Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

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The Department of ImmunologyContinued from Page 86Recent highlights include the followingobservations and discoveries:• Reprogramming the autoimmune responseby genetic modification so that an inflammatorydisease-inducing response may be shifted to an antiinflammatorydisease-inhibiting response (Tuohylaboratory).• The latent activity of human defensins inthe intestinal mucosa is unmasked via post-translationalprocessing of pro-defensins by action of aserine protease; definition of critical in vivo roles ofepithelial defensins in mammalian host defense(Bevins laboratory).• Identification of the role fortetrahydrobiopterin in nitric oxide synthesis throughthe regulation of oxygen activation in the enzyme(Stuehr laboratory).• Cell type specific regulation of functionallysimilar chemokines provides distinct patterns ofchemokine expression in vivo at sites of inflammation(Hamilton laboratory).• The importance of Tyk2 kinase inmediating regulation of innate immunity in responseto type I interferons (Larner laboratory).• Human renal tumors promote apopotosisin T cells through the action of gangliosides andreactive oxygen species generation, thus promotingimmune dysfunction in cancer patients (Finkelaboratory).• IL-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK)serves as a scaffold for assembly of the signalingcomplex during the activation of NFκB (Li laboratory).• The innate immune system regulatesantigen-primed T-cell infiltration of allografts andsites of contact hypersensitivity in the skin (Fairchildlaboratory).• Indirectly primed CD8+ T cells are aprominent component of the allogeneic T-cellrepertoire following skin graft rejection in mice(Heeger laboratory).Continued from Page 86JOINT APPOINTMENTSAshok Agarwal, M.D. 1Mark Aronica, M.D. 2Ronald M. Bukowski, M.D. 3Peter Cohen, M.D. 4Victor Perez, M.D. 5Gregory Plautz, M.D. 4Maria Siemienow, M.D., Ph.D. 6Anthony Stallion, M.D. 7Scott A. Strong, M.D. 8Raymond Tubbs, D.O. 9Belinda Yen-Lieberman, Ph.D. 91Andrology Lab, Glickman UrologicalInst., CCF2Dept. of Pulm./Crit. Care Med.,CCF3Taussig Cancer Ctr., CCF4Ctr. for Surg. Res., CCF5Cole Eye Inst., CCF6Dept. of Plastic/ReconstructiveSurgery, CCF7Dept. of Pediatrics, CCF8Dept. of Colorectal Surg, CCF9Dept. of Clin. Pathology, CCFDept. website: http://www.lerner.ccf.org/immuno/ADJUNCT APPOINTMENTSValentin Gogonea, Ph.D. 1Michael Lamm, M.D. 2Donald Lindmark, Ph.D. 3Tobili Y. Sam-Yellowe, Ph.D. 31Dept. of Chemistry, Penn. StateUniv., University Park, PA2Dept. of Pathology, CaseWestern Reserve Univ.,<strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH3Dept. of Biol., and Environ’l.Sci., <strong>Cleveland</strong> State Univ.,<strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH87

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