The TOPMODEL Topographic Index In JULES

The TOPMODEL Topographic Index In JULES The TOPMODEL Topographic Index In JULES


Marthews et al. (submitted). Hydraulic parameter maps of surface soils in tropical South Americaderived from locally-validated pedotransfer functions. Water Resources Research.A quick advert for a paper I’ve submittedwhere I’m trying to revise some modellingissues to do with the soil hydraulicsmodels (van Genuchten, etc.).

TobyMarthewsEdinburgh, 20th Jun 2013Thanks very much for listening.

Marthews et al. (submitted). Hydraulic parameter maps of surface soils in tropical South Americaderived from locally-validated pedotransfer functions. Water Resources Research.A quick advert for a paper I’ve submittedwhere I’m trying to revise some modellingissues to do with the soil hydraulicsmodels (van Genuchten, etc.).

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