Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

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The Voice of St. Matthews, July 16, 1959:Civic, fraternhal and veterans groupsCivic, fraternal and veterans groups enrich <strong>com</strong>munity lifeMembership in the international organization is by invitation only. Although they have 90 members, they have no clubhouse,explaining they would rather spend the money on charity or children rather than a fancy clubhouse. William Archerwas elected president of the Lions in May, 1959. Key Elliott of the St. Matthews group was elected district governor in1958.The St. Matthews Kiwanis Club was organized in April, 1945, with the late civic leader, Burton W. Stevens, as first president.It had 30 charter members, but has grown to 51 now.The Kiwanians support the Community Center, the Y.M.C.A., Sunshine Lodge, a Girl Scout Troop, Children’s Hospital,the Masonic Home, Boy’s Estate, (now Kentucky Boy’s Home), and the Iroquois Kiwanis Club.They gave Eastern <strong>High</strong> $750 for a new scoreboard in 1955, and donated money for tools for the handicraft room of theY.M.C.A. They sell Christmas trees and peanuts annually to raise money. The sponsor a Little League team and plan togrant a scholarship to the first graduating class of <strong>Waggener</strong> <strong>High</strong>. The club also pledged $1,800 for a scoreboard for <strong>Waggener</strong>and $300 for the St. Matthews library. The club meets at the Crescent Hill Methodist Church, but would like to moveits headquarters to St. Matthews as soon as a suitable place is found. John H. Lowe is the president.The Lyndon and St. Matthews Optimist Clubs merged July 1 and elected George Middendorf president. Total membershipis 43.Both clubs had a record of achievement before merging. The St. Matthews Optimists had organized in 1954 with RichardWheeler as president. In November, 1955, an Opti-Mrs. Club was organized of Optimist wives with Mrs. Smith Baker,president. They sponsored a bike inspection in 1957 and sold Christmas trees. Their sustaining project is Ormsby Village,where they plan parties and trips for the boys. The Opti-Mrs. help in a similar manner with the girls.The Suburbanettes (wives of the St. Matthews Jaycees) organized in May, 1955, with three objectives in mind: (1) To promotesocial improvement of the <strong>com</strong>munity. (2) To give auxiliary aid to the Jayvees. (3) To increase general civic welfare.They have supported Sunshine Lodge, made children's robes for General Hospital, and given Christmas baskets every year.Mrs. Frank D. Boone, Jr., is the president. The club donated $100 to the library.The St. Matthews Woman’s Club was federated May 16, 1938 with 15 charter members. Mrs. E. V. Bazzell was electedpresident at the first meeting April 17, 1938. The club moved into its present spacious clubhouse in 1948, and burned themortgage in 1956.The Woman’s Club has two speakers a month, two annual style shows, several flower shows, and contributes to numerouscharities. The Junior Students Employment Center was sponsored by the Woman’s club. Aided by the Younger Woman’sClub and the Lyndon Woman’s Club, the St. Matthews Club collected furniture and bedding for the flood-stricken areas ofsoutheastern Kentucky in 1957.Other projects include a campaign against objectionable literature, helping to provide the soldiers at Fort Knox with entertainment,providing for a little girl’s teeth to be straightened, and a benefit play for the St. Matthews Library.The Woman’s Club also sponsors an annual art show, as well as having a continual exhibit at the clubhouse, and sponsorsFirst Aid classes for Civil Defense. They donated $800 to the library, and have promised more each year. They also furnishvolunteer workers for the library. There are approximately 365 members. Mrs. Robert Fritz is the president.The Younger Woman’s Club of St. Matthews was organized with five members present on October 16, 1939. Six officerswere elected, as the other members could not attend the organizational meeting. It remained a Junior Department of theWoman’s Club until it was reorganized in 1949.The club supports the Community Center and the Child Guidance Clinic, as well as helping cripple children. It also supportsBridgeheaven, a sort of <strong>com</strong>munity center for patients discharged from the mental hospital at Lakeland, to help themadjust again in normal living.The Younger Woman’s Club sponsored a Christmas Door Decoration Contest in 1954, gave a Christmas pageant for theWoman’s Club of St. Matthews in 1955, and donated $100 to the library in 1958. The club of some 230 members willcelebrate is 20th anniversary in October. Mrs. Bryan McCoy is the president.The Charter for the American Legion Zachary Taylor Post 180 was granted on January 13, 1925. T. H. Huffman, Sr. wasthe first Commander. The post always emphasizes safety and consequently formed the first school patrol in the area.The Post donated $350 to the St. Matthews Library last year, and helped on bloodmobile drive. The Auxiliary is 28 yearsold. It donated $100 to the library.The post sold its old building on St. Matthews Avenue in 1956, and was able to dedicate it brand new $125,000 post homeon Shelbyville road on Armistice Day 1958.The building has a 47 x 80 foot auditorium , a family room, a recreation room, a kitchen and refreshment bar.The veterans of Foreign Wars Beargrass Post 1170 is located at 115 North Sherrin Avenue. Three thousand dollars wasspent by the Post in 1954 on improvements for the building. The Post was chartered February 1o, 1940, with 19 members.

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