Untitled - Haliburton County Community Cooperative Inc

Untitled - Haliburton County Community Cooperative Inc

Untitled - Haliburton County Community Cooperative Inc

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5.0 ConclusionThis report is far from conclusive and is meant to allow for a basis for which future studies can be basedupon. Many area specific studies are lacking and this should be considered in the future for devisingmore accurate figures and estimates. What is apparent is that the recreational fishing industry ofEcoregion 5E and Muskoka is a multimillion dollar industry of great importance to the region. Oftenoverlooked are the ecostystem services that allow for the recreational industry to continue and thrive.Their healthy continuation is ultimately worth the profits of entire industry and breaking it down to acomponent basis we begin to see how they are often intertwined and complex. The monetary values wehave estimated for various services within this report need to be maintained as failure to do so will havedrastic economic consequences.36

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