RW038 Redwood Leisure Discount Card Leaflet Re-design

RW038 Redwood Leisure Discount Card Leaflet Re-design

RW038 Redwood Leisure Discount Card Leaflet Re-design

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Little Treasures Unit 1: Who We Are K- CA Common Core StandardsLiterature/ <strong>Re</strong>ading ConceptsFiction and Nonfiction in every Unit.Listen and Comprehend =Listen, <strong>Re</strong>spond, <strong>Re</strong>tellMy Word BookListening: Mary Had a Little Lamb;Wee Willie Winkie; The Knee-High ManLiterature: Hurray for Pre-K!(Nonfiction); Eyes, Nose, Fingers, andToes; ABC I Like Me!Concepts: Cover of Book, Use ofPhotographs, <strong>Re</strong>spond, <strong>Re</strong>tellMy Word Book: Emergent-reader textLiterature:RL.K.1. With prompting and support, ask andanswer questions about key details in a text.RL.K.2. With prompting and support, retellfamiliar stories, including key details.RL.K.3. With prompting and support, identifycharacters, settings, and major events in astory.RL.K.6. With prompting and support, name theauthor and illustrator of a story and define therole of each in telling the story.RL.K.7. With prompting and support, describethe relationship between illustrations and thestory in which they appear (e.g., what momentin a story an illustration depicts).RL.K.9. With prompting and support, compareand contrast the adventures and experiencesof characters in familiar stories.RL.K.10. Actively engage in group readingactivities with purpose and understanding.a) Activate prior knowledge related to theinformation and events in texts.b) Use illustrations and context to makepredictions about text.Informational Text:RI.K.2. With prompting and support, identifythe main topic and retell key details of a text.RI.K.5. Identify the front cover, back cover, andtitle page of a book.RI.K.3. With prompting and support, describethe connection between two individuals,events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.RI.K.7. With prompting and support, describethe relationship between illustrations and thetext in which they appear (e.g., what person,place, thing, or idea in the text an illustrationdepicts).RI.K.8. With prompting and support, identifythe reasons an author gives to support pointsin a text.RI.K.9. With prompting and support, identifybasic similarities in and differences betweentwo texts on the same topic (e.g., inillustrations, descriptions, or procedures).RI.K.10. Actively engage in group readingactivities with purpose and understanding.Speaking and Listening:SL.K.2. Confirm understanding of a text readaloud or information presented orally orthrough other media by asking and answeringquestions about key details and requestingclarification if something is not understood.RL.K.5. <strong>Re</strong>cognize common types of texts (e.g.,storybooks, poems).L.K.6. Use words and phrases acquired throughconversations, reading and being read to, andresponding to texts.RF.K.4. <strong>Re</strong>ad emergent-reader texts withpurpose and understanding.McGraw-Hill Little Treasures Transitional Kindergarten Correlated to CA Kindergarten CCSS Page 2

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