Belgrave Town Centre Study

Belgrave Town Centre Study

Belgrave Town Centre Study

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03Key Project SitesBuilt edge treatmentas a continuation ofthe Main StreetWOODSBAGOT.COM3.2 <strong>Belgrave</strong> Motors<strong>Belgrave</strong> Motors site is locatedat the north eastern edge of thetown centre in a highly prominentposition. The site includes themotor mechanics as well asvacant land to the north, which isset substantially below the streetlevel of Monbulk Road. The entiresite has an area of 4,800sqm.This site could potentially becomea second ‘anchor’, serving theeastern end of the town centreand drawing shoppers along theretail strip. Its visibility from PuffingBilly will aid in attracting visitorsinto the town centre. A touristtype mixed use developmentwould be most appropriate,extending the Main Street andengaging with Puffing Billy. Thedevelopment could potentially 5. Key Viewshave a tourism focus and includehotel/backpacker accomodation,information centre, specialtyshops and viewing terraces.The built form response to thissite is critical as it is located on aprominent corner and at the endof an important view line alongBurwood Highway.The heavily treed area to the northplays an important role in markingthe entry into <strong>Belgrave</strong>. The builtform should not pierce the line of1. New Public Plaza 5. Key Views2. New Paving to Match <strong>Town</strong>ship3. New Pedestrian Bridge6. New Pedestrian Crossing4. Reactivated Frontage6. New Pedestrian CrossingiRelocated Tourist InformationPublic PlazaActive FrontageExisting Buildingsthe hillscape when viewed fromstrategic locations along the mainstreet.It is understood that the site iscurrently for sale and may belikely to change uses under a newowner. The site is currently zonedBusiness 3. Council may be ableto negotiate outcomes for the siteduring the rezoning process.Subject SiteUpgraded Pedestrian RealmExisting Pedestrian Realm1. New Public Plaza1. New Public Plaza2. New Paving to Match <strong>Town</strong>ship2. New Paving to Match <strong>Town</strong>ship3. New Pedestrian Bridge to link toPuffing Billy4. Reactivated Frontage4. 5. Reactivated Key Views Frontage6. New Pedestrian CrossingiRelocated Tourist InformationPublic PlazaActive FrontageExisting BuildingsSubject SiteUpgraded Pedestrian RealmExisting Pedestrian RealmBELGRAVE TOWN CENTRE ENHANCEMENT PROJECTKey Site - New <strong>Belgrave</strong> MotorsPoliceStationBuilt form todefine corner5Built edge treatmentas a continuation ofthe Main Street<strong>Town</strong>Park6622<strong>Belgrave</strong>Stationi455To connect towalking / cyclingpath network1New <strong>Belgrave</strong>MotorsSite 54Pedestrian linkto Puffing BillyBELGRAVE TOWN CENTRE ENHANCEMENT PROJECTKey Site - New <strong>Belgrave</strong> MotorsPoliceStation635<strong>Town</strong>ParkViews toPuffing Billyand hills beyondBuilt form todefine cornerProject number1-08-0232Puffing Billy6Station<strong>Belgrave</strong>StationDate generated24-11-08<strong>Belgrave</strong> Final Report - | April 2010 | Page 14622i4Scale1:1000 @

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