Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ... Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...
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The Department of Cell BiologyHyperhomocysteinemia: Mechanisms ofVascular DamageTHE JACOBSENLABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWShantanu Sengupta, Ph.D.TECHNICAL ASSOCIATEPatricia M. DiBello, M.S.GRADUATE STUDENTSBeatrix BüdyEumelia V. TipaDept. of Chemistry, ClevelandState Univ.,Cleveland, OHCOLLABORATORSMichael Kinter, Ph.D. 1Ralph O’Brien, Ph.D. 2Byron Hoogwerf, M.D. 3Vincent Dennis, M.D. 4Marc Pohl, M.D. 4Rick Austin, Ph.D. 5Warren Kruger, Ph.D. 61Dept. of Cell Biology, CCF2Dept. of Biostatistics and Epidemiology,CCF3Dept. of Endocrinology, CCF4Dept. of Nephrology and Hypertension,CCF5McMaster Univ., Hamilton,Ont., Canada6Fox Chase Cancer Ctr., Philadelphia,PAElevated blood homocysteine(hyperhomocysteinemia) is a strongindependent risk factor for cardiovasculardisease. Approximately 40% of patientsdiagnosed with coronary artery disease at theCleveland Clinic Foundation havehyperhomocysteinemia. Our laboratory is studyingthe vascular biochemistry of homocysteine andmechanisms of homocysteine-induced endothelialdysfunction.We determined that human aortic endothelialcells have a limited capacity to metabolize homocysteine.By direct enzyme assay and western blottingand northern blotting, we demonstrated that the firstenzyme of thetranssulfuration pathway,cystathionine β-synthase, isnot expressed. We hypothesizedthat because of itslimited capacity to metabolizehomocysteine, the vascularendothelium may beparticularly vulnerable to highconcentrations of homocysteine.Continuous exposure toelevated homocysteine in thecirculation ofhyperhomocysteinemicsubjects causes endothelialcell dysfunction.In atherogenesis,monocytes are recruited tosites of vascular injury, wherethey transmigrate to the intimal space, transform intomacrophages, and engorge lipids. What role doeshomocysteine play in atherogenesis? We have shownthat in cultured human aortic endothelial cells,homocysteine induces expression of monocytechemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and interleukin 8(IL-8), chemokines for the recruitment of monocytesPoddar, R., Sivasubramanian, N., DiBello, P.M., Robinson, K., and D.W. Jacobsen(2001) Homocysteine induces expression and secretion of MCP-1 and IL-8 in humanaortic endothelial cells: implications for vascular disease. Circulation 103:2717-2723.Sengupta, S., Chen, H., Togawa, T., DiBello, P.M., Majors, A.K., Büdy, B., Ketterer,M.E., and D.W. Jacobsen (2001) Albumin thiolate anion is an intermediate in theformation of albumin-bound homocysteine. J. Biol. Chem. 276:30111- 30117.Sengupta S., Wehbe, C., Majors, A.K., Ketterer, M.E., DiBello, P.M., and D.W. Jacobsen(2001) Relative roles of albumin and ceruloplasmin in the formation of homocystine,homocysteine-cysteine-mixed disulfide, and cystine in circulation. J. Biol. Chem.276:46896-46904.Majors, A.K., Sengupta, S., Willard, B., Kinter, M.T., Pyeritz, R.E., and D.W. Jacobsen(2002) Homocysteine binds to human plasma fibronectin and inhibits its interaction withfibrin. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 22:1354-1359.Hossain, G.S., Van Thienen, J.V., Werstuck, G.H., Zhou, J., Sood, S.K., Dickhout, J.G.,De Koning, A.B., Tang, D., Wu, D., Falk, E., Poddar, R., Jacobsen, D.W., Zhang, K.,Kaufman, R.J., and R.C. Austin (2003) TDAG51 is induced by homocysteine, promotesdetachment-mediated programmed cell death and contributes to the development ofatherosclerosis in hyperhomocys-teinemia. J. Biol. Chem. 2003 278:30317-30327.Donald W. Jacobsen, Ph.D.,F.A.H.A.and neutrophils, respectively. In addition to theinduction of mRNA for MCP-1 and IL-8, homocysteinealso triggers the release of MCP-1 and IL-8protein. Induction and release is mediated by 5-50 µML-homocysteine (the D enantiomer is inactive). L-Cysteine is inactive, suggesting that the mechanism isnot due to a general thiol effect involving thegeneration of reactive oxygen species. Studies areunder way to elucidate the mechanisms of homocysteine-inducedchemokine expression and release.Using in vitro model systems, we have studiedthe vascular biochemistry of homocysteine andcysteine in circulation. In our model, we propose thatcysteine undergoes autooxidation to cystine in areaction catalyzed by ceruloplasmin.Albumin-Cys34 thiolate anion,secreted into circulation from theliver, attacks cystine to formalbumin-S-S-cysteine. Homocysteinethiolate anion then attacks thecysteine sulfur of albumin-S-Scysteineto form homocysteinecysteinemixed disulfide andalbumin-Cys34 thiolate anion. About20% of the homocysteine enteringcirculation undergoes autooxidationto homocystine, but this reaction iscatalyzed by albumin-bound copper,not ceruloplasmin copper. Thealbumin thiolate anion can then reactwith either the mixed disulfide orhomocystine to form albumin-S-Shomocysteine,which accounts forup to 80% of circulating plasma total homocysteine.This process, which we term “molecular targeting”by homocysteine, may explain the adverse effects thathomocysteine has on the vascular endothelium.Vitamin B 12and folate are B-complexmicronutrients that drive homocysteine metabolism.Subjects with B 12and/or folate deficiency arehyperhomocysteinemic. B 12and folate serve ascoenzyme and substrate, respectively, for methioninesynthase, the enzyme that remethylates homocysteineback to methionine. We know very little about howthese micronutrients are transported and processedby vascular cells. We believe that the vascularendothelium plays a major role in B 12homeostasis bytranscytosis of the B 12-transcobalamin complex.Transcobalamin is a serum B 12-binding protein thatdelivers B 12to cells throughout the body. Ourlaboratory studies B 12and folate transport andmetabolism in vascular cells and tissues. We recentlyestablished that cultured human aortic endothelialcells express 12-15,000 transcobalamin receptors percell, an observation that supports our endothelial cellB 12transcytosis hypothesis. We are currently studyingintracellular B 12processing and mitochondrialtransport by cultured human aortic endothelial andsmooth muscle cells.76

Oxidative stress is believed to contributeto tissue injury in a number of humandiseases including atherosclerosis,neurodegenerative disorders, asthma, and aging.In atherosclerosis, for example, the productionof reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen speciesappears to play a role in thevariety of processes thatinjure the arterial wall.Specifically, these reactivespecies have been found toparticipate in a cascade ofevents that could contributeto the progression of thedisease, including modificationof low-density lipoprotein(LDL), initiation of lipidloading into macrophages andsmooth muscle cells, cellproliferation and migration,and damage to the endothelium.The research activitiesin my laboratory are focusedon attaining a better understandingof the molecularmechanisms of oxidant injurythrough two lines ofinvestigation: characterizingthe anti-oxidant defensesystems in cells, and characterizingthe sites and chemicalstructure of oxidant damage to proteins.A unique aspect of these experiments isthe utilization of mass spectrometric methods ofprotein characterization and sequencing.The first area of investigation in thelaboratory uses a proteomic approach (2Delectrophoresis and tandem mass spectrometry)to map and identify the proteins that areoverexpressed and underexpressed in cell linesthat are resistant to oxidative injury. The generalhypothesis being tested in this work is that thesechanges in protein expression are responsible forthe resistant phenotype. As the differentiallyexpressed proteins are identified, subsequentexperiments will be designed and carried out totest their role in the injury process. Suchexperiments will use combinations of transfection,to increase protein expression, and antisenseoligonucleotide treatment, to inhibit proteinexpression, in combination with various in vitroassays of oxidant injury. The goal of this work isto discover previously unidentified and unstudiedThe Department of Cell BiologyProteomics and Mass Spectrometry TargetCharacterization of Anti-Oxidant DefenseMechanisms, Oxidative Protein Damage Sitesproteins that help cells resist the damaging effectsof oxidative stresses. In the longer term, we canthen begin to devise new methods to utilize theseproteins to intervene in diseases such as atherosclerosis.The second area of investigation in thelaboratory uses tandem massspectrometry to characterizethe site and structure ofoxidative modifications toproteins. One theory ofhow oxidative stress affectscells is that key proteinsbecome modified in amanner that alters theirfunction. The exact natureof these modifications,however, is not wellunderstood. It is envisionedthat the specific structuresthat are detected andcharacterized will providenew information about theoxidation reactions leadingto those modifications.Further, we expect that asour understanding of thesite and structure ofoxidative modifications isadvanced, it will be possibleto identify new molecularmarkers to monitor the effects oxidative stress invivo. This work includes the development ofnovel, site-specific quantitative methods foroxidized proteins.Michael T. Kinter, Ph.D.THE KINTERLABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSJ. Andrew Keightley, Ph.D.Belinda B. Willard, Ph.D.STUDENTSJames ConwayLemin ZhengKinter, M., and N.E. Sherman (2000) Protein Sequencing and Identification UsingTandem Mass Spectrometry. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY.Willard, B.B., and M. Kinter (2001) Effects of the position of internal histidine residueson the collision-induced fragmentation of triply protonated tryptic peptides. J. Am.Soc. Mass Spectrom. 12:1262-1271.Ruse, C.I., Willard, B., Jin, J.P., Haas, T., Kinter, M., and M. Bond (2002) Quantitativedynamics of site-specific protein phosphorylation determined using liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 74:1658-1664.Chikamori, K., Grabowski, D.R., Kinter, M., Willard, B.B., Yadav, S., Aebersold, R.H.,Bukowski, R.M., Hickson, I.D., Andersen, A.H., Ganapathi, R., and M.K. Ganapathi(2003) Phosphorylation of serine 1106 in the catalytic domain of topoisomerase IIalpha regulates enzymatic activity and drug sensitivity. J. Biol. Chem. 278:12696-12702.Willard, B.B., Keightley, J.A., Ruse, C.I., Bond, M., and M. Kinter (2003) Site-specificquantitation of protein nitration using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.Anal. Chem. 75:2370-2376.77

Oxidative stress is believed to contributeto tissue injury in a number of humandiseases including atherosclerosis,neurodegenerative disorders, asthma, and aging.In atherosclerosis, for example, the productionof reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen speciesappears to play a role in thevariety of processes thatinjure the arterial wall.Specifically, these reactivespecies have been found toparticipate in a cascade ofevents that could contributeto the progression of thedisease, including modificationof low-density lipoprotein(LDL), initiation of lipidloading into macrophages andsmooth muscle cells, cellproliferation and migration,and damage to the endothelium.The research activitiesin my laboratory are focusedon attaining a better understandingof the molecularmechanisms of oxidant injurythrough two lines ofinvestigation: characterizingthe anti-oxidant defensesystems in cells, and characterizingthe sites and chemicalstructure of oxidant damage to proteins.A unique aspect of these experiments isthe utilization of mass spectrometric methods ofprotein characterization and sequencing.The first area of investigation in thelaboratory uses a proteomic approach (2Delectrophoresis and tandem mass spectrometry)to map and identify the proteins that areoverexpressed and underexpressed in cell linesthat are resistant to oxidative injury. The generalhypothesis being tested in this work is that thesechanges in protein expression are responsible forthe resistant phenotype. As the differentiallyexpressed proteins are identified, subsequentexperiments will be designed and carried out totest their role in the injury process. Suchexperiments will use combinations of transfection,to increase protein expression, and antisenseoligonucleotide treatment, to inhibit proteinexpression, in combination with various in vitroassays of oxidant injury. The goal of this work isto discover previously unidentified and unstudiedThe Department of Cell BiologyProteomics and Mass Spectrometry TargetCharacterization of Anti-Oxidant DefenseMechanisms, Oxidative Protein Damage Sitesproteins that help cells resist the damaging effectsof oxidative stresses. In the longer term, we canthen begin to devise new methods to utilize theseproteins to intervene in diseases such as atherosclerosis.The second area of investigation in thelaboratory uses tandem massspectrometry to characterizethe site and structure ofoxidative modifications toproteins. One theory ofhow oxidative stress affectscells is that key proteinsbecome modified in amanner that alters theirfunction. The exact natureof these modifications,however, is not wellunderstood. It is envisionedthat the specific structuresthat are detected andcharacterized will providenew information about theoxidation reactions leadingto those modifications.Further, we expect that asour understanding of thesite and structure ofoxidative modifications isadvanced, it will be possibleto identify new molecularmarkers to monitor the effects oxidative stress invivo. This work includes the development ofnovel, site-specific quantitative methods foroxidized proteins.Michael T. Kinter, Ph.D.THE KINTERLABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSJ. Andrew Keightley, Ph.D.Belinda B. Willard, Ph.D.STUDENTSJames ConwayLemin ZhengKinter, M., and N.E. Sherman (2000) Protein Sequencing and Identification UsingTandem Mass Spectrometry. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY.Willard, B.B., and M. Kinter (2001) Effects of the position of internal histidine residueson the collision-induced fragmentation of triply protonated tryptic peptides. J. Am.Soc. Mass Spectrom. 12:1262-1271.Ruse, C.I., Willard, B., Jin, J.P., Haas, T., Kinter, M., and M. Bond (2002) Quantitativedynamics of site-specific protein phosphorylation determined using liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 74:1658-1664.Chikamori, K., Grabowski, D.R., Kinter, M., Willard, B.B., Yadav, S., Aebersold, R.H.,Bukowski, R.M., Hickson, I.D., Andersen, A.H., Ganapathi, R., and M.K. Ganapathi(<strong>2003</strong>) Phosphorylation of serine 1106 in the catalytic domain of topoisomerase IIalpha regulates enzymatic activity and drug sensitivity. J. Biol. Chem. 278:12696-12702.Willard, B.B., Keightley, J.A., Ruse, C.I., Bond, M., and M. Kinter (<strong>2003</strong>) Site-specificquantitation of protein nitration using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.Anal. Chem. 75:2370-2376.77

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