Pumps - Bürkle GmbH

Pumps - Bürkle GmbH Pumps - Bürkle GmbH


PumpsPumps, stop cocks, dosing machines

Fill off liquids – but do it safelySafety is the number one priorityHazardous liquids must never be filled off by pouring them out directly.Even the use of a funnel does not provide the required degreeof safety when filling off hazardous liquids.```Increased accident risk by slipping on dirty floors.Skin diseases or poisoning by spilt chemicals.Health hazard from harmful vapors.Safety during filling off must be the number one priority – for yourown personal protection!The choice of the correct pumpApart from the type and size of the container, the required pump capacityand the suitability of the pump for the particular medium areimportant for the choice of the correct pump. The pump must notonly be resistant to the medium to be filled, but in many cases particularoccupational safety and environmental protection regulationsmust also be taken into consideration.Pump capacityElectric pumps are the first choice for filling off large amounts at afixed location.Their higher pumping capacity saves times and requiresless manual effort. However, the purchase of an expensiveelectric barrel pump does not always pay for itself; there is often noon-site mains supply, e.g. in the open air, during erection work or inworking material stores.Manual pumps are an interesting alternativeto electric pumps for filling off small amounts because they donot need a power supply and have a good price-performance ratio.Bürkle offers a wide range of filling devices for manually removingliquids from containers, canisters, drums and tanks.Type and size of containerPumps that work according to the excess pressure principle are suitablefor filling off the required amounts from canisters and smalldrums up to a capacity of approx. 60 liters. Air is pumped into thecontainer by a pumping ball or pumping piston.This creates excesspressure in the container and the liquid is transported out via theimmersion tube.Barrel pumps are suitable for larger barrels andopen containers, these draw in the liquid and then eject it. This familyof pumps is characterized by their robust construction with agood pumping capacity and simple handling. Different immersiontube lengths mean that the pumps fit all the usual commerciallyavailable containers. Low-mounted suction valves ensure that almostall the residual liquid is removed.4www.buerkle.de | info@buerkle.de | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

Fill off liquids – but do it safelySafety is the number one priorityHazardous liquids must never be filled off by pouring them out directly.Even the use of a funnel does not provide the required degreeof safety when filling off hazardous liquids.```Increased accident risk by slipping on dirty floors.Skin diseases or poisoning by spilt chemicals.Health hazard from harmful vapors.Safety during filling off must be the number one priority – for yourown personal protection!The choice of the correct pumpApart from the type and size of the container, the required pump capacityand the suitability of the pump for the particular medium areimportant for the choice of the correct pump. The pump must notonly be resistant to the medium to be filled, but in many cases particularoccupational safety and environmental protection regulationsmust also be taken into consideration.Pump capacityElectric pumps are the first choice for filling off large amounts at afixed location.Their higher pumping capacity saves times and requiresless manual effort. However, the purchase of an expensiveelectric barrel pump does not always pay for itself; there is often noon-site mains supply, e.g. in the open air, during erection work or inworking material stores.Manual pumps are an interesting alternativeto electric pumps for filling off small amounts because they donot need a power supply and have a good price-performance ratio.Bürkle offers a wide range of filling devices for manually removingliquids from containers, canisters, drums and tanks.Type and size of container<strong>Pumps</strong> that work according to the excess pressure principle are suitablefor filling off the required amounts from canisters and smalldrums up to a capacity of approx. 60 liters. Air is pumped into thecontainer by a pumping ball or pumping piston.This creates excesspressure in the container and the liquid is transported out via theimmersion tube.Barrel pumps are suitable for larger barrels andopen containers, these draw in the liquid and then eject it. This familyof pumps is characterized by their robust construction with agood pumping capacity and simple handling. Different immersiontube lengths mean that the pumps fit all the usual commerciallyavailable containers. Low-mounted suction valves ensure that almostall the residual liquid is removed.4www.buerkle.de | info@buerkle.de | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

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