Handbook 2012 - Repton School Dubai

Handbook 2012 - Repton School Dubai

Handbook 2012 - Repton School Dubai

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Calendar – Term DatesQuick ContactsHead of Junior <strong>School</strong>TABLE OF CONTENTS1.1: Mission Statement1.2: <strong>Repton</strong>’s Ten Values1.3: Code of Conduct1.4: Incentives and Rewards1.5: Sanctions2.1: Organisation of the <strong>School</strong> Day2.2: Daily Routines2.3: Late Arrivals2.4: Sickness Absence2.5: Breaks, Lunches and Water Bottles2.6: Transport2.7: Parking3.1: Curriculum3.2: Staff3.3: Learning Support, EAL, SLT and OT3.4: Extra Curricular Activities3.5: After <strong>School</strong> Care3.6: Community Action Service3.7: Trips, Visits and Education Off‐Site3.8: Music4.1: Reporting and Assessment5.1: Prep and Homework6.1: House System7.1: Queries, Concerns and Meetings8.1: Communication with the <strong>School</strong> and Contact List9.1: Withdrawal Procedure10.1: Medical care11.1: Junior <strong>School</strong> Uniform12.1: Absences13.1: Student Contact Details14.1: Lost PropertyArabic & Islamic Education

Academic Calendar <strong>2012</strong>-2013Autumn Term begins on Tuesday, 4th September <strong>2012</strong>, at 7.45amSunday 2nd SeptemberStaff Training DayMonday 3rd SeptemberNew Pupil Induction DayTuesday 4th SeptemberTerm begins, 7.45amThursday 18th OctoberHalf term (Eid Al Adha) begins, normal finish timesMonday 29th OctoberThursday 15th NovemberSunday 2nd DecemberMonday 3rd DecemberWednesday 19th DecemberTerm resumes, 7.45amHijri New Year(Government and Islamic Holiday, school closed)National Day(Government and Islamic Holiday, school closed)National Day(Government and Islamic Holiday, school closed)Term ends, 12.20pmSpring Term begins on Monday, 7th January 2013, at 7.45amSunday 6th JanuaryStaff Training DayMonday 7th JanuaryTerm begins, 7.45amThursday 24th JanuaryProphet’s Birthday(Government and Islamic Holiday, school closed)Thursday 14th FebruaryHalf term begins, normal finish timesSunday 24th FebruaryThursday 28th MarchTerm resumes, 7.45amTerm ends, 12.20pmSummer Term begins on Sunday, 14th April 2013, at 7.45amSunday 14th AprilTerm begins, 7.45amWednesday 5th JuneHalf term begins, normal finish timesSunday 9th JuneThursday 27th JuneTerm resumes, 7.45amTerm ends, 12.20pm

Quick ContactsJunior <strong>School</strong> Front Desk Miss Imelda Alano Tel 04 426 9341juniorschoolsecretary@reptondubai.orgJunior <strong>School</strong> Front Desk Mrs Myrna Paragua Tel 04 426 9376Head of Foundation DepartmentHead of InfantsHead of Pre PrepHead of Prep DepartmentHead of Pastoral CareDirector of StudiesMiss S. Bradyshiobhain.brady@reptondubai.orgMr M. Smithmatthew.smith@reptondubai.orgMiss P. Clarkepauline.clarke@reptondubai.orgMr J. Brownjason.brown@reptondubai.orgMrs S. Marsdensusan.marsden@reptondubai.orgMr M. Waltersmark.walters@reptodubai.orgJunior <strong>School</strong> Clinic Tel 04 426 9355 or 055 4727330<strong>School</strong> DoctorHead <strong>School</strong> NurseDr F. GhaznaviTel 055 4714648Mrs J. DolanTel 055 4727324

Head of Junior <strong>School</strong>Dear Parents,I am delighted to welcome you to <strong>Repton</strong> Junior <strong>School</strong>.Many of you reading this will already be familiar with a traditional British Pre‐Prepand Prep <strong>School</strong> education and so, while much of what follows will not be new toyou, it will almost certainly be of some reassurance that such a thing does exist inthe UAE.As a partner school of <strong>Repton</strong> UK and its Prep <strong>School</strong>, Foremarke Hall, the quality ofeducation and standards that we aspire to are inexorably linked. Parents withchildren at <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>Dubai</strong> Junior <strong>School</strong> therefore enjoy the reassurance that theirchildren are working at the same level as pupils at <strong>Repton</strong> UK and indeed at anyother independent school in the UK.The role of a Pre‐Prep and Prep <strong>School</strong> is to prepare its pupils thoroughly for entryinto independent senior school education. The Junior <strong>School</strong> is structured asfollows:Foundation Department (Nursery and Reception)Infant Department (Years 1 and 2)Pre‐Prep Department (Years 3 and 4)Prep Department (Years 5 and 6)The standards required for entry into the best senior schools are high and childrenaspiring to independent senior education are expected to be working at levels that

far exceed the norm.To meet these standards we firmly believe that the following are prerequisites:Reading, English, Mathematics and Science lie at the heart of our curriculum. Weaim to deliver these subjects not in a ‘woolly’ way but with a rigour stemming fromproven traditional teaching methods. We incorporate the best that modern practicehas to offer: Interactive white boards, the everyday use of IT and the latest moderntexts, are all important parts of our teaching, but none of these can, or will, everreplace a quality teacher. At <strong>Repton</strong> Junior <strong>School</strong> many of our teachers arerecruited straight from UK independent education. Our staff are familiar with thestandards and expectations of the top UK schools and consistently apply thosestandards here at <strong>Repton</strong>. <strong>Repton</strong> children are expected to work hard and thisextends out of normal school hours.Regular homework is set to support and extend the children’s learning, moreover, itbegins to instil self‐discipline and independent study both vital as the childrenprogress through the school. Based on honest, careful evaluation of a child’scapabilities, the teacher will ask parents to support a child’s learning in the home.This may involve practising multiplication tables, spellings or supporting ahomework task. It is a proven fact that where parents support the children at home,the children make better progress. A good school does not concentrate solely onacademics.At <strong>Repton</strong>, through a comprehensive range of extra‐curricular activities, childrenare encouraged to develop their talents wherever they may lie. Our range ofactivities encompass all the major sports and <strong>Repton</strong> teams compete regularly at alllevels. Artistic activities: Drama, Music, Dance and the Creative Arts are available toall through specialist staff and academic activities allow the children to pursue areasof academic interest to new levels with subjects such as languages, Debating Societyand Science proving popular.Like our parents, we want the best for every <strong>Repton</strong> pupil. We expect much fromthem. We expect them to work hard, to play hard and to achieve to the very best oftheir abilities. Through their conduct and their achievements we expect them to be acredit to their parents and to their school. Education at <strong>Repton</strong> is a true partnershipwith our parents and with mutual support we will maximise your child’s potential.I encourage you to read this Parent <strong>Handbook</strong> and to study the CommunicationChannel flow diagram as this will help you to understand how the school works.I look forward to meeting you in the coming weeks.


1.1: Our MissionIt is the responsibility of <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> to prepare all its students for adulthoodthrough the pursuit of the highest standards in academic studies and all the othervaried activities that comprise student life in a boarding environment. In achievingthis mission, the realisation of every student's academic potential is always centralWe acknowledge that the building of responsibility, consideration for others andself‐esteem, so vital in adulthood, comes equally from participation in sport, music,drama, art and extra‐curricular activities.1.2: <strong>Repton</strong> Ten Values<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>Dubai</strong> sets out to educate all students with a firm set of values, which it alsoseeks to uphold in all its many and varied activities. These values are:1. To instil in our students the determination and self‐confidence to meet thechallenges of an ever‐changing technological world.2. To develop a sense of dignity and respect for others.3. To enable our students to display real dexterity of thought and action whenfaced with changing circumstances.4. To encourage the development of a sense of inquiry, independence ofthought and a willingness to take risks in a rational fashion.5. To demonstrate initiative when faced by the challenge of leadership andresponsibility.6. To promote internationalism by developing an understanding of the interdependenceof individuals, groups and nations.7. To instil in our students a sense of pride and commitment to the values andachievements of the school, both during and after their time there.8. To present opportunities for our students to express their creativity, developa joy of learning and gain self‐confidence.9. To involve our students in the promotion of a caring and compassionatesociety, both within the school and in the outside world.10. To promote these values and objectives through the educational and extracurricularactivities pursued by the school, and all its staff, students andparents.1.3: Code of Conduct:<strong>Repton</strong> UK has a deserved reputation for maintaining high levels of disciplineamongst its pupils, thereby facilitating the best environment and atmosphere foreffective work and learning. Such an approach to education has often been termed‘traditional’ and we at <strong>Repton</strong> Junior <strong>School</strong> <strong>Dubai</strong> want to emulate our partner

school’s traditional approach to modern‐day schooling. The Ten Values contained inthe <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>Dubai</strong> Mission Statement fully reflect our desire to encourage andmaintain the highest standards of self‐discipline amongst our pupils.While particular responsibility for pastoral care and discipline rests with classroomteachers, all our teaching staff will play a full and active role in maintaining goodbehaviour within the school. Moreover, as role models themselves, the teachers willalso set the highest possible standards in their professional duties and personalbehaviour.At <strong>Repton</strong> we aim to foster compassion, tolerance, honesty and integrity in ourpupils. The children are expected to respect the rights, feelings and property ofclassmates, teachers and others. They should be cooperative, courteous, considerateand well‐mannered. Our school behaviour code, which is drawn up in consultationwith our pupils, serves to ensure that all of our pupils adhere to these principles atall times and are aware of their responsibilities and rights as part of our schoolcommunity.Our <strong>School</strong> Rules cover all aspects of life within the Junior <strong>School</strong>, they should beeasily understood by pupils and parents alike, and will be consistently and fairlyapplied whenever there is any fall in accepted standards. For this reason, there willbe a system of sanctions operating at all levels of the school.1.4: Incentives and RewardsWe believe strongly in rewarding achievement in every area of school activity at allage groups. Teachers may choose from a number of awards and rewards includingcertificates for Pupil of the Week, Outstanding Work and House Points forachievement and effort in class.Many of the awards will be for sporting and cultural achievements, but one of theleading house competitions, and possibly the most keenly fought, will be for theAcademic Shield which goes to the house securing the most academic merits in theschool year.1.5: SanctionsAt <strong>Repton</strong> we believe wholeheartedly that positive reinforcement and the rewardingof good behaviour wherever and whenever possible is extremely effective. However,there may be occasions when a child’s behaviour or attitude warrants theregistration of disapproval to protect the safety and security of themselves and theschool community. At <strong>Repton</strong>, where respect is central to our code of conduct,disapproval is a powerful deterrent.Sanctions vary according to the nature of the incident. Most instances ofinappropriate behaviour are relatively minor and can be adequately dealt by theclass teacher.

Process for Imposing SanctionsAt the teacher’s discretion, a “bad mark” or a cross “x” may be issued. Parentswill be informed.In the unlikely event that a pupil’s behaviour warrants further attention, ameeting will be arranged between the parents and the Head of Department.Should there be cases of extremely inappropriate behaviour the Head ofJuniors will become involved in the due process.2.1: Organisation of the <strong>School</strong> DayNursery and Reception children should arrive at school no earlier than 7.20am andno later than 7.45 amRegistration takes place at 7.45am.Punctuality is vital – children do not like to be late and it can be very upsetting forthem.StartFinishNursery (FS1)* 7.45am 1.00pmReception (FS2)* 7.45am 2.20pmInfants (Y1 & Y2) 7.45am 2.30pmPre Prep (Y3 & Y4) 7.45am 2.40pmPrep (Y5 & Y6) 7.45am 2.40pm*After school care provided for those with older siblings in the school at an additionalchargeThere are no after school activities or supervised prep on Tuesdays andThursdays.

2.2: Daily RoutinesMorningPlease note that supervision of children on the school site begins at 7.20ameach day. Pupils arriving before this time must be supervised by their parents.Nursery and Reception should be dropped off at their classroom door no earlierthan 7.45am. Parents are requested not to leave their children unattended; they maysit with their children in the seating provided in the corridors until school starts.Infant children should enter through the <strong>Repton</strong> Arch or Junior <strong>School</strong> ReceptionArea, and congregate in their designated playgrounds.Pre Prep and Prep children should enter through the <strong>Repton</strong> Arch or Junior <strong>School</strong>Reception Area, and congregate in their designated playgrounds. Infants congregate on the ‘Quad playground’ in front of the Year 1 classrooms andon the adventure playground for Year 2.Pre Prep on the grassed area to the right of the main entrance to the Junior<strong>School</strong>, nearest the Foundation Department swimming pool.Prep in the <strong>Repton</strong> Circle.Once the children have settled into their classes and routines have becomeestablished, we respectfully ask that parents say goodbye to their children atthe <strong>Repton</strong> Arch or the designated playgrounds before the start of the schoolday and do not accompany them to their classrooms. This will help us to easecongestion in the corridors and to assist in the safety and security of allchildren.AfternoonNursery children will be collected at 1.00pm from their classrooms.Reception children will be collected at 2.20pm from their classrooms.Y1 – Y2 children will be collected at 2.30pm from their classrooms.Arrangements for the collection of Infants children after activities will be circulatedonce the programme begins.Y3‐Y4 children not attending activities will be collected by their parents at 2.40pmfrom a central area. You will be informed of this location during the first week ofschool.Arrangements for the collection of Pre Prep children after activities and/or prep willbe circulated once the programme begins.Please note that afternoon lessons finish at 2.30pm and that children attendingspecialist lessons will not be arriving back to their classrooms until after this time.Y5 ‐ Y6 children not attending activities will be collected by their parents at 2:40pmfrom a central area. You will be informed of this location during the first week ofschool.

Arrangements for the collection of Prep Department children after activities and /or prep will be circulated once the programme begins.All children from Y3‐Y6 are collected from classrooms at 2:40pm on a Tuesday andThursday.2.3: Late Arrivals: Late arrivals should report to the Junior <strong>School</strong> Reception desk in the Junior<strong>School</strong> foyer. They will be issued with a notification slip to pass to the classteacher to ensure that they are properly registered. The children must pass the ‘Late Slip’ to their class teacher. This is vital sothat we have full account of all the pupils in the school in case of emergenciessuch as fire. We appreciate that there are times when the traffic in <strong>Dubai</strong> causes delays.However, if pupils are persistently late, the class teacher will send a writtennote home copied to the Head of Junior <strong>School</strong>. Please be aware that we arebound to submit details of persistent late attendance to the authorities andthe late attendance will be recorded on your child’s report.2.4: Sickness AbsenceIf a child has experienced sickness (vomiting) or has suffered from hightemperature, fever or diarrhoea, the child must remain at home the next day. Tostop the spread of infection, children must remain away from school until they areclear of all symptoms, for a minimum of 12 hours, without the need for medicationto control symptoms. Please inform the school should your child be unable to attenddue to sickness.2.5: Breaks, Lunches and Water BottleDuring the day the children will be timetabled breaks of a length and frequencyappropriate to their age. These will appear on your child’s timetable which is issuedonce term commences.<strong>School</strong> provides hot lunches from Foundation to Year 6 at a cost. Please contactAdmissions for more information. Packed lunches should be healthy, pork, nut andchocolate free.Every child should have a labelled water bottle in school. This can be refilledthroughout the day from school water coolers.

2.6: TransportThe school offers a bus service through a contracted supplier. For details relating tobuses, please call 04 426 9386.Please be aware that, even though the school aims to assist parents by offering abus service, the responsibility for getting the children to and from the school lieswith the parents. Bus routes are not negotiable. <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> does notrecommend that Foundation pupils use the bus service.2.7: ParkingParking for Foundation Department parents is provided in the parking spaces thatrun alongside the <strong>Repton</strong> Arch. For Infant, Pre Prep and Prep Department parents, alarge car park is provided beside the Junior <strong>School</strong>. Parking is also available in frontof the Senior <strong>School</strong> from where there is direct and easy access into the schoolgrounds. No cars are admitted to the staff car park in front of the main Junior <strong>School</strong>entrance.Parents and drivers are respectfully asked to drive with consideration for the safetyof all. The use of a hand held mobile telephone while driving is illegal. If thislaw is broken in the vicinity of the school, the driver may be reported to the police.Please be aware that there will be almost 1600 Junior <strong>School</strong> children making theirway from cars into the school. Children, no matter how well supervised, can act inunpredictable ways so please drive slowly and with great care.We encourage independence by using the designated drop – off zone for Prepchildren.3.1 Curriculum<strong>Repton</strong> Junior <strong>School</strong> offers a challenging academic curriculum. The FoundationDepartment follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and Infants (5 and6 year olds) continue to broadly follow a British Curriculum. For children aged 7years old and upwards, our curriculum is increasingly modelled on proven ISEB(Independent <strong>School</strong>’s Examination Board) syllabi such as is followed by our ownPrep Department and <strong>Repton</strong>’s UK‐based preparatory school, Foremarke Hall.Additionally, our curriculum also reflects local culture and other educationalinfluences from abroad, where the content and methodologies can enhance thequality of learning at the school. It is our avowed intent to ensure that the sameacademic standards are achieved in <strong>Repton</strong> Junior <strong>School</strong> as at any quality UKindependent school.

3.2: The StaffTo enable us to achieve our goals, the highest quality staff has been recruited fromBritain and beyond. All of our Junior <strong>School</strong> teachers are native English speakerswith UK teaching qualifications and several have had experience of other goodeducational practices which will enhance the delivery of their teaching.For a full list of staff please see over...Foundation Infant <strong>School</strong> Pre PrepNurseryTurtlesMrs E. BalsomHead of YearYear1NSMiss N. SharkeyHead of YearYear 3JSMiss K – A. CavillHead of YearNurseryClownfishMrs C. BrownYear1LMMiss L. MacDonald Year 3FB Mrs F. BoltonNurseryJellyfishMiss A. JoshiYear1CTMiss C. Tasker Year 3LR Miss L. RoanNurseryAngelfishMrs H. TigheYear1 ABMrs A. BishopYear3LMMiss L. MartinNurserySharksNurseryOctopusNurseryTigerfishReceptionWhalesMrs R. BerryYear1GKMiss G. Kirwan Year 3TE Mr T. EdgeMrs S. Kortekaas Year 1R Mrs A. Reilly Year3DMMrs L. BlakeleyMiss J. BaconHead of YearYear1 CBMiss C. BousfieldYear3FWMr D. MurphyMrs F. WebsterYear 1M Miss L. Minter Year 3EC Miss E. CollingeReceptionDolphinsMrs M. KotzeYear1LMiss C. LindYear3CWMiss C. WightmanHead of EnglishReceptionSeahorsesMrs K. Maloney Year 1H Mrs N. Holden Year3LWMrs L. WaumsleyReceptionSealionsMiss C. Byrne Year 2H Mrs E. DaviesHead of YearYear4KAMrs. K. AtkinsHead of YearReceptionStarfishMrs K. SingletonYear2JCMiss J. CosgraveYear4LDMiss L.DoyleReceptionLobstersMrs L. AspelingYear2 MMiss E. MaguireYear4RMMiss R. Morgan

ReceptionStingraysMrs L.GarveyYear2SWMr S. WebsterYear4LPMrs L. PederickReceptionRainbowFishReceptionPenguinsMiss A. VernonMiss S. CollierYear2TYear2 LMMiss P. ThomsonYear4NDMr N. DelaneyMiss L. Marcantonio Year 4OF Mr D. O’FlynnYear2EMMiss E. MooreYear4VDMiss V. DaleyYear2 JMrs M-J JamesHead of MathematicsYear4JGMiss J. GeraghtyYear2RMiss M. RohanYear4 CLMiss C. LeggettYear2 LOMiss L. O’ConnorYear4KMMr K. MoranSpecialist DepartmentsPE Music ICT Art MFLMr.S. GrayHODMrs A.CottellHODMiss L.DevineHODMrs S.O’GradyHODMrs S.SolomonHODMrs C.VipondMiss J. Hiett Mr D. Russell Miss L.O’BrienMrs S.ThompsonMr A. Miss L. Allatt Miss L. Etzel Miss A. ClarkeMiladinovskiMr C. Brooks Mrs L.MackenzieMiss K.Miss S. IqbalMcMasterMiss N.ReddinEnglish Mathematics Science HumanitiesMr J. GoreCoordinatorMr S. LyonsCoordinatorMiss R. KaurHODMiss G. TimmisHODMrs M. Connor Miss S.MahmoodMrs S.HawkinsMr T.O’SullivanMrs L. Lennox Mrs F.Miss R. Mr E. HawkinsKleinsmith BarkhamMrs C. Smith Miss K. Wass Mr D. MossMiss N. Sacks Miss R.Barkham

Prep DepartmentFORM TEACHERSYEAR 6Head of Year 66DV6EH6FK6MB6LD6NS6GT6SSYEAR 5Head of Year 55SH5JG5CS5SM5KW5LL5TO5RB5SL5STMr D. VipondMr E. HawkinsMrs F. KleinsmithMrs M. ConnorMiss L. DevineMiss N. SacksMiss G. TimmisMrs S. SolomonMrs S. HawkinsMr J. GoreMrs C. SmithMiss S. MahmoodMs K. WassMrs L. LennoxMr T. O’SullivanMiss R. BarkhamMr S. LyonsMrs S. ThompsonSMT: Foundation Miss S. BradyInfants Mr M. SmithPre-Prep Miss P. ClarkePrep Mr J. BrownDirector of Studies: Mr M. WaltersHead of Pastoral Care: Mrs S. Marsden

3.3: The Learning Support DepartmentThe Learning Support Department is self funding and ALL services provided are at anadditional cost. Please refer to Jacinth Gurdon, Head of Learning Support with regard tocharges.In Class Support and English as an Additional Language (EAL)English as an Additional Language is available to selected pupils who are identified asneeding some additional support with academic English. Small groups will be formedthroughout the school year to address pupils individual educational needs.Speech and language Therapy (SLT) and Occupational Therapy (OT)Speech and language Therapy and Occupational Therapy is available at <strong>Repton</strong> as part ofthe Learning Support Department. Therapy can be arranged within the school day at atime that is not disruptive to the educational programme. Limited sessions are alsoavailable after school. Children can be referred to the service directly by parents or by theteachers (with parent’s permission). Parents are welcome to be part of the sessions. Ifparents are unsure whether a child needs to be referred, a quick informal assessment canbe made first.Speech and Language Therapy can help children with: speech sound difficulties language delays poor vocabulary poor listening skills voice difficulties poor social skills poor phonological awareness hearing impairment dysfluencyOccupational Therapy assessment and intervention can be beneficial for children with:poor gross motor skills and poor coordination of movementimmature and poor fine motor skills affecting prewriting/writing, drawing andmanipulationpoor eye hand coordination and visual perceptual/processing skillsillegible handwriting, and/or poor writing speedattention, concentration, hyperactivity, social and behavioural issues.inadequate self help skillspoor planning and organisational skillsdifficulty attaining the expected developmental milestones in their grossmotor, fine motor, self help, social and behavioural skillsFor concerns regarding a more general developmental delay in the Foundation stage thespeech therapist and occupational therapist work closely together.

youngest children need to go home and enjoy their 'down time' with family andfriends but we understand this is not always possible. Our intention is for thechildren to have lots of fun in the After <strong>School</strong> Club and also be able to relax andwind down at the end of a busy day.The children are able to choose from a variety of planned activities that are fun andstimulating whilst being appropriate for their individual energy levels. A nutritioussnack and drink is prepared by our chef in our kitchens.The programme is housed in the Community Room in the Foundation building andis known as the ‘Happy Snappers Club’. This service is a paid service with parentspaying termly for availing of the service. The head of the ASC is responsible for thesetting up of the club daily, the organisation of the billing and the day to daymanagement of the clubs requirements.The ASC leader is qualified member of the department and is responsible formanaging the children and staff in her care. The ASC leader is helped by a full timeASC assistant and uses the existing nursery assistants on a weekly rota to help her inthe supervision of the ASC. The ratio for the ASC is one adult for every ten children.The care and security of the pupils is a key component of the day to daymanagement of the ASC.3.6: Community Action ServiceAt <strong>Repton</strong>, we feel it is vitally important that our children develop empathy,compassion and respect for the needs and feelings of others and an awareness of theworld around them.<strong>Repton</strong> supports several charities, chosen by the staff and children, and through ourfund raising activities we hope to make a difference to the lives of others and to theenvironment, like the Red Crescent and Ministry approved charities.We apologise that we are unable to support every charitable cause that is brought toour attention.3.7: Trips, Visits and Education Off-SiteThe enrichment and extension of the curriculum at <strong>Repton</strong> through educationalvisits, sporting and artistic exchanges is an important part of the learningexperience. Such trips will include: <strong>School</strong> CampThis is a wonderfully exciting residential opportunity to experience the ‘greatoutdoors’ supporting the ‘Outdoor and Adventurous’ strand of the PE curriculum.

Junior <strong>School</strong> Ski TripThe trip is usually a week in duration. The destination is usually an establishedEuropean ski resort. The pupils are accompanied by <strong>Repton</strong> staff. Residential Educational visitsIn preparation for the ‘<strong>Repton</strong> Grand Tour’ that takes place during the Senior <strong>School</strong>years, Junior <strong>School</strong> children, particularly those in Y5 and Y6, may embark oneducational residential visits to foreign destinations. Details of such trips will bedistributed individually. Sports ToursRepresentative teams from <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>Dubai</strong> will travel throughout the Middle East, tothe UK and sometimes further afield, to participate in sporting competitions such asthose organised by the British <strong>School</strong>s of the Middle East.3.8: Music LessonsPeripatetic music lessons are available from Year 2 – Year 6. For enquiries, pleasecontact : terina.firth@reptondubai.org.4.1: Reporting and AssessmentReporting and Assessment are an important part of school life.Entry into the school, at all stages, is by selection, and it is therefore incumbent uponall our teachers to monitor closely the progress of all pupils to ensure that they arefulfilling the potential they demonstrated in the entrance tests.The <strong>Repton</strong> Reporting and Assessment Programme is carefully designed to measureindividual progress, to assess exactly a child’s capabilities and to report back theresults to parents and the individual pupil. We do not want to put added pressure onany child, so the whole process is handled sensitively, with a firm emphasis on thepositive.AssessmentAt entry into the Foundation Department the staff will conduct a detailed, baselineassessment on every child. The children are assessed regularly to monitor progressduring their time in the department.All students in the Infants, Pre Prep and Prep Departments will have the followingassessments:

Termly Progress TestsThese tests look at the three non‐Arabic core subjects (English, Mathematics andScience). They allow us to monitor the progress of each child and the effectivenessof our teaching. The results of these tests will be shared with the parents andchildren. During the course of the year these tests will allow us to track accuratelythe academic progress of every individual. Regular assessments of a child’sperformance in Arabic and where applicable, Islamic Studies, will be conductedaccording to Ministry guidelines.Performance Indicators in Primary <strong>School</strong>s (PIPS) and ASPECTS.These assignments, designed by the Curriculum, Evaluation and Management Centreat Durham University, are becoming increasingly popular amongst internationalschools and quality UK preparatory schools. They are designed to monitor a numberof aspects of schooling as students move through the Junior <strong>School</strong>.The assessments cover Reading and Mathematics and, for Year 6, Science, inaddition to measuring a student’s vocabulary and non‐verbal capabilities. Theresults are processed at Durham University and enable teachers to plot accuratelythe progress of an individual, and identify areas of strength and need, to which theycan respond accordingly.National Curriculum Key Stage TestsThe Standard Attainment Tests or (SATs) once a common feature of UK schooling,are in decline. At <strong>Repton</strong> Junior <strong>School</strong>, these tests are not administered. At<strong>Repton</strong> our curriculum is not defined by them and the children will not spendcurriculum time preparing or practising for them. However, if SATs results arerequired for admission to other schools, these can be predicted by our staff usingthe PIPS (see above). <strong>Repton</strong> staff will also offer guidance and support when pupilsmove on to other schools.Common Entrance ExamPupils will be required to sit the Common Entrance examination to gain entry to ourSenior <strong>School</strong> from the <strong>Repton</strong> Prep Department. This examination is designed toevaluate whether the candidates have attained the required knowledge and skills tobe able to cope with the academic rigour of an independent Senior <strong>School</strong>. Theseexaminations are, in effect, summative in that they assess what has been learned inthe junior and prep years and, to an extent, formative in that they will indicate whatneeds to be built upon once they enter senior school education. <strong>Repton</strong> does notemploy the UK Key Stage SATs as a tool for judging suitability for entry into any part

of the school; our own examinations will be devised annually, based upon changingcurricula developments.Although we cannot guarantee our pupils success, the level and pace of the workthroughout the Junior and Prep Departments are designed to prepare our childrenin the best possible way. In the later years of the Prep Department, parent/teacherconsultations will be focussing on a child’s readiness for this examination.ReportingParents are encouraged to speak to the teachers regularly on an informal basis. Thiscan best be done at drop off and collection. For discussions that require privacy ormore than just a ‘quick word’ appointments can be arranged through the schoolsecretary at a mutually convenient time. The Junior <strong>School</strong> Office number is 04 4269376Twice‐yearly parent consultation meetings will be held.A full written report is issued in December and JuneParent Consultation MeetingsWritten reportsFoundation November and March December and JuneInfants October and March December and JunePre Prep October and March December and JunePrep October and March December and June5.1: Prep and HomeworkPrep, or homework as it is more commonly known, is seen by everybody at <strong>Repton</strong>as making an important contribution to a pupil’s academic progress, helping toenhance basic skills, to acquire further knowledge, and, perhaps most important ofall, to help develop the habit of independent learning.We believe that prep is most effective in supporting learning when:Tasks are carefully planned and structured to support progression inlearning.There is a regular programme so that pupils, teachers and parents, are clearabout what to expect each week.Parents are viewed as partners in their children’s learning.There are high expectations of students in completing their prep.Pupils receive prompt feedback on their work.

We believe that homework should be enjoyable and should stimulate imaginationand creativity, as well as reinforcing what is taught in the classroom. We feel thatprep also provides the best opportunity for parents to become active partners insupporting the learning process. However, we understand the time constraintsfaced by many parents, and how time must also be allocated to family socialinteraction.For these reasons <strong>Repton</strong> offers after‐school supervised prep times,usually just under an hour in duration, from Sunday to Wednesday. <strong>School</strong> basedprep requires pupils to work independently and thus is not suitable for pupilsyounger than KS2. The earliest a pupil may remain behind for after school prep isY3.Every Junior <strong>School</strong> pupil (Year 2 upwards) will be provided with aReading/Prep Diary which invites parents to make comments and sign on adaily basis. This is a vital resource in the Prep and Homework policy,providing parents with a way to support our educational aims in the policyand also give praise and encouragement to their children as they carry outthe various assignments.For pupils in Foundation and up to Year 1, communication between homeand school will generally take place in the child’s home schoolcommunication books or reading record.For Prep Department children once they have reached a set reading age, theywill be deemed a “Free Reader” and will then complete a Reading RewardScheme. This will encourage them to read a variety of different genres andauthors.6.1: The House System<strong>Repton</strong> operates a traditional British house system, based on that at <strong>Repton</strong> UK andcentred on the boarding houses. There are eight houses, all a mixture of boys andgirls. The names of seven of the houses, with their colours, are derived from <strong>Repton</strong>UK. The eighth Jumeirah, is unique to <strong>Dubai</strong>.Our new pupils are divided between the houses early in the Autumn Term. Thesehouses are:BrookLathamDahl<strong>School</strong>ForemarkeOrchardNewJumeirah

Every pupil from Y1 upwards and all teachers are assigned to a house, and willremain a member of that house for all their time at the school. We endeavour tokeep siblings/family members in the same house where requested. There will bemany Junior <strong>School</strong> house events over the course of the year covering academics,sports and the arts.7.1: Queries, Concerns and Meetings<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> welcomes comments and suggestions from parents andtakes very seriously any concerns that may be raised. We encourage parents tobring issues to our attention as early as possible in order that we might have theopportunity to rectify a problem or explain the school's position, before a matteror concern becomes more serious.Parents who have any concerns should raise these with the class teacher inperson, by letter, email or telephone, and arrange a mutually convenientmeeting time to discuss the issue.If the matter is not resolved by the class teacher, a meeting with the Head ofYear will be arranged.Should further discussions be necessary, the parents will meet with the Headof Department, Director of Studies on academic issues or Head of PastoralCare for pastoral / welfare issues.In the unlikely event that concerns are not resolved, the Head of Junior<strong>School</strong> will be introduced into the procedure.Parental concerns are confidential and will be treated seriously and withrespect. Knowledge of the concern will be limited to the Head of Junior<strong>School</strong> and those directly involved. Please be assured that concerns raised byparents will not adversely affect their children in any way.In settling concerns or disputes there may be a need to make relevant thirdparties outside the school aware of the issue and the identity of thoseinvolved. This would only be likely to happen where, for example, a child'ssafety was at risk or it became necessary to refer matters to the police.Before this step is taken, the parent making the complaint would be fullyinformed.<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> will not pursue anonymous complaints.At <strong>Repton</strong> we value honesty, integrity and transparency and encourage opendialogue delivered in a positive manner in order to ensure that the best interests ofthe children are met.General telephone enquiries should be to the Junior <strong>School</strong> : 04 426 9341For all enquiries regarding admissions please contact Admissions : 04 426 9393

8.1: Communication with the schoolFor the younger children, Reading Diaries and Communication Books are auseful way for parents to communicate. Parents are asked to check theseeach day and use them to pass messages to the class teacher if necessary.The children in Year 2 – 6 will be issued with a Homework Diary in whichthey will record their homework and reminders. Parents are welcome to usethese books to communicate with the class teachers.Members of <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> can be reached by email. Please direct enquiriesto juniorschoolsecretary@reptondubai.org and these will be forwarded tothe teacher.Junior <strong>School</strong> ManagementHead of Foundation Miss S. Brady shiobhain.brady@reptondubai.orgHead of Infants Mr M. Smith matthew.smith@reptondubai.orgHead of Pre Prep Miss P. Clarke pauline.clarke@reptondubai.orgHead of Prep Mr J. Brown jason.brown@reptondubai.orgDirector of Studies Mr M. Walters mark.walters@reptondubai.orgHead of Pastoral Care Mrs S. Marsden susan.marsden@reptondubai.orgHead of Nursery Miss E. Balsom emma.balsom@reptondubai.orgHead of Reception Miss J. Bacon joanna.bacon@reptondubai.orgHead of Y1 Miss N. Sharkey nicola.sharkey@reptondubai.orgHead of Y2 Mrs E. Davies emma.hall@reptondubai.orgHead of Y3 Miss K – A. Cavill kellee.anne@reptondubai.orgHead of Y4 Mrs K. Atkins karen.atkins@reptondubai.orgHead of Y5 Mrs S. Hawkins sarah.hawkins@reptondubai.orgHead of Y6 Mr D. Vipond dominic.vipond@reptondubai.org9.1: Withdrawal from <strong>Repton</strong>When a pupil is to be withdrawn permanently from <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong>, parentsshould inform the Registrar in writing as soon as they know they will bewithdrawing their child. The school requires a full term’s notice to be given.The office will inform the class teacher, Head of Department, the nurse andHead and then prepare leaving documents. Before these documents can beissued, a check on such things as text books and resource centre books,outstanding fees and forwarding addresses will be completed.A leaving report and transfer certificate will be issued if appropriate. Clarification on withdrawals can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office: 04440 3402

10.1: MedicalThe school has a purpose‐built medical centre, staffed by fully‐qualified nursing staffand supported by a school doctor. <strong>School</strong> nurses provide professional nursing carethroughout the day and are equipped to deal with both sickness and physicalinjuries, such as those sustained on the sports field. A physiotherapist can berecommended to help provide rapid recovery from the latter.Children, who are taken ill at school, will be cared for until they are fit enough toreturn to class or their parents can be contacted and arrangements made for themto be collected and taken home. The staff will also deal with minor ailments, e.g.headaches, during the morning and lunchtime breaks, and, should the need arise,arrange transfer to hospital.We request parents not to send a child to school if he or she has been unwell theprevious night or that morning.It is essential for the school to have access to a child’s medical details in case he orshe is taken ill or injured at school. Parents are asked to complete the Medical Formissued by the <strong>School</strong> Nurse and return it to the Medical Centre as a matter ofurgency. If at any time parents wish to discuss the health needs of their child, theyshould contact the medical centre in the first instance.At no time should a child be given medication to take in class or during breaks.Please give all of your child’s medication to the school nursing staff together withfull written instructions.Sun ProtectionAt all times <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> hats must be worn by the children when they areoutside. No hat, no play!Pupils are never allowed to play games without their shirts on.Sunscreen protection must be used by all children, where extended outsideexposure to the sun is expected. Please provide your child with a high SPFlotion.11.1: Junior <strong>School</strong> Uniform CodeThe aim of the <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> Uniform Code is for our pupils to present a neatappearance while feeling comfortable in what they wear. Although allowances havebeen made for the very different climatic conditions in Britain and the UAE, thebasic design and colours of the uniform derive from <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> in England,reflecting the closeness of the relationship between the two schools. We take great

pride in that our pupils are always exceptionally neat and presentable. We believethat pride in ones appearance is an important quality for success in later life.We expect that parents will support the school in upholding the highstandards of dress expected of our pupils. The wearing of correct schooluniform is obligatory.Foundation and InfantsBoysFoundation ‐ Blue cotton short sleeved softpolo style shirt with school crestY1 – White cotton short sleeved soft polostyle shirt with school crestY2 ‐ White cotton short‐sleeved button upshirt with school crest or white cottonshort sleeved soft polo style shirt withcrestGrey shortsNavy blue <strong>Repton</strong> sweatshirt with schoolcrestPlain grey ankle or knee length socksRegulation black shoes<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> hatGirls<strong>Repton</strong> tartan cotton dressNavy blue <strong>Repton</strong> sweatshirt with schoolcrestPlain white ankle or knee length socks.Regulation black shoes<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> hatPre Prep Year 3 and Year 4BoysWhite cotton short‐sleeved shirt withschool crestGrey shorts or full length grey trousers<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> tie<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> blazer (for formaloccasions.)Plain grey ankle or knee‐length regulationsocksNavy blue <strong>Repton</strong> sweatshirt with crestRegulation black shoes<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> hatGirlsWhite cotton short‐sleeved shirt withschool crest<strong>Repton</strong> tartan skort<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> tie<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> blazer (for formaloccasions)Plain white ankle or knee length socksNavy blue <strong>Repton</strong> Sweatshirt with crestRegulation black shoes<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> hat

Prep Year 5 and Year 6BoysWhite cotton short-sleeved shirt withschool crestFull length grey trousers (not shorts)<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> tie<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> blazerPlain grey ankle or knee-length regulationsocksNavy blue <strong>Repton</strong> sweatshirt with crestRegulation black shoes – not sports brandor fashion shoes<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> hatGirlsWhite cotton short-sleeved shirt withschool crest<strong>Repton</strong> patterned skirt<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> tie<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> blazer (for formaloccasions)Plain white ankle or knee length socksNavy blue <strong>Repton</strong> Sweatshirt with crestRegulation black shoes – not sportsbrand, fashion shoes or ballet pumps<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> hatSportswear FoundationBoysWhite cotton sports shirt with school crestHouse sports shirtNavy blue sports shortsSports shoes / trainers / plimsolls (nonmarkingsoles)Navy blue school swimming trunksYellow swimming capGirlsWhite cotton sports shirt with school crestHouse sports shirtNavy blue sports shorts or skortSports shoes / trainers / plimsolls (nonmarkingsoles)Navy blue school swimming costumeYellow swimming capSportswear (Year 1 to Year 4)BoysWhite cotton sports shirt with school crestHouse sports shirtNavy blue sports shortsSports shoes / trainers / plimsolls (nonmarkingsoles)White cotton ankle socksNavy blue football SocksShin padsNavy blue school swimming trunksGirlsWhite cotton sports shirt with school crestHouse sports shirtNavy blue sports shorts or skortSports shoes / trainers / plimsolls (nonmarkingsoles)White cotton ankle socksNavy blue football socksShin padsNavy blue school swimming costume

Yellow swimming capYellow swimming capNavy blue <strong>Repton</strong> tracksuit * Navy blue <strong>Repton</strong> tracksuit *Gum shield (KS2 rugby sessions)House shirt – polo style KS2 (KS1*)House shirt – polo style KS2 (KS1*)Sportswear (Year 5 to Year 6)BoysWhite cotton sports shirt with schoolcrestHouse sports shirtNavy blue sports shortsWhite sports shoes / trainers / plimsolls(non-marking soles)White cotton ankle socksNavy blue football socksShin padsNavy blue school swimming trunksYellow Swimming capGirlsWhite cotton sports shirt with schoolcrestHouse sports shirtNavy blue sports shorts or skirtWhite sports shoes / trainers / plimsolls(non-marking soles)White cotton ankle socksNavy blue football socksShin padsNavy blue school swimming costumeYellow swimming capNavy blue <strong>Repton</strong> tracksuit * Navy blue <strong>Repton</strong> tracksuit *Gum shield*optional<strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> Bags Book bag (Reception to Year 2) <strong>Repton</strong> Sports Bag – Junior or Senior style. <strong>Repton</strong> Rucksack (Y3 to Y6) <strong>Repton</strong> Sports Bag – Senior style (Y5 and Y6)No Trolley Bags are allowed.All items of uniform, bags, towels etc. should be clearly marked with the owner’sname either in indelible pen or, preferably, by means of sewn‐on name tapes.ApronsA school apron is available to be worn during art lessons/messy play/activities. It issuitable for all Junior <strong>School</strong> children.

All <strong>Repton</strong> uniform and accessories can be purchased from the school shop.JewelleryOther than a wrist watch, no jewellery is permitted at school. However, discreetreligious symbols and stud earrings may be worn with the uniform but must beremoved for PE, swimming and games. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.Nail PolishThis is not allowed in school.HairAt <strong>Repton</strong> we encourage the children to take pride in their appearance and to looksmart and presentable at all times. Girls are requested to style long hair in a plait orpony tail with school ‘Alice’ hair band or bobbles. Long fringes can lead to eye strainand should be pinned back off the face. Boys’ hair should not extend below the shirtcollar. Use of hair products (gel, wax and putty) is not allowed. Hair dyes, streaks,flashes and ‘hair sculpture’ are not permitted at school. Temporary tattoos,including henna should not be worn. If they are applied at parties they should beremoved before returning to school.Personal Stereos and Mobile PhonesThe use of MP3 players, ipods, mobile phones, or other electronic devices by<strong>Repton</strong> Junior <strong>School</strong> pupils is strictly prohibited. Use of these devices will result inimmediate confiscation. They will only be returned to the parent of the pupil.Parents wishing to contact a child in school should do so via the school telephonesystem. Likewise, pupils with a genuine need to contact their parents may do sousing the school phones once a permission slip has been issued by the class teacher.Mobile phones must not be brought into school.Chewing GumChewing gum is forbidden and should not be brought into school.12.1: AbsencesAbsence undermines and disrupts learning, and often it is not possible to ‘make up’in full the learning lost during a period of absence.Any requests for absences must be made in advance, in writing to the Head ofJuniors.Work will not be provided by the school during these absences.

Parents are required to explain a pupil’s absence by telephoning the schoolon the morning of the absence. If a parent does not notify the school on thefirst day of absence the Receptionist will telephone home to ascertain thereason. This will be noted in the register.A pupil returning to school after any absence must bring an explanatory notefrom their parent/guardian which will be filed in the appropriate pupil file.No pupil should leave the school premises at lunch time unless permissionhas been given (in exceptional circumstances) by the Head of Department.If pupils are absent for extended periods with or without notice, the parentswill be contacted by the Head of Pastoral Care (Child Protection Officer).13.1: Student Contact DetailsIn order for <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>School</strong> to maintain accurate records, we ask that parentsensure the school has up‐to‐date contact information, including emailaddress and telephone numbers in case of emergencies.14.1: Lost PropertyPlease ensure that all property and uniform is labelled clearly with thepupil’s name.Pupils should not bring any valuable items to school.Although we will do our best to assist in the recovery of lost items, <strong>Repton</strong><strong>School</strong> will not be held responsible for unmarked property.The Lost Property Room is in GO1 the first room on the left, as you go throughthe doors into the Foundation Department from the main entrance to B Block.

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