See web presentation - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

See web presentation - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

See web presentation - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

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”Nordsjøbølger – bølgekraftverk på Kvitsøys vestside” - Tove Obrestad Manskow - Diplom høst 2009ELECTIVE COURSE:DIPLOMA PROGRAMMING/PRE-DIPLOMAPr<strong>og</strong>ram: «a map», «a task», «a plan», «a goal», «a manifesto»----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.0 The Elective course.The elective course will end up with a passed diploma pr<strong>og</strong>ram.Each student will be evaluated based on the pr<strong>og</strong>ram that is delivered at the end of the semester. Thepr<strong>og</strong>ram must at this moment have been discussed and evolved in collaboration with the studentssupervisor/-sThe diploma is the keystone in an arts & craft and professional oriented education that demandstheoretically understanding and experimental and practical experience at the different institutes.The diploma will give the students opportunity to focus on, and critically investigate the debate oftoday’s architecture and design within the students own defined area.Through the diploma the students can develop and show their theoretically skills, their design skillsand their technical skills in a productive and critical way. And they can show that they govern acomplex and varied pr<strong>og</strong>ram: In this way the students contribute to the profession they soon will be apart of.The intention with the course is to give the students space and time to develop their pr<strong>og</strong>ram for theirdiploma / Master at <strong>AHO</strong>. The students work during the course must lead up to a pr<strong>og</strong>ram that will givethe student a fertile/fruitful and safe framework to develop their diploma within.The teachers are Jonathan Romm, Peter Hemmersam and Magne Magler Wiggen. They function assparring partners and also as discussion partners for the students and the student’s responsiblesupervisors.

” Dynamisk landskap” - Aud Stine Askje <strong>og</strong> Charlotte Hvidevold Hystad - Diplom høst 20092.0 Duration and milestones.The course is taking part during 11 weeks. And is based on self studies, discussions and<strong>presentation</strong>s of suggestions on tasks/pr<strong>og</strong>rams. This will take place t<strong>og</strong>ether with the studentssupervisor, the supervisors group of students and colloquia groups put t<strong>og</strong>ether by the students themself.Main elements are:• Presentation off suggestiones / wishes on topics for diplomas by the institutes.• Lectures / seminars of everyone’s interest suggest as <strong>presentation</strong>s of former diplomas.• Discussion # 1 between students, supervisor, teacher and supervisors group of studentsbased on portfolios and the student’s first suggestion on pr<strong>og</strong>ram.• Further work on the pr<strong>og</strong>ram.• Discussion #. 2 between student, supervisor and teacher based on the student’s secondsuggestion on pr<strong>og</strong>ram.• Further work on the pr<strong>og</strong>ram.• Presentation of final suggestion on pr<strong>og</strong>ram.The course is assessed as pass/fail, by the institute leader and supervisor.The course demand hand ins from the students:2.1 - Discussion & quality check # 1.A discussion t<strong>og</strong>ether with every student, his /hers supervisor and the other students of the supervisor.Before this talk the student must have chosen a supervisor and have a deal with him or her. During thediscussion, the student present thoughts/intentions regarding the diploma work. (max. 500 words. <strong>See</strong>mal) + scetches, fotos, references, referrals.... T<strong>og</strong>ether with a <strong>presentation</strong> of portfolio and CV, thiswill make the frame for the discussion with supervisor, teacher and student group.We have experienced that because of students late choice of supervisors and because somesupervisors have own elective courses and are teaching it can be necessary to change some of thesuggested dates. We do our best to make all meetings schedule at the best for the students and theirsupervisors. The schedule for <strong>presentation</strong>s will be sent out close to the <strong>presentation</strong> day. We kindlyask for understanding of this.2.2 - Discussion & quality check # 2.A discussion with supervisor, teacher and student group. The pr<strong>og</strong>ram must now be on a certain leveland good enough to be worked on further.2.3 - Final Crit.Presentation of the final pr<strong>og</strong>ram in the big auditorium. At the last <strong>presentation</strong> the students areassessed and the pr<strong>og</strong>rams either pass or fail. The reason for changing the pr<strong>og</strong>ram after this datemust be stated in writings in relationship with the supervisor and institute. In the final <strong>presentation</strong>every student usually make a digital <strong>presentation</strong> for a 20 minute vocally <strong>presentation</strong>.

”EQP2 EXCURSION An Electric LSA Amphibian” - Øyvind Roar Berven <strong>og</strong> Tomas Brødreskift - Diplom høst 20093.0 Pr<strong>og</strong>ramming.A pr<strong>og</strong>ram is a preparation work before the diploma.In this period the following must be cleared out:- What is the topic of the diploma?- Who are the students´ supervisors?- What is the relevance of the diploma?- What kind of knowledge must the student have to be able to solve the task?- What kind of problems will be clarified through the diploma work?- In what contexts will the diploma be discussed?- How will the student work to develop the diploma?- What will represent the diploma work (What will be delivered in the end)?If the work is going to be a building, it will be required a listing of the buildings rooms and function´swith an appropriate level of detailing. If there is taken a decision on a site, appropriate information ofthe site must be attached.For certain industrial design tasks, it will be required that specifications of the marked or collaborationwith external partners must be cleared out in the pr<strong>og</strong>ram.The pr<strong>og</strong>ram developed during the course can be a prework for the final diploma, where theframework can be developed through studies of relevant literature and projects that deal with the sametopics or same approach to the problems as will be discussed in the diploma.The diploma pr<strong>og</strong>ramming that the students are given opportunity to work with during this semestermust be understood in the widest range. This is not an ordinary studio or course, but a scheme fromthe school for organised self studies.What the students and their supervisors think can be relevant to dig deeper into before the finaldiploma starts, should be strived to get enlightened and discussed within the framework of the course.The school hope that the students catch this opportunity to by them self define a stand at the entranceto their professional career.The Elective course is put t<strong>og</strong>ether to help the students with: self studies, colloquia’s and discussionst<strong>og</strong>ether with supervisors and teachers within 9 Tuesdays and a 5 days intensive week.

” Vesletunga Fjellstua. Miljøvennlig arkitektur for sårbare fjell-landskap” - Marcus Runesson - Diplom vår 20094.0 Exams and assessment methodsIn order to proceed to their diploma work, students must pass the course.The students will be evaluated where they have their strength, and the following will be focused onduring exams:- Relevance, consistency, context, originality and professionalism.The course is assessed as pass/fail, subject to the Regulations for Master's degree pr<strong>og</strong>rammes at<strong>Oslo</strong> School of Architecture and Design, § 6-14. It is the student’s supervisor t<strong>og</strong>ether with 1 or 2 ofthe teachers at the course and the institute leader that evaluate the final pr<strong>og</strong>ram.Remember:A good pr<strong>og</strong>ram makes a good diploma!- Welcome!- Peter Hemmersam, Jonathan Romm & Magne Magler Wiggen

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