Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ... Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...
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THE J. SMITHLABORATORYTECHNOLOGISTGreg Brubaker, M.A.TECHNICIANMegan Settle, B.A.POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSWilfried LeGoff, Ph.D.Daoquan Peng, Ph.D.COLLABORATORJan L. Breslow, M.D.The Rockefeller Univ.,New York, NYJonathan D. Smith, Ph.D.Our laboratory works on a diverse groupof subjects, all related by the importantroles of cholesterol and apolipoproteinE. Our approaches include cell biology andmouse genetics to explore the relevance of thesefactors to common human diseases.Macrophage Cholesterol EffluxCholesterol-loaded macrophage foam cellsare the earliest cellular lesion in atherosclerosis.We aim to determine how macrophages ridthemselves of excess cholesterol in the reversecholesterol transport pathway. Using a macrophagecell line, we have shown that cAMPanalogues induce a pathway for cholesterol andphospholipid efflux to apolipoproteins that thenform nascent high-density lipoprotein (HDL).This pathway is deficient in humans with the raregenetic disorder Tangier disease, due to mutationsin the ABCA1 gene. Our research indicates thatABCA1-mediated lipid efflux depends onextracellular calcium ions and involves endocytosisand resecretion of the apolipoprotein ligands.One theory of ABCA1 action is that it translocatesphosphatidylserine from the inner to theouter leaflet of the plasma membrane and thatthis cell-surface phosphatidylserine is responsiblefor apolipoprotein binding to the cells. However,our research indicates that cell-surfacephosphatidylserine is not sufficient to mediatelipid efflux and that there is no competition foreither cell binding or lipid efflux betweenapolipoproteins and the phosphatidylserinebindingprotein annexin V. We are investigatingother proteins involved in this pathway in anattempt to delineate the mechanism of lipidefflux to the apolipoprotein acceptors.Takahashi, Y., and J.D. Smith (1999) Cholesterol efflux to apolipoprotein AI involvesendocytosis and resecretion in a calcium-dependent pathway. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.USA 96:11358-11363.Smith, J.D., Waelde, C., Horwitz, A., and P. Zheng (2002) Evaluation of the role ofphosphatidylserine translocase activity in ABCA1 mediated lipid efflux. J. Biol. Chem.277:17797-17803.Dansky, H.M., Barlow, C.B., Lominska, C., Sikes, J.L., Kao, C., Weinsaft, J.,Cybulsky, M.I., and J.D. Smith (2001) Adhesion of monocytes to arterial endotheliumand initiation of atherosclerosis are critically dependent on VCAM-1 gene dosage.Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 21:1662-1667.Dansky. H.M., Shu, P., Donavan. M., Montagno, J., Nagle, D.L., Smutko, J.S., Roy,N., Whiteing, S., Barrios, J., McBride, T.J., Smith, J.D., Duyk, G., Breslow, J.L., andJ.K. Moore (2002) A phenotype-sensitizing Apoe deficient genetic background revealsnovel atherosclerosis predisposition loci in the mouse. Genetics 160:1599-1608.Smith, J.D., James, D., Dansky, H.M., Wittkowski, K.M., Moore, K.J., and J.L.Breslow (2002) In silico quantitative trait locus map for atherosclerosis susceptibilityin apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 23:117-122.The Department of Cell BiologyMechanism of Macrophage CholesterolEfflux and Identification of Genes thatAlter Susceptibility of Mouse Models toAtherosclerosis and Alzheimer DiseaseGenes that Modify Atherosclerosis andAlzheimer SusceptibilityMice are very resistant to atherosclerosis,perhaps in part because of their low levels oflow-density lipoprotein (LDL, bad cholesterol)and high levels of HDL (good cholesterol). Weuse apoE-deficient mice that develop hypercholesterolemiaand atherosclerosis even on a low-fatchow diet. Using both candidate gene andgenetic approaches in this model, we areidentifying genes that modify the animals’susceptibility to atherosclerosis. We have shownthat mice deficient in both apoE and themacrophage cytokine MCSF have about a 90%reduction in lesion area, despite having about 2.5-fold elevated plasma cholesterol levels comparedwith their apoE-deficient littermates. Thisfinding showed the important role that monocyte-macrophagenumber and/or function plays inthis model of atherosclerosis and in lipidmetabolism.We then showed, using the RAG-1knockout model, that mature T and B cells playonly a minor role in regulating lesion size inapoE-deficient mice. We also showed, bybreeding apoE-deficient mice to mice withseverely reduced levels of a mutant VCAM-1protein, that the adhesion molecule VCAM-1plays an important role in atherosclerosis. We arenow using a gene-mapping positional cloningstrategy to identify atherosclerosis susceptibilitygenes in mice. By breeding apoE deficiency ontodifferent inbred mouse strains, we identifiedstrains with large differences in lesion size. Thesestrains were intercrossed, and a large cohort ofthe F 2generation was subjected to lesionmeasurement and genome scans. After quantitativetrait locus (QTL) mapping analysis, threemajor loci (on chromosomes 10, 14, and 19) werefound to be associated with lesion size in the F 2cohort.We have recently used a new method tomap QTL in silico based upon the mouse SNPdatabase and have confirmed the loci onchromosomes 10 and 14. I have identified anadditional three novel potential atherosclerosissusceptibility loci. Next, we will determine theidentity of these disease-modifying genes. We areperforming similar studies using a mouse modelfor Alzheimer disease-like pathology. By breedingonto different mouse strains, we have foundstrain effects on the levels of the β-amyloidpeptide and its precursor protein. We are usingsimilar genetic methods to map and identify theresponsible gene(s).80

The Department of Cell BiologyGM-CSF/Surfactant, NO/CytokineRegulation Central to Pulmonary DiseaseOur research program focuses on understand-ing the role and regulatory aspectsof inflammatory cytokines in pulmonarydisease. Our access to the Cleveland Clinic’sextensive patient population gives us theopportunity to study cellular and molecularprocesses involved in the development of humanpulmonary diseases. Granulocyte macrophagecolonystimulating factor (GM-CSF) regulationof surfactant homeostasisand nitric oxide (NO)regulation of cytokines aretwo areas of current interest.Pulmonary alveolarproteinosis (PAP) is a rarelung disease characterized bythe accumulation ofsurfactant material within thealveoli. GM-CSF-deficientmice develop a PAP-likesyndrome that can becorrected by exogenous GM-CSF, suggesting this factor’spivotal role for GM-CSF innormal lung homeostasis andMary Jane Thomassen, Ph.D.clearance of surfactant. Administration ofexogenous GM-CSF ameliorates lung disease in asubset of PAP patients, providing support for aGM-CSF role in human PAP. Monocytes andalveolar macrophages from PAP patients produceGM-CSF and respond to GM-CSF, indicating nointrinsic defects in the cells’ ability to produceGM-CSF or in the GM-CSF receptor. Further, allPAP patients tested have antibodies against GM-CSF in both BAL and serum. Interleukin-10 (IL-10), a pleiotropic cytokine that stimulatesantibody production, is also a potent inhibitor ofGM-CSF production from alveolar macrophages.PAP patients have less detectable GM-CSF inbronchoalveolar lavage fluids but higher levels ofIL-10 than healthy controls. IL-10 polymorphismshave been associated with increased IL-10in some autoimmune diseases. A polymorphismin the GM-CSF gene of a PAP patient has beendescribed, although the functional significancehas not been studied. Based on these data, wehypothesize that in PAP, the availability of GM-CSF is decreased by anti-GM-CSF antibodies andheightened IL-10; these events may be associatedwith polymorphisms in the IL-10/GM-CSFgenes. The long-term objective of these studiesis to delineate the role of anti-GM-CSFantibodies and IL-10 in decreasing the availabilityof GM-CSF, which is pivotal in the pathophysiologyof alveolar proteinosis. These studies,coupled with data from the GM-CSF clinicaltrial, will provide novel insights into the basicmechanisms underlying human PAP.NO is an important regulatory moleculeimplicated in both pro- and anti-inflammatoryprocesses in the lung. Abnormalities in airway NOlevels are associated with such disease states asasthma and primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH).Interestingly, alterations in inflammatory cytokineshave been reported for both of these diseases.We hypothesized that NO might be involvedin cytokine regulation by alveolar macrophages. Wehave demonstrated that NO decreases inflammatorycytokine production from human alveolar macrophages.NO may regulate cytokine gene expressionthrough effects on the transcriptionfactor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), whichcontrols the expression of manyinflammatory cytokine and growthfactor genes. Thus, we investigatedwhether NO affects NF-κB activation inhuman alveolar macrophages in vitro andin vivo.To study the mechanism of NOeffects on NF-κB activation, alveolarmacrophages were stimulated withlipopolysaccharide (LPS) ± a NOgeneratingcompound (DETANONOate). Results indicated that NOdecreased NF-κB activation in a dosedependentmanner. NO also preventedthe degradation of the inhibitory protein I-κB.Interference with I-κB degradation resulting infailure of NF-κB activation may be one mechanismby which NO affects cytokine gene expression.In vivo investigations were performed usingfreshly isolated alveolar macrophages from healthy(control) individuals and those with asthma and withPPH. In healthy individuals, NF-κB activation isdetected at low levels. Asthma patients with highairway NO levels showed minimal NF-κB activationwhereas asthmatics with low NO levels showedsignificantly greater NF-κB activation. In those withPPH, patients with low NO had high NF-κBactivation. These in vivo results, together with the invitro observations, support an inverse relationshipbetween NO and NF-κB activation.THE THOMASSENLABORATORYSTAFFCarol Farver, M.D.PROJECT SCIENTISTSTracey L. Bonfield, Ph.D.Baisakhi Raychaudhuri, Ph.D.POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSDaniel A. Culver, M.D.TECHNICAL ASSOCIATESSusamma AbrahamSujata BurgessAnagha MalurADJUNCT STAFFBarbara P. Barna, Ph.D.COLLABORATORSAlejandro C. Arroliga, M.D. 1Kevin K. Brown, M.D. 2Raed Dweik, M.D. 1Serpil Erzurum, M.D. 1Stan Hazen,M.D, Ph.D. 3Mani S. Kavuru, M.D. 1Alton L. Melton, M.D. 4Herbert P. Wiedemann, M.D. 1Taolin Yi, Ph.D. 51Dept. of Pulmonary and CriticalCare Medicine, CCF2National Jewish Medical Center,Denver, CO3Dept. of Cell Biology, CCF4Dept. of Medical Subspecialties/PediatricAllergy, CCF5Dept. of Cancer Biology, CCFRaychaudhuri, B., Dweik, R., Connors, M.J., Buhrow, L., Malur, A., Drazba, J., Arroliga,A., Erzurum, S.C., Kavuru, M.S., and M.J. Thomassen (1999) Nitric oxideblocks nuclear factor-κB activation in alveolar macrophages. Am. J. Respir. CellMol. Biol. 21:311-316.Raychaudhuri, B., Fisher, C.J., Buhrow, L., Malur, A., Connors, M.J., Kavuru,M.S., and M.J. Thomassen (2000) Interleukin-10 (IL-10) mediated inhibition of inflammatorycytokine production by human alveolar macrophages. Cytokine12:1348-1355.Thomassen, M.J., Raychaudhuri, B., Malur,A., and M.S. Kavuru (2000) Pulmonaryalveolar proteinosis is a disease of decreased availability of GM-CSF rather thanan intrinsic cellular defect. Clin. Immunol. 95:85-92.Thomassen, M.J., and M.S. Kavuru (2001) Human alveolar macrophages and monocytesas a source and target for nitric oxide. Int. Immunopharmacol. 1:1479-1490.81

The Department of Cell BiologyGM-CSF/Surfactant, NO/CytokineRegulation Central to Pulmonary DiseaseOur research program focuses on understand-ing the role and regulatory aspectsof inflammatory cytokines in pulmonarydisease. Our access to the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong>’sextensive patient population gives us theopportunity to study cellular and molecularprocesses involved in the development of humanpulmonary diseases. Granulocyte macrophagecolonystimulating factor (GM-CSF) regulationof surfactant homeostasisand nitric oxide (NO)regulation of cytokines aretwo areas of current interest.Pulmonary alveolarproteinosis (PAP) is a rarelung disease characterized bythe accumulation ofsurfactant material within thealveoli. GM-CSF-deficientmice develop a PAP-likesyndrome that can becorrected by exogenous GM-CSF, suggesting this factor’spivotal role for GM-CSF innormal lung homeostasis andMary Jane Thomassen, Ph.D.clearance of surfactant. Administration ofexogenous GM-CSF ameliorates lung disease in asubset of PAP patients, providing support for aGM-CSF role in human PAP. Monocytes andalveolar macrophages from PAP patients produceGM-CSF and respond to GM-CSF, indicating nointrinsic defects in the cells’ ability to produceGM-CSF or in the GM-CSF receptor. Further, allPAP patients tested have antibodies against GM-CSF in both BAL and serum. Interleukin-10 (IL-10), a pleiotropic cytokine that stimulatesantibody production, is also a potent inhibitor ofGM-CSF production from alveolar macrophages.PAP patients have less detectable GM-CSF inbronchoalveolar lavage fluids but higher levels ofIL-10 than healthy controls. IL-10 polymorphismshave been associated with increased IL-10in some autoimmune diseases. A polymorphismin the GM-CSF gene of a PAP patient has beendescribed, although the functional significancehas not been studied. Based on these data, wehypothesize that in PAP, the availability of GM-CSF is decreased by anti-GM-CSF antibodies andheightened IL-10; these events may be associatedwith polymorphisms in the IL-10/GM-CSFgenes. The long-term objective of these studiesis to delineate the role of anti-GM-CSFantibodies and IL-10 in decreasing the availabilityof GM-CSF, which is pivotal in the pathophysiologyof alveolar proteinosis. These studies,coupled with data from the GM-CSF clinicaltrial, will provide novel insights into the basicmechanisms underlying human PAP.NO is an important regulatory moleculeimplicated in both pro- and anti-inflammatoryprocesses in the lung. Abnormalities in airway NOlevels are associated with such disease states asasthma and primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH).Interestingly, alterations in inflammatory cytokineshave been reported for both of these diseases.We hypothesized that NO might be involvedin cytokine regulation by alveolar macrophages. Wehave demonstrated that NO decreases inflammatorycytokine production from human alveolar macrophages.NO may regulate cytokine gene expressionthrough effects on the transcriptionfactor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), whichcontrols the expression of manyinflammatory cytokine and growthfactor genes. Thus, we investigatedwhether NO affects NF-κB activation inhuman alveolar macrophages in vitro andin vivo.To study the mechanism of NOeffects on NF-κB activation, alveolarmacrophages were stimulated withlipopolysaccharide (LPS) ± a NOgeneratingcompound (DETANONOate). Results indicated that NOdecreased NF-κB activation in a dosedependentmanner. NO also preventedthe degradation of the inhibitory protein I-κB.Interference with I-κB degradation resulting infailure of NF-κB activation may be one mechanismby which NO affects cytokine gene expression.In vivo investigations were performed usingfreshly isolated alveolar macrophages from healthy(control) individuals and those with asthma and withPPH. In healthy individuals, NF-κB activation isdetected at low levels. Asthma patients with highairway NO levels showed minimal NF-κB activationwhereas asthmatics with low NO levels showedsignificantly greater NF-κB activation. In those withPPH, patients with low NO had high NF-κBactivation. These in vivo results, together with the invitro observations, support an inverse relationshipbetween NO and NF-κB activation.THE THOMASSENLABORATORYSTAFFCarol Farver, M.D.PROJECT SCIENTISTSTracey L. Bonfield, Ph.D.Baisakhi Raychaudhuri, Ph.D.POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSDaniel A. Culver, M.D.TECHNICAL ASSOCIATESSusamma AbrahamSujata BurgessAnagha MalurADJUNCT STAFFBarbara P. Barna, Ph.D.COLLABORATORSAlejandro C. Arroliga, M.D. 1Kevin K. Brown, M.D. 2Raed Dweik, M.D. 1Serpil Erzurum, M.D. 1Stan Hazen,M.D, Ph.D. 3Mani S. Kavuru, M.D. 1Alton L. Melton, M.D. 4Herbert P. Wiedemann, M.D. 1Taolin Yi, Ph.D. 51Dept. of Pulmonary and CriticalCare Medicine, CCF2National Jewish Medical Center,Denver, CO3Dept. of Cell Biology, CCF4Dept. of Medical Subspecialties/PediatricAllergy, CCF5Dept. of Cancer Biology, CCFRaychaudhuri, B., Dweik, R., Connors, M.J., Buhrow, L., Malur, A., Drazba, J., Arroliga,A., Erzurum, S.C., Kavuru, M.S., and M.J. Thomassen (1999) Nitric oxideblocks nuclear factor-κB activation in alveolar macrophages. Am. J. Respir. CellMol. Biol. 21:311-316.Raychaudhuri, B., Fisher, C.J., Buhrow, L., Malur, A., Connors, M.J., Kavuru,M.S., and M.J. Thomassen (2000) Interleukin-10 (IL-10) mediated inhibition of inflammatorycytokine production by human alveolar macrophages. Cytokine12:1348-1355.Thomassen, M.J., Raychaudhuri, B., Malur,A., and M.S. Kavuru (2000) Pulmonaryalveolar proteinosis is a disease of decreased availability of GM-CSF rather thanan intrinsic cellular defect. Clin. Immunol. 95:85-92.Thomassen, M.J., and M.S. Kavuru (2001) Human alveolar macrophages and monocytesas a source and target for nitric oxide. Int. Immunopharmacol. 1:1479-1490.81

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