Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ... Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...
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ORTHOPAEDICBIOLOGY ANDBIOENGINEERINGThe Department of Biomedical EngineeringGenetic Basis of Cell Fate Determinationand DifferentiationTHE LEFEBVRELABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSSrijeet Mitra, Ph.D.Patrick Smits, Ph.D.Lai Wang, MD, Ph.D.RESEARCH TECHNICIANSPeter Dy, B.S.Michael Patrick, B.S.COLLABORATORSMatthew Warman, M.D. 1Clemencia Colmenares, Ph.D. 2Paul Fox, Ph.D. 31Dept. of Genetics, CaseWestern Reserve Univ.,Cleveland, OH2Dept of Cancer Biol., CCF3Dept of Cell Biol., CCFDeptofCelBiology, Cleveland Clinic FoundationOur main objectives are to identify andcharacterize genetic mechanisms thatvertebrates use to generate the largepanel of their highly different and specialized celltypes. Commitment and differentiation of stemcells towards specific lineages are multi-stepprocesses involving various types of regulatorymolecules. Our laboratory focuses on thedevelopment of the skeleton and hematopoieticsystem and on transcription factors belonging tothe Sox family that are involved in theseprocesses. We use molecular biology, cell biology,and mouse genetic engineeringapproaches.Sox transcriptionfactors are a family of 20proteins in mice and humans.Their common feature is anSry-related HMG boxdomain. Upon binding tospecific DNA sequences, thisdomain induces a strong bendof the DNA helix, a propertythat may allow Sox proteinsto facilitate the assembly ofcell-specific transcriptionalcomplexes. In addition tothe HMG box domain,several Sox proteins harbor atransactivation or atransrepression domain. Theprecise molecular roles ofSox transcription factorsremain largely unknown.Each Sox gene has a uniquespatial and temporalexpression pattern in vivo, such that each isexpressed in one or a few distinct cell types.Studies of mouse and human mutants haveuncovered critical roles for a handful of Soxgenes in determining cell fate and differentiationin specific lineages, but the roles of most SoxLefebvre, V., Li, P., and B. de Crombrugghe (1998) A new long form of Sox5 (L-Sox5), Sox6 and Sox9 are co-expressed in chondrogenesis and cooperatively activatethe type II collagen gene. EMBO J. 17:5718-5733.Smits, P., Li, P., Mandel, J., Zhang, Z., Deng, J.M., Behringer, R.R., de Crombrugghe,B., and V. Lefebvre (2001) The transcription factors L-Sox5 and Sox6 are essentialfor cartilage formation. Developmental Cell Crombrugghe, B., Lefebvre, V., and K. Nakashima (2001) Regulatory mechanismsin the pathways of cartilage and bone formation. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol.13:721-727.Lefebvre, V. (2002). Toward understanding the functions of the two highly relatedSox5 and Sox6 genes. J. Bone Miner. Metab. 20:121-130.Smits, P., and V. Lefebvre (2003) L-Sox5 and Sox6 are required for notochord extracellularmatrix sheath formation, notochord cell survival and development of thenucleus pulposus of intervertebral discs (2003). Development 130, 1135-1148.Véronique Lefebvre, Ph.D.genes remain to be uncovered. Our laboratoryworks to uncover new molecular and cellularroles of Sox factors.We currently pursue the study of Sox5 andSox6. These two highly identical genes are coexpressedin chondrocytes and notochord cells.We recently showed that chondrocytes are unableto overtly differentiate in mouse embryos lackingboth Sox5 and Sox6. The cells express all majorcartilage extracellular matrix genes at reduced orundetectable level, hardly proliferate, and matureaberrantly. Cartilage elements remain rudimentaryand are precociously replacedby bone. Embryos die beforebirth with a very severeskeletal dysplasia. Morerecently, we found that Sox5and Sox6 are also required innotochord cells (Smits andLefebvre, 2003). Theycontrol notochord extracellularmatrix formation and cellsurvival, and the transformationof the notochord intothe nucleus pulposus cores ofintervertebral discs. Hence,Sox5 and Sox6 control twocell types that have majorroles in the development ofthe vertebrate skeleton.Current projects are tofurther define the roles ofSox5 and Sox6 in vivo. Weare aiming at identifying thegenes directly targeted by theSox5 and Sox6 proteinproducts, and at determiningthe mode of action of these proteins on targetgenes. We are collaborating with Dr. MatthewWarman to identify human diseases caused bymutations in SOX5 or SOX6 and with Drs.Clemencia Colmenares and Paul Fox to characterizenon-skeletal phenotypes in Sox5 and Sox6mutant mice. New projects are being developedto study the roles of other Sox genes in variousother aspects of skeleton development, and todetermine the roles of Sox genes in the specificationof hematopoietic stem cells toward distinctblood cell lineages.38

Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms ofWound Healing in Orthopaedic SoftTissue and OsteoarthritisOur primary interest is the cellularand molecular processes in thehealing of wounds in the joint tissues.While a substantive literature documents theimportance of the knee joint meniscus, relativelylittle is known about the cell biology of thistissue. The meniscus is especially interesting inthe context of wound healing as it can repairwounds, whereas articular cartilage, a verysimilar tissue, does not.The Cell and Matrix Biology of theNormal MeniscusAt least three distinct populations of cellscan be recognized in the meniscus. Most of theinner nonvascularized portion is populated bycells that are round or oval with a pericellularmatrix of type VI collagen. We have termedthese cells “fibrochondrocytes.” The outermeniscus has fibroblast-like cells with longcytoplasmic processes that interconnect withsimilar cells through gap junctions. Elongatedcells that lack cytoplasmic extensions populatethe superficial zones of the meniscus. Our in vivoand in vitro studies suggest that these cells initiatethe wound-healing process in the meniscus.The meniscus is a fibrocartilage with anextracellular matrix composed mainly of type Icollagen, the typical collagen of fibrous tissues,and small amounts of type II collagen, thegenetic type of collagen found in hyalinearticular cartilage. We have established thatthese two collagens are found together in ahighly organized fibrillar meshwork.The Department of Biomedical EngineeringRepair Mechanisms in the MeniscusWe have developed in vivo and in vitromodels for studying the response of meniscal cellsto wounds in the tissue. The fibrochondrocytesand fibroblast-like cells of the normal meniscusare in a quiescent state with minimal expression ofthe fibrillar collagen genes. With wounding,however, the mRNA levels for type I and type VIcollagen and other matrix proteins are dramaticallyincreased, as assessed by RNase protection assay.The cells in the superficial region undergo divisionand express an alpha smooth muscle isoform. Thecrevice of the wound becomes populated by cellsthat appear to come from the superficial zone.Interestingly, the cells of the meniscus can migrateinto acellular areas created by apoptosis ofresident cells, a phenomenon that apparently doesnot occur in articular cartilage. With time, anintegration of tissues on either side of the woundoccurs.Tissue Engineering of MeniscusOur studies show that the meniscus has itsown distinctive healing process. We are exploringthe use of different macromolecules that, wheninserted into wounds, should promote the healingprocess.Type VI Collagen in the PericellularMatrices of Connective Tissue CellsThe physical and chemical stimuli to a cellmust traverse any pericellular coating it has. Somecells, like chondrocytes and fibrochondrocytes, aresurrounded by a distinct pericellular matrix oftype VI collagen. We can study the structural andfunctional aspects of this pericellular matrix andhow it controls signaling from the matrix to thecell.Kambic, H.E., Futani, H., and C.A. McDevitt (2000) Cell, matrix changes and alpha-smooth muscle actinexpression in repair of the canine meniscus. Wound Repair Regen. 8:554-561.Arnoczky, S.P., and C.A. McDevitt (2000) The meniscus: structure, repair, and replacement. In: Buckwalter,J.A., Einhorn, T.A., and S.R. Simon SR, eds. Orthopaedic Basic Science. 2nd ed. Park Ridge,IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, pp. 531-545.Wildey, G.M., Billetz, A.C., Matyas, J.R., Adams, M.E., and C.A. McDevitt (2001) Absolute concentrationsof mRNA for type I and type VI collagen in the canine meniscus in normal and ACL-deficientknee joints obtained by RNase protection assay. J. Orthop. Res. 19:650-658.McDevitt, C.A., Mukherjee, S., Kambic, H., and R. Parker (2002) Emerging concepts of the cell biologyof the meniscus. Curr. Opin. Orthop. 13:345-350.Kambic, H., and C. McDevitt (2002) Distribution and spatial relationship of collagen type I and type IIin the canine meniscus. Poster 0902, 48th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, February10-13, 2001, Dallas, TX.Mukherjee, S., and C.A. McDevitt (2003) The superficial zone cells initiate a wound healing process incanine meniscus in vitro [poster]. Trans. Orthop. Res. Soc. vol. 28.Kim, J.H., Billetz, A., Iannotti, J., and C.A. McDevitt (2003) Isolation of a new cell-pericellular matrixstructure from the biceps tendon: longitudinal chains of type VI collagen surround linear arrays of cells[poster]. Trans. Orthop. Res. Soc. vol. 28.ORTHOPAEDICBIOLOGY ANDBIOENGINEERINGTHE MCDEVITTLABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSSarmistha Mukherjee, Ph.D.Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar, M.D.Manojkumar Valiyaveetil, Ph.D.Manojkumar Valiiyaveettil, Ph.D.GRADUATE STUDENTCarlumandarlo Zaramo, B.S.TECHNOLOGISTKristin Rundo, B.S.Cahir A. McDevitt, Ph.D.COLLABORATORSJack Andrish, M.D. 1Brian L. Davis, Ph.D. 2David R. Eyre, Ph.D. 3Joseph P. Iannotti, M.D., Ph.D. 1John R. Matyas, Ph.D. 4Ronald J. Midura, Ph.D. 2John S. Mort, Ph.D. 5Richard D. Parker, M.D. 1Kimerly A. Powell, Ph.D. 2John Sandy, Ph.D. 61Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery,CCF2Dept. of BiomedicalEngineering, CCF3Dept. of Orthopedics, Univ. ofWashington, Seattle4Dept. of Anatomy andPathology, McCaig Ctr. forJoint Injury and Arthritis Res.,Univ. of Calgary, Alb.,Canada5Shriners Hospital, Montreal,PQ, Canada6Shriners Hospital, Tampa, FLCahir A. McDevitt, Ph.D.39

ORTHOPAEDICBIOLOGY ANDBIOENGINEERINGThe Department of Biomedical EngineeringGenetic Basis of Cell Fate Determinationand DifferentiationTHE LEFEBVRELABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSSrijeet Mitra, Ph.D.Patrick Smits, Ph.D.Lai Wang, MD, Ph.D.RESEARCH TECHNICIANSPeter Dy, B.S.Michael Patrick, B.S.COLLABORATORSMatthew Warman, M.D. 1Clemencia Colmenares, Ph.D. 2Paul Fox, Ph.D. 31Dept. of Genetics, CaseWestern Reserve Univ.,<strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH2Dept of Cancer Biol., CCF3Dept of Cell Biol., CCFDeptofCelBiology, <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> FoundationOur main objectives are to identify andcharacterize genetic mechanisms thatvertebrates use to generate the largepanel of their highly different and specialized celltypes. Commitment and differentiation of stemcells towards specific lineages are multi-stepprocesses involving various types of regulatorymolecules. Our laboratory focuses on thedevelopment of the skeleton and hematopoieticsystem and on transcription factors belonging tothe Sox family that are involved in theseprocesses. We use molecular biology, cell biology,and mouse genetic engineeringapproaches.Sox transcriptionfactors are a family of 20proteins in mice and humans.Their common feature is anSry-related HMG boxdomain. Upon binding tospecific DNA sequences, thisdomain induces a strong bendof the DNA helix, a propertythat may allow Sox proteinsto facilitate the assembly ofcell-specific transcriptionalcomplexes. In addition tothe HMG box domain,several Sox proteins harbor atransactivation or atransrepression domain. Theprecise molecular roles ofSox transcription factorsremain largely unknown.Each Sox gene has a uniquespatial and temporalexpression pattern in vivo, such that each isexpressed in one or a few distinct cell types.Studies of mouse and human mutants haveuncovered critical roles for a handful of Soxgenes in determining cell fate and differentiationin specific lineages, but the roles of most SoxLefebvre, V., Li, P., and B. de Crombrugghe (1998) A new long form of Sox5 (L-Sox5), Sox6 and Sox9 are co-expressed in chondrogenesis and cooperatively activatethe type II collagen gene. EMBO J. 17:5718-5733.Smits, P., Li, P., Mandel, J., Zhang, Z., Deng, J.M., Behringer, R.R., de Crombrugghe,B., and V. Lefebvre (2001) The transcription factors L-Sox5 and Sox6 are essentialfor cartilage formation. Developmental Cell Crombrugghe, B., Lefebvre, V., and K. Nakashima (2001) Regulatory mechanismsin the pathways of cartilage and bone formation. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol.13:721-727.Lefebvre, V. (2002). Toward understanding the functions of the two highly relatedSox5 and Sox6 genes. J. Bone Miner. Metab. 20:121-130.Smits, P., and V. Lefebvre (<strong>2003</strong>) L-Sox5 and Sox6 are required for notochord extracellularmatrix sheath formation, notochord cell survival and development of thenucleus pulposus of intervertebral discs (<strong>2003</strong>). Development 130, 1135-1148.Véronique Lefebvre, Ph.D.genes remain to be uncovered. Our laboratoryworks to uncover new molecular and cellularroles of Sox factors.We currently pursue the study of Sox5 andSox6. These two highly identical genes are coexpressedin chondrocytes and notochord cells.We recently showed that chondrocytes are unableto overtly differentiate in mouse embryos lackingboth Sox5 and Sox6. The cells express all majorcartilage extracellular matrix genes at reduced orundetectable level, hardly proliferate, and matureaberrantly. Cartilage elements remain rudimentaryand are precociously replacedby bone. Embryos die beforebirth with a very severeskeletal dysplasia. Morerecently, we found that Sox5and Sox6 are also required innotochord cells (Smits andLefebvre, <strong>2003</strong>). Theycontrol notochord extracellularmatrix formation and cellsurvival, and the transformationof the notochord intothe nucleus pulposus cores ofintervertebral discs. Hence,Sox5 and Sox6 control twocell types that have majorroles in the development ofthe vertebrate skeleton.Current projects are tofurther define the roles ofSox5 and Sox6 in vivo. Weare aiming at identifying thegenes directly targeted by theSox5 and Sox6 proteinproducts, and at determiningthe mode of action of these proteins on targetgenes. We are collaborating with Dr. MatthewWarman to identify human diseases caused bymutations in SOX5 or SOX6 and with Drs.Clemencia Colmenares and Paul Fox to characterizenon-skeletal phenotypes in Sox5 and Sox6mutant mice. New projects are being developedto study the roles of other Sox genes in variousother aspects of skeleton development, and todetermine the roles of Sox genes in the specificationof hematopoietic stem cells toward distinctblood cell lineages.38

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