Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ... Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...
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ELECTRONICS COREELECTRONICS COREMANAGER AND SENIORPRINCIPAL RESEARCH ENGINEERBarry KubanSENIOR RESEARCH ENGINEERFarhad BahrehmandENGINEERING RESEARCHTECHNICIANSRaymond DessoffyKevin WatersThe Electronics Core provides electronic design, fabrication, repair, and surgical support servicesfor all departments within The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. The Electronics Core can design and buildcustom electronic devices that are unavailable from any other source and, in many cases, can produceelectronics that are better suited to an investigator’s needs at a lower cost than similar commerciallyavailable items. Timely on-site support for the life of the product, including repairs, changes andupgrades, is a significant benefit of this service.Services:• Complete electronic circuit design and fabrication, from concept to finished product• Documentation of projects, including computer-generated schematics and circuit boardlayouts, which greatly reduces the cost of replication and future development• Experienced microprocessor-based design capabilities for simplifying complex functions• Resident computerized printed-circuit prototyping equipment provides accurate and reproduciblecircuit boardsData Acquisition System Design:• Consultation on transducer selection and custom transducer/sensor design• Design and assembly of computer-operated or stand-alone data acquisition systems• Design and setup of data capture and storage systemsLaboratory and Office Equipment Repair:• Repair of most electronic and electromechanical equipment at rates that are significantlylower than those of outside vendorsAnimal Surgical Support Services:• Blood (or other in vivo) pressures• EKG• EEG• CMAP (compound muscle action potential)• Arterial and venous blood flow• Cardiac output• Other signals from experimental devices and instrumentation, including area and volumesignals from ultrasonic imaging devices• X-ray services• Consultation for experiment design• Custom cabling/wiring for interconnection of instrumentationWeb site:

RESEARCH EDUCATION OFFICEThe 2002-03 development of ResearchEducation Office (REO) represents amajor commitment of the LernerResearch Institute to training and researcheducation programs of nearly 250 postdoctoralresearch fellows and over 100 graduate students.The mission of this office is to recruit qualifiedindividuals who wish to further their scientificcareers by participating in and contributing toleading-edge biomedical research and toencourage career development and facilitate thetransition into a permanent position.The creation and maintenance of afunctional and dynamic website is among themany responsibilities of the REO. With theexpertise of Research Computing Services, theDirector, Dr. Marcia Jarrett, has developed theREO working website ( to advertisepostdoctoral and graduate student researchtraining opportunities in LRI laboratories and toinform visitors of the newly created support andcareer development programs of the REO. Inaddition, a current electronic PostdoctoralFellow CV directory was created and is maintainedfor use by LRI principal investigators.Recruiting materials, campus tours andinformational interviews for prospectivecandidates are now available to LRI principalinvestigators recruiting postdoctoral fellows andgraduate students for their laboratories throughthe REO. In addition, the REO sponsors andorganizes graduate student symposia showcasingthe research efforts of graduate students fromregional universities as well as faculty researchsymposia designed to introduce new studentsenrolled in affiliate graduate programs to thedepth and variety of research programs availablethroughout the LRI.The REO assists the departments of theLRI with administrative support for all LRIgraduate students and advisors. Principalinvestigators of the LRI support the research ofgraduate students in LRI laboratories throughjoint faculty appointments at three areauniversities: Cleveland State University (AppliedBiomedical Engineering, Biology, and Chemistry),Case Western Reserve University (BiomedicalEngineering, Biomedical Scientist TrainingProgram, Physiology and Biophysics), and KentState University (Biochemistry and Pathobiology).Each new postdoctoral fellow and graduatestudent meets with Dr. Jarrett when he or shearrives for a research orientation into ourscientific community and is provided withprocessing-in instructions, maps, contact lists andother materials. In addition, each postdoctoralfellow and graduate student schedules an REOexit interview upon completion of their researchtraining. As a result, the new LRI traineeMarcia Takacs Jarrett, Ph.D.database maintained by the REO containscurrent, complete and relevant data on allpostdoctoral fellows and graduate students inaddition to historical and forwarding information.The database is an invaluable resource for salaryreviews, institutional grant applications, careerdevelopment programs and other supportinitiatives for our trainees.The REO also functions on behalf of theresearch trainee programs as a central communicationsource between the LRI and CCF’s Divisionsof Education and Marketing and the Office ofProfessional Staff Affairs.RESEARCH EDUCATIONOFFICEDIRECTORMarcia Takacs Jarrett, Ph.D.ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTRobin WebsterWEB MASTERSytze van der Laan

ELECTRONICS COREELECTRONICS COREMANAGER AND SENIORPRINCIPAL RESEARCH ENGINEERBarry KubanSENIOR RESEARCH ENGINEERFarhad BahrehmandENGINEERING RESEARCHTECHNICIANSRaymond DessoffyKevin WatersThe Electronics Core provides electronic design, fabrication, repair, and surgical support servicesfor all departments within The <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> Foundation. The Electronics Core can design and buildcustom electronic devices that are unavailable from any other source and, in many cases, can produceelectronics that are better suited to an investigator’s needs at a lower cost than similar commerciallyavailable items. Timely on-site support for the life of the product, including repairs, changes andupgrades, is a significant benefit of this service.Services:• Complete electronic circuit design and fabrication, from concept to finished product• Documentation of projects, including computer-generated schematics and circuit boardlayouts, which greatly reduces the cost of replication and future development• Experienced microprocessor-based design capabilities for simplifying complex functions• Resident computerized printed-circuit prototyping equipment provides accurate and reproduciblecircuit boardsData Acquisition System Design:• Consultation on transducer selection and custom transducer/sensor design• Design and assembly of computer-operated or stand-alone data acquisition systems• Design and setup of data capture and storage systemsLaboratory and Office Equipment Repair:• Repair of most electronic and electromechanical equipment at rates that are significantlylower than those of outside vendorsAnimal Surgical Support Services:• Blood (or other in vivo) pressures• EKG• EEG• CMAP (compound muscle action potential)• Arterial and venous blood flow• Cardiac output• Other signals from experimental devices and instrumentation, including area and volumesignals from ultrasonic imaging devices• X-ray services• Consultation for experiment design• Custom cabling/wiring for interconnection of instrumentationWeb site:

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