Power Quality Monitoring

Power Quality Monitoring Power Quality Monitoring


3▼Chapter 1Janitza electronics ®The storyJanitza ® electronics GmbH was founded by Mr. Eugen Janitza andMr. Markus Janitza in Lahnau in the year 1986. After EugenJanitza, one of the co-founders, retired from the company, hisson, Markus Janitza, took over as general manager.As a medium-sized family company, Janitza electronics ® GmbHis an important employer in the region with a significantupwards tendency. The management is dedicated to the site inGermany which is testified by the continual, active apprentice -ship schemes for young talents. The complete chain of valuecreation including product development, production and sales isbased in Lahnau and the major expansion of production area atthe beginning of 2007 shows that this will continue to be thecase in the future. Traditional values such as continuity and reliabilityare of great interest to our customers along with innovativetechnology and products together with a rapid, professionalservice.▼

The customersJanitza electronics ® GmbH products are generally of interest to allprofessional consumers of electrical energy. The products fromJanitza electronics ® are already used by 17 companies which arelisted in the German Shares Index (DAX). The most importantcustomers are in the automobile industry, the banking and insurancesector or local councils. The products are used in industry,commercial buildings, by energy suppliers, in airports, supermarkets,universities and in hospitals. However, the use of our productsis also lucrative for smaller companies.Janitza electronics ® GmbH has an export ratio of approximately50% and markets its products in more than 60 countries throughoutthe world.The focusJanitza electronics ® GmbH is a leading global manufacturer inthe field of digital integrated measuring equipment for energydistributors, energy optimisation systems and power qualitysolutions. The products made by Janitza electronics ® are generallyused to reduce energy, maintenance and products costs.Awareness of power quality has gained significance in allcompanies in the past years. Excessive power quality distortionlead to increased wear and tear in all electrical supply equipmentand any connected electrical and electronic loads andcan lead even up to production stoppages. Our measuringinstruments therefore provide essential information aboutinsufficient power quality and hence enable customers to takemeasures for the improvement of power quality problems.This leads to a longer lifespan for equipment and improvedsustainability of the respective investments.The possibility of allocating energy costs to certain products isbecoming more and more important to industrial companies.Janitza electronics ® also has customised solutions for cost centreanalysis.The reduction of expensive peak demand loads and the compensationof reactive power can immediately cut down theelectricity bill.Reflow soldering machine in the PQM device production4

The customersJanitza electronics ® GmbH products are generally of interest to allprofessional consumers of electrical energy. The products fromJanitza electronics ® are already used by 17 companies which arelisted in the German Shares Index (DAX). The most importantcustomers are in the automobile industry, the banking and insurancesector or local councils. The products are used in industry,commercial buildings, by energy suppliers, in airports, supermarkets,universities and in hospitals. However, the use of our productsis also lucrative for smaller companies.Janitza electronics ® GmbH has an export ratio of approximately50% and markets its products in more than 60 countries throughoutthe world.The focusJanitza electronics ® GmbH is a leading global manufacturer inthe field of digital integrated measuring equipment for energydistributors, energy optimisation systems and power qualitysolutions. The products made by Janitza electronics ® are generallyused to reduce energy, maintenance and products costs.Awareness of power quality has gained significance in allcompanies in the past years. Excessive power quality distortionlead to increased wear and tear in all electrical supply equipmentand any connected electrical and electronic loads andcan lead even up to production stoppages. Our measuringinstruments therefore provide essential information aboutinsufficient power quality and hence enable customers to takemeasures for the improvement of power quality problems.This leads to a longer lifespan for equipment and improvedsustainability of the respective investments.The possibility of allocating energy costs to certain products isbecoming more and more important to industrial companies.Janitza electronics ® also has customised solutions for cost centreanalysis.The reduction of expensive peak demand loads and the compensationof reactive power can immediately cut down theelectricity bill.Reflow soldering machine in the PQM device production4

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