FASNY Headmaster Retires - Franco-American School of New York

FASNY Headmaster Retires - Franco-American School of New York FASNY Headmaster Retires - Franco-American School of New York


14HoroscopesJu n e 2012By Jacqueline SarroAries (March 21-April 19)Aries is back in business! You have a new, betteroutlook on life. You’re so much happier, and so arethe people around you. Your great energy is makinglife more enjoyable. You’re truly a kind person so don’tever feel bad about how you chose to live with yournew found confidence. It’s perfectly normal. You eitherhave or will make a new friend in the near future. Thefriendship may be lifelong or very ephemeral. Onlytime will tell...Libra (September 23-October 22)You have suffered a loss which has taken a tollon you. You haven’t been yourself since. Slowlyyou are getting back in the game but it is trulyhard. You need to accept the fact that what youhad, weather it be big or small, very importantor less important, is gone. You need to move on.You’re in luck though. Life will deal you veryfavorable cards in the near future. Keep youreyes open and don’t miss it. It will brighten your life again and put you rightback on track. You will be the beautiful you, once again.Gemini (May 21-June 20)Happy birthday Gemini! Now, stop worrying aboutdreams. Start worrying about something you actuallyhave control over. Also, lately you have been comingoff strongly to some people. This is good in somecircumstances, but lately, it hasn’t been that great foryou. It has been getting on some people’s nerves. Trylistening to other people instead of always talking. Youdon’t always have to have the last word either. Don’t gettoo caught un in your new endeavors. They won’t lastlong.Taurus (April 20-May 20)It has been a really busy and rough month foryou. So many things to do, in so little time.Don’t worry though, it’ll all be over soon. Keepyour head above water for a little while longer.Soon everything will return to it’s normalpace. You will feel better physically, mentally,and emotionally in the weeks to come. Treatyourself to something nice and that you enjoy.You deserve it.Cancer (June 21-July 22)You have been feeling a little unfulfilled lately. Youare not living to your full potential and you knowit. This is bringing you down. You need to makeyourself more useful. If you’re in bad mood, youcan instantly lift your spirits by forcing yourselfto smile. It’s scientifically proven. Plus, smiling isactually contagious. So by forcing yourself to smile,you’ll lift the moods of the people around you.If that’s not enough to make you feel better, getinvolved in a charity that you believe in. It will be truly inspiring. Helping others isthe best way to feel good about yourself.Leo (July 23-August 22)Someone very close to you has let you down. It hasbeen bothering you immensely, even though yourefuse to show it.he reason that person is acting thisway is because they’re insecure. Don’t be fooled orintimidated by them. You’re way better than that.Brush it off you shoulder, c’mon! Summer is almosthere, it’s time to meet new people and have a greattime. It’s also time to relax. Take some down time,unwind and hang loose.Virgo (August 23-September 22)You’re a genuinely nice person. You alway havebeen. It will pay off soon. Karma will come rightback like a boomerang and give you what you havebeen giving to people. You’re in for a treat. You dotend to hide your feelings though. You don’t needto do that all the time. Express how you feel. It’sokay to do so. No one will blame your for it. Staygold kid.Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)Your intuitive side is beginning to shinethrough. You have an undervalued streakof wisdom. Follow this hunch. Somethingamazing might just come out of it. Your newawesome ideas will just come to you. Don’tforget to exploit them. It would be a shameto waste this potential. If anyone tries to resistor put you down, don’t let them. Stay seriousabout this and make sure they know you’reserious too.Scorpio (October 23-November 21)You’ve been acting super silly lately. Yourpeers find it very amusing. You’re not afraidto laugh at yourself Scorpio. This is a qualitythat not all of us have unfortunately. You’rea lucky one. Keep on the sunny side. Yourquirkiness will take you places and you willbe successful. There’s nothing really major foryou to worry about at this time, so just keepbeing you!Capricorn (December 22-Januray 19)Be careful about starting this new commitment.You will be great at the job—don’t worry aboutthat, Capricorn. You always excel, no matterwhat you do. It’s just that your eyes are biggerthan your stomach and you already have somuch on your plate. You should wait a littlewhile, maybe? It’s up to you. You’re strongheartedand occasionally hard-headed so it’sunlikely that this will change your mind. That’sfine, though. Keep doing what you do.Aquarius (January 20-February 18)You finally built up the courage to do somethingyou have been wanting to for a while. This isgreat. You recently hurt a few people around you.Your relationship with them may not be ruined,but it won’t be the same undoubtedly. Sometimesyou let people influence your thinking too much.Think logically and for yourself. Hopefully youwill realize some of the things that are normallyhard for you to. This would help. To fix the thingsaround you, just don’e lie. Be honest. Honesty is key.Pisces (February 19-March 20)You made a hard decision. It will either go really well orvery badly. Hopefully it will go well. You need to hope,cross all your fingers and toes. Something you thoughtwould never happen in your whole entire life recentlyjust happened. If that didn’t occur, don’t worry, it willsoon. Good luck. Everyone around you is skepticalbut supportive. Don’t worry about it it. Follow yourgut feel. Additionally, you will come across somethingor someone long lost. You will have a great timereminiscing Pieces.

Sh a r kSp o r t s15EURO 2012: The Best Preview in TownBy Ar m a n d La t r e i l l eThe Monday that follows my French BAC, Iplan to wake up early. Yes, this is unusual. But, I don’tplan on taking out my SAT book and start practicingthat $#@%&*^ Written section, or to start readingCrime and Punishment. No, I will be wearing myfavorite French soccer jersey, a beret, and head off in abar somewhere in Manhattan to watch Les Bleus takeon those pesky Englishmen.This will mark the start of the UEFA Euro2012, the greatest international competition after theWorld Cup. Played in Poland and Ukraine, this competitionfeatures the best European national squads(including Turkey), and is essentially an orgy of prettygood football (we’ll refer “football” as soccer in this article,because it’s the proper way to talk about it) forsomeone like me who has lots of time to waste andyell at a TV screen. This guide is aimed at the casualobserver and the die hard fan, in hope that they find ita useful help to understand what’s happening, or justdiscussion fodder with friends while waiting for thegames to begin.As a sure-fire indicator, we will use the officialbetting odds to win the tournament in parentheses,but I certainly will make a few changes that reflect mypersonal opinion.I The “Even If You’re Not A Soccer Fan There Is NoExcuse Not To Watch Those Teams Play” group:Spain (2.75-1 odds of winning it all), Germany(3-1), Netherlands (6-1)Quite possibly the three best teams in the internationalstage right now, according to the UEFA ranking atleast. Spain is world champion, Netherlands played theFinal, and Germany also scored 3rd place. Of course,the stakes at the Euro are considerably less importantthan the World Cup, and that might reflect on thelevel of play. However, these three teams will aim fornothing less than the final round. Their core nucleusof talented player has not changed since South Africa,and neither have their coaches. They still have theirweaknesses: Spain’s small ball tactic of tiring the opponentwhile controlling the ball is risky against good defenses,Germany relies too strongly on counter-attacks,and Netherlands have a serious problem in getting theball in scoring range. Bold Prediction n. 1: Neither ofthese teams wins the Final.II Les Bleus: France (11-1)I feel like dedicating an entire section to the French nationalteam, just because I can. And, in case you werewondering, France is my pick to win the tournament(only because I’m French), though I do rationally rankEarly Shower!Coach Laveyssieres’ Team Talk, Interrupted!Januar y 2012them after Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands. Theproblem with France is that the entire team is still playingwith a chip on their shoulder regarding the SouthAfrican disaster. “Redemption” is the key word here.This Euro is its only chance to redeem itself, even if thenucleus of the South African team is almost brokenup. I say almost because many important players tookpart in the training boycott: Lloris, Evra, and Ribéryto name a few.Laurent Blanc has done an amazing job in rebuildingthe team, and it has not lost since 19 games.His inclusion of a new, talented, group of players asthe mainframe of the squad worked perfectly. In otherwords, the best thing to happen to the team is that playersno longer looked backwards, but forward: all of themhad nothing to loose (the team’s reputation and level ofplay hit rock-bottom) and everything to win. The objectivewas clear: Euro 2012 or bust. Now, it is fair to saythat the holdovers form South Africa have an irreplaceablerole in the team. On the other hand, many criticshave argued that “bad boys stay bad boys”, and that theantagonisms that wrecked the team apart will eventuallycome back if Laurent Blanc allows holdovers.So far, the level of play has been geared offensively,and it has produced acceptable results: winsagainst Germany and England, for example. I say, let’sstick with the talented youth. They are fun to watch,and deserve their shot. My starting 11: Lloris- Debuchy,Rami, Méxes, Evra- Nasri, M’Vila, Malouda, BenArfa, Benzema, Menez.III The “Teams With History That Have A Role ToPlay If They Don’t Want To Get Assaulted WhenThey Come Back From Poland”: England (10-1),Italy (14-1)Both of those teams have rabid fan bases that willnot hesitate to parade around with the coach and/orplayer’s heads on spikes if they do not have a satisfactoryouting. In England’s case, looking at their roadto the tournament makes me feel good about France’schances against them. In the midst of captain JohnTerry’s troubles because of his Premier League antics,coach Fabio Capello stepped down (or was pushedaway), throwing the national team into disarray. Tomake things worse, eccentric striker Wayne Rooney issuspended for the first two games of the Euro (whichincludes the match against France (!!).As the saying goes, England traditionally doesbetter when its expectations are low (a rare occurrenceamong English fans), so it is half-safe to assume theywill make it out of the group, but my guess it that itsoverall fate hinges on the game against France. BoldPrediction n. 2: France wins against England, thelatter spirals down and lets Sweden take 2nd place.As far as Italy goes, I must refrain myself fromreferring to the scandalous rigged-match scandals thatthreatens to undo the team’s unity and perhaps doomits hopes in going deep this summer. Ooops. I mustalso refrain myself from mentioning their horriblefootball philosophy which consists of leaning on a stellargroup Juventus-bred defenders as well as one of thegreatest goalkeeper of all time to hold the goal, and livein counter-attacks.Finally, I must strive to hold an objective standand overlook the fact that they are poised to meetFrance in the quarterfinals, possibly on their way tothe final. But, I can’t because I hate this team morethan the English, and I hope Spain wrecks them whenthey meet in the first round.IV The Host Teams That Have Little Hope of GoingDeep: Poland (40-1), Ukraine (50-1) These are thetwo host teams. They will benefit from a psychologicaladvantage, because fans will show up en masse. I’m noteven sure I can name one player on each team, but theyhave to be mentioned anyway; that’s it, let’s move on.V The Team with The Best Player of the Tournament:Portugal (18-1)Can we just please all agree on this? Cristiano Ronaldowill be the most talented guy on the field for the durationof the Euro. His stellar season at Madrid might carry overto the Euro, but it’s unlikely you can pretend to a semifinalwith the team Portugal will assemble. Furthermore,Ronaldo is known for not showing up internationally.That makes it unlikely Portugal can go deep.VI The Team with the Best Jersey: FranceI’m not kidding. The home jersey is the best since 2000.VII The Team with the Worst Jersey: IrelandWhat the hell is this green thing?Honorable Mention: Ukraine, with a jersey straightfrom the end of Soviet Union era.VII The Wooden SpoonsNobody cares about them. More bold predictions!Bold Prediction n.3: Greeks bankrupt the tournament.Bold Prediction n.4: European governments receivea mysterious message from an unknown courier thatthreatens to cut off all oil and gas pipelines from Russiaif they win against the Russian national team.Bold Prediction n.5: Cristiano Ronaldo scores 23goals and single-handedly wins the Cup for Portugal.Rational prediction: As the great Gary Lineker oncesaid: “Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ballfor 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans win.” Thisyear is no exception. Germany wins the final.Parents, coaches, teachers, staff, and players all scrummed at the annual rugby tournament.Only Mr. Laveyssiere received an early shower.Photos by Mr. Faure

Sh a r kSp o r t s15EURO 2012: The Best Preview in TownBy Ar m a n d La t r e i l l eThe Monday that follows my French BAC, Iplan to wake up early. Yes, this is unusual. But, I don’tplan on taking out my SAT book and start practicingthat $#@%&*^ Written section, or to start readingCrime and Punishment. No, I will be wearing myfavorite French soccer jersey, a beret, and head <strong>of</strong>f in abar somewhere in Manhattan to watch Les Bleus takeon those pesky Englishmen.This will mark the start <strong>of</strong> the UEFA Euro2012, the greatest international competition after theWorld Cup. Played in Poland and Ukraine, this competitionfeatures the best European national squads(including Turkey), and is essentially an orgy <strong>of</strong> prettygood football (we’ll refer “football” as soccer in this article,because it’s the proper way to talk about it) forsomeone like me who has lots <strong>of</strong> time to waste andyell at a TV screen. This guide is aimed at the casualobserver and the die hard fan, in hope that they find ita useful help to understand what’s happening, or justdiscussion fodder with friends while waiting for thegames to begin.As a sure-fire indicator, we will use the <strong>of</strong>ficialbetting odds to win the tournament in parentheses,but I certainly will make a few changes that reflect mypersonal opinion.I The “Even If You’re Not A Soccer Fan There Is NoExcuse Not To Watch Those Teams Play” group:Spain (2.75-1 odds <strong>of</strong> winning it all), Germany(3-1), Netherlands (6-1)Quite possibly the three best teams in the internationalstage right now, according to the UEFA ranking atleast. Spain is world champion, Netherlands played theFinal, and Germany also scored 3rd place. Of course,the stakes at the Euro are considerably less importantthan the World Cup, and that might reflect on thelevel <strong>of</strong> play. However, these three teams will aim fornothing less than the final round. Their core nucleus<strong>of</strong> talented player has not changed since South Africa,and neither have their coaches. They still have theirweaknesses: Spain’s small ball tactic <strong>of</strong> tiring the opponentwhile controlling the ball is risky against good defenses,Germany relies too strongly on counter-attacks,and Netherlands have a serious problem in getting theball in scoring range. Bold Prediction n. 1: Neither <strong>of</strong>these teams wins the Final.II Les Bleus: France (11-1)I feel like dedicating an entire section to the French nationalteam, just because I can. And, in case you werewondering, France is my pick to win the tournament(only because I’m French), though I do rationally rankEarly Shower!Coach Laveyssieres’ Team Talk, Interrupted!Januar y 2012them after Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands. Theproblem with France is that the entire team is still playingwith a chip on their shoulder regarding the SouthAfrican disaster. “Redemption” is the key word here.This Euro is its only chance to redeem itself, even if thenucleus <strong>of</strong> the South African team is almost brokenup. I say almost because many important players tookpart in the training boycott: Lloris, Evra, and Ribéryto name a few.Laurent Blanc has done an amazing job in rebuildingthe team, and it has not lost since 19 games.His inclusion <strong>of</strong> a new, talented, group <strong>of</strong> players asthe mainframe <strong>of</strong> the squad worked perfectly. In otherwords, the best thing to happen to the team is that playersno longer looked backwards, but forward: all <strong>of</strong> themhad nothing to loose (the team’s reputation and level <strong>of</strong>play hit rock-bottom) and everything to win. The objectivewas clear: Euro 2012 or bust. Now, it is fair to saythat the holdovers form South Africa have an irreplaceablerole in the team. On the other hand, many criticshave argued that “bad boys stay bad boys”, and that theantagonisms that wrecked the team apart will eventuallycome back if Laurent Blanc allows holdovers.So far, the level <strong>of</strong> play has been geared <strong>of</strong>fensively,and it has produced acceptable results: winsagainst Germany and England, for example. I say, let’sstick with the talented youth. They are fun to watch,and deserve their shot. My starting 11: Lloris- Debuchy,Rami, Méxes, Evra- Nasri, M’Vila, Malouda, BenArfa, Benzema, Menez.III The “Teams With History That Have A Role ToPlay If They Don’t Want To Get Assaulted WhenThey Come Back From Poland”: England (10-1),Italy (14-1)Both <strong>of</strong> those teams have rabid fan bases that willnot hesitate to parade around with the coach and/orplayer’s heads on spikes if they do not have a satisfactoryouting. In England’s case, looking at their roadto the tournament makes me feel good about France’schances against them. In the midst <strong>of</strong> captain JohnTerry’s troubles because <strong>of</strong> his Premier League antics,coach Fabio Capello stepped down (or was pushedaway), throwing the national team into disarray. Tomake things worse, eccentric striker Wayne Rooney issuspended for the first two games <strong>of</strong> the Euro (whichincludes the match against France (!!).As the saying goes, England traditionally doesbetter when its expectations are low (a rare occurrenceamong English fans), so it is half-safe to assume theywill make it out <strong>of</strong> the group, but my guess it that itsoverall fate hinges on the game against France. BoldPrediction n. 2: France wins against England, thelatter spirals down and lets Sweden take 2nd place.As far as Italy goes, I must refrain myself fromreferring to the scandalous rigged-match scandals thatthreatens to undo the team’s unity and perhaps doomits hopes in going deep this summer. Ooops. I mustalso refrain myself from mentioning their horriblefootball philosophy which consists <strong>of</strong> leaning on a stellargroup Juventus-bred defenders as well as one <strong>of</strong> thegreatest goalkeeper <strong>of</strong> all time to hold the goal, and livein counter-attacks.Finally, I must strive to hold an objective standand overlook the fact that they are poised to meetFrance in the quarterfinals, possibly on their way tothe final. But, I can’t because I hate this team morethan the English, and I hope Spain wrecks them whenthey meet in the first round.IV The Host Teams That Have Little Hope <strong>of</strong> GoingDeep: Poland (40-1), Ukraine (50-1) These are thetwo host teams. They will benefit from a psychologicaladvantage, because fans will show up en masse. I’m noteven sure I can name one player on each team, but theyhave to be mentioned anyway; that’s it, let’s move on.V The Team with The Best Player <strong>of</strong> the Tournament:Portugal (18-1)Can we just please all agree on this? Cristiano Ronaldowill be the most talented guy on the field for the duration<strong>of</strong> the Euro. His stellar season at Madrid might carry overto the Euro, but it’s unlikely you can pretend to a semifinalwith the team Portugal will assemble. Furthermore,Ronaldo is known for not showing up internationally.That makes it unlikely Portugal can go deep.VI The Team with the Best Jersey: FranceI’m not kidding. The home jersey is the best since 2000.VII The Team with the Worst Jersey: IrelandWhat the hell is this green thing?Honorable Mention: Ukraine, with a jersey straightfrom the end <strong>of</strong> Soviet Union era.VII The Wooden SpoonsNobody cares about them. More bold predictions!Bold Prediction n.3: Greeks bankrupt the tournament.Bold Prediction n.4: European governments receivea mysterious message from an unknown courier thatthreatens to cut <strong>of</strong>f all oil and gas pipelines from Russiaif they win against the Russian national team.Bold Prediction n.5: Cristiano Ronaldo scores 23goals and single-handedly wins the Cup for Portugal.Rational prediction: As the great Gary Lineker oncesaid: “Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ballfor 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans win.” Thisyear is no exception. Germany wins the final.Parents, coaches, teachers, staff, and players all scrummed at the annual rugby tournament.Only Mr. Laveyssiere received an early shower.Photos by Mr. Faure

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