Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

Waggener High School - RingBrothersHistory.com

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The Voice Of St. Matthews, January 3, 1957: <strong>High</strong>light 1956Mallon Plan, Church Growth, Court Decision <strong>High</strong>light 1956By the end of the year, St. Matthews Little League had a second diamond. It was built next to the old one on the CommunityCenter grounds. In 1957, if all goes well, there will be a third Little League in St. Matthews.Siegel Retires: In September, the granddaddy of St. Matthews Little League stepped down. Charles Siegel, presidentsince the League was founded in 1953, was succeeded by Harold Hammon.His own son, Freddie, had moved to the older Babe Ruth League, and Mr. Siegel was pretty tired after the work and effortit took to organize the League, build a park, and transform it all into a smooth operation.The St. Matthews Merchants during the summer made a serious bid for the Louisville Amateur Baseball Federation Title.But after gaining a tie for first in mid-July, the Merchants lost a 4-3 game to Club Cuero and that ended their chances ofrepresenting Louisville in a National Baseball tournament.The Merchants during the year added two Negros to their teams.Audubon Country Club demonstrated its superiority over local swimming teams. The youngsters raked up 161 points todefeat seven local <strong>com</strong>petitors in the Big Spring Inter-Club championship August 12.The Richmond Boat Club swimmers, led by Joe Roehrig and Judy Dillon, earlier that month won the River Road Invitationaltournament, racking up 135 points.Owl Creek’s team, coached by Alec Reeves, defeated Richmond 79-72 at the end of July for their 11th victory in a row,spread over there seasons.Trinity’s Surprise: In the fall, Jeep Quire’s Holy Trinity squad was the surprise football team of the County.The shamrocks, playing their first year with seniors, won six games, lost only two, and tied one. Guard Jerry Sheehan wasnamed the most valuable players.Four Trinity players were named to the All-County team. They were halfback Dave Weber, Sheehan, end Bob Kiper, andquarterback Tony FitzgeraldThe eastern Eagles had their worst year, winning only one game.In the St. Matthews Football League. The Eagles won the Senior Division title with seven victories and no defeats. TheBears won the Junior title.And Country Day, a school just a little over five year old, <strong>com</strong>pleted the year as on of the few unbeaten, untied teams in thestate. Coached by Stan Gould, they won six games, raced u 203 points and gave up only 28 points.Three New Cities: The small Cities here continued active and vigorous.Three new sixth-class Cities were organized. Five Cities, including St. Matthews, conducted sustained programs to curbparking, traffic and other law violations.Several Cities, including St. Matthews <strong>com</strong>pleted annexation programs.The newly-elected boards of Trustees were installed in January. Then the boards picked their chairmen, or Mayors.Ken D. Thompson was re-elected Mayor of St. Regis Park, W. T. Porter was elected to his fourth term as Mayor of Bellweood.Woodlawn Park reelected Burns Speer, and Norbourne Estates reelected Earle Otis, who was also chairman of the JeffersonCounty Municipal conference. Brownsboro Village reelected Mortimer Goldsmith.In Cherrywood Village, Robert Love, Jr. was named to succeed Charles Meyer, Jr. Druid Hills named Milton F. Jeffersonto succeed Jack Small.Other Mayors named were Harold B. Williams, Jr. Beechwood Village; Robert Livingston, Springlee, Frank Anderson,Mockingbird Valley; William B. Pirtle, Indian Hills; Richlawn continued with Quincy R. Tyler.The choice in Windy Hills was J. Paul Keith, Jr. who succeeded himself.Police Courts: Taking the lead in curbing traffic violators were St. Matthews, Cherrywood, Bellewood, and BeechwoodVillage.St. Matthews set up a weekly police court, under the direction of Judge Gilbert Flack. The St. Matthews police force wasincreased to seven, and a second patrol car was added. The result was a veritable flood of citations for violators. At onepoint, court was being held three times a week. Judge Flack couldn’t handle it alone. He appointed two police Judges protem,David Proffitt and Thomas W. Speckman.

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