Pumps - Bürkle GmbH

Pumps - Bürkle GmbH Pumps - Bürkle GmbH


close-it control seal | essential for samplingTaking samples from sacks, boxes,bags, etc. with samplinglances is a common and timeprovenpractice. This producesholes through which easily flowingbulk goods could escapefrom the container. With theclose-it seal, this can be preventedin an uncomplicatedmanner.to most commercial containers,even to surfaces coated withfine powder, slightly moist oreven frozen surfaces whereconventional labels or adhesivetape will not stick.close-it has been especially developedfor this purpose. The labelhas a sandwich-type structure(aluminium/ paper) andseals the container hermetically(vapour barrier). This virtuallyprevents hygroscopic powdersfrom clumping together. The labelis not just used to provide ahermetic seal. It is also used forproviding quality control information(sampling date, releaseyes/no, name of tester, etc.).The labels are available in differentcolours. With printing inred, blue, green, yellow, black,neutral, without printing inwhite.close-it can be written on withball-point pen, pencil or felt-tipmarker.The rear of the label is coatedwith a powerful adhesive. Thismeans that close-it sticks firmlyclose-it 95x95Color Model W x H mm Pieces per roll Price € Quantity scale Scale price € Item no.fromred printed 95 x 95 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-0012 N4yellow printed 95 x 95 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-0014 N4blue printed 95 x 95 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-0015 N4green printed 95 x 95 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-0016 N4black printed 95 x 95 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-0011 N4white unprinted 95 x 95 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-0002 N4AccessoriesDescription Price € Item no.close-it dispenser for labels with 95 x 95 mm 72,20 5303-9000 N4close-it maxi 150x150Color Model W x H mm Pieces per roll Price € Quantity scale Scale price € Item no.fromred printed 150 x 150 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-1012 N4yellow printed 150 x 150 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-1014 N4blue printed 150 x 150 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-1015 N4green printed 150 x 150 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-1016 N4black printed 150 x 150 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-1011 N4white unprinted 150 x 150 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-1002 N4AccessoriesDescription Price € Item no.close-it dispenser for labels with 150 x 150 mm 101,20 5303-9100 N487

close-itfood | essential for sampling foodstuffsIn response to numerous requests from our customers, we have nowdeveloped close-itfood, a control seal with an adhesive approved foruse with foodstuffs. The strength of the adhesive is almost as powerfulas that of the original, the close-it from Bürkle, proven millionsof times. close-it food also reliably prevents products from leakingout after sampling.The adhesive complies with the European guidelines for foodstuffs.Just like the original, close-itfood has a barrier layer of aluminiumfoil. This means that close-itfood is suitable for sampling foodstuffs,pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food additives, even frozen goods – inshort, for all applications in which cleanliness is particularly important.Also fordeepfreezing!close-itfoodW x H mm Color Model Pieces per roll Price € Quantity scale from Scale price € Item no.95 x 95 red printed 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-2017 N495 x 95 white unprinted 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-2018 N4150 x 150 red printed 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-3017 N4150 x 150 white unprinted 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-3018 N4AccessoriesDescription Price € Item no.close-it dispenser for labels with 95 x 95 mm 072,20 5303-9000 N4close-it dispenser for labels with 150 x 150 mm 101,20 5303-9100 N488www.buerkle.de | info@buerkle.de | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

close-itfood | essential for sampling foodstuffsIn response to numerous requests from our customers, we have nowdeveloped close-itfood, a control seal with an adhesive approved foruse with foodstuffs. The strength of the adhesive is almost as powerfulas that of the original, the close-it from Bürkle, proven millionsof times. close-it food also reliably prevents products from leakingout after sampling.The adhesive complies with the European guidelines for foodstuffs.Just like the original, close-itfood has a barrier layer of aluminiumfoil. This means that close-itfood is suitable for sampling foodstuffs,pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food additives, even frozen goods – inshort, for all applications in which cleanliness is particularly important.Also fordeepfreezing!close-itfoodW x H mm Color Model Pieces per roll Price € Quantity scale from Scale price € Item no.95 x 95 red printed 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-2017 N495 x 95 white unprinted 500 54,10 10 48,35 5303-2018 N4150 x 150 red printed 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-3017 N4150 x 150 white unprinted 250 75,90 10 70,70 5303-3018 N4AccessoriesDescription Price € Item no.close-it dispenser for labels with 95 x 95 mm 072,20 5303-9000 N4close-it dispenser for labels with 150 x 150 mm 101,20 5303-9100 N488www.buerkle.de | info@buerkle.de | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

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