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INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHICORGANIZATIONORGANISATION HYDROGRAPHIQUEINTERNATIONALEORGANIZACION HIDROGRAFICAINTERNACIONAL<strong>YEARBOOK</strong> – <strong>ANNUAIRE</strong> – <strong>ANUARIO</strong><strong>31</strong> <strong>January</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Published by the International Hydrographic BureauPublié par le Bureau hydrographique internationalPublicado por el Bureau Hidrográfico InternacionalMONACO

Standard Copyright Notice for <strong>IHO</strong> Publications© Copyright International Hydrographic Organization [2011]This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted in accordance withthe Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works(1886), and except in the circumstances described below, no part may betranslated, reproduced by any process, adapted, communicated orcommercially exploited without prior written permission from theInternational Hydrographic Bureau (IHB). Copyright in some of the materialin this publication may be owned by another party and permission for thetranslation and/or reproduction of that material must be obtained from theowner.This document or partial material from this document may be translated,reproduced or distributed for general information, on no more than a costrecovery basis. Copies may not be sold or distributed for profit or gainwithout prior written agreement of the IHB and any other copyright holders.In the event that this document or partial material from this document isreproduced, translated or distributed under the terms described above, thefollowing statements are to be included:“Material from <strong>IHO</strong> publication [reference to extract: Title, Edition] isreproduced with the permission of the International HydrographicBureau (IHB) (Permission No ……./…) acting for the InternationalHydrographic Organization (<strong>IHO</strong>), which does not accept responsibilityfor the correctness of the material as reproduced: in case of doubt, the<strong>IHO</strong>’s authentic text shall prevail. The incorporation of materialsourced from <strong>IHO</strong> shall not be construed as constituting anendorsement by <strong>IHO</strong> of this product.”“This [document/publication] is a translation of <strong>IHO</strong>[document/publication] [name]. The <strong>IHO</strong> has not checked thistranslation and therefore takes no responsibility for its accuracy. In caseof doubt the source version of [name] in [language] should beconsulted.”The <strong>IHO</strong> Logo or other identifiers shall not be used in any derivedproduct without prior written permission from the IHB.

iTABLE OF CONTENTSMEMBER STATES ETATS MEMBRES ESTADOS MIEMBROSPagesPrefaceviiiIHB Staff – Les Membres du personnel du BHIxiiAlgeria – Algérie 1Argentina – Argentine 3Australia- Australie 6Bahrain – Bahreïn 9Bangladesh 11Belgium – Belgique 13Brazil – Brésil 16Canada 19Chile – Chili 22China – China 24Colombia – Colombie <strong>31</strong>Congo 33Croatia – Croatie 35Cuba 37Cyprus – Chypre 41Denmark – Danemark 43Dominican Republic – République dominicaine 48Ecuador – Equateur 50Egypt – Egypte 52Estonia – Estonie 54Fiji – Fidji 56Finland – Finlande 58France 60Germany – Allemagne 64Greece – Grèce 68Guatemala 71Iceland – Islande 72India – Inde 74Indonesia – Indonésie 77Ireland – Irlande 80Islamic Republic of Iran 81Italy – Italie 84Jamaica - Jamaïque 86Japan – Japon 87

iiPagesKorea (Dem. People’s Rep. of) – Corée (Rép.91Populaire Démocratique de)Korea (Republic of) – Corée (République de) 93Kuwait – Koweit 95Latvia – Lettonie 97Malaysia – Malaisie 99Mauritius – Maurice 103Mexico – Mexique 104Monaco 106Morocco – Maroc 107Mozambique 109Myanmar 111Netherlands – Pays-Bas 112New Zealand – Nouvelle-Zélande 115Nigeria – Nigéria 118Norway – Norvège 120Oman 122Pakistan 125Papua New Guinea – Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée 128Peru – Pérou 130Philippines 132Poland – Pologne 134Portugal 136Qatar 139Romania - Roumanie 141Russian Federation – Fédération de Russie 144Saudi Arabia – Arabie Saoudite 148Serbia - Serbie 150Singapore – Singapour 151Slovenia - Slovénie 153South Africa (Republic of) – République sudafricaine155Spain – Espagne 157Sri Lanka 159Suriname 161Sweden – Suède 163Syrian Arab Republic – République arabe syrienne 165Thailand – Thaïlande 167Tonga 169

iiiPagesTrinidad and Tobago – Trinité-et-Tobago 171Tunisia – Tunisie 173Turkey – Turquie 175Ukraine 177United Arab Emirates – Emirats arabes unis 181United Kingdom – Royaume-Uni 183UK OVERSEAS TERRITORIESAnguillla - 187Bermuda – Les Bermudes 188British Virgin Islands – Iles Vierges Britanniques 189The Cayman islands – Iles Caïman 190MEMBER STATES (ctd.) ETATS MEMBRES (suite) ESTADOS MIEMBROS(cont.)USA (NOS) 192USA (NGA) 194USA (CNMOC) 196Uruguay 199Venezuela 201NON-MEMBERSTATESETATS NONMEMBRESESTADOS NO-MIEMBROSPagesAlbania -Albanie 205Angola 207Antigua and Barbuda – Antigua-et-Barbuda 209Bahamas 210Barbados – La Barbade 211Belize 212Benin 213Bolivia - Bolivie 215Brunei Darussalam 216Bulgaria – Bulgarie 218Cambodia – Cambodge 220Cameroon – Cameroun 221Cape Verde – Cap-Vert 223Comoros (Union of the) – Comores (Union des) 225Congo (Brazzaville) 227Cook Islands – Iles Cook 229

ivPagesCosta Rica 230Côte d’Ivoire 2<strong>31</strong>Djibouti 232El Salvador 233Equatorial Guinea 235Eritrea - Erythree 236Ethiopia - Ethiopie 237Gabon 238Gambia - Gambie 239Georgia - Géorgie 240Ghana 241Grenada - Grenade 243Guinea - Guinée 244Guinea-Bissau – Guinée-Bissau 246Guyana – Guyane 247Haïti 248Honduras 250Iraq – Irak 251Israel 252Jordan – Jordanie 254Kenya 255Kiribati 256Lebanon - Liban 257Liberia 258Lithuania - Lithuanie 259Madagascar 260Malawi 262Malta – Malte 264Marshall Islands – Iles Marshall 266Mauritania - Mauritanie 267Montenegro 268Montserrat 270Namibia - Namibie 271Nicaragua 272Panama 273Paraguay 274Saint Kitts and Nevis – Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis 275Saint Lucia – Sainte-Lucie 276

vPagesSaint Vincent and The Grenadines – Saint-Vincentet-Grenadines277Samoa 278Senegal 279Seychelles 282Sierra Leone 283Solomon Islands – Iles Salomon 284Sudan – Soudan 286Tanzania –Tanzanie 287Togo 289Turks & Caicos Islands – Iles Turques et Caïques 290Tuvalu 291Uganda – Ouganda 292Vanuatu 293Viet-Nam 294Yemen 296

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viiAPPENDICESAPPENDIX 1 – APPENDICE 1Table of Reported Tonnages for <strong>IHO</strong> Member StatesTableau des Tonnages signalés par les Etats membres de l’OHIAPPENDIX 2 – APPENDICE 2Table of Shares, Contributions and VotesTableau des Parts, Contributions et VoixAPPENDIX 3 – APPENDICE 3<strong>IHO</strong> MembershipMembres de l’OHIPages299302305APPENDIX 4 – APPENDICE 4Non-Governmental International Organizations (NGIO)accredited as Observers to the InternationalHydrographic Organization (<strong>IHO</strong>)Organisations internationales non gouvernementales accréditées en tantqu’observateurs auprès de l’Organisation Hydrographique Internationale(OHI)<strong>31</strong>2__________

viiiP R E F A C EPROFILE OF THE INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC ORGANIZATIONBackgroundThe International Hydrographic Organization is an intergovernmentalorganization whose members are the governments of coastal states. Established in 1921, theOrganization provides a forum for the improvement of services to marine navigation throughthe discussion and resolution of hydrographic issues at the international level, and assistsmember governments to deliver these services in the most cost effective way through theirnational hydrographic offices. The <strong>IHO</strong> is governed by an international convention which hasbeen signed by 74 Member States [2003].RationaleNational hydrographic offices provide services to assist the safe and efficientnavigation of ships. The principal service is the provision of nautical information, includingnautical charts, Notices to Mariners, sailing directions, data for integrated navigation systemsand other products and services. The provision of accurate and up to date charts offerssignificant economic and commercial benefits through facilitation of maritime trade and othermarine activities. It also helps to prevent accidents which may result in the loss of life andproperty and in pollution of the marine environment.Because navigation is an international activity it is necessary to have a means ofco-ordinating the work of national agencies and of standardizing products and services, inorder to provide an effective world-wide service for Mariners. This is the rationale for the<strong>IHO</strong>.MissionThe mission of the <strong>IHO</strong> is to ensure the provision of adequate and timelyhydrographic information for world-wide marine navigation and other purposes, through theco-ordination of the endeavours of national hydrographic offices.ObjectivesThe Objectives of the <strong>IHO</strong> are set down in Article II of the Convention. It is theobject of the Organization to bring about :[a](b]The co-ordination of the activities of national hydrographic offices;The greatest possible uniformity in nautical charts and documents;

ix[c][d]The adoption of reliable and efficient methods of carrying out andexploiting hydrographic surveys;The development of the sciences in the field of hydrography and thetechniques employed in descriptive oceanography.Working ArrangementsIn order to achieve its objectives the <strong>IHO</strong> runs a number of programmes related totechnical assistance, standards and publications. The work of these programmes is progressedthrough a series of committees and working groups, and through close links with otherinternational organizations.__________L'ORGANISATION HYDROGRAPHIQUE INTERNATIONALEArrière-planL'Organisation hydrographique internationale est une organisationintergouvernementale dont les membres sont les gouvernements des Etats côtiers. Créée en1921, l'Organisation constitue un forum en vue de l'amélioration des services assurés àl'intention de la navigation maritime grâce à la discussion et à la résolution, au niveauinternational, des questions d'ordre hydrographique. Elle aide également les gouvernementsmembres à assurer ces services, de la manière la plus efficace par rapport aux coûts, via lesServices hydrographiques nationaux. L'OHI est régie par une convention internationaleratifiée par 74 Etats membres [2003].VocationLes Services hydrographiques nationaux fournissent des services destinés àassurer une navigation efficace et sans danger. Le principal service est la mise à dispositiond'informations nautiques, dont les cartes marines, les avis aux navigateurs, les instructionsnautiques, les données destinées aux systèmes de navigation intégrés ainsi que divers autresproduits et services. La mise à disposition de cartes précises et à jour procure des avantageséconomiques et commerciaux importants en facilitant le commerce maritime ainsi quediverses autres activités associées à la mer. Elle contribue également à la prévention desaccidents susceptibles d'entraîner des pertes en biens et en vies humaines ainsi qu'unepollution du milieu marin.La navigation étant une activité internationale il est nécessaire de pouvoircoordonner les travaux des agences nationales et normaliser les services et les produits afind'assurer, partout dans le monde un service efficace à l'intention des navigateurs. C'est là lavocation de l'OHI.

xMissionL'OHI a pour mission d'assurer, en temps voulu, la fourniture de l'informationhydrographique adéquate destinée, entre autres, à la navigation maritime internationale encoordonnant les efforts des Services hydrographiques nationaux.ObjectifsLes objectifs de l'OHI sont précisés dans l'article II de la Convention.L'Organisation a pour but d'assurer :[a] La coordination des activités des Services hydrographiques nationaux ;[b][c][d]La plus grande uniformité possible dans les cartes et documentsnautiques ;L'adoption de méthodes sures et efficaces pour l'exécution etl'exploitation des levés hydrographiques ;Le progrès des sciences relatives à l'hydrographie et des techniquesutilisées pour les levés océanographiques.Organisation des travauxPour réaliser ses objectifs l'OHI dispose d'un certain nombre de programmesassociés à l'assistance technique, aux normes et aux publications. Les travaux de cesprogrammes sont assurés par diverses commissions et groupes de travail et en étroitecollaboration avec d'autres organisations internationales.__________PERFIL DE LA ORGANIZACION HIDROGRAFICA INTERNACIONALAntecedentesLa Organización Hidrográfica Internacional es una organizaciónintergubernamental, cuyos miembros son los gobiernos de los estados costeros. Fundada en1921, la Organización proporciona un foro para la mejora de los servicios a la navegaciónmarítima, gracias a la discusión y resolución de temas hidrográficos a nivel internacional, yayuda a los gobiernos miembros a proporcionar estos servicios de la manera más rentable, através de sus Servicios Hidrográficos nacionales. La OHI está regida por una convencióninternacional, que ha sido firmada por 74 Estados Miembros [2003].

xiExplicaciónLos Servicios Hidrográficos nacionales proporcionan servicios que contribuyen auna navegación segura y eficaz de los buques. El servicio principal es el suministro deinformación náutica, incluyendo cartas náuticas, Avisos a los Navegantes, derroteros, datospara los sistemas de navegación integrados y otros productos y servicios. El suministro decartas precisas y actualizadas supone importantes beneficios económicos y comercialesgracias a la facilidad del comercio marítimo y otras actividades marinas. También ayuda aevitar accidentes que puedan causar víctimas, pérdidas materiales y una contaminación delmedio ambiente marino.Como la navegación es una actividad internacional, es necesario tener medios decoordinar el trabajo de las agencias nacionales y de normalizar productos y servicios, paraproporcionar un servicio mundial eficaz a los Navegantes. Esta es la explicación de la OHI.MisiónLa misión de la OHI es asegurar el suministro de información hidrográficaadecuada y puntual para la navegación marítima mundial y para otros fines, a través de lacoordinación de los esfuerzos de los servicios hidrográficos nacionales.ObjetivosLos objetivos de la OHI están indicados en el Artículo II de la Convención. Elpropósito de la Organización es efectuar:[a][b][c][d]La coordinación de las actividades de los Servicios Hidrográficosnacionales;La mayor uniformidad posible en cartas y documentos náuticos;La adopción de métodos fidedignos y eficaces de llevar a cabo y explotarlos levantamientos hidrográficos;El desarrollo de las ciencias en el campo de la hidrografía y las técnicasempleadas en oceanografía descriptiva.Organización del trabajoPara llevar a cabo sus objetivos, la OHI maneja un número de programas relativosa asistencia técnica, normas y publicaciones. El trabajo de estos programas se desarrolla através de una serie de comités y grupos de trabajo, y a través de estrechos vínculos con otrasorganizaciones internacionales.___________

xiiINTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC BUREAUBUREAU HYDROGRAPHIQUE INTERNATIONALADDRESSInternational Hydrographic BureauBureau hydrographique international4 quai Antoine 1erB.P. 445MC 98011 MONACO CEDEXPrincipauté de MonacoADRESSETeleph: + 377 + 377 info@ihb.mcINTERNET WEBSITE:http://www.iho.intTime: GMT+1 1-X to <strong>31</strong>-IIIHeure: GMT+2 1-IV to 30-IXapprox.DIRECTING COMMITTEEMARATOS, Alexandros, Vice AdmiralGreece – GrècePresident of the Directing Committee –Président du Comité de directionGORZIGLIA, Hugo, CaptainChile – ChiliDirector – DirecteurWARD, Robert, CaptainAustralia – AustralieDirector – DirecteurCOMITE DE DIRECTIONTeleph: + 377 amaratos@ihb.mcTeleph: + 377 hgorziglia@ihb.mcTeleph: + 377 robert.ward@ihb.mc

xiiiPROFESSIONALASSISTANTSCOSTA NEVES, Alberto, Captain –Capitaine de vaisseauProgram Management – Gestion desprogrammesBrazil - BrésilHUET, Michel, Ingénieur en chef des Etudeset Techniques de l’ArmementCartography – CartographieFrancePHARAOH, AnthonyData Management and IT – Gestion desdonnées et technologies de l’informationRep. of South Africa – Rép. Sud-africaineSHIPMAN, Steve, Lt. Cdr – Capitaine deCorvetteHydrography - HydrographieUnited Kingdom – Royaume-UniVELARD, ChristianAdministration and Logistics – Admini--stration et logistiquesFranceTECHNICAL,ADMINISTRATIVE ANDSERVICE STAFFTranslation –TraductionVANKRINKELEN, IsabelleHead Translator – Traductrice en chef -françaisFranceMURO, Mary PazTranslator – Traductrice - espagnol /éditrice WEBSpain – EspagneFrench Translation Assistant, Librarian –Assistante à la traduction française,BibliothécaireBOUZANQUET, PascaleFranceADJOINTSTECHNIQUESTeleph: + 377 alberto.neves@ihb.mcTeleph: + 377 mhuet@ihb.mcTeleph: + 377 apharaoh@ihb.mcTeleph: + 377 sshipman@ihb.mcTeleph: + 377 cvelard@ihb.mcPERSONNEL TECHNIQUE,ADMINISTRATIF ETDE SERVICEE-mail: ivankrinkelen@ihb.mcE-mail: mpmuro@ihb.mcE-mail: pbouzanquet@ihb.mc

xivSecretariat – SecrétariatWILLIAMS, BarbaraOffice Superintendent – Chef dusecrétariatUnited Kingdom – Royaume-UniBELMONTE, IsabelleWebsite and Publications Editor – Editricedu site web et des publications.FranceMOLLET, MireilleCommunicationsFranceFONTANILI, CarolineDirectors’ Secretary – Secrétaire desdirecteursUnited Kingdom – Royaume-UniAdministration and Accounting –Administration et comptabilitéFAUCHOIS GhislaineAdministration and Accounting Officer –Responsable administratif et comptableFranceMENINI, DanielFranceCartographic and Graphic Arts Assistant– Assistant pour la cartographie et les artsgraphiquesCOSTIN, DimitruRomaniaInformation Technology AssistantAssistant en technologie de l’informationMAACHE, AreskiFranceBureau Services Assistant – Assistant auxservices generauxTeleph: + 377 bwilliams@ihb.mcE-mail: ibelmonte@ihb.mcE-mail: info@ihb.mcE-mail: cfontanili@ihb.mcE-mail: gfauchois@ihb.mcE-mail: dmenini@ihb.mcEmail : dan.costin@ihb.mcE-mail: amaache@ihb.mc

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Hydrographic Offices and GovernmentRepresentatives of Member StatesServices Hydrographiques et Représentants desGouvernements des Etats MembresServicios Hidrográficos y Representantes de losGobiernos de los Estados Miembros

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1ALGERIA (THE DEMOCRATIC AND POPULAR REPUBLIC OF)SERVICE HYDROGRAPHIQUE DES FORCES NAVALESHYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE OF NAVAL FORCESP.O. Box 78 Bordj El Bahri16111 ALGERDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of DefenseOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveysPublicationsNautical chartsNavigational WarningsLists of LightsSymbols and abbreviationsMarine Meteorological Forecasts5 July+ 213 21 86 49 99+ 213 21 86 11 82 / + 213 21 86 19 10shfn@mdn.dz1977 – Decree N° 84-181 of 4 August1984.Lieutenant Colonel MohamedMOULOUDJTonnage – Tonelaje 2011 (01/07/2011) = 785,144.55Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla HeadquartersN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )<strong>31</strong>Lists of Lights, Symbols andAbbreviations, Catalogue of charts andnautical publications.

2Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewEL-IDRISSIRAS TARSAALIDADEOther information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.540 1980 2816 1980 1420 1983 8The Hydrographic Office is structured asfollows:- Headquarters- A production Division

3ARGENTINA (REPUBLIC OF)SERVICIO DE HIDROGRAFÍA NAVALAvenida Montes de Oca 21241271 BUENOS AIRESDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministerio de DefensaOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Aids to navigation, Maritime safety, Tidaland current studies, Tide tables, Nauticalephemeris, Oceanographic studies andsurveys, Time service, Marinemeteorology, Logistics, ArgentineanOceanographic Data Center, Notices toMariners (semi-monthly), Annals of theNaval Hydrographic Service, AreaCoordinator Navarea VI.9 July+ 541 1 4301 0061/68+ 541 1 4301 3883shn_orgint@hidro.gov.ardhidro@hidro.gov.arhttp://www.hidro.gov.ar6 June 1879- Hydrographic Law 19.922promulgated on 2 November 1972.- Maritime Spaces Law No. 23.968promulgated on 10 September 1991.Rear Admiral Andres Roque DIVINCENZOTonnage – Tonelaje 2011 (01/07/2011) = 1,075,768.67Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details consult the WEB site :http://www.hidro.gov.ar

4N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published - Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées - N° decartas Ráster publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesA.R.A. PUERTO DESEADOA.R.A. COMODORO RIVADAVIAA.R.A. CORMORANA.R.A. KUALCHINKLancha Hidrográfica"MONTE BLANCO"195<strong>31</strong>3 ENCs74 in 7 CD-ROM BSB FormatList of LightsTide tablesNautical ephemerisNotices to Mariners (semi-monthly)Annals of the Naval Hydrographic Service.Nautical PublicationsTechnical PublicationsMeteorological, Buoyage andOceanographic Publications.Displacement Date Launched Crew2400 1979 73700 1974 3<strong>31</strong>02 1963 2010 1973 66 983 4

5Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Radio Navigational Warnings.Coastal Stations Transmitting RadioNavigational Warnings.Servicio de Hidrografia NavalBuenos AiresTel: + 54 1 1 43012249/43010061Fax: + 54 1 1 43012249E-mail: snautica@hidro.gov.arWeb Site: http://www.hidro.gov.ar

6AUSTRALIAAUSTRALIAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE8 Station StreetWOLLONGONG, NSW 2500Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :Royal Australian Navy - Department ofDefenceHydrographic and bathymetric surveys.Nautical charts.Australian Hydrographic Data Archive.Notices to Mariners.Tides, Tidal Streams, Currents, TideTables.Military Maritime Geospatial Products andServices.26 <strong>January</strong>+ 61 (0) 2 4221 8500+ 61 (0) 2 4221 8599international.relations@hydro.gov.auWEB site:http://www.hydro.gov.auDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic Service , R.A.N.-Established01 October 1920; Commonwealth NavalOrder 275 dated 14 December 1920.Commodore Rod NAIRN, RANTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 2,216 455Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto Aust. $62 million per annum (includesTotalestimate for ship operations of Aust. $<strong>31</strong>million)Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details consult the WEB site :http://www.hydro.gov.auN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.414

7N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published - Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées - N° decartas Ráster publicadasType of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesHMAS LEEUWINHMAS MELVILLEHMAS PALUMAHMAS MERMAIDHMAS SHEPPARTONHMAS BENALLALADS Unit Fokker F27 (modified)Deployable Geospatial Support Team(DGST)29246426Australian National Tide Tables.Australian Electronic Tide Tables.Notices to Mariners (fortnightly).Australian Index of Nautical Charts andPublications 2007.Charts, ENC, RNC.Australian Seafarers Handbook (AHP 20).Military Geospatial Information Products.Australian Maritime Gazetteer (Web).Co-operative production of AdmiraltySailing Directions with UKHO for NP 13,14, 15.Displacement Date Launched Crew2550 1997 562550 1998 56380 1989 13380 1989 13380 1989 13380 1990 13Commenced 9 (naval)operational + 8 (contract)service in1993(Vessel of opportunity) 4

8Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.(1) Extensive use is made of LIDARSurveys.(2) Survey units, based in Cairns, QLD.(3) Chart publication is based in the RANHydrographic Office in Wollongongwhich employs a civil staff of 140.

9Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :BAHRAIN (KINGDOM OF)HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY OFFICESurvey and Land Registration BureauP.O. Box 5802BAHRAINHydrographic Survey OfficeSurvey and Land Registration BureauHydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Tidal studies, Tidal Library, ENC data.16 December+ 973 178 10021+ 973 177 25591khalidAAS@slrb.gov.bhDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director1978.Mr. Rashid Abdulla AL SUWAIDIChief of the Bahrain Hydrographic SurveyOfficeE-mail: Rashid.AlSuwaidi@slrb.gov.bhTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 498,368Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Cdr. Ole GRAVGAARD, RDNE-mail : ole@slrb.gov.bh- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas11

10N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesAL MASAHAAL MASAHA IAL MASAHA II4Tide TablesTidal Stream Atlas.Displacement Date Launched Crew45 2000 59 1997 43 2000 3

11BANGLADESH ( PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF)DIRECTORATE OF HYDROGRAPHYOperations BranchNaval Headquarters,DHAKA-1213Department of which the Hydrographic Bangladesh Navy, Ministry of DefenceOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB Site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorConduct or supervision of all hydrographicsurveys undertaken in the coastal and seaarea of Bangladesh, production of nauticalcharts and advice to Ministries on allhydrographic matters.26 March+ 88 02 885 86 20Director Hydrography+ 88 02 875 42 70dhydro@bangladeshnavy.orghttp://www.bangladeshnavy.orgHydrographic School : 05 May 198<strong>31</strong> st Hydrographic Vessel : 10 November1983Hydrographic Directorate : 1986Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic &Oceanographic Center (BNHOC): 2001National Hydrographic Committee: 2001Captain S.M HASAN, (H), aowc, psc, BNDirector of HydrographyTonnage – Tonelaje 9.025.58 (2011)Total Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla Officers : 35Sailors (Survey Recorders) Approximately165Civilian Personnel : 10N° of charts published - Nombres de 13cartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INT03

12publicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published – Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées – N° decartas Ráster publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft –Batimentshydrographiques/aeronefs –Buques hidrographicos /AeronavesBNS ANUSHANDHANBNS SHAIBALBNS AGRADOOTBNS TALLASHIBNS DARSHAKJARIP BOAT – 11JARIP BOAT - 22NilNilBN Chart Catalogue (HP 001)BN Tide Table (HP 002 )-YearlyDisplacementCrew (tons)Date Launched1432 2010 151720 1997 70687 2002 7083 1983 3983 1983 3910 1996 610 1996 6

13BELGIUM (KINGDOM OF)MDK - AFDELING KUST – DIVISION COASTVlaamse Hydrografie – Flemish HydrographyAdministratief CentrumVrijhavenstraat 3B – 8400 OOSTENDEDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of the Flemish CommunityOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:Web Sites :Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Tidal studies, Studies of currents and swell,Nautical tables, Notices to Mariners (biweekly),Harbours.21 July+ 32 59 55 42 11+ 32 59 50 70 37Guido.Dumon@mow.vlaanderen.bewww.afedelingkust.bewww.vlaamsehydrografie.beDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director1860Kapt. Jacques D’HAVÉGeneral AdminstratorTel: + 32 2 553 77 27Fax: + 32 2 553 77 05E-mail :jacques.dhave@mow.vlaanderen.beIr. Bernard DE PUTTERGeneral DirectorTel : + 32 2 553 77 01Fax: + 32 2 553 77 35E-mail:bernard.deputter@mow.vlaanderen.beTonnage – Tonelaje 2011 (01/07/2011) = 4,350,180

14Staff employed – Effectifs - PlantillaIr. Guido DUMONHead Flemish HydrographyTel: + 32 59 55 42 48Fax: + 32 59 50 70 37E-mail: guido.dumon@mow.vlaanderen.beDr. Ir. Nathalie BALCAENAssistant Head Flemish HydrographyTel: + 32 59 55 42 86Fax: + 32 59 50 70 37E6mail:nathalie.balcaen@mow.vlaanderen.beN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published – Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées – N° decartas Ráster publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )7 paper charts7 ENCTide TablesList of LightsNotices to Mariners (bi-weekly)Catalogue of Nautical Publications

15Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesCoastM.S. TER STREEPHYDRO 1HYDRO 3Displacement Date Launched Crew647 1984 103 2006 23 2008 2ScheldtM.S. SCHELDEWACHT IIM.S. PAREL IIM.S. VEREMANSMS. STESSELS130 1981 428 1977 390 1991 417 2005 3

16BRAZILDIRECTORATE OF HYDROGRAPHY AND NAVIGATIONRua Barão de Jaceguay s/n°24048-900 NITERÓI-RJDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Ministry of DefenceCommand of the Navy.Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Aids to navigation, Marine meteorology,oceanography, magnetism, Lights,Beacons, Radio aids, radiobeacons, Tidalstudies and marine navigationalinstructions, Navigational aid publications(Pilots, Lights, Radio aids, etc.), Notices toMariners (biweekly), periodical publication:“Anais Hidrográficos” (annual).7 September+ 55 (21) 2189 3014, 3003Fax :E-mail :WEB site:+ 55 (21) 2189 3063int.rel@dhn.mar.mil.brhttp://www.mar.mil.br/dhnwesley.cavalheiro@yahoo.comDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferencia2 February 1876.DECREE No. 96, 000 OF 2 MAY 1988.On the conduct of research and scientificinvestigation on the continental shelf and inwaters under Brazilian jurisdiction, and onforeign research vessels and aircraftvisiting Brazilian ports and airports or intransit through Brazilian territorial watersor the superjacent airspace.LAW NO. 8.617 OF 4 JANUARY 1993On the territorial sea, the contiguous zone,the exclusive economic zone and thecontinental shelf.

17Name and rank of the Director or Head - Vice-Admiral Marcus Nunes de MirandaNom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 3,412 309Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details, consult the following WEBsite.http://www.mar.mil.br/dhnN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.230 maritime charts47 river nautical charts3 waterways Atlas with the total of 210charts26N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published – Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées – N° decartas Ráster publicadasType of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesNHi SIRIUSNHi ARGUSNHo TAURUSNho AMORIM DO VALLENOc ANTARES43Tide TablesSailing DirctionsList of LightsNautical AlmanacList of Radio AidsNotices to MarinersDisplacement Date Launched Crew1748 1957 84343 1957 42720 1985 41720 1984 411248 1983 62


19CANADACANADIAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE615 Booth StreetOTTAWA, ONTARIO K1A 0E6Department of which the Hydrographic Department of Fisheries and Oceans.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Hydrographic surveys, production of allnautical products, Sailing Directions, Tideand Current Tables, Notices to Mariners,Bathymetric and geoscience mapping,maritime boundary delimitation in supportof these products and associated research,through national coordination establishesand maintains an integrated and efficientprogram focused on data acquisition andaccess, production of integrated databasesand adherence to an ISO standard qualityassurance programme.1 July+ 1 (613) 995- 4413+ 1 (613) 947- 4369narayanans@dfo-mpo.gc.cahttp://www.charts.gc.caDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorCHS was established in 1883. The BritishNorth America Act 1867. Department ofFisheries and Oceans Act 1979. Charts andNautical publications Regulations of theCanada Shipping Act 1995. CanadaOcean’s Act 1996.Dr. Savithri NARAYANANDominion Hydrographer (CHS, Ottawa)Tonnage – Tonelaje 2011 (01/07/11) = 4,786,774Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla For details, consult the following WEBsite.http://www.charts.gc.ca

20N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published - Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées - N° decartas Ráster publicadasType of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesVECTOROTTER BAYMATTHEWFREDERIK G. CREED9567671 (358 paper chart equivalent)Major commercial shipping routes, selectedcoverage elsewhere.754Major commercial shipping routes, selectedcoverage elsewhere.Sailing Directions, 33 Volumes (English),29 Volumes (French)Small Craft Guides, 2 VolumesTide and Current Tables, 7 VolumesTidal Current Atlases, 3 VolumesRadio Aids, 2 VolumesLists of Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals, 4Volumes :- Atlantic Coast 2007,- Inland Waters 2006,- Newfoundland and Labrador 2006,- Pacific Coast 2007.Charts Catalogues 4 Volumes :- Catalogue 1, Atlantic Coast 2006,- Catalogue 2, Pacific Coast 2005,- Catalogue 3, Great Lakes 2006,- Catalogue 4, Arctic, 2005.Displacement Date Launched Crew515 1967 1221 1992 2856 1990 1975 1989 10

21Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves(continued – suite – continuación)FCG SMITHNAHIDIKGC-03Outsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.438 1985 7856 1974 1256 1973 4CHS continues to partner on applicablehydrographic and technology activities incollaboration with the private sector toservice existing client requirements anddevelop future opportunities.CHS collaborates with other governmentdepartments and academic institutes topromote research and development inoperational ocean sciences and marinegeomatics. In conjunction with key federaldepartments CHS staff participates onsurveys for international boundarydelimitation and seabed mapping. .

22CHILESERVICIO HIDROGRAFICO Y OCEANOGRAFICO DE LA ARMADACasilla 324237-0168 VALPARAISO - CHILEDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique - Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :Chilean NavyMinistry of DefenceSHOA has national responsibilities in thefield of Hydrography, Oceanography,Nautical cartography, Nautical geography,Tsunamis, Official Time, among others. Aswell as the review of the hydrographic andaerophotogrammetric engineering worksdone by the private company in the area ofthe coastal littoral. Its Director is theChilean Government Representative toseveral international organizations, such as<strong>IHO</strong>, IOC, IAPSO, SCOR, IERS, etc.18 September+ 56 32 2266666Secretary of Director : + 56 32 2266502+ 56 32 2266542E-mails :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée.- Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciadirector@shoa.clshoa@shoa.clhttp://www.shoa.clD.S. N° 329 of 01 May 1874 (creation ofSHOA)Law N° 16.771 of 16 March 1968 (Law ofSHOA)D.S. N° 192 of 6 March 1969 (SHOARegulations)D.S. N° 784 of 1985 (Amends the OrganicRegulations of the Hydrographic Instituteof the Chilean Navy and transfers functionsfrom the Maritime Signalization Dept. tothe General Directorate of the MaritimeTerritory and Merchant Navy).

23Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée.- Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferencia(continued – suite – continuación)Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorLaw No. 19.002 of 1990 (Changes thename of Hydrographic Institute of theChilean Navy to Hydrographic andOceanographic Office of the ChileanNavy).Captain Patricio CARRASCO Hellwig,DirectorE-mail: director@shoa.clTonnage - Tonelaje 2007 = 769,015Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto 2006 : US. $ 5,862,306.0TotalStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site.http://www.shoa.clN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesPSH CABRALESHow much work is outsourced and whatsort of work? – Quel volume et quel typede travail est effectué à l’extérieur souscontrat? - ¿Cuánto trabajo es contratadoen empresas privadas y qué tipo detrabajo?<strong>31</strong>422 Miscellaneous Charts published (notnautical)5Sailing Directions, Tide Tables, NauticalAlmanac, List of Lights, RadioNavigational Warnings, Atlases (differenttypes), Distance Tables, Navigationmanual, Glossary of Tides and Currents,Geographic Names Dictionary, amongstothers.Displacement Date Launched Crew495 1996 34The SHOA does not contract neithervessels nor private companies to carry puttheir hydrographic works.

24CHINA (THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF)MARITIME SAFETY ADMINISTRATION (MSA)11 Jianguomennei AvenueBEIJING 100736Department of which the Hydrographic Ministry of CommunicationsOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveying and mapping forseaports and fairways, nauticalpublications, radio navigational warnings.1 October+ 86 10 65292892 + 86 10 65292218+ 86 10 65292893 + 86 10 65292245hydro@msa.gov.cnhttp://www.hydro.gov.cn1949Captain CHEN Aiping, Executive DirectorGeneralMr. ZHENG HEPING, Deputy DirectorGeneralTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 43,790,000Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site.http://www.hydro.gov.cnN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.290 charts for seaports, fairways andapproaches, about 400 ENCs coveringseaports, fairways, approaches andinshores.

25Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesHAI CE 1004HAI CE 1005HAI CE 1006HAI CE 1007HAI CE 1008HAI CE 1009HAI CE 1502HAI CE 1503HAI CE 1504HAI CE 151Catalogue of Charts for Harbours andChannels 2002, Tide Tables, Notices tomariners, Chart Atlases and etc.Displacement Date Launched Crew58 1989 6296 1992 11296 1992 11296 1999 11150 1989 7150 1989 7264 1984 1281 1991 8320 2003 11738 1992 18

26CHINA (THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF)THE NAVIGATION GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT OFTHE CHINESE NAVY HEADQUARTERS4 Kaifeng Road, Heiping DistrictTIANJIN 300042Department of which the Hydrographic Chinese Navy HeadquartersOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax:E-mail :WEB site :Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Notices to Mariners, Sailing Directions,Light lists, Tide tables, Aids to navigation,Oceanography and meteorology.1 October+ 86 22 84654915+ 86 22 23305365hydro@ngd.gov.cnhttp://www.ngd.gov.cnDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs - PlantillaN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Vector charts (VCF format) – CartesvectoriellesFishery charts – Cartes pour la pêche1949Senior Captain LIU ZHIHAODirector GeneralCaptain XU ChunmingDeputy Director GeneralCommander Ma HongdaSection Chief420 (approx.)420 (approx.)420 (approx.)40

27Other charts – Autres cartes More than 100Above paper and digital nautical chartscovering all coastal areas of China,including seaport, fairways, approachesand inshores and other Chinese sea areas.Documents et cartes marines numériquessusmentionnés couvrant toutes les zonescôtières de Chine, incluant les ports, leschenaux, les approches et les côtes ainsique d’autres zones maritimes chinoises.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Notices to Mariners, Sailing Directions,Light lists, Tide Tables, Chart atlases andetc..Pub. No. K102 – Catalogue of charts andpublications, 2007.

28CHINA (THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF)HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGIONHYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE OF MARINE DEPARTMENTTHE GOVERNMENT OF THE HONG KONG SPECIALADMINISTRATIVE REGION2/F., Hydro BuildingGovernment DockyardKOWLOONDepartment of which the Hydrographic Marine DepartmentOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB Site:Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts andpublications, Notices to Mariners.+ 852 2504 0723 + 852 2504 0363+ 852 2504 4527hydro@mardep.gov.hkhttp://www.hydro.gov.hkDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla1994Mr. NG KWOK-CHUHydrographerFor details consult the WEB Site:http://www.hydro.gov.hkN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )11 and 15 ENC CellsNotices to Mariners and Digital TidalStream Atlas

29Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesHYDRO IHYDRO IIHYDRO IIIDisplacement Date Launched Crew7 2002 -36 1998 -1 1998 -

30CHINA (THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF)MACAU SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGIONCAPITANIA DOS PORTOS DE MACAUMACAU MARITIME ADMINISTRATIONQuartel dos MourosCalçada da BarraP.O. Box 47MACAUDepartment of which the Hydrographic Macau Maritime Administration.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoTelephone :Fax :E-mail :+ 853 559 911+ 853 511 986cpm@macau.ctm.netDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)<strong>January</strong> 2000Mrs Susana WONG SOI MANDirectorHydrographer:Mr. KUONG WA KUOKAssistant Hydrographer:Mr. WAI LIT

<strong>31</strong>COLOMBIA (REPUBLIC OF)MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA NACIONALARMADA NACIONALDIRECCION GENERAL MARITIMACra.54 No.26-50CAN BOGOTADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of National DefenseOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :WEB Site:Oceanographic investigations, Hydrographicsurveys, Lighthouse authorities,Nautical charts, Supply of charts andpublications.20 July+ 57 1 220 0490 Ext 2321 Int. Affairs+ 57 1 222 5152wpedroza@dimar.mil.cowww.dimar.mil.cowww.cioh.org.coDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorLaw Decree 2349 of 1971Law Decree 2324 of 1984Decree 1561 of 2002RADM Leonardo Santamaría GAITÁNDirector General MarítimoIHB contact: Commander WilliamPEDROZA. Coordinator of theInternational Affairs Group at DIMARTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 154,984Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site.http://www.dimar.mil.coN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.127

32Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesARC MALPELOARC PROVIDENCIAARC QUINDIOLancha Hidrográfica “MULTIHAZ”Other information of interest – Autresinformations utiles – Otra información deinterés.Telephone:Fax :E-mailWeb Site:Nautical chartsSailing DirectionsList of Aids to NavigationNotices to Mariners etc.Displacement Date Launched Crew1157 1981 391157 1981 38600 1963 285 2005 5Centro de InvestigacionesOceanográficas e Hidrográficas (CIOH)Apartado Aéreo 982, Cartagena de Indias+ 57 5 669 4286, 669 4427+ 57 5 669 4390sdihid@cioh.org.cohttp://www.cioh.org.co

33CONGO (THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE)MINISTERE DES TRANSPORTS ET COMMUNICATIONSDIRECTION DE LA MARINE ET DES VOIES NAVIGABLESB.P. 6.514KINSHASA/N’DOLODepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-Mail :Ministry of Transport and CommunicationsPorts and Studies DivisionHydrographic and hydraulic studies:analysis of the evolution of waterways,dissemination of nautical information tomariners, inspection of buoyage anddredging of river and tributaries.Ports studies and plans.30 June+ 243 15 26 0623+ 243 15 26 0624sgtranscom_rdc@yahoo.frDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director19 March 1982M. Théo YAMA-YAMA MUKWAConseiller MaritimeM. LOTONGA,Directeur de la Marine et des VoiesnavigablesAvenue Poids Lourds, Chantier naval,Régie des voies fluviales, KinshasaTél : + 243 997 7710M. Saila NGITA BUILINGAdm. délégué général,Office national des transports,Building Onatra177 bld du 30 juin, BP 98 Kinshasa 1Tél : + 243 992 0613E-mail : jp_saila@hotmail.com

34Tonnage – Tonelaje 56,393M. Daniel KINGUDI KELEBIAdm. délégué généralRégie des voies maritimes167 Bld du 30 Juin BP 13999 Kinshasa 1Tél : + 243 994 0717E-mail : daniel_kingudi@yahoo.frN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.2 (SHOM Charts Nos. 3357, 6453)4 Portuguese ChartsNos. 304, 333, 334, 387

35CROATIA (REPUBLIC OF)HRVATSKI HIDROGRAFSKI INSTITUTHYDROGRAPHIC INSTITUTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIAZrinsko-Frankopanska 16121000 SPLITDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :The Government of the Republic ofCroatia, ZagrebHydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Sailing Directions, List of Lights, Noticesto Mariners (monthly), Radio navigationalwarnings, Nautical almanac, Tide tables,Geophysical and Oceanographic surveys,Navigational security, Tidal studies.25 June+ 385 (21) 308 800(Director +385 (21) 344-433)+ 385 21 347-242E-mail :WEB site :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Directoroffice@hhi.hrhttp://www.hhi.hr1922, Law of the Hydrographic Activity,1988;Croatian Maritime Code, 1994Dr. Zvonko GRŽETIČ, (Dr.Sc.)DirectorE-mail: zvonko.grzetic@hhi.hrTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 772,259Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site.http://www.hhi.hrN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.90

36N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesANDRIJA MOHOROVIĈIĆHIDRABoatPALAGRUŽAHIDRAMedium Scale = 3List of LightsNotices to Mariners (monthly)Radio Navigational WarningsNautical AlmanacTide TablesSailing DirectionsSailing Direction for Pleasure BoatSymbols and AbbreviationsRadio ServiceChart CatalogueDisplacement Date Launched Crew1475 rent -50 - -4,5 - -699 1975 650 1993 4

37CUBA (REPUBLIC OF)OFICINA NACIONAL DE HIDROGRAFIA Y GEODESIAAve 19 y Calle 84. 3er. Piso Ala SurPlaya, Zona Postal Habana 14 Código Postal 11400CIUDAD DE LA HABANADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Revolutionary Armed ForcesOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorSupervision and control of the governmentpolicy in the execution of hydrographicsurveys, cartography, geodesy and for aidto navigation activities.1 <strong>January</strong>+ 53 (7) 2090926onhg@geocuba.cu1922Tonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 80,327Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Colonel Doctor Candido Alfredo RegaladoGOMEZDirector (Jefe)Segundo JefeCdr. Jorge MARTĺN RuĺZHead of Hydrographic and Aids toNavigation DepartmentLt. Cdr. Ángel ACANDA REYESHead of Geodetic and CartogeaphicDepartmentLt. Col. Juan Arturo GARCĺA MASÓHead of Cadaster DepartmentLt. Col. Ramón NODAL JORGEHead of Spatial Data InfrastructureDepartmentDr. Tatiana DELGADO FERNÁNDEZ

38- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Staff Officer Hydrography:Lt. Ángel ACANDA REYESStaff Officer of Aids to Navigation:Lic. Fausto E. Pompa DOMINIQUE144Aids to NavigationSailing DirectionsList of LightsNotices to MarinersTide TablesNautical AlmanacChart Catalogue and Nautical Publications

39Principal functions -Attributions principales -Principales funciones.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:CUBA (REPUBLIC OF)CORPORATION GEOCUBACalle 6 No. 301, PlayaLa Habana, CP 11300CIUDAD DE LA HABANAHydrographic surveys, Tidal studies,Oceanography, Ocean currents, Nauticalcharts, Aids to navigation, SailingDirections, List of Lights, Notices toMariners, Geodetic, Geodynamics andGeophysics studies, Geographic studiesand Geographical Information systems,Photogrammetry, Digital Cartography,Topographic maps, Maritime andTechnical Services, Cadastral Studies,Remote Sensing.1 <strong>January</strong>+ 53 (7) 209<strong>31</strong>93+ 53 (7) 2042869internacional@geocuba.co.cuName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs - PlantillaColonel (Ret) Eladio Fernández CIVICOGeneral DirectorGeneral Coordinator:Ing. Ana Lourdes Quintero VALDÉSGeneral Director: GEOCUBA EstudiosMarinos:MSc. Alejandro Morales ABRÉUDirector Nautical Cartography Agency:Lt. Cdr. Iván K. Sosa CHONGO

40Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesH-102 TAINOH-111 GEOMARH-94H-95H-96H-85H-87H-116Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Displacement Date Launched Crew1123 1979 21211 1980 8125 1969 8125 1969 8125 1969 8200 1990 9800 1990 9400 1983 10GEOCUBA – Estudios MarinosPunta Santa CatalinaRegla, Ciudad de la HabanaTel : + 53 (7) 940409Fax : + 53 (7) 970019E-mail:avisosshg@emarinos.geocuba.co.cu

41CYPRUS (REPUBLIC OF)NATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC COMMITTEETHE DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEYSMinistry of the Interior29 Michalakopoulou Street, T.T. 1371455 NICOSIADepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Department of Lands & SurveysMinistry of InteriorHydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Tidal Measurements and analysis.1 October00 357 22 40289000 357 22 304858msavvides@dls.moi.gov.cycartogr@dls.moi.gov.cyDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Decision no. 513/2007 dated 09.05.2007 bythe Council of Ministers to establish aNational Hydrographic Committee.Mr. Andreas CHRISTODOULOUDirector of Dept. of Lands & Surveys2011 = 22,489,207.02 tonsThere is no specific budget forhydrographic activities. Funding of suchactivities is drawn from the Survey/Cartography annual budget.Christos ZENONOS Bsc (Hons) Dip. C.Eng., ETEK (Survey and Mapping)Chairman of the National HydrographicCommittee, Hydrographer of Cyprus

42- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesOther information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Michael SAVVIDES, ARICS, Dipl. LandSurvey, ETEKE-mail: msavvides@dls.moi.gov.cyTwo technicians trained in house.One INT 36041Vessels are hired from other authoritiesmembers of the National HydrographicCommittee.The Council of Ministers of the Republicof Cyprus with its decision number 513/7,established a National HydrographicCommittee which will deal with allhydrographic matters in the country. TheCyprus National Hydrographic Committee(C.N.H.C.) will be composed of theDepartments of lands and Surveys, PublicWorks, geology, Fisheries, merchantShipping and the Ports Authority.The C.N.H.C. will operate under thecoordination of the Department of Landsand Surveys.The establishment of the nationalHydrographic Committee will be theplatform for further development andexpansion of hydrographic activities inCyprus and will gradually lead to thecreation of a full Hydrographic service inthe country.

43DENMARK (KINGDOM OF)In Denmark the functions of Hydrographic Office are carried out by the following twoseparated, but co-operating organizations, namely :- The Danish Maritime Safety Administration (Farvandsvæsenet) responsible forhydrographic surveying and oceanography and- The National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark (Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen) responsible forchart production.DANISH MARITIME SAFETY ADMINISTRATION(Farvandsvæsenet)Overgaden oven Vandet 62BP.O. Box 1919DK 1023 KOBENHAVN KDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of DefenceOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Hydrographic surveys, PhysicalOceanography, Contributions to Notices toMariners, Hydrographic forecasting.5 June+ 45 32 68 95 00+ 45 32 57 43 41frv@frv.dkhttp://www.frv.dkDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorDate of Establishment : 1 April 1973.Extension of the Territorial Sea, includerevision of the base lines : 1 <strong>January</strong> 1999.EEZ established : 01 July 1966.Mr. Svend ESKILDSENDirector General,National HydrographerE-mail ses@frv.dkTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 8,135,744Total Budget - Budget total - Presupuesto 423 000 000 DKRTotal

44Staff employed - Effectifs - PlantillaFor details, consult the following WEBsite.http://www.frv.dkN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesSKA 12SKA 16JENS SOERENSENO-1O-2BIRKHOLMFYRHOLMSee National Survey and Cadastre,Denmark.Tide TablesNotices to MarinersList of LightsNavigation through Danish Waters (website only).Marine marking in Danish Waters(available in Danish only).Displacement Date LaunchedCrew56 1984 652 1984 6650 1994 125 2000 25 2000 296 2006 696 2007 6

45Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:DENMARK (KINGDOM OF)KORT & MATRIKELSTYRELSENRentemestervej 8DK 2400 KOBENHAVN NVKort & MatrikelstyrelsenNational Survey and CadastreMinistry of the EnvironmentProduction and publication of nauticalcharts and associated nautical publicationsboth in paper and in electronic form forDenmark, Greenland and Faroe Islands.5 June+ 45 72 54 50 00+ 45 35 87 50 57kms@kms.dk or soe@kms.dkhttp://www.kms.dkDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaDate of Establishment : 1 <strong>January</strong> 1999.EEZ established : 1 st July 1996Extension of the Territorial Sea, andrevision of the base lines : 1 <strong>January</strong> 1999.Name and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMrs Susanne Juhl SSJ@kms.dkDirector GeneralMr Stampe Villadsen SV@kms.dkNational Hydrographer ChartingHead of Hudrographic OfficeTonnage – Tonelaje 2011 11 744 389Total Budget - Budget total - PresupuestoTotalFor details consult the following Web site :http://www.kms.dkStaff employed - Effectifs - PlantillaFor details, consult the following WEBsite.http://www.kms.dk

46N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )How much work is outsourced and whatsort of work? – Quel volume et quel typede travail est effectué à l’extérieur souscontrat? - ¿Cuánto trabajo es contratadoen empresas privadas y qué tipo detrabajo?Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buqueshidro-gráficos/AeronavesSKA 12SKA 16JENS SOERENSEN16229103- Weekly Chart Corrections(Danish/English)*- Behind the Nautical Chart, surveys,reliability and use (Danish/English)**- INT 1, Symbols, Abbreviations andTerms used on charts.(Danish/English)** (available in paperversion)- Danish Harbour Pilot (in Danishonly)*- Mariners handbook (Danish) **- Greenlandic and Farose HarbourPilots (Danish) (Available in paper version)- Danish Sailing Directions (Danish)(Available in paper version)- Greenlandic and Farose SainlingDirections (Danish) (Available in paperversion)* available on Internet** available on Internet and CDPrinting of nautical charts and nauticalpublicationsDistribution of nautical charts and nauticalpublicationsMarketing issuesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrew56 1984 652 1984 6650 1994 12

47O-1O-2BIRKHOLMFYRHOLM5 2000 25 2000 296 2006 696 2007 6

48DOMINICAN REPUBLICINSTITUTO CARTOGRAFICO MILITARAvenida Jiménez MoyaJuan de Dios Ventura corner SimóSANTO DOMINGODepartment of which the Hydrographic Secretary of State of the Armed ForcesOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Notices to Mariners, Geodesy,Cartography, Photogrammetry, Maritimelimits.27 February+ 809 508 3<strong>31</strong>1Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Directordirectorincar@fuerzasarmadas.mil.do<strong>31</strong> March 1948Coronel Mrs. Rosanna L. PONSPEGUERO, DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 23,986Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Deputy Technical Director:Colonel José Gustavo RODRIGUEZ M

49- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalHead of Cartographic DepartmentCapitán (Capt.) Alexis SANTANAHead of Hydrographic Department:Capitán (Capt.) Ramon GUERREROHead of Geodesy Department:2do. Teniente (2 nd Lt.) LeopoldoTAVERASHead of Photogrammetric Department:Capitán (Capt.) Eugenio MATOSHead of Reproduction Department:Alférez (Lt.) Oscar de la CRUZ, M. de G.Head of Computation Section:Teniente de Navío (Lt.) Javier O.POLANCO SANCHEZ, M. de G.N° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesNEPTUNO BA-10CALDERAS P-209Head of the Nautical CartographyDivision:Alférez de Navío (Slt.) Pedro N. MATEOFELIPE, M.de G.15Notices to Mariners.Displacement Date Launched Crew70 1944 7855 - 64

50ECUADOR (REPUBLIC OF)INSTITUTO OCEANOGRAFICO DE LA ARMADAAvenida 25 de Julio,Via a Pto. Maritimo (Base Naval Sur)Casilla de Correos 5940GUAYAQUILDepartment of which the Hydrographic Armada del EcuadorOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :WEB site:Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Lights lists, Tide Tables, Coastalmeteorological grid, Aids to navigation,Notices to Mariners (monthly),Oeanographic research and Antarcticresearch charts.10 August+ 593 4 2481 300 / 2484 723+ 593 4 2485 166inocar@inocar.mil.ecdireccion@inocar.mil.echttp://www.inocar.mil.ecDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director2 February 1932Commander Jorge CARDENASDirector and Hydrographer of theOceanographic InstituteTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 456,757Staff employed – Effectifs - Plantilla For details, consult the Web site:http://www.inocar.mil.ecN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.85 (Including 4 Bathymetric Charts)3

51Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesORIONRIGELLight listsTide TablesAids to navigationNotices to mariners (monthly)Catalogo de cartas de la Republica.Displacement Date Launched Crew1100 1981 6050 1975 12

52EGYPT (ARAB REPUBLIC OF)NAVAL FORCESEgyptian NavyHydrographic DepartmentSHOBAT AL MISAHA AL BAHARIARas El TinALEXANDRIADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Defence. Naval ForcesOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :- Hydrographic Surveying- Nautical Charts production- Digital Charts production (ENC’s)- Notices to Mariners and SailingDirections- Geodetic Survey- Oceanographic and Geophysical dataprovision- Provision of tidal data- Marine Safety Information and Aids toNavigation23 July+ 20 3 480 1006+ 20 3 480 2233 + 20 3 480 3077e.n.h.d@hotmail.comDate of establishment and Relevant 1 May 1951National Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head - Admiral Ehab Talaat EL-BANNANNom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2008 = 980,510Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla - Commodore Abdul Fattah ALI,Deputy of the Director- Capt. Amgad KHATER,Head of Hydrographic Division- Capt. Ashraf EL-MOGHANY,Head of Navigation Division

Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla - Capt. Yasser El KAAKY,Head of meteorology andoceanography division.- Capt. Mohammed HAEBAHydrographer, HM2- Cdr. Dr. Ashraf EL ASSAL,Hydrographer- Digital CartographerHM1- Cdr Dr. Mohammed MOHASSEB,Hydrographer, HM1- Cdr. Tamer NADA, Hydrographer,HM1- Cdr. Sameh SOLIMAN, Hydrographer,HM2- - Lt. Cdr. Yakout ABELMNEEM,Hydrographer, HM2- Lt. Cdr. Ahmed NAGIB,Hydrographer, HM2- Lt. Cdr Sherief NAEEM HM2- Lt. Ahmed El Azab – DigitalCartographer HM2N° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.53- 19 charts in various scales covering85% of the northern coast of Egypt.- 4 charts covering various parts of theRed Sea.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves- 12 ENC cells in various bands andcategories for northern coast of Egypt.* Approach Harbor and berthing bandscells ware produced using fresh andupdated survey data.2 Route Survey vessels (RSV1 & RSV2)2 SMB (Survey Motor Boats)Rubber boats for shallow water surveys.* The survey squadron is fully equippedwith the most updated Hydrographicequipment and software.

54ESTONIA (REPUBLIC OF)ESTONIAN MARITIME ADMINISTRATION (EMA)(Aids to Navigation and Hydrography Division)Valge 411413, TALLINNDepartment of which the Hydrographic Estonian Maritime Administration (EMA).Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.HHydrographic Surveys, Nautical Charts,supply of charts and publications, Noticesto Mariners (monthly), List of lights, RadioNavigational Warnings.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails:WEB site:24 February+ 372 620 5600+ 372 620 5606hnt@vta.ee = Aids to Navigationeva@vta.ee = Estonian Maritime Administrationhttp://www.vta.eeDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director14 November 1918,Reestablished 29 April 1990.Mr. Taivo KIVIMÄEActing Head of Aids to Navigation andHydrography Division and Deputy DirectorGeneral of EMA.2011 (01/07/2011) = 455 705 tons38.19 Million EurosTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site :http://www.vta.eeN° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.65 (portfolio),

55N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published –Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves1179Displacement Date LaunchedCrewSEKTORIEVA – 301EVA - 320EVA - 303Outsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.215 1985 5+272 2007 5+257 1997 42 1998 1+2Hydrographic Survey in 2010 : 1352 sqKm

56FIJI (REPUBLIC OF)REPUBLIC OF FIJI NAVYHYDROGRAPHIC OFFICEP.O. Box 12367SUVADepartment of which the Hydrographic Republic of Fiji NavyOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Hydrographic surveys, publication ofnautical charts and Notices to Mariners.10 October (Fiji Day)+ 679 3<strong>31</strong> 5457+ 679 3<strong>31</strong> 5457hydrographic@connect.com.fjDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorSeptember 1970CommanderChief of the NavyTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 50,<strong>31</strong>7Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)HydrographerSeci LAGIVOLALieutenantSeci.lagivola@govnet.gov.fjAsst HydrographerGerard D. ROKOUALieutenantGerard.rokoua@govnet.gov.fjTechnical Officer (Cartography)Filimoni TIRIKULAPetty OfficerFilimoni.tirikula@govnet.gov.fj

57N° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites(par ex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipode publicaciones producidas (por ej:Tablas de mareas, Derroteros, Libros deFaros etc.)153Fiji Nautical Almanac (includesAstronomical Phenomena, Tide Tables,List of Lights, Meteorological andMaritime Safety Information).Fiji Chart CatalogueFiji (Notices to Mariners (occasionally).Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewRFNS LAUTOKA98.6 1971 21

58Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorFINLAND (REPUBLIC OF)FINNISH TRANSPORT AGENCYHYDROGRAPHIC OFFICEP.O. Box 33FIN - 00521 HELSINKIMinistry of Transport and Communications.Finnish Transport Agency.Arrange for the collection and compilationof hydrographic data, maintainhydrographic databases, compile andpublish nautical charts and publications,provide updating services for nauticalinformation necessary for safe navigation.6 December ( Independence Day )+ 358 (0) 20 637 373+ 358 204 48 4620firstname.lastname@liikennevirasto.fihttp://www.fta.fi1918 ( 1851 )2009 Law on finnish Transport AgencyMr. Rainer MUSTANIEMI,Director, Hydrographic OfficeMr. Jukka VARONEN,National Hydrographer.Head of Hydrographic Survey Unit2011 (01/07/2011) = 1,605,292.5 tons11 million €Tonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site :http://www.liikennevirasto.fi and-Mr. Jarmo MÄKINEN,Head of Charts Units-Mr. Juha KORHONENSecretary of International IssuesHydrographic Office-Ms Maarit MIKKELSSONHead of Hydrographic InformationManagement Unit

59N° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published –Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur – estrategia de contratación detrabajos.85 (plus 17 chart series for small craft.Each includes from 15 to 25 charts).(4/2010)53 INT charts (4/2010)180 ENC cells (04/2010)Notices to Mariners (three times permonth)Notices to Yachtsmen (four times per year)List of Lights, Chart catalogue, Chart 1.All survey vessels and launches have beentransferred to a newly established stateowned company MeriTaito Oy. seewww.meritaito.fi.Printing of charts, and marketing andselling of printed charts have beenoutsourced to Jonh Nurminen Marine Oy,seehttp://www.johnnurminen.com/?cat=14.Hydrographic survey operations will beoutsourced; for 2010 to the state ownedcompany MeriTaito Oy; and will beoutsourced later on to open markets.

60FRANCE (FRENCH REPUBLIC)SHOMMonsieur l’Ingénieur général de l’armementDirecteur général du Service hydrographique et océanographique de la Marine13, rue du Chatellier – 29200 BRESTCS 92803 - 29228 BREST Cédex 2, FRANCEDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.Public establishment governed by a boardin which several ministries are represented(as Defence, Transportation, Environment).Etablissement public doté d’un conseild’administration dans lequel sontreprésentés plusieurs ministères (dontdéfense, transports, écologie).To ensure the quality and the availability ofthe physical maritime, coastal and oceanenvironment information, in order to meetpublic requirements, both civilian andmilitary at the lowest possible cost.Three main missions:• national hydrographic service• defence support• support to public maritimepoliciesNational day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Garantir la qualité et la disponibilité del’information décrivant l’environnementphysique maritime, côtier et océanique, encoordonnant son recueil, son archivage etsa diffusion, pour satisfaire au moindrecoût les besoins publics, militaires et civils.14 July / 14 juillet+ 33( 2) 98 22 15 84+ 33 (2) 98 22 05 91xxx.xxx@shom.frxxx.xxx : first name.name of adressee,prénom.nom@shom.frhttp://www.shom.frou http://www.shom.eu

61Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director19 November 1720 / 19 novembre 1720• Instruction du Premier ministre n°228/SGMER sur le recueil et ladiffusion de l’information nautiquedu 3 mai 2002.• Code de la défense relatif àl’établissement public administratifService hydrographique etocéanographique de la marine(SHOM), Art. R3416-1 à -30, Art.3541-3, Art. 3551-3, Art.3571-3.• Instruction du Premier ministre n°863/SGMER du 20 avril 2010relative à l’observation du niveau dela mer et à la gestion et la diffusiondes données en résultant.Directeur Général / Chief ExecutiveIGA Bruno FRACHONIngénieur général de 1ère classe del’armement (Vice Admiral)Directeur adjoint / Deputy DirectorYves GUILLAMDirecteur technique de la recherche et del’innovation / Technical Director ofResearch and Innovation.IGA Alain FOURGASSIEIngénieur général de 2eme classe del’armement (Rear Admiral)Directeur des opérations, de la productionet des services/ Head of Operations,Production and ServicesIng. En Chef (Captain) LaurentKERLEGUERDirecteur de la Stratégie et duDéveloppement / Head of Policy andDevelopment Ing. en chef des ponts, eauxet forêts (géographe) Gilles Martinoty (a/c1 oct 2011)Directeur des missions institutionnelles etdes relations internationales / Head ofPublic Services and international relations

62Ing. en chef (Captain) Yves GUILLAMSecrétaire général / Secretary-generalCommissaire en chef de 1 ère classeAlain LAISNĒ-WOLLDirecteur des ressources humaines / Headof Human ResourcesChef des services administratifsIng en Chef (Captain) Henri DOLOUName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director(continued – suite – continuación)Directeur du groupe océanographique del’Atlantique / Head of the AtlanticOceanographic Survey GroupIng. en chef (Captain) François LE CORREDirecteur du groupe hydrographique del’Atlantique / Head of the AtlanticHydrographic Survey GroupIng. en chef (Captain) David MOREAUDirecteur du group océanographique duPacifique / Head of the PacificOceanographic Survey GroupIng. principal (Cdr) Ronan PRONOSTFor detail, consult the websitePour plus de details, consultez le sitehttp://www.shom.frou http://www.shom.euTonnage – Tonelaje2011 (01/07/2011) = 7 116 603 tonsTotal Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto 53.9 M € (2010)TotalStaff employed – Effectifs - Plantilla 523N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartaspublicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartasINT publicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células1.079126322 (fin 2010)

ENC publicadas.63

64Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Catalogue of charts and nauticalpublications – 1 yearly volumeCatalogue des cartes et des ouvrages – 1volume annuelMariner’s handbook – 3 volumesGuide du navigateur – 3 volumesTide tables - 2 yearly volumesAnnuaire des marées – 2 volumes annuelsSailing Directions - 24 volumesInstructions nautiques – 24 volumesLists of radio-signals – 12 volumesOuvrages de radiosignaux – 12 volumesLists of Lights - 14 volumesLivres des feux et signaux de brume – 14volumesAtlas of currents - 9 volumesAtlas de courants – 9 volumesHydrographic publicationsAnnales hydrographiquesSurveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewBEAUTEMPS-BEAUPRÉPOURQUOI PAS ?LAPEROUSEBORDALAPLACEOutsourcing strategy – Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur – estrategia de contratación detrabajos.3300 2003 286600 2005 35900 1986 32900 1986 32900 1988 30TypeAmount(millions € – 2010)Functioning 7.56R & D / R & D 3,86Equipment procurement 2.22

65GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF)BUNDESAMT FÛR SEESCHIFFFAHRT UND HYDROGRAPHIEBernhard-Nocht-Strasse 7820359 HAMBURGP.O. Box 30 12 2020305 HAMBURGNeptunallee 518057 ROSTOCKDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephones :Federal Ministry of Transport,Building and Urban Development.Ministère des Transports, de laConstruction et du Développement UrbainHydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Sailing directions, Light lists, List of radiosignals, Notices to Mariners (weekly),Navigational warning service, Tide tables,Tidal stream atlases, Physical anddynamical oceanography, Marine geology,Geomagnetism, Marine chemistry, Marinepollution monitoring, Storm surge warningservice, Ice service, German oceanographicdata center, Type approval and control ofnavigational systems, Tonnage measurement,German flag register, Subsidies toshipping, Prosecution of marine pollutioncontraventions, Permissions for pipelines,sea cables and installations in the EEZ,marine spatial planning.03 OctoberPresident +49 40 <strong>31</strong>90 1000 (Hanburg)+ 49 3814563 770 (Rostock)National Hydrographer +49 3814 563 716Fax :E-mail :+ 49 40 <strong>31</strong>90 5000 Hamburg+ 49 381 4563 948 Rostockfirstname.lastname@bsh.deNotices to mariners: nfs@bsh.de

66WEB site:Point of contact:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Directorhttp://www.bsh.deMr. Mathias JONAS,National HydrographerE-mail: mathias.jonas@bsh.de01 July 1990 (1861)Mrs. Monika BREUCH-MORITZPresident and ProfessorE-mail: praesidentin@bsh.deNational Hydrographer:mathias.jonas@bsh.deTonnage – Tonelaje2011 (30/04/2011)= 15,871,882 tonsTotal Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto 2007 = 58,366,000 EurosTotalStaff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site :http://www.bsh.deN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées – N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées – N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)(12/12/2011)300184 (42 Producer, 142 Printer)15<strong>31</strong> Tide Table1 nautical Almanach10 Sailing Directions+ 6 nautical Publications (in add. To thosespecified above)3 Lists of Lights5 Radio Aids

67Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewVS “KOMET”VWFS “ATAIR”VWFS “WEGA”VWFS “DENEB”VS “CAPELLA”1590 1998 181061 1987 161061 1990 161061 1994 164552 2003 9VWFS = Surveying, wreck-searching andresearch vessel – Bâtiment hydrographiqueet pour la recherche des épaves et navireexplorateurOther information of interest – Autresinformations utiles – Otra información deinterés.Aids to Navigation :Wasser- und Schifffahrtdirektionen :Nord (Kiel)Tel: + 49 4<strong>31</strong> 3394 0Fax: + 49 4<strong>31</strong> 3394 348Nordwest (Aurich)Tel: + 49 4941 602 0Fax: + 49 4941 602 378Marine Meteorology:Deutscher Wetterdienst GeschäftsfeldSeeshifffahrt, HamburgTel: + 49 40 66900Fax: + 49 40 66901952Radio Navigational Warnings:Seewarndienst, EmdenTel: + 49 4927 187783Fax: + 49 4721 187788

68Other information of interest – Autresinformations utiles – Otra información deinterés.Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office –Liaison Office to the BSHAmt für Geoinformationswesen derBundeswehr – Verbindungsstelle BSHD – 20359 HamburgTel: + 49 40 <strong>31</strong>90 8200Fax: + 49 40 <strong>31</strong>90 8201

69GREECE (HELLENIC REPUBLIC)HELLENIC NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICETGN 1040ATHINAIDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère don’t dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Ministry of National Defence,Hellenic Navy General StaffHydrographic and Oceanographic surveysNautical chartingNautical PublicationsNotices to Mariners and NavigationalWarnings covering Hellenic waters and themain navigational routes in theMediterranean.25 March+ 30 210 644 2966, 6551750, 6551751+ 30 210 6517811, 652 0254info@hnhs.grhttp://www.hnhs.grDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director1920Commodore Alexandros THEODOSIOU,HN, Director(director@hnhs.gr)Tonnage – Tonelage 2006 = <strong>31</strong>,081,300Staff employed – Effectifs – PlantillaHydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Hydrographes (Nom et grade du personnelde directionHidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Cdr. H.N. AthanásiosMAVRAEIDÓPOULOS,Head Hydrography and OperationsDivision (hydro@hnhs.gr)Dr. Theódoros KARDARÁS,Head Oceanography Division(ocean@hnhs.gr)

70Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Cartographes (Nom et grade du personnelde direction)Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Responsables administratifs (Nom et gradedu personnel de direction)Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff – Autres effectifs – OtropersonalN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées – N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées – N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Mr. Dimítrios DAGRÉS,Head Cartography DivisionCdr. H.N. Elefthérios KARATAPÁNIS,Head Digital Cartography Division(dcd@hnhs.gr)Cdr. H.N AthansiosMAVRAEIDOPOULOSDeputy Director(deputy_director@hnhs.gr)LtCdr H.N Dimitrios BETHANISHead Administrative and TechnicalDivisionLtCdr H.N. Stefanos PAPADATOS,Head Safety of Navigation Divisionnasf@hnhs.gr18026270Nautical charts,Electronic Navigtational Charts (ENCs)Special Nautical ChartsSaling DirectionsList of LightsTide TablesNotices to Mariners.

Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrew71O.H.S. NAFTILOSO.H.S. PYTHEASAK 14 Hydrographic launchH.S. STRAVON1400 1975 66650 1983 507 1985 4252 1989 18

72GUATEMALA (REPUBLIC OF)MINISTERIO DE LA DEFENSA NACIONALDEPARTAMENTO MARITIMOAtt : Jefe Oficina HidrograficaAve Reforma 1-45 Zona 10GUATEMALA, CIUDAD, CADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of DefenceOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephones :E-mail :WEB Site:Hydrographic surveys in the Atlantic andPacific Oceans. Preparation of fair charts.In cooperation with IGM, geodetic surveys.15 September (Independence Day)+ 502 23344575 + 502 47400274 and+502 44489785jefatura@deptomaritimo.gob.gthttp://www.deptomaritimo.gob.gtDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director1983Captain Juan Eduardo CONTRERASAlemanDirector General de Asuntos MaritimosE-mail : jefatura@deptomaritimo.gob.gtand juanes56@gmail.comTonnage – Tonelaje 1,586Staff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla Lt. JG Alex RIVERAHydrographic OfficeE-mail : alexrivera@deptomaritimo.gob.gtSurveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewGUCUMATZ- - -

73ICELAND (REPUBLIC OF)ICELANDIC COAST GUARDHYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT (ICG-HD)Skogarhlid 14105 REYKJAVIKDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of the Interior.Office is part – Ministère don’t dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Hydrographic Surveys, Nautical Charts andNautical publications.17 June+ 354 545 2000+ 354 545 2001sjomis@lhg.isWeb site :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed – Effectifs – PlantillaHydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Hydrographes (Nom et grade du personnelde directionHidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)http://www.lhg.is01 <strong>January</strong> 1932Baseline and EEZ 01/06/1979Mr. Georg Kr. LARUSSONDirector GeneralE-mail: georg@lhg.is2011 (01/07/2011) = 162,870 tons$ 1.040.000HydrographerMr. Hilmar HELGASONE-mail: hilmar@lhg.isHead of Survey SectionMr. Bjorn Haukur PALSSONAssistant HydrographerE-mail : bjornh@lhg.is

74Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Cartographes (Nom et grade du personnelde direction)Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Other staff – Autres effectifs – OtropersonalN° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées – N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published - Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées - N° decartas Ráster publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs – Buqueshidro-gráficos/ AeronavesBALDURHow much work is outsourced and whatsort of work? – Quel volume et quel typede travail est effectué à l’extérieur souscontrat? - ¿Cuánto trabajo es contratadoen empresas privadas y qué tipo detrabajo?Head of Cartographic SectionMr. Arni Thor VESTEINSSONE-mail : arni@lhg.is638 charts12 harbor plans (Size A3)1258 ENC cells (01/2011)(further details at www.ic-enc.org)Raster charts are not published by Iceland11 charts are issued by UKHOCatalogue of Icelandic charts (details atwww.lhg.is)List of Lights/Radio Beacons (details atwww.lhg.is)Tide TablesTide CalendarNotices to Mariners (every two months,details at www.lhg.is)Sailing DirectionsINT 1, Symbols, Abbreviations and Termson ChartsDisplacement Date Launched Crew54 1991 495% of distribution and sales90% of printing

75INDIA (REPUBLIC OF)NATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICEPost Box No. 75107 – A Rajpur RoadDEHRA DUN – 248 001 (U.P.)Department of which the Hydrographic Indian Navy, Ministry of Defence.Office is part – Ministère don’t dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day day – Fête nationale –Fiesta nacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Hydrographic surveys, Project surveys,Nautical charts, Electronic NavigationalCharts (ENC), Notices to Mariners(Fortnightly), Radio NavigationalWarnings, Light Lists, Sailing directions,Nautical Almanac, Tides, Tidal streamsand currents, Oceanographic data analysisand publications, Marine and earthsciences, Coastal Zone Regulation PlanCharts, UNCLOS Charts, Fisheries Charts,Procurement & Maintenance of HydrographicOceanographic and Cartographicequipment for the department, Consultancyand Hydrographic Training forInternational Hydrographic Cooperation.Independence Day 15 AugustRepublic Day 26 <strong>January</strong>+ 91 (135) 2744 873 –2747 365+ 91 (135) 2748 373inho@dataone.in or inho-navy@nic.inhttp://www.hydrobharat.nic.inDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotal1776Govt. of India. Rules of Business;The Territorial Waters. Continental Shelf.EEZ & Maritime Zones Act 1976.Rear Admiral Saroj KUMAR JHAChief Hydrographer to the Government ofIndia2011 (01/07/2011) = 11,113,181 tonsRs. 1000 millions approx (Annual RevenueBudget) including survey ship operations

76Staff employed - Effectifs - PlantillaFor details, consult the WEB Site:http://www.hydrobharat.nic.inN° of charts published -Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published -Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesSANDHAYAKNIRDESHAKNIRUPAKINVESTIGATORJAMUNASUTLEJDARSHAKSARVEKSHAKOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.<strong>31</strong>3(a) Small scale 2(b) Medium & Large Scale 472251. List of Lights2. Sailing Directions3. Nautical Almanac4. Symbols and Abbreviations5. Notices to Mariners6. Oceanographic data7. Supplement to Indian Tide TablesDisplacement Date Launched Crew1820 1981 2001820 1983 2001820 1985 2001820 1990 2001820 1991 2001820 1993 2001820 2001 2001820 2002 2001. Nil on Survey2. Production of ENC (as required basis)with QA/QC at the office.

77Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.1. National Hydrographic School is an ISO9001/2000 Certified Institute forHydrographic Training. The LongHydrographic Course and Basic “H”Course conducted by NationalHydrographic School have been awardedCAT “A”, CAT “B” Accreditation byFIG/<strong>IHO</strong> Advisory Board on Standardsof Competence for HydrographicSurveyors. In April 2006 theaccreditation has been renewed forfurther six years.2. 90% of National Water ENCs have beenreleased to market. Regular updates ofENCs promulgated fortnightly.3. Out of 53 INT Charts to be produced byIndia, 49 have already been publishedand balance would be published in duecourse.4. The Hydrographic Department ofIndia has the required resources,Infrastructure and technical expertise toassit littoral states in the following areas:(i) Conduct of Hydrographic, Oceanographicand Coastal Zone RegulationPlan Surveys.(ii) Training in Hydrography and Cartography.(iii) Setting up of hydrography infrastructureand Hydrographic Office.(iv) Exchange of personnel.(v) Production of Electronic NavigationalCharts (ENCs).(vi) EEZ/Continental Shelf Surveys.

78INDONESIA (REPUBLIC OF)DINAS HIDRO – OSEANOGRAFI (DISHIDROS)Jalan Pantai Kuta V No. 1JAKARTA 14430Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorNaval Headquarters.Defense Forces Headquarters.Hydrographic Surveys, OceanographicResearch, Nautical Charts, List of Lights,Tide and Tidal Stream tables, Notices toMariners (weekly), Sailing DirectionsMarine, Meteorology, ImmediateNavigational Warning, NavigationalInstruments.17 August+ 62 21 64 71 48 09+ 62 21 64 71 48 19info@idho.org1945Commodore Sugeng SUPRIYANTOChief HydrographerTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 3,438,335Total Budget - Budget total - Presupuesto US $ 2907,852,736TotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade du Head of Survey Divisionpersonnel de directionLt. Colonel MAGHONI- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Deputy HydrographerCaptain Wahyudi.H. DWIYONOHead of Marine Environment DivisionColonel Drs. Dede YULIADIHead of Information and Data DivisionColonel SUGITO, BE, Mcs

79- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalHead of Chart DivisionColonel Drs. Rusdi RIDWAN, Dipl. Cart.Head of Production and DistributionDivisionColonel Ir. Rahman IBRAHIM, MscHead of Scientific InstrumentsColonel Ir. Sigit SUKIRNOHead of Material/Logistic DivisionColonel Hidayat SUHARYONOHead of Research and DevelopmentDivisionColonel Baginda HARAHAPCommander of Hydrographic Vessel andSurvey UnitColonel Nugroho MUDJIANTOHead of General AffairsMajor Tuti AMALIA, SHN° of charts published -Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)507Nautical Charts. Tide and Tidal StreamTables, Notices to Mariners (weekly),Sailing Directions, List of Lights, PortInformation, Nautical Almanac.

80Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesKRI. LEUSERKRI. DEWA KEMBARKRI. PULAU ROTEKRI. PULAU ROMANGKRI. PULAU REMPANGKAL. ARIESDisplacement Date Launched Crew2300 2002 802800 1965 109516 1971 32516 1971 32516 1973 3250 1960 11

81IRELANDMARITIME SAFETY DIRECTORATEDepartment of Transport and the MarineLeeson LaneDUBLIN 2Department of which the Hydrographic Department of Transport and the MarineOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total - PresupuestoTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Input to National Survey Programme.- Liaise with UKHO regarding publicationof charts and Nautical Publications.- Contribution au programme de levésnational.- Liaison avec le SH du RU pour lapublication de cartes et de publicationsnautiques.17 March+ 353 1 678 3400+ 353 1 678 3409mso@transport.iePart of Department of TransportMr. Brian HOGANChief SurveyorCaptain Michael PURCELL,Nautical Surveyor2011 (01/07/2011) = 249,830 tonsThere is separate national surveyprogramme with a budget of € 4 Millionper year.Programme de levés national distinct avecun budget annuel de 4 millions d’euros.

82ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRANPORTS AND MARITIME ORGANIZATIONMaritime Affairs DepartmentNo. 1 PMO Building, South Didar ST. , Shahid Haghani Highway, Vanak Sq.TEHRANDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Roads and TransportationOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Safety of Navigation, HydrographicSurvey, Notice to Mariners, ChartProduction, ENC Production.11 February+ 9821 8865 1116, +9821 8493 2143+ 9821 8493 2152+ 9821 8493 2675aparhizi@pmo.irParizi@pmo.irDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)June 1961Mr. Ahmad FOROUGHIDirector General of Maritime AffairsTel: +9821 8865 1116Fax: +9821 8493 2675E-mail: foroughi@pmo.irMarch 2011 = 978,757 GT€ 25 000 000Mr. S. PARIZIMr. M.H. MOSHIRIMr. S.R. NOURBAKHSHMr. R. RANJBAR

83- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesIRAN ABNEGAREKTESHAFNAYBANDPERSIAN GULFMs. A. MOJTAHEDIMs. F. SALAMIMr. A. MEMBARIMr. H. RASOULIMr. M.H. KHODDAM MOHAMMADIMr. M. BODAGHIMr. A. PARHIZI126 Persons172 Sheet60 CellsDisplacement Date Launched Crew120 2000 1640 2003 5120 2001 1585 2005 15

84Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO)according to national law has responsibilityof all maritime activities including :1- Control of Safety of navigation in II.R.of Iran’s territorial waters andwaterways.2- Hydrographic Surveys.By establishing a National HydrographicCenter (NHC) in Iran all the acitivitiesrelated to hydrography, paper and ENCChart production are being decided in thiscenter, and will be produced by othergovernmental Organizations.

85ITALY (ITALIAN REPUBLIC)ISTITUTO IDROGRAFICO DELLA MARINAITALIAN HYDROGRAPHIC INSTITUTEPasso Osservatorio, 416100 GENOVADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Defense (NAVY)Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveys.Production of Nautical Charts ENC, andnautical documents.Magnetic Compass Studies and PhysicalOceanography.National Coordinator of WWNWS.2 June+ 39 010 244 <strong>31</strong>+ 39 (0) 10 244 3364iim.sre@marina.difesa.ithttp://www.marina.difesa.it/idro/index.htmDate of establishment of ItalianHydrographic Institute (IHI) : 1872Territorial sea and base law: APR n.816 –26 April 1977.Rear Admiral Andrea LIACI, DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 12,649,967Total Budget - Budget total - Presupuesto 12 million EurosTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla For details, consult the following WEBsite.http://www.marina.difesa.it/idro/index.htm

86N° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of Small Crafts charts published -Nombres de cartes de plaisance publiées -N° decartas deportivas publicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesMAGNAGHIARETUSAGALATEAOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.469 (total)<strong>31</strong> + 12 (reproduced)109185Nautical Charts – Electronic NauticalChartsSailing DirectionsLight listTide TablesNautical AlmanacList of Radio SignalsRadio navigational warningsNotices to MarinersDisplacement Date Launched Crew1700 1974 119390 2002 <strong>31</strong>390 2002 <strong>31</strong>PRINTINGCollaborations with private firms forsurvey software and electronic chartsoftware.Cooperation with International MaritimeAcademy (IMA) of Trieste forinternational courses in hydrography andnautical cartography.Cooperation with University of Genoa forMASTER IN “GEOMATICA MARINA”.

87JAMAICASURVEYS AND MAPPING DIVISIONP.O. Box 493KINGSTONJamaica, West IndiesDepartment of which the Hydrographic Survey DepartmentOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorCollecting data for chart revision, Navigationalsafety, Surveying for port maintenanceand development, Aeronauticalcharts.1st Monday in August+ 1 876 92 26630-5+ 1 876 967 10101833Mr. Calvin THOMPSON, ManagerTopographic & Hydrographic SurveysTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 10,000Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtiments Displacement Date Launchedhydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesCrewSurvey LaunchCHART II- 1968 3

88JAPANHYDROGRAPHIC AND OCEANOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENTJAPAN COAST GUARD3-1, Tsukiji 5-chome, Chuo-kuTOKYO 104-0045Department of which theHydrographic Office is part –Ministère dont dépend le ServiceHydrographique – Ministerio del quedepende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Japan Coast Guard (JCG), Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport.Hydrographic surveys, publication ofnautical and aeronautical charts; publicationsof basic maps of the seas, oceanographic,geophysical, and geodetic studies, marinepollution research, publication of Notices toMariners (weekly), NAVAREA XIcoordinator, oceanographic data exchanges.11 February+ 81 (3) 3541 3685+ 81 (3) 3248 1250ico@jodc.go.jphttp://www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/jhd-E.html/Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date defondation et législation nationaleconcernée - Fecha de establecimiento yLeyes nacionales de referenciaName and rank of the Director orHead - Nom et grade du directeur -Apellidos y graduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total –Presupuesto TotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla12 September 1871Law for Hydrographic ActivitiesDr. Shigeru KATOChief Hydrographer2011 (01/07/2011) = 16,496,342 tonsYen 2,630,288,000 (personnel expensesexcluded)For details, consult the following WEB site.http://www1.kaiho.mlit.go.jp/jhd-E.html/

89N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.747N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)117051. Nautical ChartsNautical Charts are published to cover theJapanese coasts, Pacific and Indian Oceanand their adjacent seas. They are mainlyconstructed on Mercator's projection, andmost of those charts covering the watersaround Japan at a scale smaller than1:100,000 are compiled at the scale basedon the length of the longitude at Lat. 35°.Electronic Navigational Charts arepublished to cover the Japanese coasts.2. Miscellaneous ChartsThese charts are used for referentialpurposes in navigation, scientific studiesetc., furnishing various kinds ofinformation such as geomagnetism, oceancurrents, tidal streams, nautics, maneuverareas, set net fisheries, etc. Also includedare: Pilot Charts, Position Plotting Sheets,Chart Symbols and Abbreviations inbooklet, etc. (Remarks).3. Basic Maps of the SeaThese maps include Basic Maps of the Seain Continental Shelf Areas (1:200,000 or1:500,000 or 1:1,000 000; a set of the Mapcomprising a Bathymetric Chart,Submarine Structural Chart, GravityAnomaly Chart, Magnetic Anomaly Chart)Basic Maps of the Sea in Coastal Waters,(1:10,000 or 1:50,000; a set of the Mapcomprising a Bathymetric Chart andSubmarine Structural Chart), Basic Mapsof the Sea in Ocean (1:3,000,000), etc.Lambert's conformal conic projection ismainly used for compilation of these mapsand charts.

90Type of publications produced ….(continued – suite – continuación)4. Aeronautical ChartsThese charts include World AeronauticalCharts (WAC, 1:1,000,000) based on thestandards of the International CivilAviation Organization (ICAO),Aeronautical Route Charts (1:1,000,000)covering the whole area of Japan with foursheets, and Aeronautical Chart (1:500,000).Lambert's conformal conic projection isused for compilation of these charts.5. Publicationsi) Sailing DirectionsThe Sailing Directions cover almostthe same area covered by the nauticalcharts. The Sailing Directions for theJapanese coasts, Japanese version andEnglish version, are divided into fivevolumes which are published as"Original Editions" of Japan.Supplements to Sailing Directions arepublished for corrections on the latterinformation after their publications.ii) Special PublicationsNautical Almanac, Abridged NauticalAlmanac, Japanese Ephemeris andTide Table are published annually,List of Aids to Navigation every twoyears and Distance Table, PassagePilot etc. irregularly. Addition to Listof Aids to Navigation is publishedmonthly.

91Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesSHOYOTAKUYOMEIYOKAIYOTENYOOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - Estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Displacement Date Launched Crew3536 1998 <strong>31</strong>3048 1983 <strong>31</strong>1035 1990 2<strong>31</strong>014 1993 23776 1986 23Printing and distribution of Nautical charts,Notices to Mariners, etc.Training courseThe JHOD is conducting group trainingcourse “Information Management forMaritime Activity and Disaster Prevention”(Internationally accredited Category Bcourse for Hydrographic Survey). Thistraining course is implemented as part ofthe technical cooperation by the JapaneseGovernment for developing countries.

92KOREA (DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF)DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREAHYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENTSopo 2-Dong, Hyongjesan DistrictPYONGYANGDepartment of which the Hydrographic Cabinet – DPR of Korea.Office is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :Hydrographic and Oceanographic Surveysand studies. Aids to Navigation. Charting.Publication of Nautical reference book.Radio Navigational Warnings. Guaranteeof various data.9 September+ 850 2 381 8888 – 850 2 381 8176+ 850 2 381 4692 – 850 2 381 4652busong@co.chesin.compaekho@co.chesin.comDate of establishment and Relevant 7 <strong>January</strong> 1950National Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head Rear Admiral KIM CHANG SIK, Director– Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 639,000Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Deputy Director : Captain O MYONGCHOLChief of Hydrographic Surveys Division :Commander KIM KWAN CHOLChief of Oceanographic Division:Senior Commander RIM CHANG RYOLChief of Aids to Navigation Division:Senior Commander : KIM SEOChief of Publication Division:Senior Commander CHOI KWANG GIRL

93- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published - Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées - N° decartas Ráster publicadasType of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDONGHAESOHAEOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Chief of Charts and Publishing HouseSenior Commander PAK CHANG HOVice-Director Captain CHOE GUN SOPAssistant Ministor of Organization andPlanning Division: Senior CommanderKIM UNG CHOLChief of Hydrographic and OceanographicData Centre: Senior Commander LI DONGWON200 charts for domestic use15 charts for foreign vessels-36Tide Tables.Current Tables.Book for Chart Symbols.Year Tables to astronomical navigation.Displacement Date Launched Crew1100 1979 35300 1981 26GeophysicsStudy of geomagnetic observing fields.

94KOREA (REPUBLIC OF)KOREA HYDROGRAPHIC AND OCEANOGRAPHIC ADMINISTRATION(KHOA)1-17,7 ga, Hang dong, Jung-guINCHEON , 400-800Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Princip ales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :Ministry of Land, Transport and MaritimeAffairs.Hydrographic and Oceanographic surveys,Publishing of nautical charts, Sailingdirections, List of Lights, Tide & Tidalcurrent table, tables, Navigational tablesand manuals, Oceanographic observationsand data exchange, Navigational Warnings,Notices to Mariners, Multi-hazardObservations & Map.3 October+ 82 (032) 880 0461+ 82 (032) 891 2233infokhoa@korea.krWEB site:http://eng.khoa.go.krDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director01 November 1949Hydrographic ActMr. Joo Bin IM, Director GeneralTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 16,8<strong>31</strong>,000Total Budget - Budget total - Presupuesto US $ 29,243,000TotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla For details, consult the following WEBsite.http://www.khoa.go.kr

95N° of charts published -Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.279N° of INT charts published -Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published -Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesHAEYANG 2000BADARO 1BADARO 2BADARO 3NAMHAERODONGHAEROHWANGHAERO23212East Coast of Korea Pilot, South Coast ofKorea Pilot, West Coast of Korea Pilot,Coast of China Pilot, Malacca Strait Pilot,Coastwise passage Pilot, Ocean PassagePilot, Ship’s Routeing, International Codesof Signal, Nautical Slide Rule, NauticalAlmanac, Star Finder and Identifier,Azimuths of the Sun Dec 0° - 23°, SightReduction Table, List of Lights, ChartSymbols and Abbreviations, Tide Tables(Coast of Korea), Tide Tables (Pacific andIndian Ocean), Tidal Current Charts,Marine Environment Atlas of KoreaWaters, Catalogue of Charts andPublications.Displacement Date Launched Crew2533 1995 26695 2002 19240 1982 1<strong>31</strong>56 1983 1322 1987 5136 2004 777 2006 7

96KUWAIT (STATE OF)MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONSTechnical Department for Transport SectorComplex Jamal Abdulnasser Street, ShuwaikhP.B. No. <strong>31</strong>8 Safat11111 KUWAITDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :Telex:E-mail:Web Site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMinistry of Communications, TransportSector, Technical Affairs DepartmentHydrographic surveys, Navigation aids,Dredging, Notices to Mariners.25 February+ 965 249 90 111+ 965 249 90 333mazidi@moc.kw orNB: All correspondence to be faxed toExternal relations at +965 248470581985Tonnage – Tonelaje 2005: 2 354 000Staff employed - Effectifs – PlantillaContact for all <strong>IHO</strong> matters:Mr. Abdulmohsen H.A.M ALMAZIDIDeputy Minsiter of Communications.N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.11Kuwaiti coastal waters

97Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructions nautiques,Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo de publicacionesproducidas (por ej: Tablas demareas, Derroteros, Libros de Faros etc. )Symbols and Abbreviations used inKuwaiti Maritime Charts.Surveying vessels.Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buqueshidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewCATADAN22000 kg 1998 6

98LATVIA (REPUBLIC OF)MARITIME ADMINISTRATION OF LATVIAHYDROGRAPHIC SERVICELATVIJAS JŪRAS ADMINISTRĀCIJAHIDROGRĀFIJAS DIENESTSTrijādības iela 5RĪGA, LV-1048Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMinistry of Transport.Maritime Administration of Latvia.Hydrographic surveysGeodetic surveysNautical charts both paper and ENCsNotice to Mariners (monthly)Control of maintenance of Aids toNavigationFunction of National CoordinatorList of LightsSailing Directions (Pilot)Symbols and Abbreviations on LatvianChartsCharts for yachts18 November+ 371 67062101+ 371 67062139sekretare@lhd.lv1920Reestablished: 28 October 1992Mr. Jānis KRASTIŅŠHead of Hydrographic Service, Education -Engineer hydrographer, MBAjanis.krastins@lhd.lvTel: +371 67062140Tonnage – Tonelaje 2009 = 382,695Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla Mr. Aigars GAILISDeputy Head of Hydrographic serviceaigars.gailis@lhd.lvTel: + 371 67062145

99- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)N° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published –Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesKRISTIĀNS DĀLSMr. Jurijs RIŽOVSChief of Hydrographic SurveyingDepartmentE-mail: jurijs.rizovs@lhd.lvTel: +371 67062147Mr. Mikus RANKAHead of Cartographic Departmentmikus.ranka@lhd.lvTel: + 371 67062153221221 ENC in S-57 ed. 3.1Chart CatalogueNotices to Mariners (monthly)List of LightsSailing Directions (Pilot)Symbols and Abeviations on LatvianChartsSet of Charts for yachtsDisplacement Date LaunchedCrew20m 2001 6

100MALAYSIANATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC CENTREBANDAR ARMADA PUTRAPULAU INDAH41009 PORT KLANGSELANGOR DARUL EHSANDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorRoyal Malaysian Navy, Ministry ofDefence.Hydrographic surveys, Oceanography,Tides and tidal current surveys, Publicationof tide tables and nautical charts,Publication of Malaysian Notices toMariners (local Notices to Mariners alsoissued by the Director of Marine,Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah).<strong>31</strong> August+ 603 <strong>31</strong>69 4400+ 603 <strong>31</strong>01 <strong>31</strong>11rmnodc@tm.net.my1969Captain Zaaim Bin HASAN, RMNDirector GeneralTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 5,196,492Staff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla 284Hydrographic Section – Section hydrographique– Sección hidrográfica- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)DirectorCaptain Zaaim bin Hasan, RMN, MScHYDROGRAPHYManagement & DevelopmentCommander Khairul Anuar bin MohdSapon, RMN, psc

101Plan & OperationCommander Ramli bin Johari, RMN, PgDip. Hydrography, pscHydrographic AdvisorLtd Commander Ahmad Sahlan binIbrahim, RMN, pscPlanLtd. Commander Najhan bin Md. Said,RMN, MSC, pscHuman ResourceLtd. Commander Abd Razak binMohamed, RMN, pscSurvey TechnicalLtd. Commander Mazlan bin Atan, RMN,pscLtd. Commander Silvanathan s/o Murugan,RMNData/Quality ControlLtd. Commander Mohd Syahir bin Eleas,RMNHydro AdministrationLtd. Commander Ahmad Rizuan binHussin, RMNDocumentationLtd. Asmuni bin Mohd Ali, RMN- Centre for Hydrography andOceanography – Centre pourl’hydrographie et l’Océanographie –Centro de Hidrografía y Oceanografía- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)DirectorCommander Md Nasir bin Fadzir, RMNCARTOGRAPHYCommander Azhan bin Abdul Mutalib,RMN, pscQuality ControlLtd. Commander Kamarul Fahmy binKamarudin, RMN, pscQuality Control ALtd. Commander Mohd Afinde bin A.Ghani, RMNData CentreLtd. Commander Rohayu binti Husain,RMNPhoto-MechanicalLtd. Commander Md Fuzi bin Yusof, RMN

102Compilation ALtd. Commander Azrul Nezam bin Asri,RMNCompilation BLtd. Mohd Faurizul bin Md Yusof, RMNCompilation CLtd. Mohd Hadapi bin Mansor, RMN- Oceanographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Océanographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Oceanográfos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalOCEANOGRAPHYNationalCommander Mohd Khalis bin Hj Jaafar,RMN, MBA, pscAnalisysLtd. Commander Kamaruddin bin Yusoff,RMNTidesLtd. Commander mohd Shukri bin MohdYusop, RMN, pscMeteorologyLtd. Commander Safiyya binti AhmadTajudin, RMN, MScField DataLtd. Commander Kamaruddin binMohamad, RMNLt. Musa bin Paiman, RMNData SystemLtd. Sahardi bin Sidek, RMNQuality ControlLtd. Mohd Helmie bin Ibrahim, RMNStaff Officer (Supply and Finances):Lieutenant Commander Wah Yuan MEI,RMN.Staff Officer (Supply and Finances) :Sub-Lieutenant Salasiah binti ZAMRI,RMN.N° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Staff Officer (Technical and Maintenance):Lieutenant Roslan bin ISMAIL, RMN.64 out of 120 planned.1 out of 5 planned.

103N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesKD MUTIARAKD PERANTAUOutsourcing strategy – Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Navigation Category for Straits of Malaccaand Singapore (7 cells by year 2000).Tide Tables.Malaysian Notices to Mariners.Malaysian List of Lights.Displacement Date Launched Crew1905 1977 141- - -About 5% annually – coastal field,hydrographic survey.

104MAURITIUS (REPUBLIC OF)MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND LANDSHydrographic UnitEdith Cavell StreetPORT LOUISDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Housing and LandsOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – Fiesta 12 March 1968nacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :+ 230 213 6013+ 230 213 13<strong>31</strong>anoozeer@mail.gov.muDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. A. N. OOZEERPermanent SecretaryMinistry of Housing and LandsTonnage – Tonelaje 2011 (01/07/2011) = 198,490Staff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla Web site: http://housing.gov.muHydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Hydrographes (Nom et grade du personnelde directionHidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)

105MEXICO (UNITED MEXICAN STATES)SECRETARIA DE MARINA – ARMADA DE MEXICODIRECCION GENERAL ADJUNTA DE OCEANOGRAFIA, HIDROGRAFIA YMETEOROLOGIAEje 2 Oriente, Tramo H. Escuela Naval Militar No. 861Edificio "B" 1/er. Nivel.Col. Los Cipreses, Delegación CoyoacánC.P. 04830 MÉXICO, D.F.Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail:The Directorate of Hydrography is part ofthe General Directorate of Oceanography,Hydrography and Meteorology, whichbelongs to the General Directorate ofResearch and development, which comesunder the Department of Navy.The main tasks of the Directorate ofHydrography are : Hydrographic Planning,Surveys and Processing, Publication ofPaper and Electronic Nautical Charts,Notices to Mariners, Nautical Almanacs,Tidal predictions for the Gulf of Mexicoand the Pacific, Meteorological forecasts,prevention of Hydrocarbon pollution.Secretariat = + 52 55 56 24 65 Ext. 7236asunext.hidro@gmail.comWEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantillahttp://www.semar.gob.mx1 December 1960Rear Admiral Francisco PONCEFernandez de Castro Director GeneralTel;: + 52 55 56 24 65 00 Ext. 6543Tel.! + 52 55 56 24 65 00 Ext. 7277, 7278Commander C.G. DEM. Raul MARTINEZSanchezDirector of HydrographyTél: +52 55 56 24 6500 Ext. 7239 or 6386Fax: + 52 55 56 79 80 45E-mail:direccion.hidrografia.mexico@gmal.com

106Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla(continued – suite – continuación)and “Asuntos Hidrográficos ExternosSEMAR asunext.hidro@gmail.comCaptain Jose Rafael DIAZ GuzmanDeputy DirectorCommander C.G. EHC. Jaime HUESCAORTIZTel: + 56 24 65 00 Ext. 7232Fax: + 55 52 56 79 80 45E-mail: subdir.hidro.cart@gmail.comFor details, consult the following WEBsite.http://www.semar.gob.mexTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 1,414,998N° of charts published - Nombres de 137cartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas. Own coastal waters and internationaladjacent waters.

Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrew107ARM ALEJANDRO VON HUMBOLDTB1-01ARM ONJUKU B1-02ARM ALTAIR B1-03ARM ANTARES B1-04ARM RIO SUCHIATE B1-05ARM RIO HONDO B1-06ARRECIFE ALACRAN B1-08ARRECIFE RIZO B1-09ARRECIFE CABEZO B1-10ARRECIFE DE ADENTRO B1-11ARM TUXPAN B1-12585 1970 21464.87 1977 2<strong>31</strong>370 1962 401150 1967 401142.65 1943 32450 1966 2416 1981 716 1986 716 1983 716 1985 71200 1962 34

108MONACO (PRINCIPALITY OF)DIRECTION DES AFFAIRES MARITIMESQuai Jean-Charles ReyBP 468MC 98012 MONACO CEDEXDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Département de l’Equipement, del’Urbanisme et de la ConstructionDepartment of Facilities , the Environmentand Town Planning.Mr. Robert CALCAGNO, Conseiller deGouvernement (Government Counsellor)Représentation auprès de l’OHI.(Offical representative of <strong>IHO</strong>)19 November+ 377 93 15 22 80+ 377 93 15 22 81marine@gouv.mcDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director24 April 1998 (Code de la Mer)M. Jean-Louis BISSUELDirecteur des Affaires Maritimes(Director of Maritime Affairs)E-mail : jlbissuel@gouv.mcTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 1,228Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.The Principality of Monaco has no nationalhydrographic office but the MaritimeAffairs Department, which is responsiblefor all matters of maritime interest to thegovernment, maintains close relations withthe French Naval Hydrographic Office(SHOM), and the latter includes in its owncharts, publications and Notices toMariners, all information covering thecoasts and maritime waters of thePrincipality of Monaco.

109MOROCCO (KINGDOM OF)DIVISION HYDROGRAPHIE OCEANOGRAPHIE ETCARTOGRAPHIE (DHOC)DE LA MARINE ROYALE1 ère Base NavaleBoulevard Colonel Mohamed EssoussiCASABLANCADepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :National Defence Administration, RoyalNavyAdministration de la Défense Nationale,Marine RoyaleTo undertake surveys of the national coastsand in port approaches to ensure safety pofnavigation in accordance with the SOLASConvention.Exécuter les levés des côtes nationales etdans les approches des ports de manière àassurer la sécurité de la navigationconformément aux principes de laConvention SOLAS.18 November+ 212 5 22 29 40 28+ 212 5 37 70 46 07dhcmarine@yahoo.frDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeN° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.1986Contre-amiral Mohammed LAGHMARIInspecteur de la Marine RoyaleCapitaine de vaisseau MohamedKHALIPHY.Chef de la division HydrographieOceanographie et Cartographie.2011 = 452,919.34 tonsThe division has now acquired computerequipment for the production of anuticalcharts.La division vient d’acquérir du matérielinformatique pour la production des cartesmarines.

110Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesEL LAHIQVedette hydrographiqueDisplacement Date Launched Crew457 1987 432,2 1986 5

111MOZAMBIQUE (REPUBLIC OF)INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE HIDROGRAFIA E NAVEGAÇÃOAv Karl Marx No. 153P.O. Box No. 2089MAPUTODepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Ministry of Transport and Communications.Hydrographic Surveys, publication ofnautical charts, Notices to Mariners(monthly), List of Lights, Tide Tables andother basic nautical information.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :Website :Oceanography Tides and current surveys.25 June+ 258 2 1 430 186/8 – 428 670+ 258 2 1 430 185hidro@inahina.uem.mzaugustobata@yahoo.com.brmutevuie@inahina.gov.mzwww.inahina.gov.mzDate of establishment and Relevant 5 November 1989National Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head - Mr. Augusto Jessenao BATANom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 45,581Total Budget - Budget total - Presupuesto US $ 2,5 millionTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Mr. Humberto Raul MUTEVUIEHead of Hydrography DepartmentMr. Félix PELEMBEHead of Aids to Navigation Department

112- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published -Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesZÁVORAPALMALICUARIMINDA IIMrs. Candida SETEHead of Oceanography DepartmentMr. Domingos Carlos NATANIELHead of Maintenance Department1720Tide TablesList of LightsSurvey Boats

113MYANMAR (UNION OF)CENTRAL NAVAL HYDROGRAPHIC CENTREMyanmar Navy55/61 Strand RoadYANGONDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Defence (Navy)Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephones :Fax :E-mail :Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Notices to mariners (as required), TidalStudies and Tide tables.+ 0095 <strong>31</strong> <strong>31</strong>669+ 0095 1 291349+ 0095 <strong>31</strong> <strong>31</strong>669hydro.navy.ygn@mptmail.net.mmDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla(contd.)1 <strong>January</strong> 1957Captain Min Thein TINTDirectorMyanmar National Hydrographic Centre.Commanding OfficerMyanmar Naval Hydrographic CentreCommander Ye Lwin,Deputy Commanding Officer.Lt CdrNaing Oo, Head of Geodetic andHydrographic DivisionTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 600,309Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtiments Displacement Date Launchedhydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesCrewUMS 807108 1957 34

114NETHERLANDS (KINGDOM OF THE)Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeKONINKLIJKE MARINEDIENST DER HYDROGRAFIE /CZSKNetherlands Navy, Hydrographic OfficeFredrikkazerne, Building 32Van der Burchlaan <strong>31</strong>P.O. Box 907012509 LS THE HAGUE, The NetherlandsMinistry of Defence, Royal NetherlandsNavy Command• Maintain and execute NL hydrographysurveypolicy coveing NL waters ofresponsibility in the North Sea andCaribbean Sea• Produce official nautical publications• Produce geospatial information products• Provide geodetic services• Provide tidal services• Provide maritime meteorological andoceanographic for naval forces, Sea andCaribbean Sea.30 April (Queen’s birthday),5 May (WW II Liberation Day)+ (<strong>31</strong>) 70 <strong>31</strong>6 2800 (director <strong>31</strong>6 2800)+ (<strong>31</strong>) 70 <strong>31</strong>6 2843info@hydro.nlhttp://www.hydro.nl8 July 1874Hydrographer of the Royal NetherlandsNavy:Captain Peter KORTENOEVEN2011 (01/07/2011) = 6,772,632 tons

115Staff employed - Effectifs – PlantillaN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published - Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées - N° decartas Ráster publicadasType of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesHNLMS SNELLIUSHNLMS LUYMESErwin WORMGOORAdviserHydrographic Service Royal NetherlandsNavyTel: + <strong>31</strong> (70) <strong>31</strong>6 2819Fax: + <strong>31</strong> (70) <strong>31</strong>6 2843Dienst der HydrografieE-mails: info@hydro.nl (secretary)e.wormgoor@mindef.nl (direct)61, for further details see www.hydro.nlNautical charts : 38Small size nautical charts (8 atlases of 11charts each)2038 (details at www.ic-enc.org)12 (issued by UKHO)Notices to mariners (interactivewebservices),Sailing Directions (paper and interactivedigital),List of Lights,Tidal Stream Atlases (paper and interactivedigital),Tide Tables (paper and interactive digital),Wrecks-listDeep Draught Planning Guide (also indigital sailing sirections)Mariners’ Routeing Guide.Displacement Date Launched Crew1875 2003 181875 2003 18

116How much work is outsourced and whatsort of work? - Quel volume et quel typede travail est effectué à l’extérieur souscontrat? – ¿Cuánto trabajo es contratadoen empresas privadas y qué tipo detrabajo?100% of distribution and sales100% of printing75% of software equipment

117NEW ZEALANDLAND INFORMATION NEW ZEALANDNew Zealand Hydrographic Authority160 Lambton QuayPrivate Box 5501WELLINGTON 6145Department of which the Hydrographic Land Information New Zealand.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.- Hydrographic Surveys- Tidal Services- Produce paper, raster and electronicnautical charts.- Produce nautical publications- NAVAREA XIV Coordinator- Maritime boundary delimitation- Supply and maintenance of charts andpublications.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeStaff employed - Effectifs – PlantillaPersonalN° of charts published -Nombres de cartespubliées - N° de cartas publicadas.6 February (Waitangi Day).+ 64 4 460 0110+ 64 4 472 2244customersupport@linz.govt.nzwww.linz.govt.nz1996Mr. Adam GREENLANDNational HydrographerLINZNew Zealand Hydrographic Authorityagreenland@linz.govt.nzTBA530 LINZ in total13 New Zealand Hydrographic Authority191

118N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.No of ENC cells published – Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.No of Raster charts published - Nombres decartes matricielles publiées - N° de cartasRáster publicadas.2996183

119Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves- Notices to Mariners (fortnightly)- Chart Catalogue (website only)- Nautical Almanac (inc Tide Tables,List of Lights and annual summary ofNew Zealand Notices to Mariners)- Tidal Stream Atlas.See belowOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.The annual hydrographic surveyprogramme is undertaken under contract byprivate sector and New Zealandgovernment organizations.Charts and publications are distributedthrough a central warehouse, with full printon demand capability.

120NIGERIA (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF)NIGERIAN NAVY HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICENo. 5 Point RoadApapaLAGOSDepartment of which the Hydrographic Nigerian Navy, Ministry of DefenceOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveys, Tides and tidalstreams, Radio warnings, Tide tables forNigerian ports, Coordination of maritimeactivities.1 October+ 234 1 5875715, 5876325+ 234 1 5875715nnho_nnhydrographicoffice@yahoo.com1958Commodore Abdullah GUNDA INUSAHydrographer of the NavyTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 204,422Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla Staff Officer I (Admin.):Cdr. C.M. JARUMAIStaff Officer I (Surveys):Cdr. M.O. OMOBUWAJOStaff Officer I (Plans):Cdr. O.S. OMITOKUNStaff Officer (Instruments):Cdr. A.Z. MUAZUStaff Officer II (Naut. Pub.):Cdr. M.O. ODEBODEStaff Officer II (Surveys)Lt. Cdr. EI OGALLA

121Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesLANA – 498Tide Tables for Nigerian ports.Displacement Date Launched Crew1088 1976 52

122NORWAY (KINGDOM OF)NORWEGIAN MAPPING AUTHORITYHYDROGRAPHIC SERVICEP.O. Box 60N-4001 STAVANGERDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of EnvironmentOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax:E-mail:WEB sites:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveys, Nautical charting,ENC-production, Tidal and Current studiesand Tide Tables, Sailing Directions,Notices to Mariners (fortnightly).17 May+ 47 51 85 87 00+ 47 51 85 87 01sksk@statkart.nohttp://www.sjokart.nohttp://www.primar.orgNorwegian EEZ introduced 1976UNCLOS-82 ratified 1996Evert FLIER - Commander RNLN (Ret)DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2011= 17564236Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto NOK 217 Mill 2011, including totalTotalrevenue income from sales.Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla Totally 139 employees (PRIMAR Staff andsome part-time employees included)

123N° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published –Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesHYDROGRAFHow much work is outsourced and whatsort of work? - Quel volume et quel typede travail est effectué à l’extérieur souscontrat? – ¿Cuánto trabajo es contratadoen empresas privadas y qué tipo detrabajo?Other information of interest – Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.23791032Sailing Directions, 8 volumes, Tide Tablesfor the Norwegian Coast and Svalbard.Symbols, Abbreviations, Terms used oncharts, Catalogue of Norwegian charts,Notices to Mariners.Displacement Date Launched Crew629 1985 14A smaller part of the digital chartproduction is outsourced. NHS hascontracted surveying for NOK <strong>31</strong> MIL. .Surveys are also carried out in co-operationwith other government bodies.Airborne laser surveys used in Norwegianwaters with good results in 1998, 2002 and2005.

124Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorOMAN (SULTANATE OF)NATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICERoyal Navy of OmanBait al FalajP.O Box 113MUSCAT – Postal Code 100The National Hydrographic Office (NHO)is part of the Hydrographic Department ofthe Royal Navy of Oman (RNO), Ministryof Defence.Hydrographic surveys undertaken inSultanate waters; production of nauticalcharts and publications, including Noticesto Mariners (issued monthly); maintenanceof the National Hydrographic Archive andof tidal, geodetic and oceanographicdatabases; and advice on hydrographicmatters to all other Government departments,including maritime boundaries, andspecifications and quality control ofcommercial surveys.18 November+ 968 24<strong>31</strong>2350 (NHO)+ 968 243228<strong>31</strong> (Hydrographer )+ 968 24<strong>31</strong>2460 (NHO)+ 968 24<strong>31</strong>2460 (NHO fax)nhooman@omantel.net.om (NHO)hydrorno@rno.gov.om (Hydrographer)Ministerial Decree No. 488/92 (issued bythe Minister of Communications) in April1995.The Under Secretary for Ports andMaritime Affairs (Ministry of Transportand Communications) retains overallresponsibility for safety of navigation, aidsto navigation, the issue of individualNotices to Mariners, ports and harbours,and ships’ registration.Cdr. Mansoor Mohammed ALKHAROUSI is the Head of NHO, hisoffice is at NHO.Cdr. Duncan TILLEY is NationalHydrographer of Oman, his office is at HQRNO.

125Tonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 25,2<strong>31</strong>Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Hydrographer , RNO – NavalHeadquarters:Cdr. Duncan TILLEYStaff Officer (Hydrography) :Lt Cdr. Juma AL BUSAIDI- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published –Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Cdr. Mansoor Mohammed ALKHAROUSI is the Head of NHO.Deputy Head, NHO :Lt. Cdr. Tani AL MAHRUKI19, out of an eventual series of 521, out of an eventual series of 91 (trial)Oman Maritime Book (2009)This is an annual publication.

126Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesRNOV AL MABRUKAHRNOV AL SEEBHow much work is outsourced and whatsort of work? - Quel volume et quel typede travail est effectué à l’extérieur souscontrat? – ¿Cuánto trabajo es contratadoen empresas privadas y qué tipo detrabajo?Displacement Date Launched CrewEquipped with multibeam system EM 1002Equipped with multibeam system EM 3000with hullmounted side scan SonarCapable of conducting full bathymetricsurvey from 200 meter to shore line usingmultibeam systems. Deep water/offshoresurveys undertaken jointly with othernations.

127PAKISTAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENTNaval Headquarters11, Liaquat BarracksKARACHI – 75530Department of which the Hydrographic Pakistan NavyOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Hydrographic/dredging monitoringAttributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.surveys, printing of nautical charts and aircharts, production of ENCs, tidal studiesand tide tables, oceanographic researchactivities, Coordinator NAVAREA IX,issuance of navigational warnings andNotices to Mariners (weekly, monthly,annually), maritime boundary delimitationand continental shelf extension work,advice with regard to relevant Law of theSea matters.Provide advice/technical assistance toNaval Headquarters and governmentdepartments ministries on matters relatingto Hydrography. Law of the Sea/Maritimeeones and boundaries, etc.National day - Fête nationale – Fiestanacional23 March (Pakistan Day)6 September (Defence of Pakistan Day)14 August (Independence Day)Telephone :+ 92 21 566 36151, + 92 21 485 06151Fax:Primary + 92 21 920 1623Secondary + 92 21 920 3246, 920 3258,E-mail:hydropk@paknavy.gov.pkDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondation1949 – There is no relevant nationallegislation.et législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorCaptain M ARSHAD, Hydrographer ofPakistan Navy and CoordinatorNAVAREA IXTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 434,967Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto Met from overall budget of Pakistan Navy.Total

128Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesSV BEHR PAIMACdr. Arshid JAVED, PN, Director ofHydrographyCdr. M. BASHIR, PN, DeputyHydrographerLt. Cdr. M. Ovais BUTT, Staff Officer (I)Lt Cdr. M. KHALID, PN, Staff Officer(Hydrography)Lt. Cdr. S. Amir ALI, PN, Staff Officer(Cartography)Lt. Cdr. Fayyaz Ul HASSAN, PN, StaffOfficer (Cartography II)Cdr. Hassan FAISAL (Area CoordinatingOfficer, NAVAREA-ICLt. Cdr. Taufeeque RAUF, PN, StaffOfficer (Meteorology) and OI/C ChartDepotLt. Cdr. M. KHALID, PN, (ExternalAffairs)Lt. SALEEM, PN, (Computer/SystemManager)20 (Large and small scale)6 + 3 (planned)Pakistan Tide Tables.Weekly Notices to Mariners.Annual Summary of Notice to marinersAnnual Sun Rise/Set and Moon Rise/SetTablesDisplacement Date Launched Crew1182 1982 84

129How much work is outsourced and whatsort of work? - Quel volume et quel typede travail est effectué à l’extérieur souscontrat? – ¿Cuánto trabajo es contratadoen empresas privadas y qué tipo detrabajo?All the hydrographic work is conductedthrough own resources. However, Portauthorities carry out their hydrographicwork in the respective ports using theirown resources.

130PAPUA NEW GUINEAHYDROGRAPHIC DIVISIONNATIONAL MARITIME SAFETY DIVISION (NMSA)MMI Insurance Building, Level 2Champion ParadePO Box 668, Port MoresbyNATIONAL CAPITAL DISTRICTDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National Maritime Safety Authority(NMSA).Liaison with Hydrographer, RoyalAustralian Navy regarding Hydrographicsurveys, policy, priorities and programmes,Notices to Shipping. Issue of charts andhydrographic publications through a “B”class chart depot.16 SeptemberNational day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :+ 675 321 1244 (mob : 675 710 48083)Fax :E-mail :npion@nmsa.gov.pgDate of establishment and Relevant NMSA Act – 2003National Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head Mr. Chris RUPEN– Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos y General Manager – NMSAgraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 148,238Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla Manager, Navigation and Safety Services :- Hydrographers (Name and rank of Vacantmanaging staff)Acting Manager Hydrographic Services:- Hydrographes (Nom et grade du Mr. Nicholas PIONpersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)

1<strong>31</strong>Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructions nautiques,Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo de publicacionesproducidas (por ej: Tablas demareas,Derroteros, Libros de Faros etc..)Notices to Shipping.Catalogue of Nautical Charts.Publications Papua New Guinea.

132PERU (REPUBLIC OF)DIRECCION DE HIDROGRAFIA Y NAVEGACIONDirectorate of Hydrography and NavigationAvda. Gamarra No. 500ChucuitoCALLAO 1Department of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Defence.Office is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Electronic Charts, Aids to navigation,Marine meteorology, Tidal studies,Oceanography, Notices to Mariners (bimonthly),Ocean currents, Seismic seawaves, Amazonian basin, Titicaca lake(bassin). Photogrametrics Restitutions,Digital Satellite Images Analysis,Geographic Information Systems.28 July+ 51 14 4658 <strong>31</strong>2+ 51 14 6136 759dihidronav@dhn.mil.pehttp://www.dhn.mil.peRear Admiral Javier GAVIOLA TEJADA,DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 272,750Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site:http://www.dhn.mil.peN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of river charts published - Nombres decartes fluviales publiées – N° de cartasfluviales publicadas.N° of lake charts published - Nombres decartes lacustres publiées – N° de cartaslacustres publicadas.9<strong>31</strong>210

133Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesBAP. STIGLICHAEH-174BAP. CARRILLOBAP. MELOBAP. CARRASCOTide Table, Coast and Amazon SailingDirections, List of Lights, NauticalAlmanac, International Signals Code,Regulation of Nautical Signals,Radiosignals Manual, NAVAREA XVI. –Distances Table between national andinternational Ports. Hydrographic Atlas ofPeru. Symbols and Abbreviations.Catalogue of charts.Displacement Date Launched Crew230 1980 2849 1981 8169 1960 18169 1960 18373 1968 23

134PHILIPPINES (REPUBLIC OF THE)NATIONAL MAPPING AND RESOURCE INFORMATION AUTHORITYHYDROGRAPHY DEPARTMENT (HD)421 Barraca Street, San NicolasMANILA 1010Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio del quedepende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondation etlégislation nationale concernée – Fecha deestablecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorDepartment of Environment and NaturalResources.Hydrographic, physical oceanographic,geodetic and geophysical surveys,Nautical charts, Coast pilots, Notices toMariners, Radio Navigational Warnings,Light lists, National Oceanographic DataCenter, Tide and Current Tables,Oceanographic atlases, National geodeticcontrol network.12 June+ 63 2 2422955, 2413494 loc 104+ 63 2 2422090oss@namria.gov.phhttp://www.namria.gov.ph1901Commodore Romeo HO,Director, HDTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 4,980,880Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla LCdr. Herbert L. CATAPANG OIC,Hydrographic divisionE-mail: h_catapang@hotmail.comSee WEB site:http://www.namria.gov.ph

135N° of charts published -Nombres de cartespubliées - N° de cartas publicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesBRP HYDROGRAPHER VENTURABRP HYDROGRAPHER PRESBITERORPS ATYIMBA178Displacement Date Launched Crew1179 1999 481179 1998 48686 1969 54

136POLAND (REPUBLIC OF)HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE OF THE POLISH NAVYJana Z Kolna 8 Street81-301 GDYNIA 1Department of which the Hydrographic Ministry of National DefenceOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Web Site:Hydrographic Surveys,Nautical charts and publications,National Co-ordinator of RadioNavigational Warnings3 May / 11 November+ 48 58 626 32 83 (Chief)+ 48 58 626 64 82+ 48 58 626 36 80 and + 48 58 626 62 03bhmw@mw.mil.plpernaczy@mw.mil.plhttp://bhmw.mw.mil.plDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director19 February 1920Captain PN Henryk NITNER, Chief of theHydrographic Officenitner@mw.mil.plTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 189,970Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla Deputy ChiefCaptain PN Andrzej KOWALSKIHead of Hydrographic DepartmentCaptain Krzysztof KUBICKIkkubicki@mw.mi.plHead of Nautical Charts DepartmentCaptain Marek NAJDERmarekn@mw.mil.pl

137Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla(continued – suite – continuación)Head of Nautical Information DepartmentCaptain Wieslaw BIELINSKIwbielins@mw.mil.plHead of METOC DepartmentCaptain Leszek KILAROWICZHead of Logistics DepartmentCommander Adam SOBKÓWHead of Organization and PlanningDepartmentCommander Radoslaw MAGIEREKN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published –Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesORP ARCTOWSKIORP HEWELIUSZ521545Notices to Mariners (weekly edition)Sailing DirectionsList of Lights and Navigational Signals,Vol. I, II, IIIList of Coast Radio StationCatalogue of Nautical Charts andPublicationsOthersDisplacement Date Launched Crew1200 1982 401200 1982 40Hydrographic boats

138PORTUGAL (PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC)INSTITUTO HIDROGRAFICORua das Trinas – 491249-093 LISBOADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of National Defence – Navy.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic Surveys, Analogue andDigital Nautical Charts, Sailing Directions,Light and Radio Lists, Notices to Mariners(monthly), Immediate NavigationalWarnings, Tide Tables, Tidal Currents,Magnetic Compass Adjustment andStudies, Oceanography. Provision ofgeophysical and environmental informationfor scientific and defense issues.10 June+ 351 21 094 3000+ 351 21 094 3299dirgeral@hidrografico.ptdirtecnica@hidrografico.pthidrografia@hidrografico.pthttp://www.hidrografico.pt22 September 1960• Territorial Sea: Law N° 34/2006• Baseline : Laws N° 34/2006 and495/85• EEZ : Laws N° 34/2006, N° 52/85 andN° 119/78Vice-Admiral Agostinho Ramos da SILVAGeneral DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 1,271,004Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto 7 million EurosTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla For details, consult the WEB site:http://www.hidrografico.pt

139N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartaspublicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published –Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de célulasENC publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g.Tide Tables, Sailing Directions, List ofLights etc.) – Type de publicationsproduites (par ex: Tables des marées,Instructions nautiques, Livres des Feux,etc. - Tipo de publicaciones producidas(por ej: Tablas de mareas, Derroteros,Libros de Faros etc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buqueshidrográficos/ AeronavesAlmirante GAGO COUTINHOD. CARLOS 1ANDRÓMEDAAURIGA2243467- Catalogue of Charts and NauticalPublications;- Catalogue of Official Nautical Charts ofPortugal;- Tide Tables – Volume I – Portugal;- Tide Tables – Volume II – AfricanPortuguese Speaking Countries;- List of Radio Aids and Services;- List of Lights, Buoys, Beacons and FogSignals;- Portuguese Coast Pilot – ContinentalPortugal;- Portuguese Coast Pilot - AzoresArchipelago;- Portuguese Coast Pilot - MadeiraArchipelago;- Angola and Sao Tomé e Principe PortsPilot;- Cabo Verde Pilots – Volumes I to V;- Pleasure Craft Navigation Pilot – Zone3 – Lisbon and Ports of the CentralZone (Portuguese/English);- Pleasure Craft Navigation – Zone 4 –Vincentin Coast and Algarve;(Portuguese/English).Displacement Date Launched Crew2285 1985 492285 1985 49245 1985 24245 1987 24

140Surveying vessels/ Aircraft(continued – suite – continuación)ATLANTACORALFISÁLIAOther information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Displacement Date Launched Crew38.7 1981 338.7 1981 338.7 1981 3Own coast and harbours plus main trafficroutes linking the Portuguese speakingcountries in Africa. Hydrography andOceanography <strong>IHO</strong> category A and Bcourses.

141QATAR (STATE OF)URBAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYHYDROGRAPHIC SECTIONP.O. Box 23999DOHADepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:Ministry of Municipality & UrbanPlanning Land & Survey DepartmentTide TablesBathymetry Survey,Bathymetric MappingMaritime Boundary Delimitation.18 December+ 974 4495 40 42+ 974 4495 59 47vladan@up.org.qaDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director1975Mr. Ali Abdulla AL-ABDULLA,Assistant Undersecretary for PlanningAffairs. Ministry of Municipality & UrbanPlanningMr Ahmad Musaed AL MOHANNADIDirector of Land and Survey DepartmentPoint of contactMr. Vladan JANKOVICHead of Hydrographic SectionTonnage – Tonelaje 652,280Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delTotal five, but only one hydrographer

142personal directivo)Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Tide TablesAuthority responsible for the MSIQatar Ports Management AuthorityP.O. Box <strong>31</strong>3DOHA, QATARTel: + 974 4445 7294Fax: + 974 4445 7295

143ROMANIADIRECTIA HIDROGRAFICĂ MARITIMĂMaritime Hydrographic DirectorateStr. Fulgerului Nr. 1CONSTANTA 900218Department of which the Hydrographic Ministry of National DefenceOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:Hydrographic Surveys, Nautical charts,Notices to Mariners (monthly), SailingDirections, List of lights, Nauticalinstruments, Marine Meteorology,Oceanography, Lights, Radiobeacons,Navigational Warnings, Nautical tables,Assistance with navigational techniquesaboard ships.1 st December+ 40 241 65 10 40+ 40 241 51 30 65hidro@dhmfn.roDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)1926Act: 395/2004Captain Adrian FILIPHead of the Maritime HydrographicDirectorate2011 (01/07/2011)= 126,096 tonsFrom the Ministry of National DefenseBudget.Capt. Dumitru SANDUChief of Hydrography Section

144- Cartographers (Name and rank of- managing staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Capt. Daniel CÂPÂTÎNÂChief of Nautical Cartography Section- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs – OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Cdr. Nicolae CHIOIBASChief of Safety of Navigation Section2217Sailing DirectionsList of Lights, Radiobeacons and Aids toNavigation in Black Sea and Marmara Sea,edition 1991.Notices to Mariners (monthly)Pilot Book of the Black Sea, edition 1981and Supplements 1, 2, 3.Symbols and Abbreviations used inRomanian Navigation charts, edition 1985.Catalogue of Nautical charts, edition 2003.Nautical tables, edition 1990.

145Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves“Commander Alexandru Catuneanu”Displacement Date Launched Crew2700 TDW (survey ship)

146RUSSIAN FEDERATIONGLAVNOE OUPRAVLENIE NAVIGATSII I OKEANOGRAFIIDepartment of Navigation and Oceanography8, 11 liniya B.34St. PETERSBURG 199034Department of which the Hydrographic Ministry of DefenceOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Nautical analogue and digital charts,Sailing Directions, World Ocean Atlas,Lights List, Aids to Navigation, List ofRadio signals, Oceanography, MarineMeteorology, Tide Tables, Navigationaland Oceanographic equipment, bathymetricand Oceanographic data and Publications,Notices to Mariners (weekly).12 June+ 7 812 323 75 48+ 7 812 323 70 29main@gunio.ruDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director13 October 1827Captain 1 st rank Alexander V. SHEMETOVChief, Department of Navigation andOceanography.Tonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 8,413,617Staff employed – Effectifs – PlantillaHydrographers (Name and rank of- Deputy Chief, Dept. of Navigationand Oceanographymanaging staff)Captain 1 st rank Oleg D. OSIPOV- Hydrographes (Nom et grade du - Chief of Hydrographic andpersonnel de direction)- Hidrografos (Apellidos y graduación delOceanographic DivisionCaptain 1 st Rank Leonid G. SHAL’NOVpersonal directivo)- Chief of Charts DivisionViktor I. KOVALYONOK- Chief of Navigational andHydrographic InstituteSergey P. ALEKSEEV

147Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Cartographes (Nom et grade du personnelde direction)Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoria delpersonnel directivo)Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Responsables administratifs (Nom et gradedu personnel de direction)Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoria del personnel directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs – Otropersonal- Chief of Notices to Mariners andRadio Navigational Warnings DivisonIgor I. VIKTOROV- Deputy Chief of Nautical Charts andPublications Distribution SectionPyotr P. LITVINOV- Chief of International RelationsSectionCaptain 1 st rank (ret) Vadim M. SOBOLEV- General Manager of Repair Plant forInstruments to NavigationSergey V. TRAVINN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )6800List of LightsTide TablesNotices to MarinersSailing DirectionsWorld Ocean AtlasRadio Signals, etc..Katalog kart and knig No. 7107 (2006),7207 (2005), 7307 (2005), 7407 (2007);70<strong>31</strong> in Engl. (2004).

148Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewADMIRAL VLADIMIRSKYVLADIMIR KAVRAYSKIYSIBIRYAKOVROMUALD MUCKLEVICHDONUZLAVGALSNIKOLAY MATUSEVITCHPEGASHYDROLOGSENEJSTVORVISIRVICE-ADMIRAL VORONTSOVHORIZONTMARCHAL GELOVANIANDROMEDAANTARESANTARKTIDAASKOLDKRILIONMARSSEVERHYGROMETERGIROCOMPASLAG9100 - -3900 - -3500 - -3500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -2500 - -1500 - -1500 - -1500 - -1500 - -1500 - -1500 - -1500 - -1200 - -1200 - -1200 - -

149Authority responsible for hydrographicsurveys, aids to navigation, pilotage,coastal warnings along the Northern searoute:Federal State Unitary HydrographicDepartment190 0<strong>31</strong>, St. PetersburgMoskovsky Prospekt 12Tel: +7 812 <strong>31</strong>0 3970/ Fax: +7 812 5726552/ E-mail: hydep@hydrograph.spb.susvv@hydrograph.spb.suPersonnelDirector General ……………………Mr. G. BATALINChief Engineer ..................................Mr. V. SUVOROV

150SAUDI ARABIA (KINGDOM OF)GENERAL COMMISSION FOR SURVEYS (GCS)HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENTP.O. Box 87918RIYADH 11652Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Name and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorThe Hydrographic Department is a branchof General Commission for Surveys (GCS)of the Government of Saudi ArabiaHydrographic Surveys, Related MarineSciences and Nautical Charts andPublications covering Saudi Arabia.23 September+ 966 920 000 427 ext 1700+ 966 1 464 7589HYDRO@GCS.GOV.SAH.E. Morayyea Hasan. AL SHAHRANIPresident of GCSTonnage – Tonelaje 2011 = 1,678,474Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto Approx 100M Saudi Arabian Riyals paTotalStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla 32 (Dec 2011)- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)1. Saud Al Otaibi, Manager(Operations and Training)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade du 2. Admiral Vasan, Chief Advisorpersonnel de direction(hydrography)- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)3. Saad Al Shamrani MarineCartographerDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoGCS is the National Land andHydrographic Mapping Agency for theKingdom of Saudi Arabia, with its ownboard of Governors. The KSAHO ismandated for hydrography within the SaudiMarine areas and fulfillment of the nationalresponsibility under the UN/IMO/<strong>IHO</strong>Regulations on Navigation Safety , nauticalcharts and publications, Notices toMariners/Navigational Warnings andrelated marine sciences

151Telephone :Fax :E-mail :Name and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorDG (Hydrography) + 966 920 000 427ext 1500mobile 966 0 505 201 510+ 966 1 464 7692Mohammed Hamed Al Harbimh_harbi@yhoo.comMohammed Hamed Al HarbiDG (Hydrography) at GCSOther Allied Organisations Saudi Ports Authority (SPA) forManagement of Ports Activities (B)Principality of Meteorology andEnvironement (PME) for Management ofWeather and Marine Environment withinSaudi Marine areas. (C) Aramco foroffshore oil and gas explorations.Currrent StatusWith National mandate for hydrography,GCS has embarked upon national CapacityBuilding in the form of modernHydrographic surveys, production ofENCs, training in Hydrography/ relatedmarine sciences and marine cartography,with substantial progress in meeting thenational responsibilities with a progressivecharting scheme and under international,regional and national obligations.

152SERBIADIREKCIJA ZA UNUTRAŠNJE PLOVNE PUTEVEDirectorate for Inland WaterwaysFrancuska 911000 BELGRADEDepartment of which the Government of the Republic of Serbia.Hydrographic Office is part - Ministèredont dépend le Service Hydrographique– Ministerio del que depende el ServicioHidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Hydrographic Surveys, Navigation Charts,Marking, River Training WorksNational day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date defondation et législation nationaleconcernée – Fecha de establecimiento yLeyes nacionales de referenciaName and rank of the Director orHead - Nom et grade du directeur –Apellidos y graduación del Director15 February+ 381 11 30 29 898+ 381 11 30 29 808iho-serbia@plovput.rsjmuskatirovic@plovput.rs (secretary)www.plovput.rs14 November 1962Mrs. Žaneta OSTOJIĆ-BARJAKTAREVIĆ,Civ. Eng.General ManagerE-mail: zostojic@plovput.rsTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 18,492Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla Dr. Jasna MUŠKATIROVIĆ, Civ.Eng.Lead RIS EngineerMr. Tihomir STOŠIĆ,ECDIS Engineer

153SINGAPORE (REPUBLIC OF)HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENTMaritime and Port Authority of Singapore460 Alexandra Road# 20-00 PSA BuildingSINGAPORE 119963Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore(MPA).Hydrographic Survey,Nautical Charting,Provision of Aids to Navigation9 August+ 65 63 75 12 27+ 65 62 78 7646hydrographic@mpa.gov.sgParry_S_L_OEI@mpa.gov.sgWEB site:http://www.mpa.gov.sgDate of establishment and Relevant December 1965National Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head - Mr. Parry S.L. OEI, Chief HydrographerNom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2007= 35 329 836Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto S $ 9.5 million (2007)TotalStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla 60 hydrographic staffN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.15 Dual Badged Charts (with UKHO)9 MPA chartsA folio of 19 charts for small crafts -Singapore and Adjacent Waterways.

154N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published –Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesPANDUANMATA IKANEH INVESTIGATOREH DISCOVERYEH ILLUMINATOR-14Singapore Tide Tables;Singapore Port Information Handbook;Chart 1 Symbols, Abbreviations, Termsused on Singaporean produced or publishednautical charts;Singapore Notices to Mariners.Displacement Date Launched Crew186 1995 2149 2000 330 2002 230 2002 230 2002 2

155Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB Site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorSLOVENIA (REPUBLIC OF)MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTMARITIME DIRECTORATELangusova 4SI-1000 LJUBLJANAMinistry of Transport- Maritime Directorate.Co-ordination of all hydrographic activitiesin the country, organization andsupervision of hydrographic surveys,acting as national archive for hydrographicdata obtained locally and in internationalexchanges, production of charts and othernautical publications, co-ordination of thetraining of national hydrographers, etc.25 June+ 386 1 478 8500+ 386 1 478 8230mzp.pomorstvo@gov.sihttp://www.mzp.gov.si/en25.07.1987Act on coastal sea and epicontinental areaof SFRY (O.J. SFRY No. 49/87).Maritime Code of the Republic of SloveniaMr. Jadran LUINjadran.luin@gov.siTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 2,692Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto 2007 = 96,000 EurosTotalStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Mr. Igor KARNICNIK, M.Sc. in MaritimeScience, Head of Hydrographic Dept.Geodetic Institute of SloveniaMr. Aljoša ZERJAL, B.Sc. Physics –HarphaSea d.o.o.Mr. Dalibor RADOVAN, M. Sc. Geod. –Adviser of Director – Geodetic Institute ofSlovenia

156- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Outsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.10Yearly Tide Tables – Gulf of Koper.Symbols and abbreviations used onSlovenian nautical charts.Sailing Directions.Completing the survey of national waters.Re-survey with M/B sonarENC Bay of PiranENC of Slovenian waters.Authority responsible for technicalexecution of hydrographic and cartographicworks:Geodetic Institute of Slovenia,Jamova 2,SI-1000 LJUBLJANA, SloveniaE-mail: igor.karnicnik@geod-is.siwww: www.geod-is.siAuthority responsible for SurveyingHarpha Sea d.o.o.,Kidriceva 1,SI-6000 KOPER, SloveniaAuthority responsible for Oceanography :State Meteorological Institute LjubljanaVojkova c. 16,1000 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia

157SOUTH AFRICA (REPUBLIC OF)HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICEPrivate Bag X1Tokai7966 CAPE TOWNDepartment of which the Hydrographic Department of Defence.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Hydrographic surveys, Nautical papercharts, ENCs, Tidal studies, GEBCO data,Notices to Mariners ( monthly ), MaritimeSafety Information Archival and ChartDepot Service.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Web site :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)27 April+ 27 (021) 787 2408+ 27 (021) 787 2228 (24H) or+ 27 (021) 787 2233 – office hourshydrosan@iafrica.comwww.sanho.co.zaApril 1955Captain (SAN) Abri KAMPFERHydrographer of the South African Navy2011 (01/07/2011) = 170,221.40 tonsAssistant Hydrographer:Cdr. Theuns J. VAN NIEKERKSuperintendent Paper Charts:Mr. Malcolm N. NELSON

158- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Superintendent Digital Charts :Mr. Sydney OSBORNESuperintendent Safety Information andPublicationsCdr. Theuns J. VAN NIEKERKSuperintendent Tidal Information :Ms. Ruth FARRE- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesS.A.S. PROTEAOther information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Administration Officer & SuperintendentChart Depot :Mrs. Daphné DU PLESSIS151023452SA Signals and Radio Services.SA Tide Tables.SA Chart Catalogue.SA Distance Tables – West & East Coasts.Symbols and Abbreviations – INT 1.International Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea 1972.SA Sailing Directions – Vols I – III.Displacement Date Launched Crew2800 1971 104All matters of oceanographic interest andresearch development are carried out by theInstitute of Maritime Technology ( IMT).

159SPAIN (KINGDOM OF)INSTITUTO HIDROGRAFICO DE LA MARINAPlaza San Severiano N° <strong>31</strong>1007 CADIZDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Defence.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 2,592,889Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla See WEB site:Hydrographic surveys, Oceanographiccruises, Tidal and tidal stream studies,Production of Nautical charts andpublications, Nautical instruments.12 October+ 34 956 599 414 / 956 599 394 / Director+ 34 956 599 391+ 34 956 258 548ihmesp@fn.mde.eshttp://www.armada.mde.es/ihm1797Date of establishment of base line : 05August 1977.Establishment of EEZ (Atlantic coast) : 20February 1978.Capitán de Navío GuillermoMOREU MUNAIZhttp://www.armada.mde.es/ihmN° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published -Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.356100

160Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesMALASPINATOFIÑOANTARESRIGELLHT A-91 ASTROLABIOLHT A-92 ESCANDALLONotices to Mariners (weekly edition).Sailing Directions. List of Lights.Radiosignals. Tide Tables.Catalogue of Nautical Charts andPublications. Symbols and Abbreviations.Special Charts and Publications. SeveralStandards.Displacement Date Launched Crew1090 14-08-73 571090 22-12-73 57355 05-03-73 38355 05-03-73 388,5 30-11.01 68,5 27-02-04 6

161SRI LANKA (REPUBLIC OF)NATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICENATIONAL AQUATIC RESOURCES RESEARCH ANDDEVELOPMENT AGENCYCrow Island, MattukkuliyaCOLOMBO 15Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB Site :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorNational Aquatic Resources Research andDevelopment Agency under the Ministryof Fisheries & Ocean Resources.• Control and co-ordination of allhydrographic surveying and nauticalcharting activities in Sri Lanka.• Collection, processing and publicationof hydrographic data and nauticalinformation.• Establishment of standards andprocedures for gathering, processingand display of hydrographic data andnautical information.• Training of personnel.4 February+ 9411 2521705+ 9411 2521699nho@sltnet.lkwww.nara.ac.lk13 March 1984Mr. M. A. ARIYAWANSA , B.Sc., M.Sc.,Cat A (Hydrography)Tonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 150,089Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto 15 000 000 ( Rupees )Total

162Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesSAYURITHARANGASMALL BOATOther information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Senior Hydrographic Surveyors:Mr. S.N.S. AMASARINGHE, B.Sc,Cat B (Hydrography)Mr. A.N.D. PERERA, B.ScCat B (Hydrography)Chief Systems Analyst:Mr. S.W.S. WEERASINGHE , B.Sc,MACSChief Land Surveyor:Mr. P.N. KODIKARA, Dip. In Surveying& LevellingSenior Cartographer:Mr. O.V. PREMACHANDRA, Dip. InCartography40 persons7Displacement Date Launched Crew1.03 MT 19-12-96 73.0 MT 1992 51.5 MT 1993 4Production of maps on Fishery Resources.Providing of Hydrographic data for CoastalZone Management, EnvironmentalPolution, Coastal Line Protection, HarbourDevelopment, Mineral Sand Exploration &Exploitation, etc.

163SURINAME (REPUBLIC OF)MARITIEME AUTORITEIT SURINAME (MAS)Cornelis Jongbawstraat 2P.O. Box 888PARAMARIBODepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 13,136N° of charts published – Nombres de 8cartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Ministry of Transport, Communication andTourism.HO is part of the Maritime AuthoritySurinameHydrographic service, Aids to navigation,Nautical charts.25 November (Independence Day)1 July abolition day+ 597 476 733 pp 225+ 597 472 940info@mas.sr1 July 1947 (as part of the government)14 May 1998 (establishment of MAS asemi government company)Mr. M. AMAFO, LL. M (IMLI)Director MASStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Head Hydrographic DepartmentMiss Bernice MAHABIERE-mail : bmahabier@mas.srDredging ProjectsMrs. Carol LIEVELDE-mail : clieveld@mas.sr

164Manager, maritime OperationAnnel EDENBURGE-mail : aedenburg@mas.sr- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesMV PASISIMV MARWINACartographer:VacantDisplacement Date Launched Crew-- 2003 2-- 1996 8

165SWEDEN (KINGDOM OF)SJÖFARTSVERKETSWEDISH MARITIME ADMINISTRATIONSE-601 78 NORRKÖPINGDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoSwedish Maritime Administration,Ministry of Industry, Employment andCommunications.Principal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone:Fax :E-mails:WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée.- Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaHydrographic surveys. Publication ofanalogue and digital navigational charts,Sailing Directions, List of Lights, Noticesto Mariners (weekly) and Maritime SafetyInformation.6 June+ 46 – 11 19 10 00+ 46 – 11 23 89 45hk@sjofartsverket.sefirstname.lastname@sjofartsverket.sehttp://www.sjofartsverket.seHydrographic Office 1643Swedish Maritime Administration 1956,Baseline 1966EEZ 1993Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr.Patrik WIBERGHead of Hydrographic OfficeTonnage – Tonelaje 2006 = 4,082,382Total Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla105 MSEK ( excl. Investments )See WEB site:http://www.sjofartsverket.se

166N° of charts published -Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.117N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves3Sailing Directions , List of Lights.Displacement Date LaunchedCrewHMS JACOB HÄGGHMS NILS STRÖMCRONA192 1982 7210 1985 7

167SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLICGENERAL DIRECTORATE OF PORTSP.O. Box 505LATTAKIADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Transport.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorNotices to Mariners, Lights, Buoys, List ofLights, Navigational Aids.17 April+ 963 41 473 333-473 876-472 597+ 963 41 475 805danco@net.sy1946Tonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 498,145Rear Admiral Ghazi HAMDAMDirector GeneralStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Head of Hydrographic Office :Eng . Ghefar BARAKAT,Eng . Iyad DAHHAN- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)

168- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)10 PersonsTide Tables, List of Lights, CoastalNavigational Warnings.

169THAILAND (KINGDOM OF)HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENTRoyal Thai Navy222 Thanon Rim Tang Rod Fai KaoBANGKOK 10260Department of which the Hydrographic The Royal Thai Navy.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :WEB site:To collect, evaluate, compile, produce anddistribute hydrographic and oceanographicinformation including nautical, aeronauticalchart, sailing directions, and aidsto navigation.5 December+ 662 3614 822+ 662 1736570hydronavy@yahoo.com Orsanono@yahoo.comhttp://www.navy.mi.th/hydroDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferencia16 <strong>January</strong> 1922EEZ : 24 February 1981 (in the Gulf ofThailand )18 July 1988 ( in the Andaman Sea )Name and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStraight Base line : 1970 ( 3 areas )Vice-Admiral Nirut HONGPRASITH,Director Generalsonono@yahoo.comTonnage – Tonelaje 2007 = 3,132,176Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details consult the WEB site:http://www.navy.mi.th/hydroN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lights67Tide Table in Thai Waters (annually).List of Lights and Buoys in Thai Waters.

170etc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesNotices to Mariners (monthly).Displacement Date LaunchedFor details consult the WEB site:http://www.navy.mi.th/hydroCrew

171TONGA (KINGDOM OF)HYDROGRAPHIC UNITTONGA DEFENCE SERVICESP.O. Box 72NUKU ‘ ALOFADepartment of which the Hydrographic Tonga Defence Services, Navy.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone:Fax:E-mail:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 69,034Staff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Hydrographic surveys for Government andprivate sector. Nautical charts. Notices toMariners. Dissemination of tidal andnautical information.4 June+ 676 24696 / 7+ 676 2<strong>31</strong>50 or + 676 23934hydro.navy.tds@defence.gov.to1 April 1990Acceded to UNCLOS 2 August 1995Chief Hydrographer (name to be advised)Officers-Sub Lieutenant: S. FIFITAsiua.fifita@defence.gov.tosiua.fifita@gmail.comEnsign: T. TUITAMidshipman: V.F. POMANA6 Hydrographic Assistants,Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published -Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.1 secretarial / admin.11 charts published under a cooperationagreement with Land Information NewZealand.

172Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesV.O.E.A SAVEA - Pacific Class PatrolVesselLists of Lights, Catalogue of charts andnautical publications (published by LandInformation New Zealand).Displacement Date Launched Crew165 1991 18

173TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO (REPUBLIC OF)HYDROGRAPHIC UNITThe Ministry of Agriculture & Marine ResourcesThe Lands and Surveys DivisionI Writson RoadPORT OF SPAINDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone:Fax:E-mail:Land & Surveys DivisionMinistry of Agriculture & MarineResourcesHydrographic surveys, Production andupdating of nautical charts, plans andpublications. Delimitation of nationalmaritime boundaries and offshore minerallease areas, Tides, Tidal Streams, CurrentTide Tables.<strong>31</strong> AugustDirector of Surveys Mr Andrew Bowles+ 1 868 623 9611+ 1 868 624 5982andrewchesslove@hotmail.comDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée.- Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director1 June 1983Director of the Hydrographic UnitMr Bhaghirathi MaharajTel: 1 868 681 267xTel: 1 868 625 3013Tonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 19,381Staff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofE-mail : baggy@tstt.net.ttEmail : hydrounit@yahoo.com

174managing staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff – Autres effectifs - OtropersonalType of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesMERIDIANMERCATOROutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Vacant30Tide Tables, Notice to Mariners.DisplacementCrewDate Launched75 1985 74 1987 5All work done in house.The Hydrographic Unit at present is aimingto introduce DGPS and Digital DataCollection through agreements withHYCOOP (USA).With the proper technological assistance, itis hoped that Electronic Chart productionwill be explored.

175TUNISIA (REPUBLIC OF)CENTRE HYDROGRAPHIQUE ET OCEANOGRAPHIQUE DE LA MARINENATIONALEBP 1, 7011 La Pêcherie - BIZERTEDepartment of which the Hydrographic Department of DefenceOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephones:Fax:E-mail:Hydrographic and Oceanographic surveys,Notices to Mariners.20 March+ 216 72 510 570,+ 216 72 510 777sho@defense.tnDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation -Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée.- Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director2006Captain Rachid ESSOUSSI,Director of the Tunisian NavalHydrographic and Oceanographic CenterTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 276,394Staff employed – Effectifs - Plantilla Head of Technical Division:Lt. Mourad KNANIN° of charts published -Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Head of Survey and Research Division:Lt. Cdr. Karim TAGA11 by the Tunisian Hydrographic andOceanographic Center39 charts published by SHOM, France

176Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesNRF KHAIREDDINEH.N.O. SALAMBOB.H. DIDONB.H. DOGGAV. ULYSSEDisplacement Date Launched Crew2550 1969 721300 1969 47200 1983 15200 1983 158.5 1992 3

177TURKEY (REPUBLIC OF)SEYIR , HIDROGRAFI VE OSINOGRAFI DAIRESI BASKANLIGIOFFICE OF NAVIGATION, HYDROGRAPHY AND OCEANOGRAPHY34805 Çubuklu/BeykozISTANBULDepartment of which the Hydrographic Turkish Navy.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephones:Fax:E-mail:WEB site:Hydrographic surveys, Production of paperand Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC),Nautical publications, Weekly Notices toMariners, Radio Navigational Warnings,Oceanographic (physical, chemical,geological, biological) and geophysicalsurveys and studies. Supply andmaintenance of charts and publications.29 October+ 90 216 537 89 26 (Director)+ 90 216 322 25 80+ 90 216 3<strong>31</strong> 05 25info@shodb.gov.trhttp://www.shodb.gov.trDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée.- Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director1909The Law of Navigational andHydrographic Services (1738)Rear Admiral (LH) Hakan ERAYDIN,DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2011 (01/07/11) = 6,891,750Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla See WEB site:http://www.shodb.gov.tr

178N° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published -Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published -Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesTCG ÇEŞMETCG ÇUBUKLUTCG MESAHA ITCG MESAHA II17625133 ENC cells produced and 88 of themare published.Lists of Lights and Fog Signals.Various Nautical Publications.Various Oceanographic Publications.Displacement Date Launched Crew2600 1965 83680 1986 2655 1994 855 1994 8

179UKRAINESTATE HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE OF UKRAINE23, Gagarina Avenue02660 KYIVDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeStaff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)State Administration of Maritime andInland Water Transport, Ministry ofInfrastructure of Ukraine.Hydrographic surveys, Oceanography,Nautical paper and electronic navigationalcharts, Notices to Mariners, Radionavigational warnings, Aids to navigation.24 August+ 38 (044) 296 60 40+ 38 (044) 292 12 17office@hydro.gov.uamiagkova.a@hydro.gov.ua(International Relations)6 June 1997Mr. Sergii SYMONENKOHead2011 (01/07/2011) = 856508 tonsMr. Mykola GOLODOVDeputy Head of State HydrographicService of Ukraine.Mr. Dmytro PADAKINDeputy Head of the State HydrographicService of UkraineMr. Oleksandr BORYSHead of Ukrmorcartografia (ChartingBranch of State Hydrographic Service ofUkraine)

180N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published -Nombres decartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published -Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Ms. Alla MIAGKOVAHead of the International RelationsOf the State Hydrographic Service ofUkraineE-mail: miagkova.a@hydro.gov.ua164 paper charts103 paper charts for inland waterways.10223 ENCs162 IENCs- Notices to Mariners (in Ukrainian andEnglish; No. 907.00;- “Sailing Directions on Ukrainian Watersof the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov”No.101 (in Ukrainian);- “Lights and Beacons of the Black Seaand the Sea of Azov. No. 201 (inUkrainian, Russian );- “Regime of Navigation in UkrainianWaters of the Black Sea and the Sea ofAzov” (summary description) No. 402(in Ukrainian and Russian);- Catalogue “Nautical Charts, Books,Saining Directions” No. 701 (inUkrainian and English);- “Nautical Charts Symbols” No. 902 (inUkrainian and English);- “Description of Maritime BuoyageSystem in Ukrainian Waters. IALASystem. Region A” No. 903 (inUkrainian);- “Maritime Buoyage System inUkrainian Waters. IALA System.Region A ” No. 904 (in Ukrainian);- “Symbology for Inland WaterwaysCharts” No. 908 (in Ukrainian, Englishand Russian);- “Lights and Beacons of the DanubeRiver. Kiliis’ke Mouth Delta to thePrut River Mouth” No. 202 (inUkrainian and Russian);

181Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)(continued – suite – continuación)- “Sailing Directions of the Danube River.Kiliis’Ke Mouth Delta to the Prut RiverMouth” No. 103 (in Ukrainian andRussian);- “Instructions on Producing of FieldUpdates to Navigational Charts,Manuals and Sailing Directions(IKM-2005)” No. 918 (in Ukrainian);- “Instructions for Compilation ofTechnical Orders and Technical ReportsResulting from Hydrographic Surveys(ITTI-2005)” No. 932 (In Ukrainian);- “Instructions on Requirements andMethods of Bottom Features Surveyingfor Navigational Purposes” No. 933 (inUkrainian);- “Regulation on Aids to Navigation onthe Inland Waterways in the TerritorialSea and Exclusive (Maritine) EconomicZone of Ukraine” No. 937 (inUkrainian);- ‘Regulation on the Numbering Systemfor Paper Nautical Charts, ElectronicNavigational Charts and InlandWaterways Charts, Books, SailingDirections and Blank TechnicalDocumentation’ No. 934 (inUkrainian);- ‘General Provisions for Compilationof Notices to Mariners’ No. 935 (inUkrainian);- ‘Regulation on Procedure forConducting of Oceanologic Surveys inthe Black Sea and the Sea of Azov’ No.920 (in Ukrainian);- ‘Instructions on Compilation andPreparation of Coastal Warnings andAppropriate Informing of Mariners’No. 944 (in Ukrainian);- ‘Summary Updates, 2008’ No. 402 З(in Ukrainian and Russian);- ‘Instructions on Input Expertise ofHydrographic Surveys Materials forthe Purpose of Charting’ No. 936;

182Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)(continued – suite – continuación)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesGS – 82GS – 273A. LYSENKOA. SOLODUNOVV. ZARUDNIYODESA- ‘Oceanographic Atlas of the Black Seaand the Sea of Azov’ No. 601 (inUkrainian and English)- ‘The list of current Temporary andPreliminary NtMs of State HydrographicService of Ukraine’ No. 910 (in Ukrainianand English)Displacement Date Launched Crew807,0 1969 23713,0 1972 2352,7 2003 452,7 2005 453,0 2006 4320.0 2007 10

183UNITED ARAB EMIRATESMINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONSP.O. Box 900ABU DHABIDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of CommunicationsOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.The United Arab Emirates do not yet havea National Hydrographic Office. Responsibilityfor hydrographic activities lies withthe Marine Affairs Department of theMinistry of Communications.2 DecemberNational day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :+ 971 2 651 900Fax :+ 971 2 651 691E-mail:msd2000@emirates.net.aeName and rank of the Director or Head H.E. Mr. Abdullah A. LOOTAH– Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos y Undersecretarygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 1,008,069

184UNITED ARAB EMIRATESTel:Fax :E-mail:MILITARY SURVEY DEPARTMENT (MSD)P.O. Box 3947ABU DHABIU.A.E.+ 971 2 641 0000+ 971 2 641 5566admin@uaesurvey.aeStaff employed – Effectifs - PlantillaMr. Abdullah AL-REFAEIHydrographic SectionTel: + 971 50486 3321E-mail : ahr@uaesurvey.aeMr. Abdulla Mohamed AL NAQBISurveying EngineerHydrographerTel: +971 (2) 618 5169E-mail: bera@emirates.net.aeMr. Mohammed AL YELAILICartographerTel: + 971 (2) 5224E-mail: abu_naïf@hotmail.com

185UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAINAND NORTHERN IRELANDUNITED KINGDOM HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICEAdmiralty WayTAUNTONSomerset TA1 2DNDepartment of which the Ministry of Defence.Hydrographic Office is part -Ministère dont dépend le ServiceHydrographique – Ministerio del quedepende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :WEB site:Publication of analogue and digitalnavigational charts and supportingpublications, transmission of maritime safetyinformation, Notices to Mariners (weekly),provision of geodetic, oceanographic andgeophysiscal data and publications to meetdefence requirements. Provision of tidalinformation and Ocean currents.The last Monday in May is a holiday for allparts of UK, although it is not defined as anational day.+ 44 (0) 1823 337900+ 44 (0) 1823 284077firstname.last name@ukho.gov.ukInternationalrelations.ukho@ukho.gov.ukhttp://www.ukho.gov.ukDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date defondation et législation nationaleconcernée - Fecha de establecimientoy Leyes nacionales de referenciaName and rank of the Director orHead - Nom et grade du directeur -Apellidos y graduación del Director12 August 1795TS Baseline 25.09.6412nm TS Limit 15.05.87200nm EFZ 22.12.76Mr. Michael ROBINSONChief ExecutiveE-mail: mike.robinson@ukho.gov.ukRear Admiral Nicholas LAMBERTNational HydrographerE-mail: nicholas.lambert@ukho.gov.ukTonnage – Tonelaje2011 (01/07/2011) = 45,360,141 tons

186Staff employed – Effectifs – PlantillaN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartaspublicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombresde cellules ENC publiées - N° de célulasENC publicadas.N° of Raster charts published -Nombres de cartes matricielles publiées -N° de cartas Ráster publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g;Tide Tables, Sailing Directions, List ofLights etc.) - Type de publicationsproduites (par ex: Tables des marées,Instructions nautiques, Livres des Feux,etc. - Tipo de publicaciones producidas(por ej: Tablas de mareas, Derroteros,Libros de Faros etc.)For details consult the UKHO web site:http://www.ukho.gov.uk34425978133264Full suite of Admiralty Charts andPublications including some digital products.For details see UK Catalogue of AdmiraltyCharts and Publications (NP1<strong>31</strong>) or theUKHO web site:http://www.ukho.gov.uk

187UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAINAND NORTHERN IRELANDCAPTAIN HYDROGRAPHY & METEOROLOGYAND HYDROGRAPHER OF THE NAVYDefiance BuildingHM Naval BaseDevonportPLYMOUTH - Devon PL2 2BGDepartment of which the Hydrographer Ministry of Defence – Commander-inofthe Navy is partChief FleetPrincipal functions -Attributions principales -Principales funciones -Telephone :Fax :E-mail :Commander of RN units and personnelengaged in collection of hydrographic,geophysical, meteorological andoceanographic data. Advice to the NavyBoard and to the National Hydrographer onsurveying matters.+ 44 (0) 1752 555780+ 44 (0) 1752 555844vaughan.nail842@mod.ukName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorSurveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesHMS SCOTT (H1<strong>31</strong>)HMS ENDURANCE (A171)HMS ECHO (H87)HMS ENTERPRISE (H88)HMSL GLEANER (H86)Captain Vaughan NAIL, Royal NavyCapt(HM)/Hydrographer of the NavyDisplacement Date Launched Crew13 500 1997 636 500 1991 1123 470 2002 723 470 2002 7226 1983 8

188Other information of interest -HM personnel are also borne in other RNvessels. Capt(HM) directs all hydrographic,meterological and oceanographic supportto the fleet.The programme for Civil hydrography inUK waters is managed by the Maritime &Coastguard Agency and is outsourced tothe commercial sector.Training in hydrographic surveying andmeteorology is provided for navalpersonnel by the Flag Officer Sea Training(HM) UnitOfficer Commanding FOST (HM)HMS DRAKEHM Naval BaseDevonportPLYMOUTHDevon PL2 2BGDetails of courses are available at :www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/AboutDefence/Whatwedo/TrainingandExercises/IDT/IDTRNSee below the four UK overseas territoriesVoir ci-dessous les quatre territories d’outre-mer du RU

189ANGUILLAMINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE, COMMUNICATIONS& UTILITIESCoronation avenueThe ValleyANGUILLA B.W.I.Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorEng. Kenn BANKSPermanent SecretaryTelephone:Fax:E-mail:+264 497 2442/2651+264 497 3651kbanks@gov.aiMr. Roy BAPTISTETechnical OfficerE-mail: roy.baptiste@gov.aiNational co-ordinator for collection anddissemination of navigational safetyinformation to UKHO and to the WWNWSvia MRCC, MartiniqueMr. Ambrose RICHARDSONSeaportsTel: +264 497 3467

190BERMUDAMINISTRY OF WORKS, ENGINEERING AND HOUSINGPO Box HM 525HAMILTON HM CXName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. Mark Griffin, MSc, BSc, FRICS,FInstCESTelephone :Fax :E-mail:+441 297 7612+441 295 5658mgriffin@gov.bm

191Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorBRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDSCHIEF MINISTER’S OFFICECentral Administration BuildingAdmin DriveWickhams Cay 1Road TownTORTOLA B.V.I.Captain Pat NAWARATNEChief Surveyor and Acting Head of theMaritime AdministrationTelephone :Fax :E-mail :+284 468 3603/4+284 494 6462PNawaratne@gov.vg

192THE CAYMAN ISLANDSGOVERNOR’S OFFICE4 th Floor AALL BuildingNorth Church StreetGEORGE TOWNGrand Cayman, Cayman IslandsName and rank of the Director or Head Mr. Simon TONGE– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTelephone :+ 345 244 2425Fax :E-mail :Simon.Tonge@fco.gov.ukMARITIME AUTHORITY OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS3 rd Floor Kirk House22 Albert Panton StreetP.O. Box 2256GEORGE TOWNGrand Cayman, Cayman IslandsDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMinistrry of Finance and EconomicDevelopmentCaptain W. Barrie RIALAdviser on Policy and Legal DevelopmentChair of Ad Hoc Sub-Committee of themaritime Security Committee formed toreview hydrographic services requiredunder SOLAS V.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :+ 345 914 1578+ 345 949 8849barrie.rial@gov.kyrial_wb@candw.kvDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoLANDS AND SURVEYS DEPARTMENTBritcay BuildingEast AvenueGEORGE TOWNGrand Cayman, Cayman IslandsLeader of Government Business andMinister for District Administration,Planning Environment and Agriculture.

193Name and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Mr. Vincent GRANTChief Surveyor+ 345 244 3430+ 345 949 2187grant.Vincent@gov.ky

194UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (NOS)OFFICE OF COAST SURVEYNATIONAL OCEAN SERVICENATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION1<strong>31</strong>5 East West Highway, SSMC-3 N/CS x 7SILVER SPRING, Maryland 20910-3282Department of which the Hydrographic U.S. Department of Commerce.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Geodetic surveys, Tides/Currents,Engineering and Systems Development.Specialized library : marine and earthsciences (NOAA library facility related toNOS activities).4 July+ 1 (301) 713-2770+ 1 (301) 713-4019WEB site:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantillahttp://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov1807 – The Organic Act of 10 February1807, (2 Stat.4134) authorized thePresident of the United States “to cause asurvey to be taken of the coasts of theUnited States…”Captain John E. LOWELLDirector, Office of Coast SurveyStaff Point of ContactMr Jonathan JUSTI,OCS.International@noaa.gov2011 01/07/2011) = 23,063,117 tonsFor details, consult the following WEBsite.http://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov

195N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.N° of Raster charts published - Nombresde cartes matricielles publiées - N° decartas Ráster publicadasType of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesRAINIERFAIRWEATHERTHOMAS JEFFERSONRUDEBAY HYDROGRAPHER7 Navigation Response Teams(Hydrographic Field Parties)Outsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.10005640 (Updated monthly, please refer to thewebsite for recent postings.)http://nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/mcd/enc/index.htm1000Sailing Directions.Displacement Date Launched Crew1800 1967 62 (10*)1800 1967 45 (7*)2054 2003** <strong>31</strong> (8*)190 1966 11 (4*)17 1995 3 (1*)27 ft launches, 3 person crews.* = number of officers included in figure** = Thomas Jefferson was a US Navyvessel launched in 1992, and acquired andrecommissioned by NOAA in 2003.Approximately 50% of the hydrographicsurveying is outsourced, covering allcoastal areas of the United States.

196UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (NGA)NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCYDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSENGA Bethesda, Mail Stop 98. Code : PV4600 Sangamore RoadBETHESDA, Maryland MD 20816-5003Department of which the Hydrographic Department of Defense.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:NGA provides: Nautical charts,Aeronautical charts, Topographic maps,Sailing Directions, List of Lights, Noticesto Mariners, navigational and geodeticdata, and related products and services tothe Armed Forces of the United States,other Department of Defense and federalagencies and to the Merchant marine andMariners in general.4 July+ 1 (301) 227 3565+ 1 (301) 227 5745Christian.Andreasen@nga.milhttp://www.nga.milDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director6 December 1830Vice Admiral Robert B. MURRETT, USN,Director, NGAPoint of Contact (<strong>IHO</strong> matters):RAdm Christian ANDREASEN,Chief Hydrographer, NGAChristian.Andreasen@nga.milPoint of Contact (Nautical Products):Captain Fredrick M. TETTELBACH,Director, Maritime products and ServicesDomainFredrick.M.Tettelbach@nga.mil

197Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director(contd.)Alternate Contact (Nautical Products)Steven DEBRECHTChief of Staff for the maritime productsand services DomainSteven.J.Debrecht@nga.milTonnage – TonelajeStaff employed – Effectifs - PlantillaN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.See USA (NOS)For details, consult the following Web site:http://www.nga.milApproximately 5 000 chart are contained in3400 DNC librariesN° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur – estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Paper charts (worldwide folio of approx.4000).Digital charts ( worldwide folio of 5000Digital Nautical Charts in Vector ProductFormat).Notices to Mariners.Sailing Directions.For details consult the WEB site:General Information:http://www.nga.milMarine Safety Information:http://pollux.nss.nga.mil/index/Digital Nautical Chart: of the Naval Oceanographic Officesupport NGA Nautical Chart Production.More than 90% of the vector digitization tomaintain Digital Nautical Chart iscontracted to commercial firms. Softwaredevelopment and R & D are typicallyoutsourced.

198UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (U.S. NAVY)COMMANDER, NAVAL METEOROLOGY ANDOCEANOGRAPHY COMMAND (CNMOC)Attention: Director of Oceanographic Operationsfor Navigation NAVOCEANO Code 001002 Balch Blvd.STENNIS SPACE CENTERMISSISSIPPI, 39522-5001Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio del quedepende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :WEB site :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondation etlégislation nationale concernée - Fecha deestablecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head –Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorDepartment of Navy – Commander FleetForces CommandCollection, analysis and display ofoceanographic (to include oceanographic,meteorological, hydrographic and geophysical)data to support Navy operations.Improvement of oceanographic prediction,data collection, and data analysis methods.Assistance to other countries in meetingtheir oceanographic and hydrographicrequirements.4 July+ 1 (228) 688 4189)+ 1 (228) 688 4880http://www.navmetoccom.navy.mil/6 December 1830Rear Admiral Jonathan WHITECommander, Naval Meteorology &Oceanography Commandjonathan.white@navy.milTonnage – TonelajeSee USA (NOS)

199Staff employed – Effectifs – PlantillaCOMMANDER, NAVALMETEOROLOGY ANDOCEANOGRAPHY COMMANDChief of Staff:Captain Paul Oosterling, USNpaul.oosterling@navy.milStaff Point of ContactDeputy Director of NavigationMr. Maxim VAN NORDENmaxim.vannorden@navy.milNAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICECommanding Officer:Captain Paul Oosterling, USNpaul.oosterling @navy.milScientific and Technical Director:Mr. Charles MARTINEKcharles.martinek@navy.milCommanding Officer, Fleet Survey TeamCommander Brian CONNONbrian.connon@navy.milSurveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesU.S.N.S. JOHN McDONNELL (T-AGS-51)U.S.N.S. PATHFINDER (T-AGS-60)U.S.N.S. SUMNER (T-AGS-61)U.S.N.S. BOWDITCH (T-AGS-62)U.S.N.S. HENSON (T-AGS-63)U.S.N.S. BRUCE HEEZEN (T-AGS-64)U.S.N.S. MARY SEARS (T-AGS-65)Displacement Date Launched Crew2 000 1990 335 000 1993 555 000 1994 555 000 1996 555 000 1998 555 000 2000 555 000 2003 55

200Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves(continued – suite – continuación)Compact Hydrographic Airborne TotalSurvey (CHARTS) system deployed oncontractor aircraft.2 Defender class and 1 9-m rhib for FleetSurvey.

201URUGUAY (REPUBLIC OF)SERVICIO DE OCEANOGRAFIA, HIDROGRAFIAY METEOROLOGIA DE LA ARMADACapurro 980Casilla de Correos 1381 – Código Postal 11700MONTEVIDEODepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:Ministry of National DefenceNavy General CommandHydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,(paper and electronic (ENC)),Oceanographic studies and surveys,Marine meteorology, Aids to Navigation,Navigational warnings (Radio NavigationalWarnings NAVTEX, Notices to Mariners),Nautical Publications, (List of Lights, TideTables, etc.)25 August+ 598 (2) 309 3775 or 309 3861+ 598 (2) 309 9220sohma@armada.gub.uyhttp://www.armada.gub.uy/sohma/web/index.htmlDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée - Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director15 May 1916Decree of 15 May 1916 – HydrographicService Division of the Navy established.Law No. 17.033 of 20 November 1998 –Law of Maritime Spaces.Captain Orestes PEREYRAHead of ServiceE-mail: Sohma_jefe@armada.gub.uyTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 95,667

202Staff employed – Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff – Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesROU 22 “OYARVIDE”Lancha Hidrográfica “TRIESTE”IT Manager: Captain FranciscoCAAMAÑOE-mail: sohma_inf@armada.gub.uyExecutive Officer Captain OrestesPEREYRAE-mail: sohma-sub-jefe@armada.gub.uyHead of Department of Oceanography:Comdr. Luis TURBANE-mail : sohma_hid_jefe@armada.gub.uyHead of Cartographic Division:Lieut. Alvaro SANCHEZE-mail: sohma_carto@armada.gub.uyHead of Department of Oceanography:Lt. Cdr. Germán MARTELLAE-mail: sohma_oce_jefe@armada.gub.uyHead of Department of Meteorology andHead of Department of Aids to Navigation:Comdr. Enrique ALBORNOZE-mail : sohma_met_jefe@armada.gub.uy20 charts and 2 Hydrographic Atlases ofRio Uruguay with 12 charts.3 ENC cells are finished but not availablein this moment, and 3 in production.Symbols and AbbreviationsCatalogue of Charts and NauticalPublications – 2003.List of LightsTide Tables.Notices to mariners (mopnthly).Displacement Date Launched Crew1619,5 1965 3813,6 2001 5

203VENEZUELA (REPUBLIC OF)COMMANDANCIA GENERAL DE LA ARMADADIRECCION DE HIDROGRAFIA Y NAVEGACIONObservatorio “CAGICAL”Apartado Postal N° 6745 – CarmelitasCARACASDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mails :WEB site:Ministry of Defence, General NavyCommandHydrographic surveys, Aids to navigation,Oceanography, Ocean currents, Publicationand control of Notices to Mariners,Nautical charts, Marine meteorology andforecasting, Astronomy, Timesignals(5 000 kHz), Periodical publications:"Boletín Climatológico", "BoletínInformativo" (every two months), "Boletínde la Direccion de Hidrografia yNavegacion" (annual), Nautical Almanac.5 July+ 58 212 483 5982, 481 8666+ 58 212 483 5878dihn@dhn.mil.vedihn@armada.mil.vehttp://www.dihn.mil.veDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director1947Rear Admiral Jesús Gerardo ORTEGAHERNÁNDEZdihn@dhn.mil.veTonnage – Tonelaje 2002 = 577,330Staff employed – Effectifs – PlantillaFor details, consult the following WEBsite:http://www.dhn.mil.ve

204N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesBO-11 PUNTA BRAVALH-11 GABRIELALH-12 LELY53Notices to Mariners.Periodical publications: "BoletínClimatológico", "Boletín Informativo"(every two months), "Boletín de laDireccion de Hidrografia y Navegacion"(annual), Nautical Almanac.Displacement Date Launched Crew1180 1991 4471 1974 1771 1974 17

205Organizations responsible for Hydrographyin Non-Member StatesOrganismes responsables de l’hydrographiedans les Etats non membresOrganismos responsables de la Hidrografíaen los Estados no-Miembros

206Page intentionally left blank

207ALBANIA (REPUBLIC OF)ALBANIAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICEKOMANDA E FORCAVE DETAREPlepaDURRESDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of National DefenceOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveys in collaboration withpartners, Data for publication of nauticalcharts, Administration and regulation ofbuoyage, Pilot book (Albanian coast),Maritime safety, Promulgation ofnavigational warnings, Sailing directions,List of lights (Albanian coast).29 November+ 355 52 26<strong>31</strong>92+ 355 52 260243hydroal@gmail.com25 September 1957Commander Gezim KOCIChief of Hydrographic ServiceTonnage – Tonelaje <strong>January</strong> 2005: 85 000Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla Head of Hydrographic SectionLieutenant Ervin MUCKAHead of Safe to NavigationLieutenant J.G. Nderim BAJRAKTARIN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Head of Information and Aids toNavigationLieutenant Alfons GJOCAJ6

208Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewA-121M/S Fen.M/S H/grafik25 1956 6 +6 1990 3 +5 1990 0

209ANGOLAINSTITUTO HIDROGRAFICO E DE SIGNALIZAÇÃO MARÍTIMA(IHSMA)Rua Rainha Ginga 745° andarLUANDADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of TransportOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total –Presupuesto TotalStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla 10Hydrographic surveys. Data for publicationof nautiocal charts. Promulgation ofnavigational warnings. Light and radiolists. Notices to mariners. Administrationand regulation of buoyage. Tide tables andtidal currents. Sailing Directions.11 November+ 244 923897032+ 244 9176<strong>31</strong>027ihsma@mintrans.gov.aoTerritorial sea: law N° N21/92Baseline: law N° 21/92EEZ: law N° 21/92Engineer Salustiano P.F. FERREIRA(coordinator for implementation ofIHSMA)56 million Kwanzas (1 USD ~ 74 Kwanza)N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.There are not any chart published byAngolan authorities.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.N° of ENC cells published - Nombres decellules ENC publiées - N° de células ENCpublicadas.

210Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesOther information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.There are not any vassels or aircrafts.At the moment we are working in theproject of extension, of the continentalplatform.We also need help for implementation of aHydrographic Service in the followingarea: Courses in: hydrography (level A andB), cartography, oceanography and safetyof navigation.

211ANTIGUA and BARBUDAANTIGUA AND BARBUDA PORT AUTHORITYDeep Water HarbourP.O. Box 1052ST. JOHN’S, ANTIGUA, W.I.National day - Fête nationale – Fiesta 1 st NovembernacionalTelephone :+ 462 0050, 462 0051Fax :+ 462 2510Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. Dwight GARDINER, DeputyRepresentative of Antigua and Barbudawith IMOE-mail : gardinerd@candw.agNote: Antigua and Barbuda has not established a Hydrographic Service. The Departmentof Marine Services and Merchant Shipping has global responsibility for maritime affairs

212BAHAMAS (COMMONWEALTH OF THE)PORT DEPARTMENT, MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND AVIATIONP.O. Box N-8175NASSAU, THE BAHAMASTelephone :+ 242 322 8832Fax :+ 242 322 5545Name and rank of the Director or Head - Captain ALLENS, Bahamas Port AuthorityNom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorE-mail : portaja@batelnet.bsNote: The Department of Lands and Surveys, P.O. Box N-592, Nassau, Bahamas hasresponsibility for the collection and preservation of hydrographic data, under the aegis ofthe Office of the Prime Minister. Such data include tidal readings, hydrographic charts,maintenance of tide gauges, etc.

213Principal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site:BARBADOSBARBADOS PORT INCMarine SectionUniversity RowSt. MichaelBARBADOS, W.I.Dredging, when necessary, will be done bycontract. Regular maintenance of all buoysand navigational aids.+ 1246 430-4700+ 1246 429-5348administrator@barbadosport.comhttp://www.barbadosport.comDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla1 st <strong>January</strong> 1979Mr. Everton G. WALTERSChief Executive OfficerMs. Valerie BROWNE, Director ofMaritime Affairs BarbadosE-mail : ctech@sunbeach.netFor details, consult the following WEBsite:http://www.barbadosport.comN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Admiralty 502 and Admiralty 2485

214BELIZEBELIZE PORT AUTHORITYCaesar Ridge RoadP.O. Box 633BELIZE CITYDepartment of which the Hydrographic Belize Port AuthorityOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephones :Fax :E-mail :To supervise the installation andmaintenance of all ATONs.To report to the <strong>IHO</strong> all relevantinformation affecting maritime safety.To requisition and supervise allhydrographic surveys in Belize and to relaythat information to the UKHO for chartpublication.To designate ports, harbours andanchorages.10 & 21 September+ 501 223 0714+ 501 223 0716+ 501 223 0710+ 501 223 0433bzportauth@btl.netDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMajor Lloyd JONES (Retired)Ports Commissioner

215BENIN (REPUBLIC OF)DIRECTION GENERALE DU PORT AUTONOME DE COTONOUB.P. 927COTONOUDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 5,152,859N° of charts published – Nombres de None.cartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Ministry of Transport and Public Worksattached to the President of Benin.Ministère Délégué auprès du Président dela République, chargé des Transports, desTravaux Publicse.Bathymetric soundings of port basin andaccess channels to the Port of Cotonou,supervision of dredging work, coastalerosion.Sondages bathymétriques des bassins et duchenal d’accès du port de Cotonou, suivides travaux de dragage, suivi del’évolution du trait de côte.1 August+ 229 21 <strong>31</strong> 52 80 or 21 <strong>31</strong> 28 90+ 229 21 <strong>31</strong> 28 91pac@leland.bj1 August 1965M. Jerôme H. DONDJINOUDirecteur General/Directeur général- M. Lazare GNONLONFINTechnical Director/Directeur technique- M. Célestin NOUDOFININ,Head of Hydrographic and TopographicService/Chef du Service hydrographiqueet topographique- M. Rigobert ABALLOHead of Electricity, Lighthouses andBuoys/ Chef du Service Electricité,Phares et Balises

216Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewOKPARA- 2002 -

217BOLIVIA (REPUBLIC OF)SERVICIO NACIONAL DE HIDROGRAFIA NAVAL DE BOLIVIANaval Hydrographic ServiceCalle Cuba N° 1260 – Zona MirafloresCasilla 5962LA PAZDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of National DefenceOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :To publish the National NauticalCartography, to provide Aids toNavigation Services and to make technoscientificactivities orientated to the Waterand Aquatic Environment Study, in orderto help with the national development.Hydrographic surveyingTopographic surveyingGeodesyNautical cartographyGISNautical signalsHydrologyEnvironmentNautical Publications in general+ 591 2 222 93 07 – 222 74 59 – 222 14 64hidronav@alamo.entelnet.boWeb site : www.hidronav.org.boDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorSupreme Decree No. 06780, OfficialJournal No. 194, Page 4881 of 1964.CN. DAEN Jorge E. ESPINOSAHURTADODirector General EjecutivoSurveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewBA-901 “PIONERA I” (Hydrographiclaunch)10.4 1976 8

218Other information of interest - Autresinformations utiles - Otra información deinterés.Areas in which survey work is beingcarried out:River Paraguay (Cuenca del Plata)River Ichilo – Mamoré (Cuenca delAmazonas)Lake Titicaca (Joint Commission withPeru)River Beni – Madre de Dios (Cuenca delAmazonas)

219BRUNEI DARUSSALAMSURVEY DEPARTMENTOld Airport RoadBERAKAS, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BB3510Department of which the Hydrographic Survey Department, Brunei.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Surveying to ensure safe navigation.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – Fiesta 23 FebruarynacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :+ 673 2 382171+ 673 2 382900Survey@brunet.bnName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructions nautiques,Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo de publicacionesproducidas (por ej: Tablas demareas, Derroteros, Libros de Faros etc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesSurveyor General,Head of Survey Department, Brunei.Senior Surveyor(Geodetic Section)Land Surveyor(Hydrography and Geodetic)Chief Survey TechniciansSenior Technical AssistantsSurvey TechniciansStore Maintenance, Section(Storekeeper)(a) Admiralty Chart, Survey byHydrographer of British Navy.(b)Hydrographic Survey Plans.Boat belonging to Survey Department.

220BULGARIA (REPUBLIC OF)HIDROGRAFSKA SLUZHBA PRIMINISTERSTVO NA OTBRANATANavy Hydrographic ServiceService hydrographique de la MarineP. Box No. 50VARNA 9000Department of which the Hydrographic Bulgarian NavyOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic and oceanographic surveys,Nautical charts, Pilot books, Light lists andSailing Directions, Oceanologic studies,Notices to mariners, Radio Navigationalwarnings, Aids to navigation services,meteorological forecasts.3 March+ 359 52 552 097+ 359 52 603 259, + 359 52 552 036hs-varna@mbox.digsys.bghs_varna@abv.bg2 December 1883Commander Milen DIMITROVDirector GeneralTonnage – Tonelaje 1 <strong>January</strong> 2008: 745 622N° of charts published - Nombres de 75cartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas. The Black Sea

221Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesADMIRAL BRANIMIR ORMANOV(401)2<strong>31</strong>3<strong>31</strong>Catalogue of Nautical Charts, 4 th Edition,1991.Aids to Navigation on Bulgarian Black SeaCoastline, 6 th Edition, 2005.Displacement Date Launched1500 1976 38100 1986 10Crew100 1988 10

222CAMBODIA (KINGDOM OF)SERVICE DE L'HYDROLOGIE ET DES GRANDS BARRAGESMINISTERE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS ET DES TRANSPORTSDepartment of Hydrology and Large DamsMinistry of Public Works and TransportPHNOM-PENHDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Ministry of Public Works and RuralEngineeringResearch and work on natural waterways,Compilation of charts and plans of streams,narrows, channels, Buoyage andbeaconage, Dredging, Rock-clearing,Complete maintenance of waterways,Notices to mariners (broadcast asrequired).Telephone : + 855 23 360204Date of establishment and Relevant February 1994National Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head - Mr. KATRY-PHUNGNom et grade du directeur – Apellidos y Head of Departmentgraduación del DirectorSurveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtiments Displacement Date Launchedhydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesCrewO.N.U. – 1NEAVEA CHAR 1NEAVEA CHAR 2DRAGUE 115 T.000 - -14 T.000 - -16 T.000 - -16 pouces - -

223CAMEROON (REPUBLIC OF)PORT AUTONOME DE DOUALA (PAD)Division de l’EquipementDirection des Infrastructures PortuairesDépartement du Domaine MaritimeService de l’Environnement MaritimeB.P. 4020DOUALADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of TransportOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveys, Tidal observations,Participation in studies and work inconnection with waterways, channels andport areas (topography, dredging,hydrography, bathymetry, etc).Levés hydrographiques, observations de lamarée et participation aux etudes ettravaux des voies d’eau, chenaux et plansd’eau (dragage, topographie,hydrographie, bathymétrie, etc.).20 May+ 237 342 01 33, 342 73 22+ 237 342 67 97, 343 11 90portdouala@iccnet2000com2000Emmanuel ETOUNDI OYONOGeneral Director of the Port Authority ofDoualaTonnage – Tonelaje 1987: 76 600N° of charts published - Nombres de 90cartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas. Approach channel to the port of Douala,port areas of Douala, Kribi, Limbe, Tiko.Chenal d’accés au port de Douala, pland’eau aux ports de Douala, Kribi, Limbe,Tiko.

224Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewHydrographic launch/Vedette hydrographiqueCAP CAMEROUNNYONG (baliseur)40 2005 6360 1991 13

225CAPE VERDE (REPUBLIC OF)INSTITUTO MARĺTYIMO E PORTUÁRIO – IMPADMINISTRAÇÃO MARÍTIMAPO Box No. 7SÃO VICENTE – CABO VERDEDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Ministério das Infra-estruturasTransportes e MarInstituto Marítimo e Portuário - IMPIs not established a hydrographic Office orService. All matters related withhydrographic services are underresponsibility of Cape Verde MARAD(Instituto Marítimo e Portuário – IMP).5 July+ (238) 2324342+ (238) 2324343dgmp@cvtelecom.cvRaul.Soulé@GOVCV.gov.cvDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalCreation of the Maritime and Port Institute– IMP• Resolução n° 27/2004, 13 th DecemberStatute of Maritime and Port Institute –IMP.• Decreto-regulamentar n° 03/2005, 11 thApril.Zeferino CALAZANS FORTES (Engineer)Presidente (on exercise)Raúl Jorge Vitória Soulé (CaptainMerchant Marine)Director of Services of Merchant Marineand Ports (Responsible by HydrographicServices).2007: 15 483 GRT (trade vessels)3.700 GRT (fishing vessels)3.000.000$00 Cape-verdian Escudos (forhydrographic services – 2007)1 €uro = 110.3 $ ECV)

226N° of charts published –Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published –Nombres decartes INT publiées – N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc.)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs – Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesOther information of interest – Autresinformations utiles – Otra información deinterés.18, included ports hydrographics plans byInstituto Hidrográfico de Portugal(Portuguese Hydrographic Institute)All publication is published by InstitutoHidrográfico de Portugal (PortugueseHydrographic Institute) as tide tables forCape Verde ports, list of lighthouses andothers small routeings.NilHydrographic surveys are made undercooperation with Portuguese HydrographicInstitute as well the publication ofnavigational charts and ports hydrographicplans. Others nautical publications, as wellList of Lights, Tide tables and others smallnavigational routeings are also publishedby Portuguese Hydrographic Institute.

227COMOROS (UNION OF THE) – COMORES (UNION DES)HYDROGRAPHIC & OCEANOGRAPHIC CENTREComoran Ports AuthorityHarbour Master’s OfficeMORONI – UNION OF COMOROSDepartment of which the Hydrographic& Oceanographic Centre is part -Ministère dont dépend le Centred’hydrographie et d’océanographieMinistry of Communications, in chargeof Transport and Tourism - Ministère desPostes & Télécommunications, de laPromotion des nouvelles technologies del’information et de la communication,chargé des Transports et du TourismePrincipal functions of the Hydrographic& Oceanographic Centre - Attributionsprincipales du Centre d’hydrographie etd’océanographie -- Chart & ENC update – Tenue àjour des cartes et ENC- Safety of navigation – Sécuritéde la navigation- MSI – Information Nautique- AtoN – Aides à la navigation- Marine delineations –Délimitations- Support to State action at sea(Coast guards and control ofnatural resources) – Soutien àl’Action de l’État en mer (surveillance etcontrôle des ressources naturelles)National day – Fête nationaleTelephone :Fax :E-mail :+ 269 333 42 14-anfanesaid@yahoo.frDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernéeName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeurTonnage – TonelajeThe Centre is in the process of beingcreated (August 2011) – Le Centre est encours de création (août 2011)Mr SAID Anfane, presently interimDirector General of the Comoran PortsAuthority – M. SAIDAnfane, DG par interim de la Direction desPorts des Comores177 Merchant vessels (source : CIA

228World Factbook 2010) – 177 navires decommerce (source: CIA World Factbook2010)Total Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed – EffectifsCapacity Building Strategy - Stratégie enmatière de renforcement des capacitésNot decided yet (August 2011) – Pasencore défini (août 2011)1. MSI : centralised and reported by theHydrographic & Oceanographic Centre– Information nautique gérée par le Centred’hydrographie et d’océanographie -2. Surveys : survey capacity in supportof SHOM limited to satellite groundtruth and selected port controls –Capacité limitée au soutien du SHOM(vérité terrain satellitale et contrôlesportuaires)3. Chart production : entrusted toSHOM, as per bilateral agreement (inprogress August 2011) –Confiée au SHOM dans le cadre d’unarrangement technique (en cours en août2011).

229CONGO (REPUBLIC OF THE)(BRAZZAVILLE)PORT AUTONOME DE POINTE-NOIREPort Autonomous of Pointe-NoireB.P. 711POINTE-NOIRE- Ministère d’Etat des Transports et desPrivatisations- Secrétariat d’Etat aux TransportsMaritimes et à la Marine MarchandePrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mails :Web site :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorControl of depths by bathymetric surveys,Monitoring of sand map close to thechannel by surveys of the low water level,positioning of deadheads and buoys andbeaconage, dredging, verification ofcontrol stations.+ 242 94 00 52 + 242 94 49 05+ 242 94 20 42papn@cg.celtelplus.compapn2006@yahoo.frwww.congoport-papn.com1970Mr. Jean-Marie ANIELE,Directeur généralMr. Benoît NGUIMBI-MOULANGOU,Directeur général adjointMr. Anatole BAGNIAKANA,Directeur des Opérations maritimesCommandant du PortE-mail: bagniakana_ant@yahoo.frTel : + 242 537 35 42

230Name and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director (contd.)Mr. ATSOAMOTADirecteur de l’Equipement et desInfrastructuresE-mail : dddatsoamota@yahoo.frTel : + 242 537 36 45Mr. Georges-Daniel MAFOUA-MOUNDANDAChef de Département DragageHydrographie et Travaux MaritimesE-mail : Namy_mafoua@yahoo.frTel: + 242 524 43 93 + 242 516 36 90

2<strong>31</strong>COOK ISLANDSMARITIME DIVISIONMINISTRY OF TOURISM AND TRANSPORTP.O. Box 61RAROTONGADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Tourism and TransportOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHarbour hydrographic surveys, Harbourcontrol, Nautical advice to the CookIslands Government in many related fields.4 August+ 682 28810+ 682 288161996Mr. Henry PUNA, LLBHead of Ministry

232COSTA RICA (REPUBLIC OF)INSTITUTO GEOGRAFICO NACIONAL (IGN)National Geographic InstituteApartado 2276-1000SAN JOSEPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Cartographic work.Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :+ 506 223 9384 o (506) 257 7418 ext 2619y 2620Fax :+ 506 221 0087Date of establishment and Relevant 1 July 1944National Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMsc. Max LOBO Hernández,General DirectorFax: + 506 221 0158E-mail: malobo@racsa.co.cr andmlobo@mopt.go.crIng. Jorge MORA GutiérrezDirector, Infrastructure DirectoratMaritime & Port DivisionE-mail : jmora@mpot.go.cr

233CÔTE D’IVOIRE (REPUBLIQUE DE)DIRECTION GENERALE DU PORT AUTONOME D'ABIDJANB.P. V.85ABIDJANDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Ministry of State, Ministry of EconomicInfrastructuresLe contrôle des profondeurs, des voiesd’eau navigables, l’exploitation desmarégraphes, les mesures de courant, leslevés hydrographiques de la raded’Abidjan, des quais, des fleuves, des lacs,des embouchures du pays, le contrôle dedragage.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :WEB site :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorChecking of depths in channels, Tidegauge readings, study of currents,hydrographic surveys of the Port ofAbidjan, embankments, rivers, lakes, rivermouths, dredging.7 August+ 225 21 23 80 00 / 21 23 80 99+ 225 21 23 80 80http://www.paa.ci.org1950Mr. Marcel GOSSIO(Economist, bank executive)

234DJIBOUTI (REPUBLIC OF)MINISTERE DE L’EQUIPEMENT ET DES TRANSPORTSDIRECTION DES AFFAIRES MARITIMESB.P. 59DJIBOUTIDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoTelephone :Fax :Name and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMinistère de l’Equipement et desTransports+ 253 35 34 75 - +253 35 32 08+ 253 35 15 38Mr. Ali-Mirah CHEHEM DAOUDDirecteur

235EL SALVADOR (REPUBLIC OF)GERENTE DE GEODESIACENTRO NACIONAL DE REGISTROSINSTITUTO GEOGRAFICO Y DEL CATASTRO NAVIONAL1a Calle Poniente y 43 Avenida Norte No. 2<strong>31</strong>0SAN SALVADOREl Salvador, C.A.Department of which the Hydrographic Ministry of EconomyOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :Geodesy, Cartography, Hydrography, Tidalstudies, Cadastral surveys, Hydrographicsurveys, Oceanography, Tides and tidalcurrent surveys, Publication of tide tablesand nautical charts.+ 503 226 18763+ 503 226 07919Contact : Calos E. FIGUEROAE-mail : cfigueroa@cnr.gob.svDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed – Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Ley de creación del Centro Nacional deRegistros (Law of creation of the NationalRegister Center).Arquitecta Gracia MORENA PEÑADirectora GeneralE-mail : gmr@cnr.gov.svGerente de GeodesiaCarlos E. FIGUEROATel : (503) 2261 8763E-mail cfigueroa@cnr.gob.svHead of Hydrographic DepartmentLuis Hernandez RODEZNOE-mail lehernandez@webmail.cnr.gob.sv

236N° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.N° of INT charts published - Nombresde cartes INT publiées - N° de cartas INTpublicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )102Tide Tables - Almanaque de Mareas

237EQUATORIAL GUINEAMINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND CIVIL AVIATIONCalle Rey Boncourd, N° 42MALABOPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :+ 240 93999 / 240 75406+ 240 92919 / 240 92515Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorM. Pablo OBIANG MbaDirector General

238ERITREADEPARTMENT OF MARITIMETRANSPORTNavigational Safety DivisionP.O. Box 6MASSAWATeleph: + 291-1-552346/5529<strong>31</strong>Telefax: + 291-1-552157DEPARTMENT OF MARITIMETRANSPORTP.O. Box 679ASMARATeleph : + 291-1-189156 / 185251Telefax : + 291-1-184690E-mail: motcrez@eol.com.erEritrea has not yet established a hydrographic service.

239ETHIOPIAMINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONSMARINE TRANSPORT AUTHORITYP.O. Box 1861ADDIS ABABADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Transport and CommunicationsOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Inspection and licensing of all port andvessel services and facilities, Operation andregulation of port services, Control ofmarine pollution, Construction,improvement, maintenance, control andadministration of ports and other facilitiesfor the use of vessels, Removal ofobstruction to safe navigation andplacement of necessary aids to navigation,Administration and regulation of alllighthouses, lights, buoys, marine andsubmarine cables, harbour and portstructures and installations, Designationand prescription of the conditions of use ofsea routes, Detemination of conditions ofvessel entry to and departure fromEthiopian maritime domain, Designationand specification of prohibited, danger andrestricted areas for marine transports; andother maritime functions.+ 251 1 154915, 159013Telex :21 280, 21422 MartransTonnage – Tonelaje 56,744

240GABON (GABONESE REPUBLIC)DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA MARINE MARCHANDEGeneral Directorate of the Merchant NavyB.P. 803LIBREVILLEDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Merchant NavyOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :Upkeep and exploitation of waterways,maritime beaconage, Sailing Directions.+ 241 51 45 44+ 241 76 48 33Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director1951Mr. Christian KOWETH-DEEMIN,Conseiller du Directeur Général de laMarine MarchandeM. Hilarion ONE, Chef du Service de laSignalisation Maritime, Service des Phareset BalisesTel: +241 76 23 15N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.M. BOUDIONGO, Hydrographie portuaire(harbour surveying), Office des Ports etRades du Gabon, BP 1051, Libreville.7 (SHOM, France)

241GAMBIA (REPUBLIC OF THE)GAMBIA PORTS AUTHORITYWellington StreetBANJULThe Gambia has not yet established a hydrographic service. The Gambia Ports Authorityis responsible for all shipping and conservancy matters. The Harbour Department of thisauthority has responsibility for all dredging and surveys. Technical assistance is requestedwhen required.The above information was supplied by:The Harbour MasterGambia Ports AuthorityP.O. Box 617Wellington StreetBanjul, The Gambia, West AfricaTeleph: + 220 4227 266Fax: + 220 4227 268E-mail: info@gamport.gmWeb Site: www.gamport.gm

242GEORGIAMINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF GEORGIAJPRR State Hydrographic Service93, D. Tavdadebuli strPOTIDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of DefenceOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed – Effectifs – PlantillaObservation and service of navigationfacilities and equipment with cooperationfrom the Georgian Navy.Provision of navigational and hydrographicservices in the area under the responsibilityof Georgia.Serves the Ministry of Defence of Georgiain frame of its responsibility without anycharges.+ 00 995 393 78402+ 00 995 393 21772hidrographia@list.rumobile : +995 77 950011 & 995 77 194640(deputy Director)25 September 2004Captain Murtaz KAPAANADZE,DirectorCaptain Avtandil KVARATSKHELIAFor details, consult the following WEBsite:http://www.mod.gov.ge (Ministry ofDefence)

243GHANA (REPUBLIC OF)GHANA PORTS AND HARBOURS AUTHORITYPost Office Box 150TEMAPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :Undertakes bathymetric surveys andproduction of local charts. Positioning ofnavigational aids. Salvage operations ofsmall wooden crafts and removal of otherobstructions to safe navigation.Observation of actual tide levels to verifyaccuracy to tide predictions. Checks onmarine pollution. Laying and maintenanceof channel marker and mooring buoys.Dredging activities are given out oncontract under our supervision.+ 233 22 20 26<strong>31</strong>-9+ 233 22 20 2812E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Directorgpha@ghanaports.netJune 1986Mr. Ben OWUSU-MENSAHDirector GeneralE-mail: bowusu-mensah@ghanaports.netMr. Grodon ANIMDirector of Port, TemaE-mail: ganim@ghanaports.netMr. Nestor PERCY GALLEYDirector of Port, TakoradiE-mail: ngalley@ghanaports.netCaptain Victor JONAHHarbour Master, TemaE-mail: vjonah@ghanaports.netCaptain James OWUSU-KORANTENGHarbour Master, TakoradiE-mail: jowusu-koranteng@ghnaports.netCaptain J. AFADZIE

244Chief Pilot, TakoradiE-mail: jafadzie@ghanaports.net- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Mr. George OWUSU-ANSAHHydrographic SurveyorE-mail: gowusu-ansah@ghanaports.netChart No. <strong>31</strong>02 : Takoradi and SekondiBays - British AdmiraltyChart No: 1380 : Port of Tema - BritishAdmiralty

245GRENADAGrenada has not yet established a Hydrographic Service. The Grenada Ports Authority hasresponsibility for all sea ports in Grenada.GRENADA PORTS AUTHORITYP.O. Box 494,Carenage,St. George’s,GRENADA, WEST INDIESTeleph: + 1 (473) 440 7678Fax: + 1 (473) 440 3418E-mail: grenport@spiceisle.comName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. Ian EVANS, Grenada Port AuthorityE-mail: grenport@caribsurf.com

246Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :GUINEA (REPUBLIC OF)PORT AUTONOME DE CONAKRYAUTONOMOUS PORT OF CONAKRYB.P. 805CONAKRYMinistry of Transport oversees theNationalDirectorate of the Merchant Navy.Soundings, dredging and buoyage.2 October.+ 224 41 27 43+ 224 41 25 95cfofana23@yahoo.frDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del Director1982Point of contact:Mr. Cheik Mohamed FOFANANational Director, Merchant NavyE-mail: cfofana23@yahoo.frCdr. Aly DAFFEChief of Naval StaffTel: + 224 45 27 15Mr. Almamy KABELE CAMARA,Civil Administrator, Managing Director,Port Autonome de ConakryTel: +224 41 45 64Fax: + 224 41 26 04E-mail: almamykabele@yahoo.frMr. Morlaye CAMARAIng. Directeur des Services TechniquesDirector of technical ServicesTel : + 224 26 62 94E-mail: morlayekebeya@yahoo.fr

247Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorIng. hydrographe Souleymane BAH –Head of Hydrographic Service/Chef duService HydrographieTel : + 224 29 13 64E-mail: soulbah@yahoo.frMr. Dioumé KEITA, Eng. Head ofDredging Section.Tel: + 224 54 07 75E-mail: keitadoume@yahoo.frMr. Ousmane DIALLOHead of Aids to NavigationTel: + 224 52 27 88Type of publications produced (e.g; TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) - Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Tide Tables produced by theOceanographic Centre, Rogbane.10 (SHOM charts)

248GUINEA-BISSAU (REPUBLIC OF)ADMINISTRAÇÃO DOS PORTOS DA GUINÉ-BISSAUAvenida 3 de Agosto, CP 693BISSAUDepartment of which the Hydrographic Department of Public WorksOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :Coastal hydrography, Tidal and currentsstudies, Oceanographic studies,Navigational charts, Sailing directions,Light lists, Tide tables, Radio signals,Notices to Mariners (irregular).+ 245 20 4110 / 20 4121 / 20 4124+ 245 20 4114Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed – Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)N° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées – N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. – Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )1973Mr. Musante DA SILVADirector of Marine and Ports,BissauTel: + 245 20 1984Commandante Alberto TIPOTEIn charge of Hydrographic ActivitiesE-mail: ptipotepeco@hotmail.com20Catálogo de cartas e publicações nauticas(Catalogue of Charts)

249GUYANA (REPUBLIC OF)MARITIME ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTHYDROGRAPHIC OFFICEGeorgetown Ferry StellingGEORGETOWN, DEMERARADepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephones :Fax :Ministry of Public Works and CommunicationsHydrographic surveys, Charting shipchannels, Tide tables, Harbours, rivers andcoastal surveys, Lighthouse, buoyage andbeaconage, Light lists, Notices to mariners.+ 592 225 7330 / 226 3356Direct lines: Harbour Master 226 7842, 2271696Supt. Of Surveys 226 0860+ 592 2 9581E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Directormarad@networksgy.comTransport and Harbours ordinance 19<strong>31</strong>and (amendment) Act 1977, the GuyanaShipping Act (No. 7 of 1998) and theGuyana Shipping Regulation (No. 4 of2001).Mr. Ivor ENGLISH, MScDirector General

250HAITI (REPUBLIC OF)SERVICE MARITIME ET DE NAVIGATION D’HAITIBoulevard La SalineP.O. Box 1563PORT-AU-PRINCEDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoIn Haiti there is not yet an established Hydrographic Service.Maritime and Navigation Service(SEMANAH)Ministry of Public Works, Transport andCommunicationsThe Haiti Maritime and Navigation Service (SEMANHA), which comes under theMinistry of Public Works, Transport and Communications (MTPTC), is responsible for:Maritime administration, Maritime safety, Maritime training, Lighthouse services,Meteorological information, Inspection and registration of ships, Application of safetyregulations for navigation in Haitian waters.The National Ports Authority (APN) is responsible for the control, administration andmanagement of ports in the Republic of Haiti. It is part of the Ministry of Economy andFinance (MEF).The Haitian Coast Guard which is under the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety as partof the National Police Support Maritime Laws’ Environment and contributes to SAROperations.The Fisheries Service is part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and RuralDevelopment (MARNDR).Principal functions of the H.O. –There is a project to establish aAttributions principales du S.H. –Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service.Principales funciones del S.H.Telephones :Fax :E-mail :+ 509 3222 6336; + 509 3806 8101+ 509 3405 3585; + 509 3525 5442semanah@hotmail.comDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorOrganic Law of 5 March 1982 establishingthe SEMANAH.Inj. Mrs. Marie Yvrose JEAN, DirectorGeneralE-mail: zyvrou@hotmail.com

251Staff employed – Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Other information of interest – Autresinformations utiles – Otra información deinterés.Mr. Ronald JABOUIN, Director ofMaritime safetyE-mail: ronjabouin@hotmail.comMr. Frides MOREAU, Director MarineEnvironment ProtectionE-mail: fridesmoreau@yahoo.frNo hydrographic personnel3 biologists techniciansHaiti does not have any hydrographiccapability.SEMANAH is working on a project toestablish a Hydrographic andOceanographic Service.

252Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :HONDURAS (REPUBLIC OF)EMPRESA NACIONAL PORTUARIAApartado Postal No. 18PUERTO CORTÉSHonduras C.A.Secretariat of Communications, PublicWorls and Transport.Nautical charts, Tidal records, Tidalobservations. Dredging surveyors, Currentsmeasurement, Bathymetry elevation.+ 504 665 66 61+ 504 665 66 61hidronav@enp.hnDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed – Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)1966Lic. Edwin ARAQUEGeneral ManagerTechnical DivisionMr. Belkis FUENTESHead Department of HydrographyMr. Carlos PORTILLOE-mail : hidronav@enp.hnHead of Informatic Section of theDepartment of HydrographyMr. Javier DIAZE-mail javierd_hn@yahoo.com

253Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telex:Cable:Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesIRAQ (REPUBLIC OF)MARINE DEPARTMENTGeneral Company for Iraqi PortsBASRAHMinistry of Transport and CommunicationsHydrographic surveys, Notices toMariners, Local nautical charts.207008 Port IKMAWANI, BasrahDr. HASAN AL-MAINIDirector GeneralLocal charts for Shatt AL - Arab - KhorAbdullah - Khor AL - Amiya and KhorAL Kafka are issued by MarineDepartment/Survey Section and also LocalTide Tables are published for home waters.Displacement Date Launched CrewAL-FAOAL-BAKIRBOAT No. 1- 1968 -- 1980 -- 1980 9

254ISRAEL (STATE OF)ADMINISTRATION OF SHIPPING AND PORTS15a, Pal Yam StreetP.O. Box 806HAIFA <strong>31</strong>999Teleph: + 972 (4) 8632080+ 972 (4) 8632085Fax: + 972 (4) 8632118E-mail: techni@mot.gov.ilDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :SURVEY OF ISRAEL1 Lincoln StreetP.O. Box 14171TEL-AVIV 61141Teleph : + 972 (3) 62<strong>31</strong>901+ 972 (3) 62<strong>31</strong>804Fax : + 972 (3) 5611565ISRAEL NAVYHydrographic BranchM.P.O.B. 01086 IDFAdministration of Shipping and Ports,Ministry of Transport.Publishing of Notices to Mariners,Maintenance of lighthouses and aids tonavigation.Maps, Nautical charts and Tidalinformation.See aboveDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferencia1948

255Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorAdmistration of Shipping and PortsCapt. E. STERNBERGDeputy DirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 1 129 592Survey of IsraelMr. Baruch PERETZMANHead of Cartographic departmentE-mail: baruch_p@mapi.gov.il

256JORDAN (THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF)THE PORTS CORPORATION, JORDANP.O. Box 115AQABA 77110Teleph : + 962 3 201 40<strong>31</strong>Fax : + 962 3 201 6204E-mail : info@aqabaports.gov.joWeb Site : www.Aqabaports.gov.joThe Ports Corporation is a governmental organization with an administrative and financialindependence. In this connection, it can perform any action and legal procedures.The Corportation is run by:a) a Board of Directors, with the Head of Commissioners of ASEZA as Chairmanand (8) members form all sectors related to transport.b) A Director General, and, deputy of the Chairman of the Board of Directorsresponsible for managing the Corporation.c) An Executive Staff. Consists of Assistants of Director General (Management,Technical Operations) and Advisors, Managers of Departments (13).A coastal radio station exists in Aqaba at the following address :THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDANThe Ports CorporationAqaba Coastal Radio StationP.O. Box 115AQABATeleph : +962 3 2016323Fax : +962 3 2016320Telex : 62320 RADIO JO and 62325 RADIO JOName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. Awwad AL MAAYTAHDirector General, Ports Corporation

257KENYA (REPUBLIC OF)SURVEY OF KENYAP.O. Box 30046NAIROBITeleph : + 254 2 718050Fax : + 254 2 717553E-mail : sok@gt.co.keDirector of Surveys : Mr. J. MATHENGEKENYA PORTS AUTHORITYP.O. Box 95009MOMBASATeleph : + 254 11 <strong>31</strong>2211Harbour Master and Chief Operations Manager : Captain T. KHAMISDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Lands and SettlementOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoThe Republic of Kenya has not yet established a hydrographic service. However, aKenyan National Hydrographic Committee has been formed to coordinate and regulatehydrographic survey activities in the country. Unconcluded discussions on the formationof a hydrographic survey service unit are in progress.

258KIRIBATIMINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONSP.O. Box 487BETIO, TARAWARepublic of KiribatiCentral PacificTeleg : TRANSCOM, TARAWAKiribati has not yet established a Hydrographic Service. There is a Marine Division whoseresponsibility is to look after harbours and shipping in the Republic. This Division alsolooks after the interests of seamen working on foreign and local ships.

259LEBANON (LEBANESE REPUBLIC)MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS & TRANSPORTDirectorate General of Land & Maritime TransportGeorges Picot StreetStarco Bldg, 3rd FloorBEIRUTDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Public Works and Transport.Office is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax:E-mail:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorCertain hydrographic activities, harbours,Aids to navigation.+ 961 1 371 644, 645, 646+ 961 1 371 647Ministry@transportation.gov.lb1920Tonnage – Tonelaje 178 309Mr. A. H. KAYSSIDirector General of Land and MaritimeTransport.

260LIBERIA (REPUBLIC OF)MINISTRY OF LANDS, MINES AND ENERGYP.O. Box 10-90241000 MONROVIA 10Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Geodetic Division, Department of LandSurvey and Cartography, Ministry ofLands, Mines and Energy.The Hydrographic Surveying Sectionforms part of an organic frame of theGeodetic Division within the LiberianCartographic Service. Its main functions,amongst others, includes conducting ofcoastal water surveys as well as tidal andcurrent surveys. It is also responsible forthe production of nautical charts and servesas a custodian for data archives of depthinformation.+ 2<strong>31</strong> 227 490+ 2<strong>31</strong> 226 281November 1951Mr. Thomas F. YOLAINDirectorLiberian Cartographic Services (LCS)The coastal waters of Liberia.British Admiralty.

261LITHUANIA (REPUBLIC OF)LITHUANIAN MARITIME SAFETY ADMINISTRATIONJ. Janonio g. 24LT-92251 KLAIPÉDADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Transport and CommunicationOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail:Web site :Lithuanian Maritime Safety Administration(LMSA) is responsible for the developmentand implementation of national maritimesafety policy, bathymetry survey andnautical charting. The Administration wasfounded after the reorganization ofKlaipéda State Seaport Authority.+ 370 46 46 96 02+ 370 46 46 96 00msa@msa.lthttp://www.msa.ltDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesVARUNA (20m.)2002Mr. Evaldas ZACHAREVIČIUSDirectorList of Lithuanian aids to navigation.Displacement Date LaunchedCrew33 2003 6

262MADAGASCAR (REPUBLIC OF)INSTITUT GEOGRAPHIQUE ET HYDROGRAPHIQUE NATIONALFOIBEN-TAOSARINTANIN'I MADAGASIKARA (F.T.M.)B.P. 323ANTANANARIVO 101 – MADAGASCARDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMinistry of Decentralization and TerritoryPlanning.Hydrographic surveys, Nautical charts,Notices to mariners, Studies concerninghydrography and physical oceanography.26 June+ 261 20 22 229 35+ 261 20 22 252 64ftm@wanadoo.mg1974 Entreprise public à caractèreindustriel et commercial (EPIC).Mr. Victor ANDRIAMPANANARAZAFIMAHEFA, IngénieurDirecteur GénéralTonnage – Tonelaje 1996 : 45 660Total Budget - Budget total – Presupuesto 10 milliards FMGTotalStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla 215- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Directeur de l’Information géographique debase :Nary HERILALAO IARIVOOcéanographe :Richard RAHARIJAONAHydrographe :Nivoarimanga RATOVOARISON

263- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalDirecteur de l’Information géographique etTélédétection :Narizo Mahefa RAHAINGOALISONCartographe :Herinirina Iarivo NARYDirecteur administratif et financier :José Nirisolo RANDRIANAIVODirecteur commercial :Robert RAKOTOZFYDirecteur des Travaux d’édition :Angelinette RAZANAMALALAOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur - estrategia de contratación detrabajos.Cartographie de base et thématiquePrise de vue aérienneTravaux d’imprimerie

264MALAWI (REPUBLIC OF)HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY UNITDepartment of SurveysMinistry of Lands, Housing and Urban DevelopmentPrivate Bag B525LILONGWE 3Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorDepartment of Surveys, Ministry of Lands,Housing and SurveysHydrographic surveys, Preparing andupdating national charts and production ofthe Lake Pilot or Sailing Directions.6 July+ 265 1 752 582+ 265 1 752 581July 1991Mr. H.C. KANYANGALAActing Survey GeneralTonnage – Tonelaje 6 000Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)Mr. Michael MZUNZUE-mail :hydrographicmalawi@africa-online.net- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)N° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves6Displacement Date LaunchedCrewTIMBA71.6 1989 13

265MALAWI (REPUBLIC OF)MARINE DEPARTMENTMinistry of Transport, Public InfrastructurePrivate Bag A81LILONGWEDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Marine Department , Ministry of Transportand Public Works6 July+ 265 01 755 546+ 265 01 758 893admin@marinegov.netDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorJuly 1991Captain T.W. KAMANGA, Chief Surveyorof Vessels

266Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O.Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National days - Fêtes nationales – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail:Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaTonnage – TonelajeMALTA (REPUBLIC OF)MALTA MARITIME AUTHORITYPORTS DIRECTORATEHYDROGRAPHIC UNITMaritime Transport CentreXatt 1-Ghassara ta’l-GhenebMARSA MRS 1917Malta Maritime AuthorityAutorité maritime de MalteHydrographic Surveys, Tidal Observations,Notices to Mariners, Navigational aidsLevés hydrographiques, Observationsmarégraphiques, Avis aux navigateurs,Aides à la navigation<strong>31</strong> March – 7 June – 8 and 21 September –13 December+ 356 21 222 203 or + 356 22 914 430+ 356 21 222 208 or + 356 22 914 429joe.bianco@transport.gov.mtwww.transport.gov.mt19762006 : 25,605 469 (L.R.)CHARTS – Admiralty Charts - CARTES de l'Amirauté britanniqueArea of coverage – zone couverteInshore waters, ports and harbours – Eauxintérieures et portsName and rank of the Director or Head Mr. Charles V. SCHEMBRI – Executive– Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos y Directorgraduación del DirectorE-mail: charles.schembri@transport.gov.mtStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Mr. Joseph BIANCO, Dip. H.S.,HydrographerE-mail: joe.bianco@transport.gov.mtCaptain Richard GABRIELE, F.N.I.,M.C.I.T., Harbour MasterE-mail: richard.gabriele@mma.gov.mt

267Staff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla(continued – suite – continuación)Mr. Paul ELLUL BONICI, HydrographicOfficerE-mail: paul.ellul.bonici@mma.gov.mtSurveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydro-graphiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesMADONNA TA’ PINUDisplacement Date Launched Crew18 1987 5Authorities responsible for the serviceslisted -Autorités dont dépendent lesservices mentionnésHarboursHydrographic surveys, Harbour aids tonavigation, Notices to Mariners/List ofLights, Radio Navigational WarningsMarine MeteorologyCoastal Stations transmitting RadioNavigational Warnings includingNAVTEXOceanographyMinister for Transport andCommunicationsMalta Maritime AuthorityMeteorological Office, Director of CivilAviation, LuqaMalta Radio, Armed Forces of Malta-Luqaand Valletta Port Control, Malta MaritimeAuthorityTel: +356 21 249784, +356 21 241363Fax: +356 21 809860, +356 21 245440Malta Council for Science and Technology,University of Malta

268MARSHALL ISLANDS (REPUBLIC OF THE)MINISTRY OF RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENTMarshall Islands Marine Resources AuthorityMAJUROMarshall Islands 96960The Republic of the Marshall Islands has not yet established a Hydrographic Service.The newly established Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) is solelyresponsible for the development and conservation of marine resources includingsurveillance and law enforcement within the Republic's Exclusive Economic Zone of itsterritorial waters. The Ministry of Transportation and Communication, on the other hand,looks after all matters related to shipping, harbor, coastal surveys, aids to navigation, radionavigational aids, and nautical charts. The Weather Service Office deals with marinemeteorology, tidal observations, and tide tables.

269MAURITANIA (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)MINISTERE DE LA DEFENSE NATIONALEEtat-major nationalDirection de la Marine nationaleBP 208NOUAKCHOTTDepartment of which the Hydrographic A Hydrographic Service is being set up.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :Purposes:Hydrographic studies, Communication ofnautical information, Topographic surveys,Data bank/documents and cartography,Aids to navigation.+ 222 511 71, 521 39, 520 76+ 222 525 11 71siab44@hotmail.comTonnage – Tonelaje 43 355Name and rank of the Director or Head Capitaine de frégate Cheikh OULD– Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos y AHMEDgraduación del DirectorDirecteur de la Marine NationaleN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.8 SHOM Charts.

270MONTENEGROINFORMATION TO BE COMMUNICATED LATERDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone and Fax :E-mail :Point of contact :M. Branislav IGIC,Capitaine du bateau militaire00 382 81 686 092hirm@cg.yuDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla

Type of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves271

272Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoMONTSERRATMONTSERRAT PORT AUTHORITYLITTLE BAYMontserratThe Port Authority has developed statutoryresponsibility for maritime matters fromthe Ministry of Communication andWorks.Name and rank of the Director or Head –Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Mr. Melroy MEADEManagerMr. Shaun O’GARROSuperintendantNational co-ordinator for collection anddissemination of navigational safetyinformation to UKHO and to the WWNWSvia MRCC Martinique.+664 491 2792+664 491 8063sogarro@hotmail.com

273NAMIBIA (REPUBLIC OF)MINISTRY OF WORKS, TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONDepartment of TransportPrivate Bag 12005WINDHOEKDirector of Maritime Affairs: Mr. M. NANGOLOResponsible for national hydrographic policy and provision for SOLAS V obligationsThe Hydrographic functions have been carried out by South Africa before and afterindependence. Although the agreement on hydrography along the coast of Namibia hasstill not been signed by the respective governments, it was decided that the services beingprovided will continue until such time as the government of Namibia takes responsibilitythereof.Telephone :Fax :Telex:Teleg:+ 264 (061) 208 9111+ 264 (061) 24002450-908 709NAMTRANSNAMIBIAN PORTS AUTHORITYPort of Walvis BayP.O. Box 361NAMIBIAFax : + 264 (064) 208 2320Mr Elzevir W. GELDERBLOEMDelegated responsibility for the collection and promulgation of hydrographic informationthrough liaison with the South African Navy HO (SANHO).

274NICARAGUA (REPUBLICA OF)MINISTERO DE LA PRESIDENCIAINSTITUTO NICARAGÜENSE DE ESTUDIOS TERRITORIALESDIRECCION DE RECURSOS HIDRICOSDEPARTAMENTO DE HIDROGRAFIAApartado postal 2110MANAGUADepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :Directorate of Water Resources ofNicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies(INETER).Measurements of tides, Soundings,Hydrographic and oceanographicinvestigations, Elaboration of nauticalcharts, Navigational aids installation,Lighthouse and buoyage installation, Studyand supervision of coast and portconstructions.+ 505 2 44 739+ 505 2 49 1890ineterds@ibw.com.niDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)N° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.1965Engineer Claudio GUTTÉREZ HUETEDirector Instituto de Estudios TerritorialesINETEREng. Luis PALACIOS RUIZ,Director of Water ResourcesArmando AGURCIA PALMA,HydrographerHarbour and outer harbours, own coastalwaters and frontiers with neighbouringcountries, continental shelf.

275PANAMA (REPUBLIC OF)AUTORIDAD MARITIMA DE PANAMAMaritime Authority of PanamaApartado 8062PANAMA 7The National Geographic Institute, under the Ministry of Public Works, is in charge of allmatters concerning hydrography.Telephone :+ 507 232 5528, 232 5553Fax :+ 507 232 5527, 232 6253Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorType of publications produced (e.g. TideTables, Sailing Directions, List of Lightsetc.) – Type de publications produites (parex: Tables des marées, Instructionsnautiques, Livres des Feux, etc. - Tipo depublicaciones producidas (por ej: Tablasde mareas, Derroteros, Libros de Farosetc. )Lic. J. SALAZARAdministratorCatalogo de Publicaciones Cartograficas.Telephones :Fax :E-mails :MINISTERIO DE OBRAS PUBLICASINSTITUTO GEORAFICO NACIONAL"Tommy Guardia"P.O. Box 0816-01574, Zona 5Apartado 5267PANAMA+ 507 507 9681+ 505 507 9683+ 507 507 9684+ 507 507 8682claguna@mop.gob.padireccionigntg@mop.gob.pahmedieta@mop.gob.paDirector General Ing. Carlos E. LAGUNAS N.

276PARAGUAY (REPUBLIC OF)DIRECCION DE HIDROGRAFIA Y NAVEGACION DE LA ARMADAFUERZAS ARMADAS DE LA NACIÓNARMADA PARAGUAYACOMANDO DE APOYO DE COMBATEPaseo de Fátima c/Ruta TranschacoMARIANO ROQUE ALONSODepartment of which the Hydrographic A direct dependency of the ArmyOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorHydrographic surveys (Investigacioneshidrográficas), Nautical charts (CartasNauticas), Aids to navigation (Ayudas a lanavegación).+ 595 21 750 980sailorhys@yahoo.com8 June 1942Capt. N DEM Heradio VILLALBASANTACRUZDirectorTonnage – Tonelaje 25 000Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtiments Displacement Date Launchedhydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesCrewDRAGA (D-2)SO R. LESME (Lancha PatrulleraHidrográfica)Grúa Flotanta110 1957 1950 1957 7100 1957 4

277SAINT KITTS AND NEVISST. CHRISTOPHER AIR AND SEAPORTS AUTHORITYMARITIME DIVISIONBird RockBASSETERRESt. KITTS, West IndiesThe Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis does not at present have an established HydrographicDepartment. However, there are several other governmental departments thatcarry out some of the functions of such a facility.Telephone :Fax :E-mail:+ 1 869 465 5451+ 1 869 465 8124themarineoffice@hotmail.comName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs - PlantillaCaptain Herbert NIGEL, Director,Fax: +1 869 466 2258E-mail: nigel507@hotmail.comMr. Hobson McCLEAN, Maitime DirectorMinistry of Transport, Works and UtilitiesBasseterreTel: +1 869 465 2521E-mail: Macleanhobson@yahoo.com

278SAINT LUCIASAINT LUCIA AIR AND SEA PORTS AUTHORITYDIVISION OF MARITIME AFFAIRSP.O. Box 651CASTRIESSt. Lucia does not yet have a Hydrographic Service.National day - Fête nationale – Fiesta 13 DecembernacionalTelephone :Fax :+758 453 2855+758 453 0889Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs - Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Mr. Sean MATTHEWGeneral Manager, St Lucia & Sea PortsAuthorityE-mail: sean.matthew@slaspa.comMr. Christopher ALEXANDERShip Surveyor/Inspector,Division of maritime Affairs,CastriesE-mail: christopher.alexander@slaspa.comMr. Oliviere CADETChief PilotSt Lucia Air and Sea Ports AuthorityCastriesE-mail: oliviere.cadet@slaspa.com

279SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINESMINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND WORKSHalifax StreetKINGSTOWNSaint Vincent and the Grenadines does not yet have an established Hydrogaphic Office.Telephone :Fax :+ 00 1 784 456 1111+ 00 1 784 456 2168Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorCaptain B. B. KING, DirectorFax: 00 1 784 456 2732

280SAMOA (INDEPENDENT STATE OF SAMOA)Telephone :Fax :Telex:MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTMARINE AND SHIPPING DIVISIONP.O. Box 1607APIA+ 685 23700, 23701, 23702, 25421, 25422+ 685 21990, 25419Malo SX 221Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur - Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. Vaaelua NOFO VA’AELUASecretary for Transport

281SENEGAL (REPUBLIC OF)SERVICE DE SECURITE MARITIME DU SENEGALPORT AUTONOME DE DAKARBd de la LibérationB.P. <strong>31</strong>95DAKARDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministère de l’Economie MaritimeOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.Subdivision des Phares et Balises- Levés bathymétriques au port deDakar et dans les différents estuairesdu Sénégal (Saloum, Casamance).- Maintenance et mise en place dubalisage Maritime National.- Transmission des infos nautiques dansla ZEE via la radio maritime Dakar-Radio.- Assistance aux Ports de la Sous Régionpour la mise en place du système debalisage et de capacités de baseshydrographiquesService hydrographique et Océanographiquede la Marine Française (SHOM)- Edite les cartes marines du Sénégal.- Relaie les informations nautiques viaSafetynet.Subdivision of Lights and Buoys- Bathymetric surveys in the Port ofDakar and in the various estuaries ofSenegal (Saloum, Casamance).- Maintenance and setting up of nationalbuoyage system.- Transmission of nautical informationin the EEZ via Dakar Maritime radio.- Assistance to the ports of the subregionfor the setting up of thebuoyage system and basichydrographic capabilities.

282Principal functions of the H.O. –Attributions principales du S.H. –Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mailDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation – Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head– Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMaritime Authority/Autorité MaritimeLighthouse Authority/Service des Phareset BalisesN° of charts published – Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.SHOM- publishes the nautical charts forSenegal- relays nautical information viaSafetynet.4 April+ 221 822 05 56 / 221 849 79 50+ 221 823 36 06sady@portdakar.snmbaidythioub@yahoo.fr1949M. Bara SADY,Directeur Général du Port Autonome deDakar, Chef du Service de SécuritéMaritime du SénégalM. Yérim THIOUBAdministrateur Principal des AffairesMaritimes12, avenue Faidherbe X Vincent, DakarTel: + 221 821 36 43M. Mamadou THIOUB, Chef de laSubdivision des Phares et BalisesTel: + 221 822 05 56Fax: + 221 823 52 63E-mail: mthioub@hotmail.commbaidythioub@yahoo.fr11 SHOM Charts

Surveying vessels/ Aircraft – Bâtiments hydrographiques/aéronefs - Buqueshidro-gráficos/AeronavesDisplacement Date LaunchedCrew283LEON BOURDELLESBâliseur / Buoy-laying boatVedette de servitude “LEONBOURDELLES”Remplacement du baliseur “Léon-Bourdelles” en cours.Offres reçues – Evaluation en cours.Fin construction estimée au 1 er trimestre2007.660.3 1948 25- 2002 05

284SEYCHELLES (REPUBLIC OF THE)HYDROGRAPHIC AND TOPOGRAPHIC BRIGADEOF THE SEYCHELLESSeychelles Coast GuardP.O. Box 257VICTORIADepartment of which the Hydrographic Seychelles Coast GuardOffice is part – Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day – Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :To conduct hydrographic surveys ofharbours and adjoining coastal waters.18 June+ 248 224411, 224616+ 248 224665seycoast@seychelles.netDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTonnage – TonelajeTotal Budget - Budget total – PresupuestoTotalStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves1981Lt. Colonel Michel ROSETTEOfficer-in-chargeHydrographer:Lieutenant Ronny MATATIKENDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewOne 7.5 m launch4 tons 1978 2

285SIERRA LEONE (REPUBLIC OF)SIERRA LEONE MARITIME ADMINISTRATIONP.O. Box <strong>31</strong>3Maritime HouseGovernment Wharf Ferry TerminalFREETOWNSierra Leone is in the process of establishing a Hydrographic Service or Departmentwithin the Sierra Leone Administration, with possible assistance from the UKHydrographic Office. Sierra Leone has formerly applied for membership of theInternational Hydrographic Organization and is awaiting response.Executive DirectorMr. Philip LUKULEYTelephone : + 232 22 221 211SIERRA LEONE PORTS AUTHORITY (SLPA)PMB 386Cline TownFREETOWNSierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA) is responsible for the management and operation ofall ports in Sierra Leone.General ManagerMr. Nestor P. GALLEYTel: +232 22 250 989Harbour MasterCaptain R.R. SAWYERRTel: 232 22 220 537

286SOLOMON ISLANDSSOLOMON ISLANDS HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE (S<strong>IHO</strong>)Chief Hydrographic OfficerDepartment of Lands and SurveysP.O. Box 1224HONIARADepartment of which the Hydrographic Department of Lands and SurveysOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :Email :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Hydroscheme, Hydrographic surveys,National chart production, Tidalinformation, Chart agency, Depository ofhydrographic records, Chart corrections,Issue of hydrographic data, Records,Charts and International hydrographicpublications.7 July+ 677 28320+ 677 2<strong>31</strong>10jbkuluwai@gmail.comNovember 1980 (transferred to SurveyDivision <strong>January</strong> 1984)Mr. P.M. TEFEROMU, ChiefHydrogrpahic OfficerPrincipal Hydrographic OfficersMr. Tony HANUAGIMs. L. SIFONI (BA, Carto.)

287- Cartographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Cartographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction)- Cartógrafos (Apellidos y categoría delpersonal directivo)- Administrators (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Responsables administratifs (Nom etgrade du personnel de direction)- Personal administrativo (Apellidos ycategoría del personal directivo)Other staff - Autres effectifs - OtropersonalN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.Surveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/AeronavesOutsourcing strategy - Stratégie enmatière de travail exécuté sous contrat àl’extérieur – estrategia de contratación detrabajos.CartographersMr. J. DALOMAE, Principal HydrographicCartographerMr. J. BEN (Dip. Carto.), AssistantHydrographic CartographerPermanent SecretaryMr. Donald KUDU5SMB SEALARKSurvey Motor BoatA master hydro master-plan-Hydroscheme.

288SUDAN (REPUBLIC OF THE)SURVEY DEPARTMENTDirector General OfficeP.O. Box 306KHARTOUMDepartment of which the Hydrographic The Sudan Survey DepartmentOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Teleg:To survey and chart important ports andexisting and proposed harbours and theirapproaches at scale 1/25 000 with depthcontours of 0.5m.; to survey and producecharts for coastal navigation at scale1/100 000 from the coast up to twokilometres offshore; to survey and producenavigational charts of the coastal waters ofthe whole Sudanese territorial seas in theRed Sea at scale 1/1 000 000; to establishtide gauges along the coast to facilitate RedSea tidal studies; to contribute to any jointproject in marine sciences.+ 249 11 71659MessalhaDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferencia1898

289TANZANIA (UNITED REPUBLIC OF)HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS SECTIONDirectorate of Surveys and MappingMinistry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements DevelopmentP.O. Box 9132DAR ES SALAAMDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :WEB site :Ministry of Lands, Housing and HumanSettlements DevelopmentDefinition of National hydrographic policyand the provision of the secretariat for theNational Hydrographic Committee (NHC).9 December+ 255 22 21241-9+ 255 22 2124576Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. C.S. MWAIJANDE, Assistant Director

290TANZANIA (UNITED REPUBLIC OF)TANZANIA PORTS AUTHORITYDirection des ports de la TanzanieP.O. Box 9184DAR ES SALAAMDepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Infrastructure DevelopmentOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.National day - Fête nationale – FiestanacionalTelephone :Fax :E-mail :Hydrographic surveys in ports,Maintenance and improvement ofnavigational aids in harbours and along thecoast of Tanzania, Dredging to maintaindepths at channels and berths, Notices tomariners and Oceanographic studies.9 December+ 255 22 211 0401/9+ 255 22 211 3938 or 211 3432dg@tanzaniaports.comprm@tanzaniaports.comWEB site :www.tanzaniaports.comDate of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director1969Eng. Peter K. MTANDUActing Director GeneralTonnage – Tonelaje 17 May 1996: 34 901Staff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla For details consult the WEB site :http://www.tanzaniaports.comN° of charts published - Nombres decartes publiées - N° de cartas publicadas.(Chart Area of coverage) Own waters ofTanzanian Coast, British Admiralty Chartsare used.

291TOGO (TOGOLESE REPUBLIC)Togo does not yet have a hydrographic office as such, but the University of Benin inLomé has a research department, run by Dr. NUTZUDZA Mensah, which carries outoceanographic and hydrographic surveys connected with coastal studies and producesbathymetric charts of the regions.There is a maritime authority responsible for the port and a telecommunications serviceresponsible for communications.Other information of interest – Autres Contre-amiral Fogan ADEGNON,informations utiles - Otra información de Directeur général du Port autonome deinterés.LoméAids to Navigation (lights and buoys)Service des Phares et BalisesPort Autonome de Lomé - CapitainerieB.P. 1225, LoméTeleph: + 229 27.47.42Fax: + 227 47 69M. Fally KUOEVIChef du Service « Entretiens généraux » duPort de Lomé

292Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTURKS & CAICOS ISLANDSGOVERNOR’S OFFICEGovernment HouseGRAND TURK, T.C.I.Mr. Jean HARRODFirst SecretaryChair a Committee which will meet toreview hydrographic requirements.Telephone :E-mail :+649 946 4111Jean.Harrod@fco.gov.ukMARITIME DEPARTMENTMinistry of Works, Communication and UtilitiesPROVIDENCIALES, T.C.I.Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorTelephone :E-mail :Mr. Henry WILSONHead of the Maritime Department+649 941 <strong>31</strong>48+ 649 941 4213

293TUVALUMINISTRY OF LABOUR, WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONSMinistère du Travail, des Travaux et des CommunicationsPrivate Mail BagVAIAKUFUNAFUTITuvalu has not yet established a Hydrographic Service. The Marine and Travel Divisionlooks after the port of Funafuti and domestic shipping. The Tuvalu Cooperative Societyhandles international trade and shipping. A fisheries division in the Ministry of NaturalResources and Home Affairs handles all fisheries related matters. The Lands and SurveyDepartment in the same Ministry provides harbour and coastal surveys. It is very likelythat the Land and Survey Department will conduct hydrographic surveys once thedepartment is developed further.Telephone :Fax :+ 688 20052+ 688 20722/800

294UGANDA (REPUBLIC OF)COMMISSIONER FOR TRANSPORT REGULATIONMinistry of Works, Housing and CommunicationP.O. Box 10ENTEBBEDepartment of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Ministry of Works, Housing andCommunicationHydrographic policy and planning. In duecourse these will be included in theresponsibilities of a new Marine Divisionto be included in a multi-sector regulatorybody.Telephone :Fax :E-mail :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del Director+ 256 41 320101+ 256 41 320 135mowhc@utlonline.co.ugMr. Patrick SANYA, Commissioner

295VANUATU (REPUBLIC OF)VANUATU HYDROGRAPHIC UNITSurvey DepartmentPMB 024PORT VILADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of Lands, Geology, and Minerals.Office is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Coastal hydrographic surveys, Localcharting and chart production, Policypriorities, Tidal information, RAN ChartAgency, Notices to Mariners.Telephone :Fax :Date of establishment and RelevantNational Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorSurveying vessels/ Aircraft - Bâtimentshydrographiques/aéronefs - Buques hidrográficos/Aeronaves+ 678 22427+ 678 25973March 1988Mr. Martin SOKOMANUSenior Hydrographic SurveyorOfficer-in-chargeDisplacement Date LaunchedCrewSMY SPIA LAEN38 1989 7

296VIET NAM (SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF)VIETNAM MARITIME SAFETYAUTHORITY (VMSA-1)VIETNAM MARITIME SAFETYAUTHORITY (VMSA-1)<strong>31</strong> Da Nang StreetNgo Quyen DistrictHAI PHONG CITYVIETNAMTeleph: + 84 <strong>31</strong> 355 0817/382 7747Telefax: + 84 <strong>31</strong> 355 0797E-mail: vms_office@hn.vnn.vnPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.VIETNAM MARITIME SAFETYAUTHORITY (VMSA-2)VIET NAM MARITIME SAFETYAUTHORITY (VMSA-2)10 Nguyen Thai Hoc StreetVUNG TAU CITYBa Ria Vung Tau provinceVIETNAMTeleph: + 84 64 854457/852637Telefax: + 84 64 858<strong>31</strong>2E-mail: mscii_office@vnn.vn• Management and Operation ofLighthouse system and AtoN onchannels.• Channels dredging.• Hydrographic survey and design ofmaritime works• Construction of maritime works;repair, construction of civil andindustrial works..• Design, manufacturing and installationof new AtoN.• Repair of maritime equipment.• Regulate the constructing works.• Marine transport.• Cargo loading at the company’s ports.• Fabrication of new vessels.• Tourism and hotel business.• S.A.R. at sea.• Cooperate with other authorities formaritime safety and marineenvironment as well as nationaldefend.• Other functions when required byVietnam National Administration.

297Name and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. LUU VAN QUANGDirector GeneralStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Mr. TRAN NGOC DOI,Vice-Director GeneralMr. LE VAN QUYET,Vice-Director GeneralMr. LUU VAN THUAN,Vice-Director GeneralName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMr. PHAM DINH VANVice Director GeneralStaff employed - Effectifs – Plantilla- Hydrographers (Name and rank ofmanaging staff)- Hydrographes (Nom et grade dupersonnel de direction- Hidrógrafos (Apellidos y graduación delpersonal directivo)Mr. NGUYEN VAN THUAN,Vice-Director General

298Department of which the HydrographicOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :E-mail:YEMEN (REPUBLIC OF)MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTYEMEN PORTS AUTHORITYPORT OF ADEN,PO Box 1<strong>31</strong>6TAWAHI, ADENYemen Ports AuthorityMinistry of TransportLocal surveys of the harbours of Aden,Mukaalla and Nishtun, and theirapproaches. Maintenance of navigationaland mooring buoys. Issuing local Noticesto Mariners and Radio Navigationalwarnings as necessary. Lighthouses andlights at Aden, Mukaalla and Nishtun.Tidal observations, land surveying, minordredging work, pilotage, mooring andmarine services, container terminaloperation.+ 967 2 203521+ 967 2 205805ypa@y.net.yeWeb site:www.portofaden.comDate of establishment and Relevant 1988National Legislation - Date de fondationet législation nationale concernée – Fechade establecimiento y Leyes nacionales dereferenciaTonnage – Tonelaje 9,630,341 (1995)

299YEMEN (REPUBLIC OF)MARITIME AFFAIRS AUTHORITYPO Box 19395SANA'ADepartment of which the Hydrographic Ministry of TransportOffice is part - Ministère dont dépend leService Hydrographique – Ministerio delque depende el Servicio HidrográficoPrincipal functions of the H.O. -Attributions principales du S.H. -Principales funciones del S.H.Telephone :Fax :Mobile:- Registration of Yemeni ships.- Safety of ships, including port statecontrol and navigation.- Safety of navigation, includinghydrography, aids to navigation andpilotage.- Maritime communications and theGMDSS.- Search and Rescue.- Qualification, status and registration ofseafarers.- Marine Environment protection.- Liaison with IMO, IALA and otherspecialized organizations.+ 967 1 423005/414412/419914+ 967 1 414645+ 967 73212627E-MailName and rank of the Director or Head -Nom et grade du directeur – Apellidos ygraduación del DirectorMAA-HeadOffice@y.net.yeCaptain Abdulla Ibragim ALNAGRIExecutive Chairman & Chairman of boardsof directorsTel: + 967 1 419915Fax: +967 1 414645Mobile: + 967 733791884E-mail: MAA-HeadOffice@y.net.ye__________

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301APPENDICESAPPENDIX 1Table of Reported Tonnages for<strong>IHO</strong> Member StatesAPPENDICE 1Tableau des Tonnages signalés parles Etats membres de l’OHIAPPENDIX 2Table of Shares, Contributions and VotesAPPENDICE 2Tableau des Parts, Contributions et VoixAPPENDIX 3<strong>IHO</strong> MembershipAPPENDICE 3Membres de l’OHIAPPENDIX 4Non-Governmental InternationalOrganizations (NGIO)accredited as Observers to the InternationalHydrographic Organization (<strong>IHO</strong>)APPENDICE 4Organisations internationales nongouvernementales(OING) accréditées entant qu’observateurs auprès del’Organisation HydrographiqueInternationale (OHI)__________

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303APPENDIX 1 – APPENDICE 1TONNAGESThe table below shows the officialtonnage most recently reported for each <strong>IHO</strong>Member State. In accordance with Article6(b) of the <strong>IHO</strong> Finance Regulations,contributions by Member States for 2008 arecalculated on the list of tonnages approvedby the XVIIth I.H. Conference, except forthose Governments who had reported changesby 30 June 2010 in accordance witharticle 6(d) of the Finance Regulations.Calculation of shares and contributionsfor 2010 will be based on the figures belowunless further changes were submitted before30 June 2010.Le tableau ci-dessous donne, pourchaque Etat membre de l'OHI, le derniertonnage officiel signalé. Conformément àl'article 6(b) du Règlement financier del'OHI, les contributions des Etats membrespour l'année 2008 sont basées sur la liste destonnages approuvée par la XVIIe ConférenceH.I., sauf pour les Gouvernements qui ontsignalé des changements avant le 30 juin2010 conformément à l'article 6(d) du Règlementfinancier.Le calcul des parts et des contributionspour 2010 sera basé sur les chiffres cidessousà moins que d'autres modificationsn'aient été signalées avant le 30 juin 2010.Country – Pays Tonnages Amended on :Modifié le :Algeria – Algérie ....................................................................... 872 000Argentine - Argentine ................................................................ 952 834Australia - Australie .................................................................. 2 216 455Bahrain – Bahreïn ..................................................................... 498 368Bangladesh ................................................................................ 464 370Belgium – Belgique ................................................................... 4 232 236Brazil - Brésil ............................................................................ 3 412 309Canada ....................................................................................... 4 562 470Chile - Chili ............................................................................... 769 015China - Chine ............................................................................ 43 790 000Colombia – Colombie ................................................................ 154 984Croatia - Croatie ........................................................................ 772 259Cuba .......................................................................................... 80 327Cyprus - Chypre ........................................................................ 20 774 183 24/10/2007Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Rép. populairedémocratique de Corée ............................................................. 639 000* Democratic Republic of Congo – République démocratique du 56 393Congo ........................................................................................Denmark – Danemark ............................................................... 8 135 744* Dominican Republic - République dominicaine ........................Ecuador – Equateur ................................................................... 456 757

304Egypt - Egypte ........................................................................... 980 510 10/10/2007Estonia - Estonie ........................................................................ 439 077Fiji - Fidji .................................................................................. 50 <strong>31</strong>7 <strong>31</strong>/10/2007Finland – Finlande .................................................................... 1 463 333France ........................................................................................ 6 878 104 07/10/2010Germany – Allemagne ............................................................... 15 570 352 25/06/2009Greece - Grèce .......................................................................... <strong>31</strong> 081 300 ??/07/2009Guatemala ................................................................................. 1 586Iceland - Islande ........................................................................ 197 354India - Inde ................................................................................ 14 296 628Indonesia – Indonésie ................................................................ 3 438 335Ireland – Irlande ........................................................................ 226 505Islamic Republic of Iran ............................................................ 2 285 000 04/06/2009Italy - Italie ................................................................................ 12 649 967Jamaica - Jamaïque ................................................................... 10 000Japan - Japon ............................................................................. 14 426 836 20/05/2010Kuwait – Koweit ........................................................................ 2 354 000Latvia – Lettonie......................................................................... 382 695 08/01/2009Malaysia – Malaisie .................................................................. 5,196,492Mauritius – Maurice ................................................................... 150 000Mexico – Mexique ...................................................................... 1 414 998Monaco ...................................................................................... 1 228Morocco – Maroc ...................................................................... 342 470Mozambique .............................................................................. 45 581Myanmar ................................................................................... 600 309Netherlands – Pays-Bas ............................................................. 6 070 030New Zealand – Nouvelle-Zélande ............................................. 247 339Nigeria ....................................................................................... 204 422Norway – Norvège .................................................................... 18 648 155Oman ......................................................................................... 25 2<strong>31</strong>Pakistan ..................................................................................... 434 967Papua New Guinea - Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée .................... 148 238Peru - Pérou .............................................................................. 272 750Philippines ................................................................................. 4 980 880Poland - Pologne ....................................................................... 189 970Portugal ..................................................................................... 1 271 004Qatar ........................................................................................... 652 280Republic of Korea - République de Corée ................................. 16 8<strong>31</strong> 000Republic of South Africa – République sud-africaine ............... 263 790Romania - Roumanie 381 696Russian Federation - Fédération de Russie ............................... 8 413 617 07/12/2007Saudi Arabia – Arabie saoudite .................................................. 1 737 725Serbia – Serbie 18 492Singapore – Singapour .............................................................. 35 329 836 05/11/2007Slovenia – Slovénie .................................................................... 2 692 20/11/2007Spain – Espagne ........................................................................ 2 592 889Sri Lanka ................................................................................... 150 089

305Suriname ................................................................................... 13 136Sweden – Suède ......................................................................... 4 082 382Syrian Arab Republic - République arabe syrienne .................. 498 145Thailand – Thaïlande ................................................................. 3 132 176Tonga ........................................................................................ 69 034Trinidad and Tobago - Trinité-et-Tobago .................................. 19 381Tunisia - Tunisie ........................................................................ 276 394Turkey - Turquie ....................................................................... 5 735 148Ukraine ...................................................................................... 1 617 925United Arab Emirates - Emirats arabes unis ............................. 1 008 069United Kingdom - Royaume-Uni ............................................... <strong>31</strong> 189 390United States of America - Etats-Unis d'Amérique ................... 24 139 848Uruguay ..................................................................................... 95 667Venezuela .................................................................................. 577 330(*) States whose rights and benefits havebeen suspended under Article XV of theConvention.(*) Les Etats dont les avantages et prérogativesont été suspendus (art. XV de laConvention).

306APPENDIX 2 – APPENDICE 2TABLE OF SHARES,CONTRIBUTIONS AND VOTES2009 FINANCIAL YEAR1 share = 3,984.48 EurosSee Articles 4 and 6 of theFinancial Regulationsand 37 of the General RegulationsTABLEAU DES PARTS,CONTRIBUTIONS ET VOIXANNEE FINANCIERE 20091 part = 3 984,48 EurosVoir les articles 4 et 6du Règlement financieret 37 du Règlement généralMEMBER GOVERNMENTSGOUVERNEMENTS MEMBRESShares - parts Contributions Votes - voixFix Sup. Total EURO Fix Sup. TotalAlgeria – Algérie ........................................................... 2 4 6 23 906.88 2 2 4Argentina – Argentine ................................................... 2 4 6 23 906.88 2 2 4Australia –Australie ...................................................... 2 7 9 35 860.32 2 3 5Bahrain – Bahreïn ......................................................... 2 3 5 19 922.40 2 1 3Bangladesh .................................................................... 2 3 5 19 922.40 2 1 3Belgium – Belgique ....................................................... 2 10 12 47 829.28 2 3 5Brazil - Brésil ................................................................ 2 9 11 43 829.28 2 3 5Canada ........................................................................... 2 10 12 47 813.76 2 3 5Chile – Chili ................................................................... 2 4 6 23 906.88 2 2 4China – Chine ................................................................. 2 25 27 107 580.96 2 4 6Colombia – Colombie ................................................... 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3Croatia – Croatie ........................................................... 2 4 6 23 906.88 2 2 4Cuba ............................................................................... 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Cyprus – Chypre ............................................................ 2 21 23 91 643.04 2 4 6Democratic Republic of Congo – République (**) -- -- --------- -- -- --démocratique du Congo ……………………………..Democratic People's Republic of Korea – République 2 3 5 19 922.40 2 2 4populaire démocratique de Corée ……………………Denmark – Danemark ………………………………. 2 14 16 63 751.68 2 4 6Dominican Rep. - Rép. dominicaine …………(**) -- -- -- ---------- -- -- --Ecuador – Equateur........................................................ 2 3 5 19 922.40 2 1 3Egypt – Egypte ............................................................... 2 4 6 23 906.88 2 2 4Estonia – Estonie ............................................................ 2 2 4 15 937.92 2 1 3Fiji – Fidji ....................................................................... 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Finland – Finlande ......................................................... 2 6 8 <strong>31</strong> 875.84 2 2 4France ............................................................................. 2 13 15 59 767.20 2 3 5Germany – Allemagne .................................................... 2 17 19 75 705.12 2 4 6Greece – Grèce ............................................................... 2 25 27 107 580.96 2 4 6

307MEMBER GOVERNMENTSShares - parts Contributions Votes - voixGOUVERNEMENTS MEMBRESFix Sup. Total EURO Fix Sup. TotalGuatemala………………………………………. … 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Iceland – Islande ............................................................ 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3India – Inde ..................................................................... 2 18 20 79 689.60 2 4 6Indonesia – Indonésie ..................................................... 2 9 11 43 829.28 2 3 5Ireland – Irlande ............................................................. 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3Islamic Republic of Iran ................................................. 2 11 13 51 798.24 2 3 5Italy – Italie .................................................................... 2 17 19 75 705.12 2 4 6Jamaica – Jamaïque ....................................................... 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Japan – Japon ................................................................. 2 17 19 75 705.12 2 4 6Kuwait – Koweit ............................................................. 2 7 9 35 860.32 2 3 5Latvia – Lettonie ............................................................ 2 2 4 15 937.92 2 1 3Malaysia – Malaisie ....................................................... 2 11 13 51 798.24 2 3 5Mauritius – Maurice ....................................................... 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3Mexico – Mexique .......................................................... 2 5 7 27 891.36 2 2 4Monaco ………………………………………….(*) 0 0 0 0 2 0 2Morocco – Maroc ………………………………… 2 2 4 15 937.92 2 1 3Mozambique ................................................................... 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Myanmar ........................................................................ 2 3 5 19 922.40 2 2 4Netherlands – Pays-Bas ................................................. 2 12 14 55 782.72 2 3 5New Zealand - Nouvelle-Zélande .................................. 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3Nigeria ............................................................................ 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3Norway - Norvège .......................................................... 2 20 22 87 658.56 2 4 6Oman .............................................................................. 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Pakistan .......................................................................... 2 2 4 15 937.92 2 1 3Papua New Guinea - Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée .... 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3Peru - Pérou ................................................................... 2 2 4 15 937.92 2 1 3Philippines ...................................................................... 2 11 13 51 798.24 2 3 5Poland - Pologne ............................................................ 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3Portugal .......................................................................... 2 5 7 27 891.36 2 2 4Qatar ............................................................................... 2 3 5 19 922.40 2 2 4Rep. of Korea - Rép. de Corée ....................................... 2 19 21 83 674.08 2 4 6Rep. of South Africa - Rép. sud-africaine ..................... 2 2 4 15 937.92 2 1 3Romania - Roumanie 2 2 4 15 937.92 2 1 3Russian Federation - Fédération de Russie ................... 2 14 16 63 751.68 2 4 6Saudi Arabia – Arabie saoudite ..................................... 2 6 8 <strong>31</strong> 875.84 2 2 4Serbia – Serbie…………………………………………… 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Singapore - Singapour ................................................... 2 25 27 107 580.96 2 4 6Slovenia – Slovénie ........................................................ 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Spain - Espagne .............................................................. 2 8 10 39 844.80 2 3 5Sri Lanka ........................................................................ 2 1 3 11 953.44 2 1 3Suriname ………………………………………. ....... 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Sweden - Suède .............................................................. 2 10 12 47 813.76 2 3 5Syrian Arab Rep. - République arabe syrienne ............. 2 3 5 19 922.40 2 1 3Thailand - Thaïlande ...................................................... 2 9 11 43 829.28 2 3 5Tonga .............................................................................. 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Trinidad and Tobago - Trinité-et-Tobago ...................... 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2

308MEMBER GOVERNMENTSShares - parts Contributions Votes - voixGOUVERNEMENTS MEMBRESFix Sup. Total EURO Fix Sup. TotalTunisia - Tunisie ............................................................ 2 2 4 15 937.92 2 1 3Turkey - Turquie ............................................................ 2 12 14 55 782.72 2 3 5Ukraine .......................................................................... 2 6 8 <strong>31</strong> 875.84 2 2 4United Arab Emirates - Emirats arabes unis ................. 2 4 6 23 906.88 2 2 4United Kingdom – Royaume-Uni……………………… 2 25 27 107 580.96 2 4 6United States of America - Etats-Unis d'Amérique ....... 2 23 25 99 612.00 2 4 6Uruguay ……………………………………………... 2 0 2 7 968.96 2 0 2Venezuela …………………………………………… 2 3 5 19 922.40 2 2 4Total 154 530 684 2 725 384.32 156 152 308(*) The Principality of Monaco, whichprovides the Bureau with premises freeof charge, does not pay any furthercontribution. (Decision of 1929 I.H.Conference).(**) States whose rights and benefits havebeen suspended under Article XV ofthe Convention (contributions notshown).(*) La principauté de Monaco, qui fournit àtitre gracieux au Bureau les locauxnécessaires à son fonctionnement, a étéexonérée de toute autre contribution.(Décision de la Conférence H.I. de1929).(**) Les Etats dont les avantages et prérogativesont été suspendus (art. XV de laConvention) et dont les contributions nesont pas indiquées

309APPENDIX 3 – APPENDICE 3<strong>IHO</strong> MEMBERSHIPMEMBRES DE L’OHI* Original members at creation of the IHB in June 1921* Membres depuis l’origine, à la création du BHI en juin 1921Governments 1) Date first membership2) Date ratificationConvention3) Date of approval ofProtocol of Amendmentsto the Convention (EIHC2005)Gouvernements 1) Date de la premièreadhésion2) Date de ratification de laConvention3) Date d’approbation duProtocole visant à modifierla Convention (CHIE 2005)1 Algeria – Algérie 2) 04/04/19962 * Argentina –Argentine3 * Australia -Australie1) 21/06/19212) 04/04/19681) 21/06/19212) 25/11/19683) 07/05/20074 Bahrain – Bahreïn 2) 22/10/19925 Bangladesh 2) 04/07/20016 * Belgium - Belgique 1) 21/06/19212) 10/03/1981RemarksRemarquesIncluded under "British Empire" withthe U.K. from 1921.Incluse sous “Empire britannique”avec le RU depuis 1921.Non-member from <strong>31</strong>/12/1924 to10/03/1981.Non-membre du <strong>31</strong>/12/1924 au10/03/1981.7 * Brazil - Brésil 1) 21/06/19212) 03/05/1967Burma - Birmanie(See Myanmar)(Voir Myanmar)1) 01/04/1956 Member until 10/11/1977.Jusqu’au 10/11/1977.

<strong>31</strong>08 Canada 1) 01/04/19512) 26/08/19683) 15/06/20099 * Chile - Chili 1) 21/06/19212) 11/06/197110 * China – Chine 1) 21/06/19212)18/11/1968(as Republic ofChina)2) 15/05/1979(as People's Republicof China11 Colombia –Colombie12 Congo D.R . of –Rép. Dém. DuCongo13 Croatia – Croatie 2) 23/02/199614 Cuba 1) 20/04/19502) 20/12/19673) 16/01/200715 Cyprus – Chypre 2) 26/03/19913) 20/01/200616 * Denmark –DanemarkFirst membership until <strong>31</strong>/12/1932.Première période jusqu’au<strong>31</strong>/12/1932.Second membership from 1935 to27/10/1940.Deuxième période de 1935 au27/10/1940.Third membership from25/09/1951.Nouvelle période depuis le25/09/1951.2) 01/07/1969 Member until 01/07/1978.Première période jusqu’au01/07/1978.New membership from11/12/1998.Nouvelle période depuis le11/12/1998.2) 01/01/1970 Suspended since 07/1983.Suspension depuis le 07/1983.1) 21/06/19212) 03/05/19673) 12/09/2005

17 DominicanRepublic –Républiquedominicaine1) 01/07/19572) 21/09/197218 Ecuador - Equateur 1) 19/2/19342) 26/12/197219 Egypt - Egypte 1) 25/05/19222) 13/12/196820 Estonia – Estonie 2) 19/02/19973) 16/04/200721 Fiji – Fidji 2) 11/03/198322 Finland - Finlande 1) 01/01/19572) 16/02/19683) 21/11/200723 * France 1) 21/06/19212) 04/04/19683) 27/08/2007GermanDemocraticRepublic –Républiquedémocratiqueallemande24 Germany –AllemagneSuspended since 07/1983.Suspension depuis le 07/1983.<strong>31</strong>1First membership until 23/10/1940.Première période jusqu’au23/10/1940.2) 19/08/1985 Member until 02/10/1990.Première période jusqu’au02/10/1990.1) 19/10/19262) 12/06/19693) 14/12/200525 * Greece - Grèce 1) 21/06/19212) 15/02/19713) 12/02/2009Member until 21/11/1933.Première période jusqu’au21/11/1933.New membership from01/01/1952.Nouvelle période depuis le01/01/1952.Member until 01/01/1936.Première période jusqu’au01/01/1936.New membership from20/03/1947.Nouvelle période depuis le20/03/1947.

<strong>31</strong>226 Guatemala 1) 01/07/19572) 26/01/197127 Iceland – Islande 1) 01/01/19572) 07/05/196828 India – Inde 1) 01/04/19562) 24/06/196829 Indonesia –Indonésie1) 18/10/19512) 28/11/196830 Iran (Islamic Rep.)– Rép. islamiqued’Iran1) 01/07/19612) 16/09/1968<strong>31</strong> Ireland – Irlande 2) 04/06/200732 Italy – Italie 1) 21/09/19212) 02/05/19743) 21/10/200933 Jamaica -2) 30/06/2000Jamaïque34 * Japan - Japon 1) 21/06/19212) 12/06/19693) 10/07/200635 Korea,(DemocraticPeople’s Republic)– Corée (Rép.populairedémocratique)36 Korea (Rep.) –Corée (Rép. de)2) 06/07/19873) 13/01/20091) 01/01/19572) 21/07/19693) 08/05/200637 Kuwait - Koweït 2) 06/09/200238 Latvia – Lettonie 2) 17/03/20053) 14/04/2008Membership suspended from01/07/1991 to 04/06/2002.Suspension du 01/07/1991 au04/06/2002.Member until 01/01/1934.Première période jusqu’au01/01/1934.New membership from01/01/1949.Nouvelle période depuis le01/01/1949.Membership until 30/01/1940.Première période jusqu’au30/01/1940.New membership from27/01/1950.Nouvelle période depuis le27/01/1950.


<strong>31</strong>439 Malaysia –2) 03/07/1975Malaisie40 Mauritius –2) 04/08/2005Maurice41 Mexico – Mexique 2) 08/04/20023) 08/08/200642 * Monaco 1) 21/06/19212) 03/05/19673) 08/07/200943 Morocco – Maroc 2) 13/10/19993) 03/01/200644 Mozambique 2) 22/07/199845 Myanmar 2) 09/09/200346 * Netherlands –Pays-Bas47 New Zealand –Nouvelle Zélande1) 21/06/19212) 06/06/19693) 26/07/20071) 01/01/19592) 21/12/1967Membership until 01/01/1934.Première période jusqu’au01/01/1934.New membership from01/01/1949.Nouvelle période depuis le01/01/1949.Included under "British Empire" withthe U.K. from 1947.Incluse sous “Empire britannique”avec le RU depuis 1947.48 Nigeria 2) <strong>31</strong>/05/1976 Suspended from 01/07/1995 to21/05/1997.Suspension du 01/07/1995 au21/05/1997.49 * Norway –Norvège1) 21/06/19212) 12/03/19693) 26/01/200650 Oman 2) <strong>31</strong>/07/198751 Pakistan 1) 01/01/19572) 17/06/19683) 28/02/2006Membership until 01/07/1938.Première période jusqu’au01/07/1938.New membership from01/01/1947.Nouvelle période depuis le01/01/1947.

<strong>31</strong>552 Papua New Guinea– PapouasieNouvelle GuinéeParaguay2) 24/04/19873) 03/07/200953 * Peru - Pérou 1) 21/06/19212) 30/05/197954 Philippines 1) 01/09/19552) 21/09/197255 Poland - Pologne 1) 26/07/19262) 2209/197256 * Portugal 1) 21/06/19212) 27/11/196857 Qatar 2) 02/05/200758 Romania –2) 29/01/2007Roumanie59 Russia - Russie 2) 18/02/197760 Saudi Arabia – 2) 27/02/2007Arabie saoudite61 Serbia - Serbie 1) 06/11/19502) 20/09/1968(as Yugoslavia)62 Singapore –2) 05/07/1972Singapour63 Slovenia – Slovénie 2) 15/04/200264 South Africa (Rep.)République sudafricaine1) 24/08/19512) 16/08/1968Suspended from 01/01/1998 to01/12/2001.Suspension du 01/01/1998 au01/12/2001.Membership from 01/01/1967 to01/01/1969.Première période jusqu’au01/01/1967 au 01/01/1969.Membership until <strong>31</strong>/12/1932.Première période jusqu’au<strong>31</strong>/12/1932.Member as Yugoslavia until 06/2003.Première période en tant que« Yougoslavie » jusqu’en juin 2003.Member as Serbia & Montenegrountil 06/06.Deuxième période en tant que “Serbie& Monténégro” jusqu’en juin 2006.Member as Serbia from 06/06.Nouvelle période en tant que “Serbie”depuis juin 2006.

<strong>31</strong>665 * Spain – Espagne 1) 21/06/19212) 02/06/19693) 19/06/200866 Sri Lanka 2) 11/07/198367 Suriname 2) 21/11/1985 .68 * Sweden – Suède 1) 21/06/19212) 11/10/19713) 02/08/200669 Syrian Arab Rep. –République arabesyrienne2) 16/09/197570 * Thailand –Thaïlande1) 21/06/1921 (as Siam)2) 13/03/197271 Tonga 2) 24/01/199572 Trinidad & Tobago – 2) 05/05/1980Trinité & Tobago73 Tunisia – Tunisie 2) <strong>31</strong>/07/19973) 18/07/200774 Turkey – Turquie 1) 02/03/19502) 06/09/197175 * United Kingdom– Royaume-Uni1) 21/06/19212) 03/05/19673) 24/11/200676 Ukraine 2) 20/05/199877 United Arab 2) 02/03/1992Emirates – Emiratsarabes unis78 United States of 1) 20/06/1922America – Etats- 2) 10/06/1968Unis d’Amérique3) 03/06/200979 Uruguay 1) 11/02/19362) 22/09/198180 Venezuela 1) 01/01/19612) 14/09/1972Membership pending:Bulgaria, Cameroon, Haiti, Mauritania, Montenegro,Sierra Leone.Formalités d'adhésion en cours: Bulgarie, Cameroun, Haïti, Mauritanie,Monténégro, Sierra Leone.__________

<strong>31</strong>7APPENDIX 4 – APPENDICE 4NON-GOVERNMENTALINTERNATIONALORGANIZATIONS (NGIO)ACCREDITED AS OBSERVERSTO THE INTERNATIONALHYDROGRAPHICORGANIZATION (<strong>IHO</strong>)Representatives of the NGIO’s listedbelow may participate as observers inthe work of the <strong>IHO</strong> in accordance withrule 6 of <strong>IHO</strong> Resolution T1.2. See <strong>IHO</strong>Publication M-3 for further details.Comité International Radio Maritime(CIRM)Cruise Lines International Association(CLIA)ORGANISATIONSINTERNATIONALES NONGOUVERNEMENTALES (OING)ACCREDITEES EN TANTQU’OBSERVATEURS AUPRESDE L’ORGANISATIONHYDROGRAPHIQUEINTERNATIONALE (OHI)Des représentants des OING listées cidessouspeuvent participer aux travauxde l’OHI en tant qu’observateurs,conformément à la règle 6 de larésolution T1.2 de l’OHI. Voirpublication M-3 pour plus de détails.Contact details:Secretary-General, CIRMSouthbank HouseBlack Prince RoadLondon SE1 7SJUNITED KINGDOMTel: + 44 207 587 1245Fax: + 44 207 793 2329Email: SECGEN@CIRM.ORGContact details:Secretariat, CLIA910 SE 17 th Street, Suite 400Fort Lauderdale, FL 33<strong>31</strong>6UNITED STATES OF AMERICATel: +1 754 224 2200Fax: +1 754 224 2250Email: info@cruising.orgWebsite: www.cruising.org

<strong>31</strong>8Chart and Nautical Instrument TradeAssociation (CNITA)Inland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG)Contact details:Chart and Nautical Instrument TradeAssociation5 th Floor36 BroadwayLondon SW1H OBHUNITED KINGDOMTel: +44 (0) 20 7340 6260Fax: +44 (0) 20 7340 6261Website: www.cnita.comEmail: info@cnita.comContact details:Denise LADUEdenise.r.ladue@usace.army.milBernd BIRKLHUBERe-mail: bernd.birklhuber@bmvit.gv.atInland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG)c/o Federal Ministry of Transport,Innovation and TechnologyDepartment IV/W2, inland navigation -technical and nautical affairsRadetzkystraße 21030 WienAustriaTel.: +43 (0) 1 71162 655902URL: http://ienc.openecdis.orgInternational Federation of Surveyors (FIG)Fédération internationale des géométres(FIG)International Association of Antarctica TourOperators (IAATO)Association internationale des organisateursde voyages dans l’Antarctique (IAATO)Contact details:FIG OfficeKalvebod Brygge <strong>31</strong>-33DK-1780 Copenhagen vDENMARKTel: + 45 3886 1081Fax: + 45 3886 0252Email: FIG@fig.netContact details:Executive Director, IAATOP.O. Box 2178Basalt, CO. 81621UNITED STATES OF AMERICATel: + 1 970 704 1047Fax: + 1 970 704 9660

<strong>31</strong>9Email: iaato@iaato.orgInternational Association of Geodesy (IAG)Association internationale de géodésie(AIG)Contact details:Dr. Hermann DREWESSecretary General, IAGDirector, Deutsches GeodaetischesForschungsinstitutAlfons-Goppel-Str. 1180539 MunichGERMANYTel: + 49 89 230<strong>31</strong> 1107Fax: + 49 89 230<strong>31</strong> 1240Email: iag@dgfi.badw.de

320International Association of Institutes ofNavigation (IAIN)Association internationale des instituts denavigation (AIIN)International Association of Marine Aids toNavigation and Lighthouse Authorities(IALA)Association internationale de signalisationmaritime (AISM)International Association of Ports andHarbors (IAPH)Association internationale des ports (AIP)International Cartographic Association(ICA)Association cartographique internationale(ACI)Contact details:Secretary General, IAINRoyal Institute of Navigation1 Kensington GoreLondon SW7 2ATUNITED KINGDOMTel: + 44 207 591 <strong>31</strong>30Fax: + 44 207 591 <strong>31</strong><strong>31</strong>Email: Norman.bonnor@nottingham.ac.ukContact details:Secretary General, IALA20 ter rue Schnapper78100 St. Germain-en-LayeFRANCETel: + 33 1 34 51 70 01Fax: + 33 1 34 51 82 05Email: iala-aism@wanadoo.frContact details:Dr. Satoshi INOUESecretary General, IAPH7 th Floor, South TowerNew Pier Takeshiba1-16-1 Kaigan, Minato-kuTokyo 105-0022JAPANTel: + 81 3 5403 2770Fax: + 81 3 5403 7651Email: info@iaphworldports.orgContact details:Prof. William CARTWRIGHTPresident, ICADepartment of Geospatial ScienceRMIT UniversityGPO Box 2476VMelbourne, Victoria 3001AUSTRALIATel: + 61 3 9925 2423Fax: + 61 3 9663 2517Email: william@cartwright@rmit.edu.au

321International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)Chambre internationale de la marinemarchande (ICS)International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)Commission électrotechnique internationale(CEI)International Federation of HydrographicSocieties (IFHS)International Geographical Union (IGU)Union géographique internationale (UGI)Contact details:Marine Director, ICS38 St Mary AxeLondon ECA 8BHUNITED KINGDOMTel: + 44 207 090 1460Fax: + 44 207 090 1484Email: info@ics-shipping.orgContact details:General SecretaryIEC Central Office3, rue de VarembéP.O. Box 1<strong>31</strong>CH-1211 Geneva 20SWITZERLANDTel: + 41 22 919 0211Fax: + 41 22 919 0300Contact details:Mrs. Helen ATKINSONOperations and Publications Manager, IFHSP.O. Box 103Plymouth PL4 7YPUNITED KINGDOMTel/Fax: + 44 1752 223512Email: helen@hydrographicsociety.orgContact details:Professor WOO-IK YUSecretary General and Treasurer, IGUSeoul National UniversityDepartment of GeographySan 56-1 Sillim-dog, Gwanak-gu151-742 SeoulREPUBLIC OF KOREATel: + 82 2 880 6448Fax : + 82 2 872 9498Email: iguseoul@snu.ac.kr

322International Maritime Pilot’s Association(IMPA)International Organization of Standards(ISO)Organisation internationale denormalisation (ISO)International Society for Photogrammetryand Remote Sensing (ISPRS)Société internationale de photogrammétrieet de télédétection (ISPRS)Navigational Electronic Charts SystemAssociation (NECSA)Contact details:Secretary GeneralHQS WellingtonTemple StairsVictoria EmbankmentLONDON WC2R 2PNEmails: office@impahq.orgsecgen@impahq.orgContact details:Secretary GeneralISO Central SecretariatCase postale 56CH-1211 Geneva 20SWITZERLANDTel: + 41 22 749 0111Fax: + 41 22 733 3430Contact details:Orhan ALTANSecretary General, ISPRSIstanbul Technical UniversityFaculty of Civil EngineeringDeartment of Geodes and Photogrammetry34469 Ayazaga-IstanbulTURKEYTel: + 90 212 285 3810Fax: + 90 212 285 6587Email: oaltan@itu.edu.trContact details:Mr. Bruce ANGUSActing President, NECSADirector OEM BusinessNAVIONICS6 Thatcher LaneWareham, MA 02571USATel: +1 508 273 2035Fax: +1 508 291 6006Email: bruce@navionics.com

323Radio Technical Commission forAeronautics (RTCA)Radio Technical Commission for MaritimeServices (RTCM)Commission radiotechnique pour lesservices maritimes (RTCM)Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research(SCAR)Comité scientifique pour les recherchesantarctiques (SCAR)Contact details:RTCA, Inc.1828 L Street, NW, Suite 805Washington, DC 20036UNITED STATES OF AMERICATel: +1 202 833 9339Fax: +1 202 833 9434Email: info@rtca.orgContact details:RTCM1800 N. Kent St., Suite 1060Arlington, VA. 22209UNITED STATES OF AMERICATel: + 1 703 527 2000Fax: + 1 703 351 9932Email: information@rtcm.orgWebsite : www.rtcm.orgContact details:Dr. Colin SUMMERHAYESExecutive DirectorSCAR SecretariatScott Polar Research InstituteLensfield RoadCambridge CB2 1ERUNITED KINGDOMTel: + 44 1223 336550Fax: + 44 1223 336549Email: info@scar.org__________

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