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<strong>AgriManipur</strong> Volume 1, Issue 1Contd from page 3…………………………………………………. HAPPENINGSArum cultivation takes over paddy in WainemAugust 9, 2011. With cultivationof Arum turning out to be moreprofitable than paddy, the farmersin Wainem village of Senapatidistrict have taken to Arum cultivationin a big way. The hill cliffof the village where traditionallyPaddy used to be cultivated havebeen taken over by Arum todaywith farmers earning a minimumof Rs 46,000 from cultivation ofArum over one Sangam of land.Secretary of Rani Gaidinliu SHGMajasilui explained that initiallywomenfolk of the village formed10 SHGs and as beneficiaries ofthe World Vision of India membersof these SHGs started cultivationof Arum over 4 Paris ofland with the seeds providedfrom the side of World Vision ofIndia. Majasilui further informedthat around 1200 to 1300 kg ofArum is normally produced fromone Sangam of land and fromselling them at the minimum rateof Rs 30 per kg, one can earnedaround Rs 46,000 very easily.Source : Sangai ExpressDo you know?Root of arum is used forc o l d s a n d s w e l l i n g(inflammation) of the throat.It is also used to promotesweating and to loosen chestcongestion. However itssafety is an area of concern.Some varieties are poisonous.Source: www.webmd.comChilli variety brings pride to Ukhrul villageAugust 31 2011: Around 5tonne of Chillies have beenproduced in the 2nd HatheiPhanit (Chilli festival) whichwas held at Sirarakhong villagewith the stated objective ofpromoting a variety of Chillygrown in the village which isknown for its taste and look.Sirarakhong village is locatedaround 60 kms from Imphal,close to the road connectingMahadeva and Pfuzero viaTolloi under Ukhrul district.It is said that the cultivation ofthe particular Chilli varietyfound in the village startedsince the days of yore by theforefathers of the villagers andthey still continue with thepractice reaping rich dividendyear after year.Unfortunately, major chunk ofthe production could not reachthe markets at Imphal on accountof the deplorable roadcondition.In such a situation, the Chilliesproduced in Sirarakhong village istaken to neighbouring Nagalandand other States including Assamwhere there is great demand. Duringthe 2nd Hathei Phanit whichwas underway at the village today,many people who understand thequality of the Chilli variety turnedup from different parts of the Stateto make purchases of the Chilli andits products made from it to theirhearts' content.Source : Sangai ExpressIntelligent Advisory System for Farmers (IASF) launchedPage 15August 11 2011: IntelligentAdvisory System for Farmers(IASF), an expert advisorysystem for answering queriesrelated to farming activitiescarried out in North EastStates of India, was launchedat Agriculture Directorate,Sanjenthong today. Thelaunching function was gracedby Agriculture Director L Palendro,CAU Department ofAgronomy Prof L Nabachandraand AgricultureJoint Director O Nobo aschief guest, guest of honourand president respectively.Through inter<strong>net</strong>, the IASFwould provide expert adviceregarding farming activitiesand associated problems.Thesystem supports languages likeManipuri, Assamese, Mizo,Bangali, Khasi etc. The systemwould also provide a platformfor knowledge sharing by experts,students and farmers throughdiscussion forums. Experts can alsosend alerts and useful informationto farmers from time to time. TheIASF was installed with mo<strong>net</strong>aryfrom the Ministry of Communicationand IT, and necessary data andinformation would be uploaded bythe Centre for Development ofAdvance Computing.Source : Sangai Express

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