1 19.76: 70-1 52/c.2 ~~ A/|

1 19.76: 70-1 52/c.2 ~~ A/| 1 19.76: 70-1 52/c.2 ~~ A/|


1 19.76:70-1 52/c.2_ ~ ~~ A/|

1 <strong>19.76</strong>:<strong>70</strong>-1 <strong>52</strong>/<strong>c.2</strong>_ ~ <strong>~~</strong> A/|


UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORWALTER J HICKEL, SecretaryGeological SurveyWilliam T Pecora, DirectorWater Resources DivisionErnest L Hendricks, Chief HydrologistOregon DistrictStanley F Kapustka, District Chief

CONTENTSPageIntroduction------------------------------------------------------- 1Description of the study reaches----------------------------------- 3Floods in the Rogue River valley----------------------------------- 5Study methods------------------------------------------------------ 10Photogrammetric mapping--------------------------------------- 10Collection of field data-------------------------------------- 10Roughness coefficients-------------------------------------- 11Step-backwater analysis--------------------------------------- 11Results of the study- -------------------------------------- 13Use of the results- -------------------------------------- 21Summary------------------------------------------------------------ 21References--------------------------------------------------------- 21ILLUSTRATIONSPageFigure 1. Map showing location of the study area------------------ 22. Photograph showing Gold Ray bridge during December1964 flood------------------------------------------- 43. Photograph showing Gold Ray Dam and Raygold gagingstation during December 1964 flood-------------------- 54. Graph showing flood-frequency curves for gagingstations in the study area---------------------------- 95-22. Graphs showing water-surface profiles for the RogueRiver------------------------------------------------- 22i

ILLUSTRATIONS--ContinuedPageFigure 23.24-43.Graph showing water-surface profiles for Elk Creek----- 40Cross sections----------------------------------------- 41TABLESPageTable 1. Annual peaks for Rogue River at Raygold, near CentralPoint, Oreg.------------------------------------------- 62. Discharges used in developing the flood profiles--------- 83. Gradation analyses of streambed samples------------------ 124. Gradation analyses of fine material from selectedsampling points---------------------------------------- 135. Profile elevations for the Rogue River------------------- 146. Profile elevations for Elk Creek------------------------- 19ii

WATER-SURFACE ELEVATIONS AND CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS FORSELECTED REACHES OF THE ROGUE RIVER AND ELK CREEK,JACKSON AND JOSEPHINE COUNTIES, OREGONBy D. D. HarrisINTRODUCTIONThe central Rogue River valley, because of its mild climate,fertile soil, scenic attractions, and sport-fishery resource, has greatpotential for future population growth and industrial development. Asthe population grows and the area develops, zoning becomes necessary toassure the most beneficial use of the land, especially of the floodplains. To establish land-use zones on the flood plains, the area subjectto inundation and elevation of floods must be considered. Areasflooded during the December 1964 flood and the approximate limits of the1861 flood in Jackson and Josephine Counties are shown in two interimreports (Corps of Engineers, 1965); however, there are no publishedflood-elevation profiles to use as a basis for establishing meaningfulland-use-zone boundaries or for delineating inundated areas of otherfloods.This study was made at the request of Jackson County to definewater-surface profiles and channel characteristics, geometry and slope,for a reach of the Rogue River from the Jackson-Josephine County lineupstream to Lost Creek damsite and for a reach of Elk Creek from themouth upstream to Elk Creek damsite (fig. 1). Profiles were defined for(1) the flood of December 1964; (2) the 20-year flood; (3) the 10-yearflood; (4) the flood of December 1964 after adjusting for storage inthe proposed upstream reservoirs; (5) a low flow considered to be theminimum operational flow from the proposed reservoirs; and (6) the thalweg(the lowest part of the channel bottom).The December 1964 flood data, adjusted for proposed storage, andminimum operational flow were provided by the Corps of Engineers (Col.R. L. Bangert, written commun., 1969).The profile of the adjusted December 1964 flood was determined forthe reach of the Rogue River downstream from Dodge Bridge where adjusteddischarge data were available.1

12315 123°00 12f45l12203042P4542*W-EXPLANATIONStrecn-gaging station S 3380INDEX NAP OF OREGONFigure 1.--Location of the study area.2

The minimum operational flow needed primarily for fishery enhancementis the minimum release proposed from Lost Creek and Elk Creek Reservoirs.For the purpose of this study, a minimum operational flow(proposed for October) of 1,000 cfs (cubic feet per second) below theproposed Lost Creek Dam was used in developing the profile. Smallerminimum releases are proposed for other months of the year, but becausenatural flow and tributary inflow are lowest in September or October,flow throughout the entire study reach should be lowest during thesemonths. The profile of the minimum operational flow was not determinedfor the reach downstream from Savage Rapids Dam, where flow can be diverted,or for Elk Creek. The Elk Creek low-water profile is not shownbecause the proposed minimum operational flow is only 25 cfs and wouldbe very close to the thalweg profile.The step-backwater method was used to define the high-water profiles;photogrammetric maps and water-depth soundings made during theperiods of low flow were used to define the low-water and thalweg profiles.The theory of the step-backwater method, described in GeologicalSurvey Water-Supply Paper 1869-A (Bailey and Ray, 1966) and in manytextbooks on hydraulics involves the use of hydraulic equations expressedas functions of channel geometry, roughness, and slope.This report is not intended to show the areas inundated by theselected floods. Such information can be determined by using the floodelevations in conjunction with the contoured photogrammetric work maps.Elevations computed for the 2-, 25-, and 50-year floods are not includedin this report, but elevations for parts of the study reach areavailable in the Oregon District office of the U.S. Geological Survey.This study was made, in cooperation with Jackson County and theOregon State Water Resources Board, under the general supervision ofStanley F. Kapustka, district chief of the Water Resources Division ofthe U.S. Geological Survey in Oregon.DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY REACHESThe study reach on the Rogue River extends 56 miles between theGrants Pass gaging station, where the low-water elevation is about 900ft above msl (mean sea level) and Lost Creek damsite, where the lowwaterelevation is about 1,560 ft above msl (fig. 1). On Elk Creek thereach extends 1.7 miles between the mouth, where the low-water elevationis about 1,450 ft above msl, and Elk Creek damsite, where the low-waterelevation is about 1,510 ft above msl.From Grants Pass upstream to Rock Point, the channel is confinedand the slope decreases. This reach includes Savage Rapids Dam, whichis used primarily for irrigation diversion. Stoplogs are placed on thecrest of the dam to raise the upstream pool elevation during the irrigationseason and are removed during the period of high flow, Novemberthrough March. This manipulation of the stoplogs influences profilesupstream from the dam. The average channel slope is about 8 feet permile.3

From Rock Point upstream to Gold Ray Dam, the channel is narrowand steep. There is a notable break in the profile at a falls about amile upstream from Gold Hill bridge. High velocities through thenarrow constrictions at Gold Hill and Rock Point (figs. 9, 10) havecreated deep scour holes. At these constrictions, depths greater than30 feet were sounded during a period of low flow. These were thegreatest depths found in the entire study reach. Average slope throughthis part of the channel is about 13 feet per mile.Between Gold Ray Dam and Little Butte Creek, the flood plain isflat and wide (as much as 7,000 ft) and is susceptible to inundationduring periods of high flow. Backwater from Gold Ray Dam, which is usedfor power development, influences the slope of the water-surface profile.The wide, meandering channel in this reach has a slope of about8 to 9 feet per mile.The upper 20-mile reach of the Rogue River is generally well confinedand widens gradually downstream to Little Butte Creek. This upperreach contains occasional rapids or low falls, most of which become submergedduring high flow. Channel slope above Little Butte Creek averagesabout 15 feet per mile.

Figure 3.--Gold Ray Dam and Raygold gaging station during December 1964flood. Photograph courtesy of Medford Mail Tribune.FLOODS IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEYHighest flows of the Rogue River usually occur from late fall toearly spring. All but two of the annual peaks in 64 years of recordfor the gaging station below Gold Ray Dam (station 3390) occurred duringNovember through March. The annual peaks are listed in table 1. Thehighest peak of record was that of December 1964, although higher peaksoccurred in 1861 and 1890, prior to operation of the gaging station.Figure 2 shows the pileup of water on Gold Ray bridge just before itsdestruction during the December 1964 flood. Figure 3 shows flow overGold Ray Dam during the December 1964 flood and after Gold Ray bridgewas destroyed. The bridge was located between the dam and the gagingstation shown in the picture.5

Table 1.--Annual peaks for Rogue River at Raygold,near Central Point, Oreg. (station 3590)ElevationWater (in feet Dischargeyear Date above msl) (in cfs)1862 December 18611,1541890February 18901,149.319061907190819091910Jan.Feb.Dec.Jan,Nov.16,4,26,20,23,190619071907190919091,135, 51,138.81,137.11,133,81,144.3a/38,800a/56,000a/ 4 6 ,<strong>70</strong>0a/31, 100a/92,80019111912191319141915Nov.Feb.Jan.Jan,Feb.28,17,18,22,1,191019121913191419151,134.91,136.01,129.11,131.81,129.2a/35,500a/ 4 1 ,200a/14,20023,50015,40019161917191819191920Feb.Feb.Jan.Feb.Dec.7 ,25,12,9,25,191619171918191919191,130.91,128.51,132.71,130.81,127.320,60012,30025,80019,2008,98019211922192319241925Dec.Nov.Dec.Feb.Dec.30,30,31,7,30,192019211922192419241,132.31,130.91,130.61,129,11,137.024,40019,60018, 60014,40044,40019261927192819291930Feb.Feb.Mar.Jan.Dec.4,21,26,3,19,192619271928192919291,127.71,146.61,132.51,127.61,129.310,000110,00026,1009,73014,80019311932193319341935Apr.Mar.Jan.Jan.Dec.19,19,2,23,20,193119321933193419341,127.11,134.01,130,21,127.81,128.68,42031,90017,80010,60012,<strong>70</strong>0a/ Maximum observed.6

Table l.--Annual peaks for Rogue River at Raygold,near Central Point, Oreg. (station 3590)--ContinuedElevationWater (in feet Dischargeyear Date above msl) (in cfs)19361937193819391940Jan.Apr.Dec.Mar.Feb.15,13,11,12,28,193619371937193919401,132.01,132.51,132.81, 129.41,132.024,20026,10027,20015,20024,20019411942194319441945Jan.Dec.Dec.Nov.Feb.25,3,31,5,14,194119411942194319451,129.11,132.21,136.11,126.81,132.814,10025,20040, 5008,06027,10019461947194819491950Dec.Nov.Jan.Feb.Mar.28,19,7,22,19,194519461948194919501,137.81,128.21,137.41,130.91,131.148,00011,50046,20020,40021,100195119<strong>52</strong>195319541955Oct.Feb.Jan.Nov.De<strong>c.2</strong>9,2,18,23,31,195019<strong>52</strong>1953195319541,136.71,133.21,139.61,138.71,127.343,10028,90056,500<strong>52</strong>,3009,21019561957195819591960Dec.Mar.Jan.Feb.Feb.22,12,28,15,9,195519571958195919601,144.91,134.41,135.51,128.21,131.8110,00039,30044,90012,80026,30019611962196319641965Feb.Dec.Dec.Jan.Dec.11,19,2,20,23,196119611962196419641,130.11,129.91,140.91,133.71,145.219,30018,40088,90036,300131,0001966196719681969Jan.Jan.Feb.Jan.6,28,23,13,19661967196819691,133.91,131.71,132.91,130.137,40026,00032,00018,9007

Table 2.--Discharges used in developing the flood profilesDischarge, in cubic feet per secondDecemberDecember 1964Gaging 1964 flood 20-year 10-yearstation- flood (adjusted) flood floodRogue River below South ForkRogue River, near Prospect(3350) 55,000 -- 29,500 20,800Elk Creek near Trail(3380) 19,200 -- 14,800 11,900Rogue River at Dodge Bridge,near Eagle Point(3390) 87,600 24,600 61,500 46,600Rogue River at Raygold, nearCentral Point(3590) 131,000 74,000 81,000 61,<strong>70</strong>0Rogue River at Grants Pass(3615) 1<strong>52</strong>,000 102,000 119,000 93,2001/ Number following station name is the gaging station number.8

300 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _l _l _l _ _l _l _ _l _ l l l _ _200 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ <strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>~Rogue200 - - -_ __ _River at Raygold, near Central Point_0z0L3V)cUCLLUL) ixU0EdL)0zU)0C:ZLiI0DXIa80c - - - __60____X _=C_____30 ___7Rogue River at Grants Pass _202 , Rogue _ River , at DodgeBridge, near Eaglev Rogue River below South Forknear ProspectElk Creek near TrailO x _ _ 10 __ _ _ r r iI I I __ I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I8I ____ I I I6___ - I I I I4I;;; -1 -2 L2 15 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 100RECURRENCEINTERVAL, IN YEARSFigure 4.--Flood-frequency curves for gaging stations in the study area.Flood-frequency curves for five gaging stations in the study areaare shown in figure 4. The curves were developed from annual peak-flowdata by using the log-Pearson Type III method (Hydrology Subcommittee,1967). Flood-frequency data for the gaging station on Rogue River belowSouth Fork was used in the analysis even though the gaging station wasupstream from the study reach (fig. 1) and is no longer in operation.The gaging station on Rogue River near McLeod (station 3376, figs. 1,21) has been in operation only since 1965 and therefore has insufficientdata for use in a flood-frequency analysis.Flood discharges used in the analyses are shown in table 2. The10- and 20-year floods listed in table 2 are floods that will recur onon an average of once every 10 and 20 years, respectively. These recurrenceintervals might also be considered to have a 1 chance in 10 and a1 chance in 20 of occurring in any one year. Discharges used in developingthe profiles between gaging stations were interpolated in proportionto drainage areas of intervening tributaries.9

-RSTUDY METHODSPhotogrammetric MappingChannel-geometry data required for the step-backwater analysis wereobtained by a commercial photogrammetry firm. They produced photogrammetricwork maps (scale, 1 inch = 200 ft) from aerial photographs, withhorizontal and vertical map control established to third-order accuracyat primary picture ground-control points. The maps show planimetricfeatures, tree and vegetation lines, stream boundaries, and 5-footground contours. Ground elevations were determined every 100 feet andat topographic breaks at flood-plain cross sections, oriented perpendicularto the direction of flow and positioned about every 1,000 feetalong the channel. Water-surface elevations are shown for each crosssection at the time of aerial photography. Additional cross sectionswere positioned at the downstream side and about one channel width upstreamfrom each existing bridge for use in computing backwater at thebridge constrictions. Accuracy of cross-section elevations was to bewithin +1 foot for 90 percent of the elevation points where the groundsurface was visible in the aerial photographs.The photogrammetric work maps were not intended for publication,but copies are available for review in the Oregon District office of theU.S. Geological Survey.Collection of Field DataTo complete the flood-plain cross sections, water-depth soundingswere taken in the field in alinement with the photogrammetric groundcross sections. Some cross sections were eliminated as not necessaryfor computing the profiles, particularly in straight, flat reaches ofthe streams. The alinements of some sections were altered slightlywhere adjacent cross sections overlapped at sharp bends in the channel.Spot checks made with an engineering level indicated that thephotogrammetric elevations were within the accuracy required as shownunder "Photogrammetric mapping."Bridge dimensions required for computing the amount of backwaterupstream from bridges were measured by field survey.10

Roughness CoefficientsChannel roughness coefficients required in the hydraulic computationswere selected in the field for subreaches adjacent to eachcross section. Roughness is influenced by the size and gradation ofbed material, cross-section irregularities, vegetation growth, andchannel alinement. Stereo photographs were taken for office review ofthe coefficients.To support the choice of the roughness coefficients, streambedmaterial was sampled from gravel bars at several points in the reaches.Results of the gradation analyses of the samples are shown in table 3to provide supplemental information on gravel deposits on the floodplain. The samples were collected from the bed surface, where the materialis subject to erosion, and probably contain less fine materialthan would samples excavated from deep holes. A gradation analysis ofthe fine material at four of the sampling points is shown in table 4.Most of the material is well graded, and in all but one sample themaximum size was less than 16 inches. This supported our choices ofroughness coefficients of 0.030 to 0.050 used in the step-backwateranalysis for the main channel.Step-Backwater AnalysisBecause repeated trial-and-error calculations are required to determinewater-surface profiles using the step-backwater technique, adigital computer was used. The profiles are determined by beginning ata downstream cross section with a known stage-discharge relation andprogressing upstream from cross section to cross section.To provide the initial discharges and related water-surface elevationsfor the analysis, profile computations were started from thegaging station at Grants Pass (fig. 1) where a stage-discharge relationis already established. Water-surface elevations were computed foreach cross section, progressing upstream from the gaging station toSavage Rapids Dam. The dam creates a break in the profile. A stagedischargerelation was developed for the dam crest, and computationswere continued from that point upstream to Gold Ray Dam, where anotherbreak in the profile occurs. A stage-discharge relation was then developedfor the crest of Gold Ray Dam, and computations were continuedupstream through the remaining part of the reach.11

Table 3.--Gradation analyses of streambed samplesSieve no. -- -- -- 5 10 18 35 60 120 200 RemarksSize (in.) 24 16 10 6.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.62 0.31 0,16 0.079 0.039 0.020 0.0098 0.0049 0.0029PERCENTAGE FINERSamplingpoint 1 -- -- 100 99 91 68 24 17 11 8.6 7.7 5.8 2.9 0.6 0.1 0 Below freeway bridge (fig. 9).2 -_ __ 100 97 91 69 39 30 22 18 15 12 7.4 2.2 .5 0.3 Below Galls Creek (fig. 10).3 100 99 96 82 66 21 7.0 3.9 2.5 2.0 1.6 1.0 .6 .2 .05 .02 Below Gold Hill bridge (fig. 10).4 -- -- - 100 86 74 45 28 19 15 12 6.1 3.2 1.4 .7 .6 Below Sams Creek (fig. 11).5 100 99 93 82 50 32 22 15 13 9.4 7.0 3.8 1.3 .5 .4 Below Gold Ray Dam (fig. 12).6 -- - - -_ -- 100 99 89 74 62 44 24 7.7 3.1 1.2 .5 At Bear Creek mouth (fig, 13).7 - -- - 100 94 71 44 28 19 11 9.2 5.7 1.4 1.1 .5 .3 Above Whetstone Creek (fig. 13).8 -- - 100 97 67 28 18 12 9.2 6.4 4.8 3.1 .9 .3 .1 Above Bybee bridge (fig. 14).9 100 99 89 60 22 17 13 7,9 3J 19 .9 .4 .2 .1 Below Little Butte Creek (fig. 14).10 100 99 90 79 55 29 18 13 12 11 8.4 3.7 1,0 .4 .2 Below river mile 130 (fig. 15).11-- -- -- 100 -- 68 47 32 26 24 22 18 8,9 2.5 .7 .3 Above Dry Creek (fig. 17).12- -- -- - 100 89 <strong>52</strong> 32 22 18 14 8.2 4.6 1.9 .5 .3 Below Indian Creek (fig. 18).13 100 92 72 53 31 21 16 11 8.6 6.7 5.9 5,0 2.3 .4 .2 Above Shady Cove bridge (fig. 18).14 - 100 76 50 21 11 9.1 7.0 5,6 4.5 3.4 2.2 .9 .2 .1 Below Trail Creek (fig. 19).15 100 99 86 73 34 13 9,9 6,8 4.7 2.7 1.6 1.1 .5 .2 .1 Below Elk Creek (fig. 20).16 -- 100 45 45 36 20 9.8 5.7 4,6 4.0 3.4 2.8 1,7 .6 .2 Near McCleod (fig. 21).17 100 99 90 82 54 33 20 12 10 8.7 7.5 5.8 2.6 .9 .6 Near Lost Creek damsite (fig. 22).18 100 96 80 67 43 22 14 9,8 8.2 6.1 3.8 1.6 .7 .4 .2 On Elk Creek (fig, 23).

Table 4.--Gradation analyses of fine material from selected samplingpointsSize (mm) 0.074 0,062 0.031 0.016 0.008 0.004 0.002PERCENTAGE FINERSamplingpoint 7 100 93 55 31 24 22 1911 100 78 30 17 11 10 916 100 57 49 44 18 13 817 100 100 62 40 28 18 13For the analysis, the following conditions were assumed:1. The high-water profiles upstream from Savage Rapids Dam should becomputed without the stoplogs on the dam crest.2. Low-water profiles should be developed as if the stoplogs were inplace.3. Profiles on Elk Creek would be computed by starting with concordantflood elevations in the Rogue River; for example, the 20-year floodelevation on the Rogue River would be used as the initial elevationfor the 20-year flood on Elk Creek.RESULTS OF THE STUDYThe computed profiles are shown in figures 5 to 23. The profilescan be related to adjacent maps for locations of cross sections, landmarks,and streambed sampling points. The stream boundaries shown onthe maps in figures 5 to 23 are for a medium flow existing at the timeof aerial photography, February 13, 1969.Elevations of the profiles for selected flows at the crosssections for the Rogue River and Elk Creek are listed in tables 5 and 6,respectively. Distances, in feet, shown in the profiles and in tables5 and 6 were scaled from the photogrammetric work maps and checked forconsistency against the river mile index for the Rogue River (ColumbiaBasin Inter-Agency Committee, 1967). River mileages shown on the maps(figs. 5-23) are based on the 1923 U.S. Geological Survey river-profilesurvey and are the same as those used in the two interim flood-plainreports (Corps of Engineers, 1965).13

Table 5.--Profile elevations for the Rogue RiverStationElevations, in feet above msl.!'Photo- Distance up- December Minimumgrammetric stream from December 1964 operationalReport map refer- station 1 1964 flood 20-year 10-year flowreference ence (feet) flood (adjusted) flood flood (estimated) ThalwegGrants Passgage (1) 98+010 919.4 912.0 914.6 910.6-87 1 .62 98+0 21,200920.6 913 .6 916.1 912 .3 -- 887 .63 98+043,210922. 2 915. 7 918.0 914. 5 -- 882. 8FruitdaleCreek 4, 5404 98+055 99+016 99+027 99+048 99+064, 2205, 2206,2108,2309,430922.7923 .3926.3929.1930. 2916.3917.0920. 2923. 0924.2918.6919 .2922.49 25. 29 26 .391 5.1915.8919.092 1 .79 22 .9-- 884.8-- 892.9-- 888.4-- 888.4-- 892.8Jones Cr91011129 9+07100+00100+01100+039,4<strong>70</strong>10,24011, 24012,2<strong>70</strong>14,290930.9932.8934.7936. 99 25. 1926.49 28 .6931 .092 7 .19 28. 7930.9933 .2923.892 5.09 27 .2929 .6-- 893 .0-- 898.0-89 2 .6-- 901.113 101+0014 101+0115 101+0316 101+0517 101+061 5, 21015, 51016,66018,62019,640940.2940.7942.0943 .8945.0933.6934.093 5.493 7 .0938.4936. 193 6 .593 7. 8939. 5940.8932. 1932. 5934.0935. 5937.0-- 897 .1-- 899. 1-- 901.2-- 889. 2-- 916. 718 102+0019 102+0220 102+0<strong>52</strong>1 102+0622 103+0120,94022,96024, 58025, <strong>52</strong>027,040945. 69 56 .59 59.0960. 5962.0940.3948.79 51. 5954 .1956 .4942,2951 .5954,3956 .59 58.493 9 .2947 .1950. 19 <strong>52</strong> .99 55.3-- 898. 7-- 916.8-- 919.4-9 22 .6-- 920. <strong>52</strong>3SavageRapids Dam2425103+02 28,040 965.2 9 59 .2 961.4 9 58.0 93 1 .5103+03103+04104+0128, 51029,06031, 120972.8 967.4 969.3976.8 972.2 973.8980.0 974.6 976.6966.497 1.39 73 .6964.0964.1964.29 53 .0939. 5942. 5Savage Cr26Little SavageCr2 7104+0431,49034,130982.7 977.5 979.4 976.4 964.4 948.034,15010-5+00 35,940984.6 979.3 981.2 978.2 964.6 949.028 105+0229 10-5+0330 105+0431 106+0132 106+033 7 ,95038,96039,9<strong>70</strong>41,96044,090987 .4988.0990.0991 .6994.7981. 9982.8984. 5986.0989.6984.0984.8986. 5988.0991 .4980. 7981 .6983 .3984. 8988. 5964.896 5.096 5.2965.4965. 6949. 5954.0953.09 53 .09 <strong>52</strong>. 533Evans Cr343536106+04107+00107+01107+0145,10045,78046,09047,09047,090996.099 7 .9999.0999.0991.0992.8993. 8993 .8992. 7994.6995. 5995. 5989 .9991 .7992.699 2 .6965.8966.0966.29 66 .29 56 .09 57 .0960. 5960. 5Rogue RiverBridge37Ward Creek38107+02107 +0347, 16047,51047 ,56048,1301,000.41,000.8994.6994.9996.4996 .6993.4993 .6966.4966. 6962. 5960. 6See footnote at end of table.14

Table 5.--Profile elevations for the Rogue River--ContinuedStationElevations, in feet above msll/Photo- Distance up- December Minimumgrammetric stream from December 1964 operationalReport map refer- station 1 1964 flood 20-year 10-year flowreference ence (feet) flood (adjusted) flood flood (estimated) Thalweg39 108+0040 108+0241 108+0342 108+0543 109+0250,320<strong>52</strong>,4<strong>70</strong>53,4<strong>70</strong>55,49057,6901,002.71,004.61,006. 81,008.51,011.4996.5998.81,000.01,002.21,004.9998.21,000.61,001.81,003.71,006.5995.0997.0998.01,000.21,002.9967.0968.0972.0973.0976.0964.7964.8969.9969.5972.9BirdseyeCreek44Foots Cr45109+03109+0557,69058,56060,54060, 5801,012.61,016.31,006.41,009.81,007.91,011.31,004.31,007.8979.0979.5977.0976.046474849Freeway Br110+01110+03110+04110+0462,55064, 50065,75065,75066,2901,018.31,019.61,022.21,022.21,011.71,013.01,014.91,014.91,013.21,014.41,016.51,016.51,009.61,010.71,012.41,012.4981.0982.0990.0990.0974.9979.5987.0987.050 110+0551 111+01<strong>52</strong> 111-0253 111+0454 112+0066,83068,83069,84071,81072,9201,022.21,026.51,028.21,031.51,033.51,015.01,018.61,020.21,023.31,025.41,016.61,020.21,021.71,024.81,026.91,012.61,016.51,018.21,021.31,023.3991 .0993.0997.0999.01,000.0987.9989.4994.9996.5985.055 112+0156 112+0357 113+0058 113+0159 113+0174,02076,03078,05079,10079,1001,035.11,037.81,042.21,043.21,043.21,026.41,029.01,033.41,034.71,034.71,028.01,030.61,035.11,036.31,036.31,024.21,026.81,031.21 ,032. 51,032.51,001 .01,002.01,007.01,008.01,008.0999.0993.01,004.7978.7978.7Rock PointBridge606162113+02113+03113+0479,18079,33080,28081,2801,043,71,047.01,048.41,035.01,038.11,039.81,036.81,040.01,041.61,032.71,035.61,037.61,008.51,012.01,013.0993.11,009.71,006.0Sardine Cr63Galls Cr6465114+00114+02114+0382,76083,29085,23085,29086,2401,0<strong>52</strong>.31,057 .61,058.61,044.11,048.61,049.81,045.81,050.31,051.41,041.91,046.31,047.51,020.01,022.01,023.01,018.01,012.01,021.0666768Kane Cr69115+00115+01115*03115+0588,23089,23091,<strong>70</strong>092,0<strong>70</strong>92,8501,061.21,063.21,065.61,069.01,0<strong>52</strong>.71,054.51,056.51,059.61,054.21,056.01,058.01,061.21,050.41,0<strong>52</strong>.11,054.01,057.11,026.01,027.01,032.01,039.01,022.81,015.81,029.11,024.0<strong>70</strong>71Gold HillBridge72115+06115+06115*0793,110 1,0<strong>70</strong>.0 1,060.2 1,061.9 1,057.793,110 1,0<strong>70</strong>.0 1,060.2 1,061.9 1,057.793,11093,440 1,071.5 1,061.2 1,063.1 1,058.51,040.01,040.01,040.01,015.01,015.01,005.573 116+00 94,3<strong>70</strong>74 116+01 95,38075 116+02 96,43076 116+03 97,45077 117+00 99,4501,078.01,079.01,081.01,082.01,087.81,065.21,068.01,071.01,072.51,082.11,067.11,069.51,072.51,074.01,082.91,062.31,065.01,068.51,069.81,080.91,041.01,045.01,046.01,048.01,072.01,038.01,041.61,039.01,042.51,063.5See footnote at end of table.15

Table 5-ProfileTabl 5.-Proileelevationsfor the Roeue River--ContinuedStationElevations, in feet above msli!/Photo- Distance up- December Minimumgrammetric stream from December 1964 operationalReport map refer- station 1 1964 flood 20-year 10-year flowreference ence (feet) flood (adjusted) flood flood (estimated) Thalweg78 1171- 0279 118-i-D80 118-i-C81 118+0282 118+04101,450103,440104,440105,440107,4<strong>70</strong>1,095.01,099.11, 100.91,104.41,108.81,090.81,093.81,09 5.21,097 .81,103 .21,091.51,094.61,096.11,098. 81,104.01,089. 51 ,092 .21,093 .61,096.11,101 .81,073 .01,074.01,07 5.01,081.01,090. 01,06 5. 21 ,06 7 .31,068.01 ,07 7 .91,079. 2838485Sams Creek86118+05119+00119+01119+02108,660109,290110,390110, 560111,2101,112.21,113 .61,115. 11, 116.01, 107 .61, 109.01, 111.01, 112. 11,108.31,109.61,111. 51,112.71,106.21,107.61, 109 .81,111l.01,091.01,093.01,094.01,095.01,082.81,090.81,087.31,089.887 119+0388 120+0089 120+0290 12040491 120+05112,210114,200116,200118,060119,0<strong>70</strong>1, 118.31,123. 71,127 .51 ,13 2 .51, 13 6.01,114.31,118. 91,123.01,127 .81, 130.11,114.91,119.61, 123 .61,128.41, 130.81,113.01,117. 51,121.71,126.41,128.61,097 .01,104.01, 108.01, 114.01, 115.01,094.01,092.01,104.01 ,107 .51,109.292939495Raygoldgage120+06121410112140212 1+04120,060121,060122,060123,9101, 13 7 .51,141 .01,143 .71,147 .41 ,13 1 .71,134.41,136 .71,140.81,132. 51 ,13 5.41,137 .71,141 .81, 130.01,132. 51,134.81,139 .11, 1 15. 51,116.01,117.01,122.0124,240 1,145.2 1,139.0 1,139.9 1,137.4 1,122.71,110.31,110.01,112.01,114.0Gold RayDam969798122+00122+101122402125,010125,050125, <strong>52</strong>0126,4801, 163.01, 166,71, 167.11 ,1 57 .71 ,160. 61, 160.81,1 58. 51, 161.41, 161.71 ,156. 51 ,159.01 , 159 .21,146. 51,147.01, 147 .01,146.01,128.01,134. 599100Bear Creek1011021224+04122+061 23+00123+02129,020130, 510130,600133,42013 5,5501 ,167 .51 ,167 .71 ,1 68.31 ,168. 81,161.21 ,161 .71 ,162. 51,163 .11 ,16 2.11 , 162. 51,163 .41,164.21 , 159 .71,160.21,161. 51 ,162 .51,148.01,149.01,1 50.01,1 50. 51, 138.01,138.01,143.01,147.0103Whet stoneCreek104Snider Cr124+00124+01137,630138,920139,220140,4<strong>70</strong>1,169.6 1,164.2 1,165.6 1,164.0 1,151.0 1,145.01,1<strong>70</strong>.4 1,165.5 1,166.9 1,165,6 1,154.0 1,151.7105 124+04106 125+00107 125+01108 125+02109 126+00142,360143,3<strong>70</strong>144,000145,410147,4001,174.01,177 .21,180.51,181 .51,184.01 ,1<strong>70</strong>.81, 173 .41,176.71,177 .81,180. 11 ,172.31,175,31 , 178. 51 , 179 .51 ,182 .01,171.41,174.01,177 .31,178.31, 180.71, 159.01, 161. 51,164.01, 166.01,167.01 , 157 .41,156.01,161.01,163.01,157 .0110 126+01ill 126+02112 126+04113 127+00114 127+02148,410149,420151,4401<strong>52</strong>,430154,0001,187 .01,189.01,194.21,194. 51,198.31,181.81,183 .81,187 .91,188. 51, 193 .01,184.11,186.11,191.01,191. 51, 19 5.81,182. 51,184. 51,188.81, 189.41, 194.01, 1<strong>70</strong>.01, 171 .01, 174.01, 17 7.01, 178.01, 169.01,168.01,173 .01,176.01, 173 .0115BybeeBridge116117127 *02 154,000 1,198.3 1,193.0 1,195.8 1,194.0 1,178.0 1,173.0127+031 27+0 5150,400154, 560156,4401,199.6 1,194.8 1,197.3 1,195.71,201.5 1,196.5 1,199.0 1,197.31,180.0 1,178.01,183.0 1,180.0See footnote at end of table.1 6

Table 5.--Profile elevations for the Rogue River--ContinuedStationElevations, in feet above mslPhoto- Distance up- December Minimumgrammetric stream from December 1964 operationalReport map refer- station 1 1964 flood 20-year 10-year flowreference ence (feet) flood (adjusted) flood flood (estimated) Thalweg118119LittleButte Cr120128+01128+02128i+04158,550 1,206.3 1,201.2 1,203.5 1,201.9159,550 1,208.5 1,204.1 1,206.1 1,204.8159,800161, 6001,213.0 1,208.1 1,211.2 1,209.71,190.0 1,188.01,195.0 1,194.01,197.0 1,194.6121 129*00122 129+02123 129+03124 129+05125 130+00162,610164,630165,620168,0<strong>70</strong>169,1<strong>70</strong>1,216.01,220.11,221.41,230.41,232.81,210.01,215.01,216.41,224.01,227.61,214.11,218.41,219.71,228.31,231.01,212.61,217.41,218.71,226.81,229.81,202.01,206.01,207.01,216.01,219.01,200.01,202.01,204.01,214.01,216.0126 130+02127 130*03128 130+04129 131+01130 131+03171,180172,200173,230175,230177,2201,237.21,239.21,242.21,246.91,255.51,231.11,232.81,236.61,241.41,246.21,235.51,237.41,240.51,245.31,2<strong>52</strong>.71,234.11,236.01,239.21,244.21,250.71,221.01,224.01,231.01,233.01,237.01,219.01,222.01,228.51,226.01,234.0131 132+00132 132+01133 132+02134 133+00135 133+01179,210180,230181,430183,430184,4301,262.61,263.41,265.31,267.61,273.61,253.01,253.91,254.81,258.71,265.21,259.91,260.71,262.31,265.01,2<strong>70</strong>.61,257.71,258.61,260.01,263.01,268.71,238.01,238.01,244,01,250.01,255.01,236.01,235.01,236.51,247.01,249.5136 133+02137 134+01138 134+02139 134+03140 134+05185,500188,780189,790190,810192,2401,277.11,282.61,284.31,286.51,288.01,269.71,278.71,280.41,281.41,282.41,274.81,281.11,283.01,284.81,286.51,273.21,280.21,282.01,283.61,285.01,261.01,271.01,271.51,272.01,272.51,260.01,269.81,269.01,266.01,267.0141 134+05Dodge Bridge --DodgeBridge gage --142 135+00192,240192,2501,288,0 1,282.4 1,286,5 1,285,0 1,272.5 1,267.0192,2<strong>70</strong> 1,286.9 1,281.1 1,284.9 1,283.7192,830 1,290.0 1,283.2 1,288.0 1,286.01,273.6 --1,273.0 1,2<strong>70</strong>.3Reese Creek1431441451461355+02135+04136+00136+02194,500195,190197,200198,210200,1101,296.01,298.41,301.21,309.0-- 1,293.2-- 1,296.6-- 1,300.0-- 1,306.51,291.71,295.61,298.91,305.11,281.01,286.01,288.01,293.01,279.01,285.01,284.01,289.0147 136+04148 137+01149 137+02150 137+04151 138+00202,120204,140205,130207 ,2<strong>70</strong>209,3001,314.11,319.51,323.31,326.31,328.8-- 1,311.8-- 1,317.1-- 1,321.9-- 1,324.5-- 1,327.11,310.01,315.41,320.31,323.11,325.81,298.01,304.01,305.01,312.01,314.01,296.51,301.01,302.01,309.41,312.01<strong>52</strong> 138+02153 138+04154 139+00155 139+01156 139+03211,290213,490215,3<strong>70</strong>216,380218,3901,335.01,342.51,344.91,348.51,3<strong>52</strong>.8-- 1,333.0-- 1,340.3-- 1,342.8-- 1,346.6-- 1,350.71,331.51,338.71, 341. 51,345.31,349.31,321.01,327.01,332.01,333.01,339.01,317.71,323.71,328.51,328.01,336.0157 140+01158 140+03159 140+05160 141+00161 141+02220,410222,390224,420226,420228,4201,356.51,365.01,369.91,377.01,382.5-- 1,354.4-- 1,362.5-- 1,368.1-- 1,374,5-- 1,379.71,3 <strong>52</strong>.91,360.61,366.81,372.91,377.71,342.01,346.01,355.01,360.01,364.01,338.51,344.01,353.01,358.01,361. 517

Plots of the cross sections aie shown in figures 24 to 44. Theseplots are intended primarily to show the general shape of the channeland the approximate bank-full stage at which water will spill over themain channel bank and onto the flood plain.The computed elevations for the December 1964 flood were generallyin good agreement with documented elevations, although documented elevationswere usually higher than computed elevations on the outside ofa bend and lower on the inside of a bend. The theory underlying thebasic step-backwater technique assumes that the water surface is levelacross a section. Actually, moving water tends to pile up on the outsideand drop on the inside of a bend. As an example, the gagingstation below Gold Ray Dam (fig. 12) is located on the inside of abend, and the elevation of the December 1964 flood at the gage was 2.2feet lower than the computed elevation of 1,147.4 feet (table 5).Pileup of water on the opposite bank from the gaging station is evidentin the picture shown in figure 3.At the Dodge Bridge gaging station (fig. 16), the recorded elevationof the December 1964 flood was more than 1 foot lower than thecomputed elevation (table 5). This difference is probably caused by adrawdown of the water surface at the gage, which is just upstream froma constriction in the channel.Inflow from large tributaries, such as from Evans, Bear, LittleButte, Trail, Elk, and Big Butte Creeks, also creates pileup of wateron the side of the river where the creeks enter. This pileup was particularlyevident near the mouths of Little Butte and Trail Creeks,where the December 1964 flood elevations apparently were as much as 6feet higher than the computed elevations. These two tributary streamsenter the Rogue River on the outside of a bend, which adds to thepileup.The computed profiles are based on open-channel conditions thatexisted at the time of aerial photography, February 13, 1969. Channelalinement and configuration changes that might have occurred betweenthe December 1964 flood and the date of aerial photography could havecaused some differences between documented and computed water elevations.The computed profiles do not reflect debris jamming. During theDecember 1964 flood, jams did occur at some locations vulnerable tocatching debris. For example, the McLeod bridge was washed downstreamto a bend near Casey Park (between cross sections 192 and 193, fig. 21),where the bridge and the debris caught by it created backwater in thevicinity of the park.20

USE OF THE RESULTSThe computed profiles can be used to estimate elevations of the20- and 10-year floods, the December 1964 flood, and low flow for anylocation in the study reaches. The profiles can also be used to estimatethe elevations of the adjusted 1964 flood downstream from DodgeBridge (figs. 5-16).In using the results of the study, allowances should be made (1)for pileup of water on the outside of bends and near the mouths oftributary streams and (2) for backwater in areas vulnerable to catchingdebris. Under these conditions, water-surface elevations will probablybe higher than those shown on the profiles (figs. 5-23) or listed intables 5 and 6. It should also be recognized that in times of flooding,water running off sidehills can pond in areas isolated from and abovethe water surface of the main stream. Elevation of this ponded watershould not be confused with the elevation indicated on the profiles.Because the Rogue River channel alinement has shifted in the 'pastdue to flooding and will no doubt continue to shift in the future,future flood elevations could differ from those shown in this report.Development of the flood plain, which could measurably change existingchannel roughness or the shape of the channel, could also change futureflood elevations.SUMMARYFlood and low-water elevations for selected reaches of the RogueRiver and Elk Creek downstream from Lost Creek and Elk Creek damsitesare presented in tables and graphical profiles. The data show that elevationsfor a flood on the Rogue River equivalent to that of December1964, but reduced by storage in the proposed reservoirs, would fall betweena 10- and 20-year flood downstream from Whetstone Creek. Upstreamfrom Whetstone Creek the adjusted December 1964 flood would be lowerthan a 10-year flood. The computed water-surface profiles are generallyin good agreement with the documented flood elevations.REFERENCESBailey, J. F., and Ray, H. A., 1966, Definition of stage-discharge relationin natural channels by step-backwater analysis: U.S. Geol.Survey Water-Supply Paper 1869-A, p. Al-A24.Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee, 1967, River mile index, RogueRiver: Hydrology Subcommittee rept., Portland, Oreg., 28 p.U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Flood plain information, JacksonCounty, Oregon, interim report: 33 p.1965, Flood plain information, Josephine County, Oregon, interimreport: 26 p.21

I LlP 1923 USGS survey 0-yer flood> oEnd of profiles shown 1ha- - h_.e..Li nec fgr o 1964 flood mark ._._..._._< 930 - 0 Gaging stationroLJr - e- - -, -=A-- - -,,,, -w -> __-0-,, .... ,,,,:_-,.:.,_.~:~ .... @HO 910 ,,,,U--LJU2 ~ ~ ~ ~ DSTNE IN FEET UPTEMFRMCOSSETO N8<strong>70</strong>______________0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAM FROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 5-- Profiles of Rogue River

LsJILU--J< 95(LUCl)N(AzLU-LU-° 93(LULUz° 91(LUJ-jLIU0 Cross sectionsRiver miles from1 1923 USGS survey0_ End of profiles shownin each figureEXPLANATION______ 1964 flood- -. 20-year flood- - - 1964 flood (adjusted)10-year flood-- Low water- Thalweg-- 1964 flood mark6,000 18,000 20,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAMFROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 6-- Profiles of Rogue River

-. 12 River miles from _ - - I--LU 1 1923 USGS survey 9164 flood (adjusted)> .......... 0-year flood FRLUJ __ End of profiles shown _ Low water

0 1000 2000l l l lSCALE, IN FEET-.1LuJLuJ-.1b~iLuJLuJI--LuJLdLIz0I-Lu)® Cross sectionsg River miles fromm 1923 USGS surveyEXPLANATION48,000 50,000 <strong>52</strong>,000 54,000 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,000 64,000DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAM FROM CROSS SECTIONONEFIGURE 8-- Profiles of Rogue River

I . . _ ,EN 1923 USGS survey .-.. year .......> _ o End of profiles shown -- Low waterLLJ ° 0 in each figure - ThalwegILUIF-5E Streambed-sompling points

I U9 1923 USGS survey - - -grs "UV. kUUjub'UIL1X- 10-year flood> -- ,_O End of profiles shown _ - Low water_iJ in each figure - Thalweg1060- n Streambed-sompling points - 1964 flood mrk_ _IN) -ZLUj° 1040 -.. -Q 3)~ ~ILUI-LJ8000LU~ <strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>DITNE8,00 8008,00IN FETI8,0PTEMFO9,0RS ETO2Nz<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>ITNE NFE, PTEMFO RS ETO NFIGURE 10-- Profiles of Rogue River

U-1LUJU-11100...........LU-1 080-Li- ..........zU ....... _ _ _ _ _ _ _o 00CroaLU-JLLUJ_ __ _ 0 - o Endin1-921040_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I96,000 98,000 I00,OOO 102,000 104,000 106,000 108,000DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAM FROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 11 -- Profiles of Rogue River

LU JLUJ(I)-&-LUU-1LULi- 140012,000800 2000220012,0ZZ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DITNE INFET.USTEM.RO.ROS.ETIN.NEXPLANATION- Cross sections 1964 fbodU-River miles from ---. 20-year flood1923 USGS survey - - - 1964 flood (adjusted)10-year flood-0-_ End of profiles shown - - Low waterin each figure - Thalweg5W Streambed-sampling points C> 1964 flood mark3350 e Gaging station126,000 128,000 130,000FIGURE 12 -- Profiles of Rogue River

LuJ()Jvt(I).-. -. -. <strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>~W.ozXX<strong>~~</strong>~__ __== 2s- - -- - - - - - _ _ _ __-_ . _ _...... -0 1160 ----- -_ _ _ X , , , ,0LUJLD1120Zi) Cross sections - 1964 f boadRiver miles from - --. 20-year floodq4 1923 USGS survey - - - 1964 flood (adjusted)-I ~ ~ ~ <strong>~~</strong>~......10-year flood-End of profiles shown -- Low waterin each figure - Thaiweg5 Streambed-sompling pointsI I I I I130,000 132,000 134,000 136,000 138,000 140,000 142DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAMFROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 13-- Profiles of Rogue River



-jLiJ-jC')(yJIZ I I -~- - - - -L 1280 _____ __LiiLii0 1240MEDFORD 3350182,000 184,000 186,000 188,000 190,000 192,000DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAM FROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 16-- Profiles of Rogue River

LLILL-.1LUUjLIJLUJEn0I-LiJLiizz0LUJ-.1LUJI_---<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>~MDOR® Cross sectionsRiver miles from1923 USGS surveyEXPLANATION0_ 0End of profiles shownin each figureW53 Streambed-sampling pC1964 flood- --. 20-year fbodflood-- Low water- Thalweg-o- 1964 flood markI198,000 200,000 202,000 208,000 210,000 212,000 214,000DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAMFROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 17-- Profiles of Rogue River

-ju-i< 380 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _LU2 360 ' = _3_ __am iGoLL_ _ __ ___ _MEDFORD1320216,000 218,000 220,000 222,000 224,000 226,000 228DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAM FROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 18-- Profiles of Rogue River

-jUj-ij1420 . ____C8 1400 ;; ..- _- ........_-_.._.----jF ,',, <strong>~~</strong>~... ....... ....... -(s_-A..Ii ,_ __234,000 236,000 238,000 240,000 242,000DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAM FROM CROSE; SECTION ONEFIGURE 19.--Profiles of Rogue River

-LJ-LJ1460 ..... .....-j --08-0 An- - -- -- ...14- 0LiJLL-<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>~0MEDFORD1400 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _250,000 2<strong>52</strong>,000 254,000 256,000 258,000 260,000 262DISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAM FROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 20.-- Profiles of Rogue River


-.1U< 1560GouLJE 8 8 8 8 a n , ..................................... i540l ~ ~L=2~EXPLANATION®Cross sections1964 flood>r River miles from - - 20-yea fboLLJ 1923 USGS survey .......... floodL.1 UG uve Low2 waterLLJ 1<strong>52</strong>0 ______End 0- -______ of profiles shown - Tha wegi_ In each figure-o- 1964 flood markMEUFORDW<strong>~~</strong>~5 Streombed-sampling points282,000 284,000 286,000 288,000 290,000 292,000 294,000 296,000 298,000<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>itODISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAMFROM CROSS SECTION ONEFIGURE 22-- Profiles of Rogue River

-.1LLJb-i02mLt~itb-I-LJ() Cross sections - 1964 floodRiver miles from - -. 20-year flood. 1923 USGS 923USS survey urey -........... 10-year Thalweg flood0- _o End of profiles shown e Gaging stationin each figure 3350W51 Streombed-sampling points -0- 1964 flood ml I I I IDISTANCE, IN FEET, UPSTREAM FROM MOUTHFIGURE 23-- Profiles of Elk Creek

940340Left bankRiaht bank920920900900880880CROSS SECTION 28603403403209209009005ILL -JLU-jILULL880940920900880CROSS SECTION 3CROSS SECTION 5880CROSS SECTION 4940320900880-____ L----- --------CROSS SECIOUN 60LU m940360 _ _F960I--LUJLUJ9203240 _ _ _/I9403009200880CROSS SECTION 7900CROSS SECTION 8880CROSS SECTION 9LU~960940920360 _ _34 0 -_ _ _ _960340920r___ _Z9008800 _ __900CROSS SECTION 12880CROSS SECTION 11EXPLANATION___________ 1964 flood- 20-year flood-- -year fbod0 8oo 1600FIGURE 24--Rogue River cross-sections I-12HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEET41

960960Left bankRight bankLeft bankDRight bankq40920940920X _ _____ =981_ .__ 961Dl~ <strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>.. ...I '_'_ ~ <strong>~~</strong>~9413900900______ <strong>~~</strong>~921 3880CROSS880_____ _____ <strong>~~</strong>~ <strong>~~</strong>90 1ICROSS SECTION 14CROSS SECTION 15980600 _____980 ___96080 _T __960 V-.-940.1...I 960 )_/.9401LLJ>LLJ I920900I40.......I2 0-900-jnz880980CROSSSECTION 16100- - - -CROSS SECTION 17-980880 - - IUNUbb SLL: 11 UN1 ULlLLJ0rn960940920+-940- 7___' -LLJzH-0I-_w-Iill900980960940920CROSS SECTIOIN 19UHUSS^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 1 ... I ... ..... . I9202 OI- 980 _ _ -SEIIOUN 21 CROSS SECTION 20UCSUbb bSELIUN 23Il980960940920 -----l------ - __104CI960102C1000I -980960940LNUKb S SECTION 2490 CROSS SECTION 220.1_______EXPLANATION1964 flood- - -…- - 20-year flood------- lO-year flood[ _ __ Low waler800 16001 1 IHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 25--Rogue River cross-sections 13-2442

Left bank10 0 0 _Right bank1000I bff h1nRiaht hank9000980960CROSS SECTION 25940CROSS SECTION 261000 _ _B° 6980 .. ....... -..._1_.. . W1000980960340 - _CROSS SECTION 27940CROSS SECTION 28LLI1000LL.980- 900 -980LI9000CROSS SECTION 29940CROSS SECTION 301020 _1020Lii1000 _ _ _ _LL0IM980960LL.L-J940 ___CROSS SECTION 319 . _. ACROSS SE ECTION 3210401040LbJ1020 -1000 _---------_7 . ..... ....980 _10201000980-A - ..::n: ...960940 _ _CROSS SECT ION 33940CROSS SECTION 34EXPLANATION| ~ 1964 flood……- 20-year flood.0 -year flood| - OLow waterFIGURE 26.--Rogue River cross-sections 25-340L800 16001 1 1 1HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEET43

Left bank1040_Right bank1020Rogue RiverBridgeEXPLANATION1 _ 1964 flood---- - 20-year flood.... ........ 10-year fbod| ___ Low water380 a0 800 1600CROSS SECTION 35-36HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEET1040a10201020 ____1000........ :.J980J980 ___=960CROSS SECTION38-ROSS C60 SECTION 3?10201020LLJz Iw01000'980 _CROSS SECTION 39._._1000980900CROSS SECTI ON 40_IIIL-LL-jIII0U-102010003860 _ __I.. _-10201000980LLCROSS SECTION 41960CROSS SECTI ON 4210 40 __1040 _ _1020 _ __7--A10 2 0 -__1000 .. _____y__98038 0 __ _CROSS SECTION 43900 CoSSCROSS SECT ION 4 4FIGURE 27 --Rogue River cross-sections 35-4444

1040LefC bankRight bSnk1040I aff banhRiaht bqnk10201020CROSSSECTIO .. ., ., . y10001000980980960CROSS SECT ION 45960CROSS SECT ION 46104010401020102010001000980980CROSS SECTION 48-LJLii 960I. 1060Cn1040CROSS SECTION 47FreewayBridgeCROSSSECION 49 I10601040LLJw102010201000CROSS SECT ION 49980CROSS SECTION 5010400 IL-LiJ980c 1000LL10201000CROSS SECTION 51980CROSS SECTION <strong>52</strong>- --- ---104010401020980 10 01020100010400I----- ------ ICRUSS SECTION 531000980CROSS SECTION 54rEXPLANATION____ ____ 1964 flood| - --- -- 20-year flood| - -- . IO0-year food-- Low water.FIGURE 28 --Rogue River cross-seClions 45-540800 16001 1 P 1HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEET45

-1060Left bank Right bank I eft bonh RPi rht bh-1060-.. '_ 10860I -{ I-.b -- 1nh -nnLUTT U-1 -J... ...-I_:-T104010201000380CROSS SECTION 56104010201000980F _- -___ 1040L_ I 1_0CROSS SECTION 5510 20_ _ _ 1000........ ...._7LCRSS SECI1UN 5710801060106010401040 _>1020Li 100010201000 1 . -< 980Cfn380 _SSSECTON__CROSS SECTION 80Z 960LLJ1080106010601040F 1040LLJLLiz102010201000 CROSS SECTION 627 10000CROSS SECTION 61F-J

1080I eft h-k Riaht -nn1 100Left bankRight bank10601080104010201000CROSS SECTION 67106010401020L4CROSS SECTION 681 1001080F111001080I IGold Hill BridgeI1 1001080bit I10601040-_._ .............E1060104010601040...1020CROSS SECTI 6910201020L1J1000CRCOSS SECTI1000 I I I -ON <strong>70</strong>-71 CROSS SECTION 72LLJLLJw01 10010801060110010801060I- I'-_/'_v -I...... 17F-10401040----- ------- _CURSS SECTIUN (41020CROSS SECTION 73LLJIII01 100110 0l-_-jI-1080106010409Ž108010601040 CROSS SECTION 761020CROSS SECTION 751 1201 10010801 1201 1001080I_-_-'__ I-EXPLANATION1964 flood- --- - 20-year flood... .... -.. 10-year flood. -- L Low water10601060CROSS SECTION 77 CROSS SECTION 780 800 1600I I 1 - -- --L I _I IHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 30 --Rogue River cross-sections 67-7847

_1 120I Pft hankRiaht hank1120Left bankRight bank1 140ILeft hankRlaht banh110010801060'ROSS SECTION 791 100108010604-CROSS SECTION 80I112011001080nbFhnkt1 1401060CROSS SECTION 811 12011401 1001 12010801 100LLJ ILuLL10601 140CROSS SECTION 821 1401080 CROSS SECTION 83LLJIUr) -j1 1207.._ __ _.: _. 7.7.7. = 7J1 1201 100V---1 100LiLLJ 0Uy)r-10801 1401120CROSS SECTION 8410801 1401 120__77 1LLJ1 1001 100LL01080CROSS SECTION 861080CROSS SECTION 87F-1 1601 160III-jIII1 1401 1401 1201 1201 1001 100 CROSS SECTION 8910801 160CROSS SECTION 88EXPLANATION1964 f ood- - --- 20-year flood10-year O flood--- Low water…1 1401 1200 800 1600I I I IHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEET1 100FIGURE 31 -Rogue River cross-sections 79-9048

116011401 1201 100Left bankCROSS SECTION 91Right bank1160CROSS SECTION 921160Left bank Riaht bank Left bank Right bonk1 100 1 100 CROSS SECTION 931 1401120114011201 1601 1401 1201160e<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>~1 1401 120120011801 1601 100CROSS SECTION 941100CROSS SECTION 951 140CROSS SECTION 96=IGod Ray 'DorLL1 180LiJ 1 16 0SECTION .. 97..CROSS SECTION 971 1801 160< 1 1401 140Z 1 120Lu12001 120c 1180m+- 10160LLiLiLL 114001 120'< 1200LiLI 118016011401120CROSS SECTION 100I------ ----- ------ ------ . -. = ....... .................... .......F I __-1 -EXPLANATION_________ 1964 flood- - - -- - 20-year flood.I - lO-year flbod- - - Low water0800 1600I I IHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 32 --Rogue River cross-sections 91-10049

wninh1200Left bankhAAS-J-gn UanK1 180CROSS1160SECTION 1011 14012001 180CROSS SECTION 101__<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>--- = -=--- - --- -- ---------1 16 01 140CROSS SECTION 102X __ r *_ -<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>~.................... ......... ..... -..-......LLI1220U 12 0 0LU 1 180LLLUI(1101 140o 1220mI 1200LLULLUz1180Z 1 1600iio< 1140LLLLU 1200CROSS SECTION 104118011 00114 0CROSS SECTION 105...... .Z.j-'12001180116011400EXPLANATION_ _ 1964 flood|- - - --- 20-year flood....... 10-year flood- -- Low water800 16001 1 1CROSS SECTION 106 HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 33 Rogue River cross-sections 101-10650

1200Left bankION___Right bank1180 -1 160CROSS SECTI1200ON 10 7EXPLANATION____ ____ 1964 flood-- - - - 20-year flood.. .. -10-year flood--- L Low water1180 a0800 1600l l l lHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEET1 16 0CROSS SECTION 1081200Li>1160 -_7- Hi1180 -- _ _'- V--LiCl:-J Li1140 ____CROSS SECTI( ION 1091200I-I1180 0-Li1160 - -----Li1200LL0H-zil11801 1601220CROSS SECTION 111LL120011801 160CROSS SECTION 11212201200'7 -'-- - - ---------; - ___ -1 1801160CROSS SECTION 113FIGURE 34 --Rogue River cross-sections 107-11351

1220Left bankRight bank12001 180=:<strong>~~</strong>~ r_1 160CROSS SECTION 11412201200EXPLANATION1964 flood- - - - - 20-year floodflood--- Low water1 1801 1l 0CROSS SECTION 1150800 16001 1 IHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEET1220> 1200LLJ< 1180LLJwCIDLLJ1220> 120 0w1180L110_LI 1220_ 1_ ___I___ 1200z1180CROSS SECTION 11812 OLJL 12200 2012001180CROSS SECTION 1191240122012001180CROSS SECTION 120FIGURE 35 --Rogue River cross-sections 114-120<strong>52</strong>

124012201200CROSS SECTION 12112401220120012401220CROSS SECTION 123LL 12600-LJ1 212601240'I 1220LiJ0 1200>OD 1260EnCROSS SECTION 1241240LiiW. I 1220:<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>. 2z012001260CROSS SECTION 125L 124012201200CROSS SECTION 1261260124012201260CROSS SECTION 127EXPLANATION1964 flood---- - --- 20-year flood... flood- -- Low water1240_ _1_' =:=7:= - - " -177 1....-........o 800 160l l l lHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEET1220CROSS SECTION 128FIGURE 36 --Rogue River cross-sections 121-12853

Left bank2801260RighT i_I - , I ~____ _ _ _ _ _ i O r12401220C R O S S S E C T I N 1 2CROSS SECT ION 12912801260_ __- -- -. _ _12401220CROSS SECTION 130> 12801260LiJCJ) 1240' 1220CROSS SECTION 131La 12800m 1260I- 1240LiiLAJL'- 1220z0130 0A- 1280C N_ SCROSS SECT ION 132LLJ1i 12 6012401220CROSS SECTION 1331300128012601240EXPLANATION1964 flood- - - - - 20-year flood. .... .... 10-year flood- - - Low water0 800 160Cl l l l lHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 37 --Rogue River cross-sections 129-13454

1300128012601240CROSS SECTION 1351320130012801260CROSSCROSS SECTION 136SECTION-1381320LAi 1300LLJL 1280Z 1260CROSS SECTION 137> 1320LLJO 1300- 1280CROSS SECTION 13_13200< 1320-jLLJ 128012860CROSS SECT ION 138134013201300)L 11 Lr i1260CROSS SECTION 1331280:_ - 41260----- -------- . .-LNUS btULIUN 14U132013001280132013001280EXPLANATION_________ 1964 flood- -- …- -- 20-year flood-. I-year flod- - -_Low water12601260CROSS SECTION 142O 800I I I16001 1HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 38 --Rogue River cross-sections 135-14255

134013201300128012 80 CROSS SECTI(1340 _ -1320 -1300>La 1340C1280 ROSSiu 1?90 -cnZ 1300 _SECTIION 144134013201300_ _ _ ..........1280wLCROSS SECTION 1451280CROSS SECTION 146O 13401360- 1320 _LiJLi-1300 _ _- ......._ .. ...13401320o7-1280 -__ __CROSS SECT I ON 1471300< 1360LLJ 134013201300 CROSS SECTI1360 __ __1340 \132013004 .. =_.. . . .0EXPLANATION1 ~ 1964 flood--- - --- 20-year flood10-year floodt ___ Low water800 16001 1 1 -1CROSS SECTION 150 HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 39 --Rogue River cross-sections 143-15056

Left bank Right bank 13601360Left bankRight bank1340__ _ --- I_13401320- ____ _____ _____ _____ 1320_ _. = _,, .__ ..1300CROSS SECTION 151_CROSS SECTION 1<strong>52</strong>1380138013601360134013401320CROSS SECTION 1531320 CROSS SECTION 1541380-JLLJ> 1360-J< 1340_________ _______ - 1380____ ___ _ 11360 -- 1340- __\ --- - - =- 7---N=_1320_____ ____ _ ___ _ ___ - 1320CROSS SECTION 155CROSS SECTION 1561400LLJo 138014001380 -13801360 -LLJLL 1340z13200- 1400CROSS SECTION 157134O ..... .. T.T14 0 _ILJ 1380LL1360<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>.\< _ EE ...... : 4 :.-.,.13C80 - SECT I ON 161360 ____ - ___ - -----1340CROSS SECT ION 15913460 - _ _ __ __ __130CROSS SECTION160I142014001380EXPLANATION___________ 1964 flood--- - --- 20-year flood.............. 10-year fbod......- - Low water1360__CROSS SECTION 1610 800 16001 I I 1 IHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 40 --Rogue River cross-sections 151-16157

1420ILeft h-1Right bank1420Left bankRight bank140013801360CROSS SECTION 162140013801360-- - --___UCURS SECIIUN lb3z1420142014001400138013801360CROSS SECTION 1641360CROSS SECTION 166Lli14201420L 14001400Li 1380cn< 1360LLUCROSS SECTION 16713801360 CR055 SFCTTIN 168LU]144 0° 1420ClF-1400LUJLLJLu138014601440142014001460CROSS SECTION 1<strong>70</strong>ru14i40142014002 13600H--CROSS SECTION 1691380t1lU- - I I - I14401380 CROSS SECTION 17114401420I __1400CROSS SECTION 1721380CROSS SECTION 1731420_ I -.....-..EXPLANATION1 _ 1964 flood-…-- - 20-year flood...... ..... 10-year flood_ __ Low water14001380CROSS SECTION 1740800 16001 I 1 IHORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 41 --Rogue River cross-sections 162-17458

1460Left bankRight bank1460Left bankRight bank1460I .F* K-1nRiaht hank1440144014401420142014201400CROSS SECTION 1751400CROSS SECTION 1761400CROSS SECTION 1771480148014801460146014601440144014401420CROSS SECTION 1781420CROSS SECTION 1791420CROSS SECTION 180>-j14801500146014801480LJ14401420CROSS SECTION 18114601440CROSS SECTION 182CROSS14601440SECTION 183CROSS SECTION 183Liw015001 Il -louI I I I150014801500C-146014601480zw1440CROSS SECTION 1841440CROSS SECTION 18514G0CROSS SECTION 18601<strong>52</strong>01540 -I-I150015001<strong>52</strong>0 - _ -LJ1-14801460CROSS SECTION 18714801460CROSS SECTION 1881500 - -tz' T1480 _CROSS SECTION 189r1<strong>52</strong>01500PD D -D f-r- 1-T T . 1 .15401<strong>52</strong>01500EXPLANATION_T]- ------___________1964 flood--------- 20-year flood.... ...... 10-year fbod- - - Low water14801480LCRObS EUCIOUN 19U CROSS SECTION 191 0 800 1600I I 1 I 1HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 42 -- Rogue River cross-sections 175-19159

ILeft brn R.,,ht hnk1 I ft h-nk1560 _ _ _ ___ 156 015 40 -15 401<strong>52</strong>0 -_ -- 1<strong>52</strong>0 _Right bonk156015 401<strong>52</strong>0Left bank I' Right R i a h t bank b a n k~\';; .------............. =I -, =f~1500 CROSS SECTION 132 1500 CROSS SECCTION 1931500 CCRO55 SECTION 1941560 1580 _1540 - 15601<strong>52</strong>0 - 15401500 CROSS SECTION 195 1<strong>52</strong>0 CROSS SE] CTION 136-J1580LULU11560 _ _ _ _1560Li(f)1 <strong>52</strong> S T _ _ O_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;/ __1540LUJzLLJ0CROSS SECTION 1371580 _ 1580 -1560 _ { 1560 -1<strong>52</strong>0 L~nUS bLLIInrl 1qeuKubb btullu ON I198Z15801560IMcLeod~$ Brid~geLU1540 1540 -CROSS SECTION 199 CRCDSS SECTION 2001540CROSS SECTION 201LLz1580 _ 158001560 .-. 1560LULLU1540 1540 . _E_.CROSS SECTION 202B UHUSS SE CTION 203EXPLANATION| _ 1964 flood- ----- - 20-year floodl ... .... lO-year flood- -- Low water0800 1600I I I 1HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 43--Rogue River cross-sections 192-20360

1500I ft bankRight bank1480Left bankRight bankBridge1500Left banhRight bank14801460148014601440CROSS SECTION 214601440CROSS SECTION i1440CROSS SECTION- - -- --- -- 3150015001<strong>52</strong> 014801480t-.-q 15001460CROSS SECTION 41460CROSS SECTION 514801<strong>52</strong>01460CROSS SECTION 6LI15001<strong>52</strong>01<strong>52</strong>0CL14801500ve 1500Li2n1460CROSS SECTION 71480- - <strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>1480CROSS SECTION 8CRnSS SFCTTIN 9--- -------1540cl:'11LUJLLJ1<strong>52</strong>01500101<strong>52</strong>01500C SS15401<strong>52</strong>0LULij1480CROSS SECTION 1 01480I_-<strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong><strong>~~</strong>1500CROSS SECT ION 11z01-jLLUEXPLANATION___________ 1964 flood- -…--- - 20-year flood...... 10-year flood.--- Low water0 800 1600HORIZONTAL SCALE, IN FEETFIGURE 44--Elk Creek cross-sections 1-1261

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