S PEEDINCREASINGDRIVESfire pumpshydraulic powerelectric power

S <strong>PEED</strong><strong>INCREASING</strong><strong>DRIVES</strong>fire pumpshydraulic powerelectric power

N ORGEAR FI - FI 1DEDICATED FIRE- PUMP <strong>DRIVES</strong>NORGEAR GEARBOXESFOR FI-FI 1 FIRE PUMPSSingle input/single output gearboxes with built-inoil operated clutch providing a compact layout.Type FVEC-280 with vertical offset shafts.Type 2FGEC-280 with horizontal offsetshafts. Standard torque capacities 7500 –10200 Nm. Standard speed increasingratios available.In addition to the speed increasing gearbox,the NORGEAR drive package can includethe highly flexible input coupling, outputcoupling and clutch control/alarm panel.The design complies with the requirements ofall the major Classification Societies and equipmentwould be built under Survey.Gearboxes can be equipped with idler shafts tosuit the configuration/rotation of the propulsionengines and fire pumps, please contact our designdepartment for your specific proposal.

T HE RANGE OF NORGEARFI - FI <strong>DRIVES</strong> ALSO INCLUDESNORGEAR HYDRAULICCLUTCH UNITSFree standing selfcontained oil operated clutch.Application where engine speed and fire pumpspeed are compatible, usually 1500 to 2100 RPM.Standard range 1250 - 45000 Nm.Norgear type:NKHU-15000NORGEAR MULTI-CLUTCHFI - FI 1 <strong>DRIVES</strong>Norgear type:6FGCC-390Combination gearbox providing separateclutched drives for fire pumps, deck machinerypumps, cooling pumps and shaft alternators,with continously driven or clutched shafts.Ensuring fire fighting and towing capabilityavailable in a black out condition.NORGEARFI - FI II & III <strong>DRIVES</strong>Norgear type:FVC-450This highly rated fire fighting duty can besatisfied with either a single output dedicated firepump drive gearbox or a combination gearboxfor Fi - Fi II or III pump and alternator.

N ORGEAR MARINE TRANSMISSIONSMEMBER OF THEKUMERA CORPORATIONKumera A/S has been a member of the Kumeracorporation since 1979 bringing together 50 yearsexperience of marine installations with themodern manufacturing facilities of the Group.The Sandefjord plant is the centre of Kumera’smarine transmissions activities including design,assembly, sales and service of NORGEAR gearboxesand hydraulic clutch units.Auxiliary drives from the fore-end of mainpropulsion engines represents a major part of theproduction and can be broadly sub-divided into:Dedicated fire pump drives in the form ofspeed increasing gearboxes or free standinghydraulic clutch units where standardisationallows serial production thus lowering costs andminimising delivery time.Special designs for multi-shaft gearboxesgiving combinations of fire pump/alternator ordeck machinery pump and or cooling pumpdrives, where a close liaison with the customercan result in an optimum solution.Manufacture in Kumera Oy in accordance withISO 9001 is certified by Det Norske Veritas.Kumera provides a 24 hour Service and SpareParts operation from Sandefjord and designatedstockists in our major markets.Other transmission products include rightangle gearboxes, vertical shaft gearboxes andhydraulic clutches for thruster and azimuthpropeller drive.A R E A R E P R E S E N T A T I V E :Kumera ASP.O.Box 2043N-3202 SandefjordNORWAYKumera Drives OyKumerankatu 2Fin-11100 RiihimäkiFINLANDDesign og trykk: BK Grafiske as // 2003

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