Sylabus - Kosmetologia

Sylabus - Kosmetologia Sylabus - Kosmetologia
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4. Laser therapy - The structure of laser,characteristics of laser light, classificationof lasers, biological impact, biostimulation- the biological effects.5. Electrotherapy - Effects on the body(electrokinetic, electrothermal,electrochemical, the nerves and muscles,the cardiovascular system), Direct current -galvanization, iontophoresis6. Electrotherapy - Types of low-frequencyalternating currents, The methods ofstimulation of the neuromuscular system,The characteristics of rectangular,triangular and sinusoidal pulsesEXERCISES:1. Principles of IR and UV radiation dose.General and local IR and UV treatment.Psoralen and Ultraviolet A therapy.Indications and contraindications.2. The methodology of galvanization andiontophoresis treatment. Indications andcontraindications.3. The methodology of low-frequencyalternating current treatment. Indicationsand contraindications.SEMINARS:1. Heliotherapy, solariums - the characteristicsof solar radiation, The reaction to sunlightin the body. The use in cosmetics.Biostimulation laser treatment - low- andhigh-energy lasers, performance and theuse in cosmeticsSEMESTER IIILECTURES:1. Electrotherapy – medium and high-frequency current forms .The therapeuticeffects of current.2. Ultrasounds – physical and biologicaleffects of ultrasounds, indications andcontraindications, phonophoresis,cavitation peel, shockwave therapy3. Thermotherapy - general information, thephysical properties of thermal energy, theeffects of thermotherapy on the bodytemperature, the types of therapeutic heattreatments (dry and moist heat),

cryotherapy: effects of cold on the body,local and systemic treatments.4. Hydrotherapy - general information, theeffects of hydrotherapy on the bodytemperature range of hydrotherapeutictreatments, types of hydrotherapyprocedures.5. Climate treatment - the influence ofclimate on the body, healing qualities ofmountain and seaside climate, indicationsand contraindications6. Objectives and tasks of physiotherapy, theforms of physical exercise, the movementas a cosmetic procedure, safety duringphysical activity, indications andcontraindications. Forms of recreationEXERCISES:1. Application of d`Arsonval currents.Indications and contraindications. SafetyPrecautions.2. Application of ultrasounds:phonophoresis, cavitation peel.3. Application of paraffin and mud,indications and contraindications, health andsafety rules.4. Classes in the hydrotherapy facility(flushing, underwater massage, ScotchHose), methodology of treatments,indications and contraindications.5. Methodology of thermotherapy treatments- Finnish sauna and steam sauna, localcryotherapy.SEMINARS:Metody dydaktyczneMethodology measures1. Balneotherapy - the types of mineralwaters in reation to the chemicalcomposition, the types of mineral baths.2. The use of known treatments incombination with physical exercise inselected disease entities.Wykład, seminarium, pokaz z objaśnieniami,pogadanka, prezentacja multimedialnaLecture, seminar, demonstration withexplanations, a talk, presentation

cryotherapy: effects of cold on the body,local and systemic treatments.4. Hydrotherapy - general information, theeffects of hydrotherapy on the bodytemperature range of hydrotherapeutictreatments, types of hydrotherapyprocedures.5. Climate treatment - the influence ofclimate on the body, healing qualities ofmountain and seaside climate, indicationsand contraindications6. Objectives and tasks of physiotherapy, theforms of physical exercise, the movementas a cosmetic procedure, safety duringphysical activity, indications andcontraindications. Forms of recreationEXERCISES:1. Application of d`Arsonval currents.Indications and contraindications. SafetyPrecautions.2. Application of ultrasounds:phonophoresis, cavitation peel.3. Application of paraffin and mud,indications and contraindications, health andsafety rules.4. Classes in the hydrotherapy facility(flushing, underwater massage, ScotchHose), methodology of treatments,indications and contraindications.5. Methodology of thermotherapy treatments- Finnish sauna and steam sauna, localcryotherapy.SEMINARS:Metody dydaktyczneMethodology measures1. Balneotherapy - the types of mineralwaters in reation to the chemicalcomposition, the types of mineral baths.2. The use of known treatments incombination with physical exercise inselected disease entities.Wykład, seminarium, pokaz z objaśnieniami,pogadanka, prezentacja multimedialnaLecture, seminar, demonstration withexplanations, a talk, presentation

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