Stan Crothers & Lindie Nelson

Stan Crothers & Lindie Nelson Stan Crothers & Lindie Nelson
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Building capacity for successfulfisheries RBM<strong>Stan</strong> <strong>Crothers</strong> & <strong>Lindie</strong> <strong>Nelson</strong>Sunday, July 10, 2011

Successful RBMEnvironmental outcomesEconomic valueSpecification ofRightsAllocation..... necessary but not sufficient for successful RBMSunday, July 10, 2011

System IntegritySuccessful RBMInvestmentHard work.. AND essential to realise value of RBMSunday, July 10, 2011

Ensuring integrity of RBM• Why is investment important?• What capacity is needed?• Why is it hard?Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why important?• Management measures are not enough ... theymust be implemented• To generate value rights must be underpinnedby a credible management regimeSunday, July 10, 2011

Current deliveryRFMOSet Management MeasuresMembersImplement MeasuresNo accountabilitymechanisms... need a ‘step-change’ in managementSunday, July 10, 2011

Implementation decisions• What management services are needed?• How to ensure performance?• How should services be delivered?• Who pays?Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011What services are needed?

What services are needed?Fisheries Management regimePolicy &planningFisheriesAdministrationComplianceScienceSunday, July 10, 2011

What services are needed?Fisheries Management regimePolicy &planningFisheriesAdministrationComplianceScienceMCSSunday, July 10, 2011

MCS Services• VMS• Registry management• Transhipment monitoring• AuditSunday, July 10, 2011

MCS Services• Observers• Surveillance• Reporting• Inspection• ProsecutionSunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011Aligned MCS services

Sunday, July 10, 2011What capacity investment is needed?

What capacity investment is needed?RBMRegimeServiceSpecificationsInformationSystemsBusinessProcessesCompetentPeopleSunday, July 10, 2011

What capacity investment is needed?RBMRegimeServiceSpecificationsInformationSystemsBusinessProcessesCompetentPeopleSunday, July 10, 2011

Ensuring performancePerformancerequirementsReportingAuditsConsequencesSunday, July 10, 2011

Delivery decisions• Centralised or distributed?• Within RFMO or integratedwith other RFMOs?• Government or private sector provider?• Mixed model may be bestSunday, July 10, 2011

Delivery examples• CCSBT- Distributed delivery- Moving to establish minimum performance requirementsSunday, July 10, 2011

Delivery examples• PNA VDS- Centralised, contracted VMS and registries (soon)- Distributed compliance servicesSunday, July 10, 2011

Who pays?• Should Members pay?- Or should industry participants pay?- … think about incentivesSunday, July 10, 2011

Who pays?Where possibly industry should payThey drive the need for the service...Vessel RegistrationObserver ServicesResearchSunday, July 10, 2011

Why is it hard?• Need to re-think nature of systems• Accountability must be real• RFMOs need to be granted, and exercise,authoritySunday, July 10, 2011

Conclusion• RBM works – but if you want the benefits youmust invest• Investing in fisheries management capacity isessential to realise value of RBM• If not willing to make this investment, RBM willnot succeed – not worth startingSunday, July 10, 2011

Your choiceRBMHigh investmentHigh returnsStatus quoLow costLow benefitSunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

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