Plumber - Australian Defence Force Recruiting

Plumber - Australian Defence Force Recruiting

Plumber - Australian Defence Force Recruiting

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MORE THAN JUST A TRADEWhat trade career gives you the opportunity to use yourskills on projects on the world stage? A career where youaren’t just taught the fundamentals of your trade but whereyou learn a greater range of life skills and practice them bothin Australia and at times, overseas?An Army trade career can give you all this and more.Working with a like-minded bunch of people who share yourenthusiasm, a trade career in the Army is more than just atrade and it all starts with the training. Army trade trainingis thorough and comprehensive. It encompasses some ofthe best trade training in Australia. The result is nationallyrecognised qualifications you can fall back on no matterwhere your trade career takes you. No where else will youexperience the breadth of training the Army offers.But it’s not just the training that sets the Army apart fromother trades. Where else could you learn your diesel engineskills on an armoured vehicle? Or imagine doing youraviation apprenticeship on a Tiger helicopter – the mostadvanced armed reconnaissance helicopter in the world?Not only that, we’ll pay you right through your trainingand even throw in benefits such as free healthcare andsubsidised accommodation. It’s opportunities like these thatmight make you think twice about where your trade careermight be heading. More than that though, the challengesand responsibilities you’ll face in the Army are rarely rivalledby those in the civilian world. Imagine being part of a teambuilding a medical centre in a remote aboriginal communityin Western Australia. Or establishing a fresh water supply ona remote Pacific island. Or even being assigned the task ofsetting up satellite communications in the Himalayas.They’re all real world experiences undertaken by Armytradies in the course of their everyday work. Despite whatyou might think, it’s not all marching and traditional Armyactivities. It’s about getting out there and using the skillsthe Army have taught you to the best of your ability.So if you’re considering a trade career and are looking to getmore from it, read on and discover why the Army is morethan just a trade.NOTE: Salaries contained in this booklet are correct as attime of printing (November 2010). Salaries are subject tochange. For the most up to date salary information pleasevisit www.defencejobs.gov.au3

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