Power Quality Monitoring

Power Quality Monitoring Power Quality Monitoring


▼Chapter 5SoftwareGridVisSoftware for grid visualisationThe GridVis software for programming and grid visualisation,which is part of the standard delivery package ofall power meters, enables a simple and complete parameterisationof the power analysers. Customer specificvisualisation of the energy supply is possible with thetopology view. The individual measurement instrumentcan also be operated online using the mouse, if the correspondingdevice supports this feature. Measurementdata can be directly recorded on the PC in online graphs.Furthermore, GridVis offers convenient opportunitiesfor presentation and analysis of historical data from thedatabase. The automatic ring buffer download and integrateddata management has a particular positive effectin medium and large sized projects as data can be storedin various database formats. With the graphical programming,user specific programs can be created for themeasurement instruments families UMG 604, UMG605, UMG 508 and UMG 511.▼Main featuresThe GridVis grid visualisation software enables the following: Visualisation of measurement values Automatic ring buffer readout from the connected measurement instruments Storage of the data in a database Graphical presentation of online measurement values Configurable topology overview with freely selectable register levels Configuration of the measuring instruments Graphical programming of user programs or programming with Jasic ® source code Parameterisation, visualisation, data management and analysis Measurement data analysisApplicationsThe GridVis software has a multitude of applications:The development of extensive energy management systemsVisualisation of energy supplies with the help of a topology viewDocumentation of power quality for freely definable periods of timeAnalysis of the root causes of faultsCost centre management i.e. simple and precise electricity cost calculationStabilisation of energy supply through the alarm function when limit values are exceeded e.g. overvoltage or short-term interruptionImprovement of power quality e.g. harmonic analysis for fault detectionLoad profile analysis e.g. consumption prognosis for electricity contract negotiations149

GridVisProgramming and configurationUsing the software GridVis all power analysers are completely confi -gurable. Any name can be given to the instruments and connectionmode and PTs and CTs ratio values can be set. Trigger values for themeasurement of events and transients, as well as the measurementvalues which are to be stored and their recording intervals are determined.Limit values for the monitoring function of the digital outputs areprogrammed using the comparator or the pulse value for the digitalinputs or outputs is established. The external temperature sensor can beselected. The time server for time synchronisation is also determined. Ifit is necessary to carry out an update on the measuring instruments, thiscan con veniently be done by the software without the instrumenthaving to be dismantled or returned to Janitza. The most recent updatesfor software and instrument firmware are available free of charge atwww.janitza.de.Illustration: Configuration of power analyserUMG 604Online dataThe software GridVis allows an individual collection, reading out and visualisation of online data. The received data of multiplemeasuring points are collected, saved, processed, visualised and provided for further use. All measured values are availablein the mode of online measurement either as a line graph or bar graph. The line graphs are permanently actualised andthe most obsolete data are cancelled. Two scales can be created for two different units per graph. Any number of measurementdata from each unit, including from several measurement instruments, can be observed in the same graph. In the graphs,the indication of transients and events is displayed. The colour of the graphs can be adjusted as required.Illustration: GridVis indication of various online data150

GridVisProgramming and configurationUsing the software GridVis all power analysers are completely confi -gurable. Any name can be given to the instruments and connectionmode and PTs and CTs ratio values can be set. Trigger values for themeasurement of events and transients, as well as the measurementvalues which are to be stored and their recording intervals are determined.Limit values for the monitoring function of the digital outputs areprogrammed using the comparator or the pulse value for the digitalinputs or outputs is established. The external temperature sensor can beselected. The time server for time synchronisation is also determined. Ifit is necessary to carry out an update on the measuring instruments, thiscan con veniently be done by the software without the instrumenthaving to be dismantled or returned to Janitza. The most recent updatesfor software and instrument firmware are available free of charge atwww.janitza.de.Illustration: Configuration of power analyserUMG 604Online dataThe software GridVis allows an individual collection, reading out and visualisation of online data. The received data of multiplemeasuring points are collected, saved, processed, visualised and provided for further use. All measured values are availablein the mode of online measurement either as a line graph or bar graph. The line graphs are permanently actualised andthe most obsolete data are cancelled. Two scales can be created for two different units per graph. Any number of measurementdata from each unit, including from several measurement instruments, can be observed in the same graph. In the graphs,the indication of transients and events is displayed. The colour of the graphs can be adjusted as required.Illustration: GridVis indication of various online data150

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