Pumps - Bürkle GmbH

Pumps - Bürkle GmbH Pumps - Bürkle GmbH


Sample spoons SteriPlastSteriPlast sampling tubeSampling spoon ideal for powder, granules, pastes, liquids.` Polystyrol, white` Sterilised, individually packedBulk pricesSterile sampling tube with removable handle and patented sealingcover. The lid can be opened with one hand and is then at a 90° angle.Liquid/condensate in the lid goes into an absorbing channel integratedinto the lid, nothing is lost, nothing can drip.The tightly closing sampling tube with a handle of 24 cm in lengthenables a clean sample to be placed directly in the sampling container.This mainly prevents cross-contamination.```Polypropylene, blue transparentSterile, packed separatelyPatented sealing coverBulk pricesSample spoons SteriPlastLength mm Pieces per Price € Quantity scale Scale price € Item no.packfrom125 100 29,50 10 27,20 5378-1125 N4150 100 31,40 10 29,90 5378-1150 N4SteriPlast sampling tubeCapacity ml Dia. mm Height mm Price € Quantity Scale Item no.scale from price €90 43 80 2,86 130 2,54 6206-0101 N3125

SteriPlast spatulaSteriPlast syringeThe syringe is used to take sterile samples and store them. The sampleamount can be read off from the printed contents graduation.The syringe is supplied in a sterile package and is ready for immediateuse. The syringe can be extended to any length with additionaltubing. A Luer adapter is supplied for the 100 ml syringe.Spatula for powder, granules, pastes. With fixed handle, ideal fortaking samples from sacks, containers or the manufacturing process.The rigid tip allows caked surfaces to be penetrated.````Total length 228 mmVolume 36 mlPolystyrole, whiteSterilised, packed separately```PP, transparentContents graduationSterilised, packed separatelyBulk pricesSteriPlast spatulaInsertion Pieces per Price € Quantity scale Scale price € Item no.depth mm packfrom152 10 17,85 10 16,95 5378-2000 N4SteriPlast syringeCapacity ml Pieces per Division ml Price € Quantity Scale Item no.packscale from price €50 10 1 15,95 6 14,45 5325-0060 N4100 10 2 47,65 5 40,55 5325-0100 N4126www.buerkle.de | info@buerkle.de | Hotline +49 (0) 76 35 8 27 95-0

Sample spoons SteriPlastSteriPlast sampling tubeSampling spoon ideal for powder, granules, pastes, liquids.` Polystyrol, white` Sterilised, individually packedBulk pricesSterile sampling tube with removable handle and patented sealingcover. The lid can be opened with one hand and is then at a 90° angle.Liquid/condensate in the lid goes into an absorbing channel integratedinto the lid, nothing is lost, nothing can drip.The tightly closing sampling tube with a handle of 24 cm in lengthenables a clean sample to be placed directly in the sampling container.This mainly prevents cross-contamination.```Polypropylene, blue transparentSterile, packed separatelyPatented sealing coverBulk pricesSample spoons SteriPlastLength mm Pieces per Price € Quantity scale Scale price € Item no.packfrom125 100 29,50 10 27,20 5378-1125 N4150 100 31,40 10 29,90 5378-1150 N4SteriPlast sampling tubeCapacity ml Dia. mm Height mm Price € Quantity Scale Item no.scale from price €90 43 80 2,86 130 2,54 6206-0101 N3125

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