal Fa<strong>the</strong>r. ' Oh, how mistaken <strong>the</strong>y.are!<strong>The</strong> Eternal Fa<strong>the</strong>r, to disarm His own justice,gave to His Son an excessively tender heart;no one can give what he does not possess.'' Our Lord said to His Fa<strong>the</strong>r: ' Fa<strong>the</strong>r, donot punish <strong>the</strong>m!' . . .Our Lord suffered more than was necessayto redeem us. But what would have satis-fied <strong>the</strong> justice <strong>of</strong> His Fa<strong>the</strong>r would not havesatisfied His love. Without our Lord's Death.all mankind toge<strong>the</strong>r could not expiate a singlelittle lie." In <strong>the</strong> world, people hide heaven and hell:wen, because if we knew its beauty, we

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