Pumps - Bürkle GmbH

Pumps - Bürkle GmbH Pumps - Bürkle GmbH


Sample boxes, asepticSample box with patented closure. The lid can be opened with one hand and itshinge angle is 90°. Liquid/condensate in the lid runs into an absorbing groove integratedin the lid, nothing is lost, nothing can drip. The box is completely tight.No crevices, therefore easy to fill and can be emptied without residues. The box isproduced under aseptic conditions. It is autoclavable and suitable for deep freezing.Sample boxes, asepticCapacity Height Dia. Model Price € Quantity Scale price € Item no.ml mm mmscale from50 78 31 with labeling area and graduation 0,28 650 0,26 6206-0060 N390 80 43 graduated to 80ml 0,33 350 0,30 6206-0100 N3300 88 75 graduated 0,87 240 0,80 6206-0300 N3```PP, transparentAsepticWith area for labelling and graduation161

Sample tubes aseptic, with sealSample container, roundThe sample boxes are manufactured in the cleanroom and sealed inthe injection moulding machine at over 100°C, so that the insides ofthe boxes are virtually sterile. This method makes the boxes absolutelyleakproof, as the cap and box adapt ideally to each other during thecooling process. No crevices, therefore easy to fill and can be emptiedwithout residues. With tamper-evident seal which guarantees virtualsterility until the first opening. After opening, it can be sealed againwith a practical seal.` PP, transparent` Aseptic` With graduation` SterilisableSample tubes aseptic, with sealCapacity ml Height mm Dia. mm Price € Quantity Scale Item no.scale from price €55 84 29 0,29 10 0,28 6207-0055 N3340 119 63 0,48 10 0,46 6207-0340 N3Sample box with screw lid. Ideal for taking samples and transport.Available in two material qualities: highly transparent PP for powder,pastes, liquids, or PFA for super pure collection of samples.Emptying without residues because there are no crevices.``PP or PFA autoclavableThick sidesSample container, roundMaterialCapacitymlInnerdia.mmOuterdia.mmHeightwithcapmmPrice €QuantityscalefromScaleprice €Item no.PP 60 35 50 93 06,55 10 05,70 6203-0060 N3PP 180 50 65 119 09,45 10 08,30 6203-0180 N3PFA 90 50 65 65 44,95 10 41,00 6205-0090 N3PFA 180 50 65 119 58,20 10 51,60 6205-0180 N3162www.buerkle.de | info@buerkle.de | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

Sample boxes, asepticSample box with patented closure. The lid can be opened with one hand and itshinge angle is 90°. Liquid/condensate in the lid runs into an absorbing groove integratedin the lid, nothing is lost, nothing can drip. The box is completely tight.No crevices, therefore easy to fill and can be emptied without residues. The box isproduced under aseptic conditions. It is autoclavable and suitable for deep freezing.Sample boxes, asepticCapacity Height Dia. Model Price € Quantity Scale price € Item no.ml mm mmscale from50 78 31 with labeling area and graduation 0,28 650 0,26 6206-0060 N390 80 43 graduated to 80ml 0,33 350 0,30 6206-0100 N3300 88 75 graduated 0,87 240 0,80 6206-0300 N3```PP, transparentAsepticWith area for labelling and graduation161

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