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ANNEX 68 Country ReportsbySEAFDEC/MFRDMD, Kuala Terengganu1

COUNTRY BRU CAM IND MAL MYA PHI THA VIE2.6 Tagging & Releaseprocedures√ √ √ √ *√ √ √2.7 Recovery √ √ √ √ **√ √ √2.8 Data management andprocessing2.9 Estimation for GrowthIncrement (Gulland & Holt)2.10 Estimation of a).Coefficient of total mortalityand b). Coefficient of fishingbased on data of number ofreleasing, number ofrecovery, mean time afterreleasing to <strong>recap</strong>ture forthe selected tagging lots.√ √ - √ - √ √√ - - √ - - √√ √ - √ - √ √* Written on the Collection methods of target fish section** Written on the Results section3

3A. Results of Tagging Activities (South China Sea)COUNTRY BRU CAM MAL PHI THA VIE3.1 Records ofimplementation (Table 1:Location/Site, Trip, Date,Gear, Species, Number oftagged, Serial number oftags, Fish size range -mean size, standarddeviation)3.2 Records of tagged &<strong>recap</strong>tured by species(Table 2: Sites, Season,Number of tagged,Number of <strong>recap</strong>tured,Recapture rate, Longestdays at liberty)√ √ √ √ √√ √ √ √ √<strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>. = <strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>tured fish4

COUNTRY BRU CAM MAL PHI THA VIE3.3 Recapture rate byspecies by season (Table3)3.4 Summary recovery daysby species and by season(Table 4)<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.√ √ √ √√ √ √ √3.5 Migration Pattern(Moving behavior of<strong>recap</strong>tured fishes)<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.-√ √ √<strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>. = <strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>tured fish5

COUNTRY BRU CAM MAL PHI THA VIE3.6 Relationships betweendays at liberty and thedistance traveled (Table 5:Locality of <strong>recap</strong>turedfishes)(Table 6: Coefficient of totaland fishing mortality)3.7 Estimation for GrowthIncrement<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.√ √ √ √√ √ √ √- √ √ -<strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>. = <strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>tured fish6

COUNTRY IND MAL MYA THA VIE3.3 Recapture rate by speciesby season (Table 3)<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.- √3.4 Summary recovery daysby species and by season(Table 4)<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.- √3.5 Migration Pattern (Movingbehavior of <strong>recap</strong>tured fishes)<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.- √<strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>. = <strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>tured fish8

COUNTRY IND MAL MYA THA VIE3.6 Relationships betweendays at liberty and thedistance traveled (Table 5:Locality of <strong>recap</strong>tured fishes)<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.- √(Table 6: Coefficient of totaland fishing mortality)<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.- √3.7 Estimation for GrowthIncrement<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.- √<strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>. = <strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>tured fish9

COUNTRY BRU CAM IND MAL MYA PHI THA VIE4. Gonad Study<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.-<strong>No</strong><strong>recap</strong>.√ - √ √5. PublicAwarenessProgram6. AdditionalInformation: Localknowledge(Questionnaire)7. FADInformation8. SardineResources√ √ √ I √ - √ √√ √ √ √ - √ √√ NR √ √ - √ √√ - √ √ - √ √<strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>. = <strong>No</strong> <strong>recap</strong>tured fishNR = <strong>No</strong>t Relevent10

COUNTRY BRU CAM IND MAL MYA PHI THA VIE9. Discussions9.1 Correlation ofpossible migrationwith sea surfacecurrent9.2 Association ofFADs with smallpelagic migration9.3 Comparison withearlier findings9.4 Comparison withrelationshipsbetween the time(days) afterreleasing to<strong>recap</strong>ture and themoving distance (orreleasing locations)- - - - - - -√ - - √ - - -√ - - - - - √√ - - - - - -11

COUNTRY BRU CAM IND MAL MYA PHI THA VIE9.5 Possible migratorypatterns of targetedfishes in the premonsoonseason andpost-monsoon season9.6 Possiblehypothesis ofsubpopulation basedon migratory patterns(including informationof spawning groundsfrom the results of thefirst phase of theproject)√ - - - - - -- - - - - - -12

COUNTRY BRU CAM IND MAL MYA PHI THA VIE10. Acknowledgement √ - √ √ - √ √11. List of Literaturescited√ - √ √ - - √12. List of Appendices - - - - - - -13


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