Handbook 2012 - Repton School Dubai

Handbook 2012 - Repton School Dubai

Handbook 2012 - Repton School Dubai

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Arrangements for the collection of Prep Department children after activities and /or prep will be circulated once the programme begins.All children from Y3‐Y6 are collected from classrooms at 2:40pm on a Tuesday andThursday.2.3: Late Arrivals: Late arrivals should report to the Junior <strong>School</strong> Reception desk in the Junior<strong>School</strong> foyer. They will be issued with a notification slip to pass to the classteacher to ensure that they are properly registered. The children must pass the ‘Late Slip’ to their class teacher. This is vital sothat we have full account of all the pupils in the school in case of emergenciessuch as fire. We appreciate that there are times when the traffic in <strong>Dubai</strong> causes delays.However, if pupils are persistently late, the class teacher will send a writtennote home copied to the Head of Junior <strong>School</strong>. Please be aware that we arebound to submit details of persistent late attendance to the authorities andthe late attendance will be recorded on your child’s report.2.4: Sickness AbsenceIf a child has experienced sickness (vomiting) or has suffered from hightemperature, fever or diarrhoea, the child must remain at home the next day. Tostop the spread of infection, children must remain away from school until they areclear of all symptoms, for a minimum of 12 hours, without the need for medicationto control symptoms. Please inform the school should your child be unable to attenddue to sickness.2.5: Breaks, Lunches and Water BottleDuring the day the children will be timetabled breaks of a length and frequencyappropriate to their age. These will appear on your child’s timetable which is issuedonce term commences.<strong>School</strong> provides hot lunches from Foundation to Year 6 at a cost. Please contactAdmissions for more information. Packed lunches should be healthy, pork, nut andchocolate free.Every child should have a labelled water bottle in school. This can be refilledthroughout the day from school water coolers.

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