Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

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The Voice Of St. Matthews, February 14, 1957: John Walser Makes Name For SelfCommunity Leaders, John Walser Makes Name For Self HereA modest young builder, John A. Walser, has quietly made a good name for himself the past few yeas inSt. Matthews.He has had a hand in the development and building of houses in Bellewood, Beechwood Village, Marydale,Maryfield, Indian Hills, Ridgewood, Cherosen and Graymore.Most of his efforts have been divided in speculative residential building and development. But as theresult of a series of unforeseen circumstances he now finds himself proprietor of one of the most beautiful,modern office buildings in the east end of Jefferson County.That is the new Walser Building now being <strong>com</strong>pleted at 4050 Westport Road, which was described inthe January 31, Voice.Here’s how he came to put up the building.On New Year’s morning of 1956, old makeshift quarters for his business at the location burnt down. He realized how valuablewas the 180 by 200 foot lot in downtown St. Matthews, and decided to put up a building, partially for his own use andpartially for rent out.But as he went along, he decided the location was too good for himself. What a builder needs, he figured, is not a primepiece of <strong>com</strong>mercial ground, but a large property of relatively small value for his scrap lumber, bulldozers, trucks and otherequipment.So he went ahead and built the best building he could on the site, for rental to other firms. (He did the designing and wideninghimself. He is an architectural engineer.)Now he has been forced to move his own office into a small building at the rear temporarily, and is looking for anotherlocation.Now, 30, Mr. Walser was born and reared in Louisville's Germantown, where he went to school at St. Vincent De Paul.After three years of high school at St. Mary's near Chicago, he returned and studied drafting at Ahrens Trade school.At 18, he went to work for a Louisville architect, and at 19 went to Central Construction Co. for five years, where he leanedhis present trade.He served in the Army from 1942 to 1946, was in the Pacific a while, and attained the rank of major.Out of the Army, he teamed up with Joe Wilhoyte as a residential speculative builder. Then in 1938, he struck out for himself.With Mr. Wilhoyte, he built about 25 home in Bellewood and another 25 in the 300 block of Bonner, plus four of five inMaryfield.On his own, he developed about 300 lots in Beechwood Village, and built 60 to 70 homes there.(Generally he develops a piece of ground-that is, puts in water lines, roads, and other utilities-then sells, four-fifths of thelots off, and builds on the rest. His average house is in the $20,000 class.)He has built 40 homes in Marydale, 15 in Maryfield, about 10 bigger ones in Indian Hills, Ridgewood Cherosen, and half adozen in Graymore.He is now building in Marydale, and has an option of 10 acres in Graymore, a quarter of which he is developing now. “Wehave 12 houses going all the time,” he said.Usually he has 20 to 40 men working for him. Now he’s down to the minimum because of slow sales. “We’re trying to becautious,” he said.He has developed a successful method for hiring and keeping good workers. “We like to hire good, church-going men,” hesaid. “Then we try to take care of them, year-round. We try our best to keep them working 40 hours a week during thewinter. We are not always successful because of the weather, but we do our best. The men we have appreciate it. That’sone of the reason we get good men.”He gives his 72-year-old dad, Henry Walser, great credit for the success his firm has enjoyed.“He’s been a tremendous help,” he said. “We’re entirely different. He handles the money and keeps the books. He likesdetails and is cautious. I like to push and I hate details.”

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