August 2010 Issue [File Type: PDF, ~3.45 MB] - Heavy Engineering ...

August 2010 Issue [File Type: PDF, ~3.45 MB] - Heavy Engineering ... August 2010 Issue [File Type: PDF, ~3.45 MB] - Heavy Engineering ...


SÛe.F&.meer.heefjJeejISO 9001:2008ie=n heef$ekeâe Deiemle 2010Glheeokeâlee nsleg heÇefleyeæleeCommitted to Productivity

SÛe.F&.meer.heefjJeejISO 9001:2008ie=n heef$ekeâe Deiemle <strong>2010</strong>Glheeokeâlee nsleg heÇefleyeæleeCommitted to Productivity

mecheeokeâceb[ueheefjJeejDevegieÇn PeeJejerÙe GheceneheÇyebOekeâ (cee.meb.)Pkesâ.[er. efmebncegKÙe DeewÅeesefiekeâ DeefYeÙevleePosJejepe efovesMeJe. Ghe ceneheÇyebOekeâ (heæefle)Poerhekeâ efmevneJe. Ghe ceneheÇyebOekeâ (Deej.heer.[er)PSme. megyeÇceefveÙeceJe. Ghe ceneheÇyebOekeâ (pevemecheke&â)PmebpeÙe efmevneJe.heÇ. (efJehe)Pmebieerlee efmevneheÇ. (keâe.)/ceg.PefMeyet pee@veheÇ. (efJeòe)/ceg.DeOÙe#e keâer keâuece mes ........................efheÇÙe menkeâefce&Ùees,SÛeF&meer heefjJeej kesâ ceeOÙece mes Deehekeâes mebyeesefOele keâjles ngS Deheej n

heefjJeejguest at the Birsa Munda Airport, Ranchi on his arrival.Following a colourful guard of honour and a treeplantation at HEC Headquarter, Shri G K Pillai, CMD,HEC made a presentation on the turnaround of theCorporation before the esteemed guest, highlighting theachievments of the Corporation. He was then, shownaround the plants by Shri G K Pillai, CMD accompanied byShri S K Chaudhary, Director (Production); Shri BharatPrasad, Director (Marketing); Shri R Misra, Director (Finance)and senior officials of the Corporation. Shri B S Meena, IAS,Secretary <strong>Heavy</strong> Industries, took keen interest in the workingof the organization and the range of products manufacturedduring his visit to the facilities at H<strong>MB</strong>P, FFP and HMTP. Inhis address to the management, the dignitary applauded themanagement and congratulated the team for showing goodresults. Concluding his first visit to the Corporation,Presentation at the Conference Hall, in progressThe Board for Reconstruction of Public Sector Enterprises(BRPSE) was established in December 2004 as an advisorybody to advise the Government on the strategies, measuresand schemes related to strengthening, modernizing, revivingand restructuring of Public Sector Enterprises.The Corporation had the privelege of extending a warmwelcome to Smt. Stuti Kacker, IAS, Secretary, BRPSE andShri V K Jindal Director, BRPSE during their visit to thepremises on 10th May <strong>2010</strong>.Smt. Stuti Kacker in the rank of Additional Secretary to theGovernment of India and Shri V K Jindal were received atthe Headquarter by the Directors of the Corporation. It wasfollowed by a brief tree plantation ceremony at Headquarters,presentation and visit to the three units of the Corporation.A brief about the Company, were highlighted during thepresentation by Shri G K Pillai, CMD, HEC Ltd. He said thatthe company has crossed a turnover of Rs. 500 crore in avery short span.Shri GK Pillai, CMD, briefieng the Secretary during his visit at Conference Hall HeadquartersShri B S Meena, IAS, said that the turnaround has beenachieved under the able leadership of Shri G K Pillai, CMD,and the Corporation has a great future.Visit of Secretary, Board for Reconstruction of Public Sector Enterprises (BRPSE)During this session, the BRPSE team, took note of the progressof HEC and expressed satisfaction over its performance.Smt. Stuti Kacker said that HEC was being looked upon as arole model among most of the companies which have comeout of the BIFR. It had many openings ahead to grow andenter into new fields as well.Smt. Stuti Kacker, IAS, Secretary BRPSE provided veryvaluable inputs and suggested measures to bring inprofessionalism into the organisation. The meeting withthe management was attended by CMD, Directors, GM’s andsenior officials of the Corporation. Before departure, Smt.Stuti Kacker gave her impression in the visitors book, whichnot only encourages us but also boosts up our morale. Shewrote “During my visit to HEC, I was very impressed by thededication & enthusiasm of the HEC management, engineers& workers. No wonder after seeing such hard times thecompany has started making profits for the last three years.I wish it all the best. I am sure that not only will the upwardgrowth path continue, the company will be able to become amajor player in the section. Please keep it up”.Shri G K Pillai, CMD, HEC driving home a point to Smt. Stuti Kacker.The team from HMT-MTL at HMTPA Memorandum of Understanding was signed between<strong>Heavy</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> Corporation Limited, Ranchi (HEC)and HMT Machine Tools Ltd (HMT-MTL) on 09.04.<strong>2010</strong>at New Delhi. Shri G K Pillai, CMD, HEC Ltd andShri A V Kamat, Chairman and Managing Director, HMTLtd signed the MOU in the presence of Shri VilasraoDeshmukh, Hon’ble Union Minister for <strong>Heavy</strong> Industriesand Public Enterprises. Other dignitaries present onthis occasion were Shri B S Meena, IAS, Secretary, <strong>Heavy</strong>Industries. Shri Harbhajan Singh, IAS, Joint Secretary, <strong>Heavy</strong>Industries. Shri Hemchandra Babu, MD, HMT-MTL andShri S K Chaudhary, Director, Production, HEC Ltd.Joining together of HEC Ltd. and HMT-MTL, will make itthe largest Machine Tools manufacturer in the countrywith the capability to design, manufacture and supply awide range of machine tools and offer total solution tocustomers. There will be a geographic expansion of marketand increase in product line. It will help in achieving abetter position to face competition both at domestic andinternational levels and also improve the export business.It would establish HEC Ltd as one of the world’s premiercompany in the machine tools field.The HEC team, led by CMD, Shri G K Pillai, visited theHMT- Machine Tools Ltd. at Bengaluru from 15th to17th April, <strong>2010</strong> and had a very successful deliberationwith the HMT team under the leadership of itsChairman, and Managing Director, Shri A V Kamath andShri V Hemachandra Babu Managing Director.After visiting the works of HMT Ltd at Bengaluru,Shri G K Pillai, CMD, HEC, said that “it was the first levelof talks between the two managements. Efforts are beingmade to explore the possibility of synergy between thetwo companies so that both would be benefited”. Hefurther added that, “the combined entity could potentiallyHEC And HMT-MTL Join HandsheefjJeejbecome one of the country's “high performance”, PublicSector Undertakings.”Shri A V Kamath, Chairman and Managing Director,HMT Ltd, Mr. V Hemachandra Babu, Managing Director,and Shri K H Suresh Director, (Technology) andShri S C Gupta, GM (Marketing) from HMT MachineTools Ltd along with Shri H Bhattacharjee, RegionalManager, Kolkata, subsequently visited Ranchi on 17thand 18th May, <strong>2010</strong>.They had a first hand knowledgeof the Corporation by seeing the facilities and productsat FFP, H<strong>MB</strong>P and HMTP and held discussions with themanagement.Shri R Misra, Director (Finance) HEC Ltd visited thefacilities of HMT-MTL, Bengaluru on 25th & 26thMay <strong>2010</strong> and held discussions to take a final callon the financial aspects. Shri K. H. Suresh, Director(Technology), Shri S.C. Gupta, GM (Marketing) andShri Vikas Goyal, (Company Secretary), representingHMT-MTL, dwelt at length into the financial aspectsof the Company. A lot of progress has been madewith these visits and interactions between both theCompanies before finalizing the salient features ofthe report to be submitted to Union <strong>Heavy</strong> IndustryMinistry subsequently.In order to synergize its strength in the field of MachineTool Manufacturing and Marketing HEC Ltd looks forwardto a very fruitful alliance with HMT Machine Tools Ltd.The Corporation envisions emergence of a conglomeratewith a wide & diversified product range with the signingof MOU with HMT Machine Tools Limited. This wouldlead both the Company’s Engineers and Employeesto create a Brand Equity symbolizing production andsupply of smallest to largest size machine tools from asingle source for the country.The dignitaries in the shop floor at H<strong>MB</strong>P4All Circulars, Orders, Memorandum, Resolutions etc. should be issued in Bilingual Form i.e. in Hindi & English.It is the responsibility of Signing Authority to ensure that these are issued bilingually, i.e., in Hindi & English.5

heefjJeejA Tributemebleg°: meleleb Ùeesieer Ùeleelcee ÂÌ{efveMÛeÙe:~ceÙÙed Deefhe&leceveesyegefæjd Ùees ceÆkeäle: me ces efheÇÙe:~~heefjJeejThe Bhagavad Gita, 12:14.Lord Krishna says that one who has the quality of a Yogiand who is ever content, self-controlled, firmly resolved,whose mind concentrates and whose mind and intellectualis surrendered to Me, that Devotee is dear to Me. So waslate Shri M R Venugopal former Director (Personnel) dearto all of us as well.20th May, <strong>2010</strong> was indeed a very sad day for all theemployees of the Corporation, when they got the news thatShri M R Venugopal, Director (Personnel), was no more.Losing him was more painful and saddening because theemployees had known him for over 3 years since he joinedthe Corporation on 1st March, 2007 as Director (Personnel)and was due to superannuate on 30th June <strong>2010</strong>.Late Shri M R Venugopal had a very successfulShri M. R. Venugopal (5th June 1950 to 20th May <strong>2010</strong>)academic and professional career. He graduatedfrom Madras University in 1972, completed PG inSocial work in 1975 and went to specialize in Labour Welfare and Personnel Management. He joined as a PersonnelOfficer in Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Kothagundem on 2nd February 1977 and worked for it till February1982. Then he rendered his services in Sponge Iron India Limited, as Asst. Manager (P & A) and Bharat DynamicsLimited, as Sr. Manager (P & IR) both based in Hyderabad from 1982 to 1994. He rose to the rank of Chief Manager inHindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bengaluru, joining on July 1994 where he worked till 1996. There was no stoppage in hiscareer growth since then, as he became a Deputy General Manager (P & A) in Tamil Nadu Telecommunications Limited,Chennai, which he served from May 1996 till November 1998. A quantum jump came for him when he joined BharatEarth Movers Limited, Kolar Gold Fields as General Manager (HR) in November 1998 and got promoted as Chief GeneralManager (HR) on July 2002. He was appointed as Chief General Manager (HR) in Bharat Earth Movers Limited, CorporateOffice, in Bengaluru in April 2005, which he served till February 2007 after having left Bharat Earth Movers Limited, KolarGold Fields in April 2005.His unique blend of Public and Private Sector exposure of Managing Business and Human Resources in different positionsand in diverse industries proved to be a big asset for the Corporation. His contribution to the growth was visible asimprovements came in almost all areas whether in Personnel, or Town Administration or Plant Hospital or augmentingProduction facilities in the plants. He graciously shared his past experiences of the various organizations he had workedfor and mentored all those who were in working relationship with him towards solutions. He would make sure to drivehis points home and took the liberty of firing a few shots at them, as well, whenever needed.Late Shri M R Venugopal was highly conscious of his role as a Personnel Head. His constant spelling out of new andinnovative ideas and practices in the field of administration and personnel, clarity in policies and procedures broughtabout remarkable changes in the discipline, work culture, training and development, improving facilities and productivityin the organization. He became a very sort after personality as he fully immersed himself and implemented schemesrelated to the employees and their family welfare, brought in improvements in the plant hospital and township. He livedin a very simple style, loved flowers, gardening, walking, golfing and driving. He is survived by his wife Smt. M R Sujatha& daughter Miss M V Pratyusha who is currently doing her DMS degree course in Bengaluru.We as an entire HEC collective, sincerely pray to the Almighty to give inner strength and peace to the family membersof Late M R Venugopal to bear and overcome this irreparable loss. Our greatest tribute to the departed soul would be tomake his cherished dream of HEC becoming a Rs. 3000 Crore company a reality by following his enduring virtues.6 7keâneR mes Yeer heÇehle efnvoer he$eeW kesâ Gòej, efnvoer ceW efoS peeves ÛeeefnÙes~All communications received in Hindi from anywhere should invariably be replied to in Hindi.

heefjJeejßeæemegcevens JesCegieesheeue peneB nQ,ßeæemegceve ÛeÌ{elee ntB~Deuhe meceÙe ceW SÛe.F&.meer keâes,veF& efoMee efoKeueeF& nw~hes-efjJee[& keâes ueekeâj henues,ßeefcekeâeW keâe keâuÙeeCe efkeâÙee~meceÙe yeælee cetue ceb$e nw,Fmekeâe meyekeâes %eeve efoÙee~yeouee nw Fefleneme nceeje,vee nce Fmes YegueeÙeWies~veece jnsiee meoe Decej Deye,veJe Fefleneme yeveeÙeWies~ns JesCegieesheeue peneB nQ,Deheves DeeefMe

heefjJeejUpdate on HEC Project DivisionHEC Project Division is presently executing 3 Projects for SAIL on a Turnkey basis :• Ore Handling Plant at BSP / Bhilai valued at Rs. 202 Crs.• Coal Handling Plant at BSP / Bhilai valued at Rs. 492 Crs.• Raw Material Handling Plant at RSP / Rourkela valued at Rs. 735 Crs.Design & <strong>Engineering</strong> work for all these Projects are nearing completion. It is being done completelyin house. Civil & Structural Works for Ore Handling Plant at BSP and Raw Material Handling Plant atRSP is also at its final stage of completion. Delivery of Mechanical & Electrical Equipments at site havestarted.Apart from above, HEC has been awarded the work of Madhuband Coal Washery Project, forBCCL valued at Rs. 262 Crores.Attempts are being made by HEC Project Division for entering into Coal Handling Projects for Power Plants.HEC Pragati Cup - Beginning of a new era!An exciting Inter City CPSU Volley Ball Tournament was organizedby the Corporation from 3rd to 6th May, <strong>2010</strong> at J.N. Club premises.The winners and runners up cup was termed as “HEC Pragati Cup”,keeping in view the progress and profits earned by the Corporationover the period of last four years. The tournament gave a fantasticopportunity to the participating CPSU’s to showcase their talentsand skills in games as well. The tournament drew in teams fromMECON, R&D (SAIL), CET (SAIL), CCL, CMPDIL & Bokaro Steel Ltd(BSL) besides HEC being the host.Late M R Venugopal, the then Director (Personnel), HECinaugurated the tournament on 3rd May, <strong>2010</strong> amidst cheers andapplause at J.N. Club Premises. Expressing his happiness, he saidthat participation in tournaments was a sign of togetherness andbrotherhood amongst CPSUs. He further stated that sports andother welfare activities would be given special consideration inH R Initiative programme. He welcomed all the teams with theirCaptains and Coaches. Shri A K Ghosh, Director, Commercial,MECON appreciated the initiative of the Corporation to bringthe CPSUs based in Jharkhand together for the tournament aftera long gap.The tournament was conducted on a knock-out basis amongthe seven teams. The Jharkhand State Volley Ball Associationhad provided qualified referees of National and Internationallevel repute.heefjJeejThe final game was played between the BSL & HEC team on6th May, <strong>2010</strong>. Shri G K Pillai, CMD, HEC graced the occasionas the Chief Guest. The winner trophy “HEC Pargati Cup”, wasawarded to BSL, the winning team and the Runner Up Trophyto HEC team by Shri G K Pillai, CMD, HEC Ltd. Addressing thegathering, Shri G K Pillai appreciated the effort taken by theorganizing committee and suggested to organize such activitieson a regular basis. He congratulated the CISF/HEC Unit forproviding assistance to the tournament organizer. Besides,Late M R Venugopal, Director, (Personnel), Shri S K Chaudhury,Director, (Production) and a large no of Sr Officers and employeeswere present during the occasion.The tournament, organized after a long gap was a greatsuccess in terms of participation and enthusiasm shown bythe employees, teams and citizens. Watching the players of theteams battling for the coveted “HEC Pragati Cup”, during thefour day tournament reminded one, of the famous words ofSir Ralph Waldo Emerson :-“Every great and commandingmovement in the annals of theworld is due to the triumphof enthusiasm.”CMD's visit to ‘Raw Material Handling Project being executed by<strong>Heavy</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> Corporation Ltd. on Turnkey basis at RSP, Rourkela.Young AchieversSÛe.F&.meer. "skeâe cepeotj kesâ heg$e PeejKeC[ jepÙe kesâhejer#ee heefjCeece 10±2 keâer cesefjš metÛeer ceWFvšjcesef[Ùeš keâer hejer#ee ceW SÛe.F&.meer. "skeâe cepeotj hej keâeÙe&jle ßeer kesâ.[er.heÇmeeo kesâ heg$e ßeer DepeÙe kegâceej ves meeFËme ceW74.9 heâermeoer Debkeâ heÇehle efkeâÙee nw~ DepeÙekegâceej keâes DebieÇspeer, jmeeÙeve Deewj Yeeweflekeâer MeeŒeceW ef[efmšbkeäMemeve efceues nQ~ Jen DeeF&.DeeF&.šer.keâj FbpeerefveÙej yevevee Ûeenlee nw~SÛe.F&.meer. heefjJeej keâer Deesj mes ßeer DepeÙe keâesGppeJeue YeefJe

12heefjJeejOejleerheg$e ßeer megoerhe eflekeâer& mes Keeme yeeleWmebIe

heefjJeejFve efoveeW SÛe.F&.meer. Demheleeue Oeerjs-Oeerjs lej×e¹er keâer jen hej DeieÇmej nw~1) E.E.G. (F.F.peer.) ceMeerve - Fmekeâe hetje veece Fueskeäš^es FvkesâheâeueesieÇece nw~ Ùen ceMeerve DeYeer neue ner ceW Fme Demheleeue ceW ueeÙee ieÙeenw Ùen DeeOegefvekeâlece megefJeOee mes uewme nw~ Fme ceMeerve mes efoceeie ceW nesvesJeeueer efyeceeefjÙeeW keâes osKee peelee nw~ Fme ceMeerve mes keâF& cejerpe ueeYeeeqvJelengÙes nQ~2) [erefpešue F.meer.peer ceMeerve - Ùen ceMeerve F.meer.peer. ceMeerve keâe SkeâDeeOegefvekeâ he nw~ Fme ceMeerve mes ùoÙe keâer ieefle kesâ yeejerefkeâÙeeW keâe Yeerhelee ueieeÙee peelee nw~3) Jeeleevegkegâefuele Dee@hejsMeve efLeÙesšj - Deepe kesâ leejerKe ceW Fme Demheleeuekeâe Dee@hejsMeve efLeSšj hetCe&hesCe Jeeleevegketâefuele nw, Fmemes mebkeâÇceCe keâermecYeeJevee keâeheâer keâce nes ieF& nw~4) cesef[keâue keâe@uespe - cesef[keâue keâe@uespe Keesueves kesâ keÇâce ceW Yeer ÙenDemheleeue keâeheâer Deeies yeÌ{ Ûegkeâe nw~ PeejKeC[ mejkeâej mes Sve.Dees.meer.yeeefjMe kesâ ceewmece ceW DeeBKeeW keâer GefÛele osKeYeeueyeeefjMe kesâ ceewmece ceW DeeBKeeW kesâ jesie yeÌ{ peeles nQ~ DeeBKeeW keâer heÇeflejesOekeâ #eceleeceW Üeme Fvekeâe cegKÙe keâejCe nw~ Fme ceewmece ceW nesves Jeeues jesie, Gvekesâ IejsuetGheÛeej, meeJeOeeefveÙeeB SJeb Gvekesâ efÛeefkeâlmeerÙe GheÛeej efvecveefueefKele nQ :jesie :1. heuekeâeW keâe DeÛeevekeâ hetâuevee, ueeue nesvee, oo& osvee, heerye efvekeâuevee,Ùes mebkeÇâceCe (mšeF&) kesâ ue#eCe nQ~2. heuekeâeW kesâ efkeâveejs DelÙeefOekeâ Kegpeueer, huesheâjeFefšme keâe ue#eCe nw~3. DeeBKeeW keâe ueeue nesvee, oo& osvee, Kegpeueer keâjvee, heuekeâeW keâe DeehemeceW mešvee, DeeBKeeW mes ieboieer efvekeâuevee, DelÙeefOekeâ DeeBmet yenvee, jesMeveerkeâe ÛeeQefOeÙeevee Ùes meye kebâpebefkeäšJeeFefšme kesâ ue#eCe nw~ (DeeBKe kesâ mehesâoYeeie kesâ Ghej keâer heleueer efPeuueer keâes kebâpebkeäšeFJee keânles nQ)DeeBKe kesâ Fve YeeieeW kesâ mebkeÇâceCe (JewkeäšerefjÙeue, JeeFjue, heâbieue Deeefo) ÙeeSuepeer& mes Ùes jesie nesles nQ~meeceevÙe meeJeOeeefveÙeeB/Iejsuet GheÛeej :1. efveÙeefcele keâce mes keâce 7-8 Iebšs meesSb~2. heÇefleefove DeeBKeeW keâes meeheâ "b[s heeveer mes 2-3 yeej OeesSb~3. keâe@mecesefškeäme, keâepeue FlÙeeefo ve ueieeSB~4. DebiegefueÙeeB SJeb veeKetve meeheâ jKeW, neLe meeyegve mes OeesSB~5. Dehevee ceeue, leewefueÙee meeheâ SJeb Deueie jKeW~6. leeueeye, mJeerefcebie hetue ceW ve veneSB~7. YeerÌ[-YeeÌ[ kesâ mLeeve hej keâce mes keâce jnW~8. GefÛele heeJej kesâ ÛeMces Ùee Oethe ÛeMcee henveW~9. yesyeer MeQhet, Sbšer-[wC[^heâ MeQhet, efue[mkeÇâye yuesheâjeFefšme ceWueeYekeâejer nw~Demheleeue meceeÛeejYeer efceue ieF& nw SJeb jeBÛeer efJeMJeefJeÅeueeÙe Yeer Sve.Dees.meer. osves keâes lewÙeejnw~ cesef[keâue keâe@uespe Kegueles ner Fme Demheleeue keâer efieveleer Yeejle kesâ yeÌ[sDemheleeueeW ceW nesves ueiesieer~5) B.Sc. veefm&ebie keâe@uespe - Jewmes lees Fme Demheleeue ceW G.N.M. (GeneralNursing and Midwifery) keâer heÌ{eF& keâF& meeueeW mes nes jner nw~nj meeue 20 heÇefMe#eg Úe$eeDeeW keâe veeceebkeâve neslee nw~ uesefkeâve Deye SÛe.F&.meer. heÇyebOeve ves B.Sc. veefm&ebie keâe@uespe Keesueves keâe efveCe&Ùe efueÙee nw~ FmemecyebOe ceW Skeâ keâcesšer Yeer ieef"le nes ieF&~ Fme keâe@uespe keâe Yeer Sve.Dees.meer. PeejKeC[ mejkeâej mes efueÙee pee Ûegkeâe nw~ peuo ner efJeMJeefJeÅeeueÙe mesceevÙelee efceueves keâer Gcceero nw~Fme lejn Ùen Demheleeue efvejblej Deheveer cebefpeue keâer Deesj yeÌ{ jne nw~[e@ Sce.yeer. efmevneheÇYeejer F.Sve.šer., heefjÛeeefjkeâe SJeb DevÙe mesJee10. keâevšskeäš ueWme ve henves, ves$e efÛeefkeâlmekeâ mes hejeceMe& ueW~11. efkeâmeer Yeer heefjefmLeefle ceW mšerjeF[ DeeF& [^ime Ùee ceuence keâe Fmlesceeueve keâjW~12. DeeBKeeW keâer "b[er meWkeâ Sueefpe&keâ kebâpebefkeäšJeeFefšme ceW ueeYekeâejer nw(heÇefleefove 3-4 yeej)~13. DeeBKeeW keâer iece& meWkeâ mšeF& ceW ueeYekeâejer nw~ (heÇefleefove 3-4 yeej)~Fme lejn Deehe mJeÙeb Deheveer DeeBKeeW keâer osKeYeeue SJeb otmejeW keâes mebkeÇâefcelenesves mes yeÛee mekeâles nQ~DeeBKeeW kesâ efJe

heefjJeejHEC Team WelcomesSl. No. Name Place of posting1. Shri J. Murali Mohan Das, SDGM/PPC PPC/H<strong>MB</strong>P2. Shri Ramjee, Sr. M/HR (P&A)/H<strong>MB</strong>P3. Shri A.K. Mahapatra Sr. M/HR (P&A)/HQ4. Shri Prabhakar Sharma, Sr. M/Design RPD/HMTP5. Shri Ish Gupta, M/Mktg. Mktg./H<strong>MB</strong>P6. Shri Tanmoy Ghosh, Dy. M/Law Legal/HQ7. Shri Sanjay Kr. Singh, AM/PR PR/HQ8. Ms. Tanu Prasad, AM (Civil) RPD/H<strong>MB</strong>P9. Ms. Anjana Nidhi, AM (Civil) Corp. Mktg./HQ10. Shri Gunda Naga Raghuram, AM/Civil Project11. Dr. Rabina Surin, GDMO Gr-II Medical/Div.12. Dr. Shashi Kant Mishra, GDMO Gr-II Medical Div.13. Dr. Bipul Kumar, GDMO, Gr-II Medical Div.New Recruitsveejerveejer kesâ yeÛeheve keâe hemegyen keâer pewmeer keâÛÛeer OetheueeÌ[ueer nesleer nw Ùes Iej keâerkeâesceue nesleer nw Ùes ceve keâerceelee-efhelee keâer nw Ùes ogueejerYeejle ceW efyeefšÙee nw Ùes hÙeejer~veejer ner peerJeve mebefieveer nw,helveer nw keâYeer lees Jebefoveer nwpewmee meeLeer Fmeves heeÙeemeyekesâ mebie nw meeLe efveYeeÙeeÙes Yeejle keâer veejer nwIej ceW meyekeâes hÙeejer nw~Deewjle keâer Ùes nw heefjYee

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