Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ... Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...
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THE HAGSTROMLABORATORYSENIOR TECHNOLOGISTGayle T. Pauer, B.S.POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWTULP1 Under Scrutiny forRole in Early OnsetProgressive Retinal DegenerationRetinalQuansheng Xi, Ph.D.degeneration encompasses a myriadof genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous diseases. The majority of these blindingSTUDENTdisorders are inherited. The retina’s light-sensitiveAndrea Crabbphotoreceptor cells degenerate due to defects inmany different genes required for the normalphysiology of these cells. The broad long-term goalsof my laboratory are to identify novel genes causingretinal degeneration in patients and to define theunderlying pathogenic mechanisms responsible forphotoreceptor degeneration.In collaboration with ophthalmologists in ourdepartment, a program has been designed to recruitlarge numbers of patients with a variety of types ofretinal degeneration. DNA samples from hundredsof patients are deposited into a centralized database.My laboratory has implemented highthroughputmutation screeningtechniques, allowing us to efficientlyanalyze many genes for mutations inthe DNA of these patients. Our goalis to identify genetic alterations andcorrelate these results with theclinical phenotype of the patient.Recently, we identifiedmutations in a novel gene, TULP1, inpatients with an autosomal recessiveform of retinitis pigmentosa, a groupof progressive retinal degenerationsleading to blindness. TULP1 is amember of a conserved family offour proteins of unknown functionnamed tubby-like proteins (TULPs).We have begun to explore theStephanie A. Hagstrom, Ph.D.physiologic properties of TULP1 inthe retina by analyzing the tissuedistribution of the protein in normalHagstrom, S.A., North, M.A., Nishina, P.A., Berson, E.L., and T.P. Dryja (1998) Recessive mutations inthe gene encoding the tubby-like protein TULP1 in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Nat. Genet. 18:174-176.Hagstrom, S.A., and T.P. Dryja (1999) Mitotic recombination map of 13cen-13q14 derived from an investigationof loss of heterozygosity in retinoblastomas. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96:2952-2957.Hagstrom, S.A., Duyao, M., North, M.A., and T. Li (1999) Retinal degeneration in tulp1-/- mice: accumulationof extracellular vesicles in the interphotoreceptor space. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 40:2795-2802.Hagstrom, S.A., Neitz, M., and J. Neitz (2000) Cone pigment gene expression in individual photoreceptorsand the chromatic topography of the retina. J. Optical Soc. Am. A 17:527-537.Hagstrom, S.A., Adamian, M., Scimeca, M., Pawlyk, B.S., Yue, G., and T. Li (2001) A role for the tubby-likeprotein 1 in rhodopsin transport. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 42:1955-1962.Xi, Q., Pauer, G.J.T., West, K.A., Crabb, J.W., and S.A. Hagstrom (2003) Retinal degenerations causedby mutations in TULP1. In Anderson, R.E., Lavail, M.M., and J. Hollyfield, eds. New Insights into RetinalDegenerative Deseases. Kluwer Academic/Plenum.mice and the photoreceptor disease phenotype intulp1-knockout mice. We generated antibodiesagainst Tulp1 and determined that it is aphotoreceptor-specific protein. It is predominantlylocalized in two specialized compartmentsof photoreceptors, named the inner segment andthe connecting cilium. In addition, we generatedtulp1-knockout mice and determined that theydevelop an early-onset, progressive photoreceptordegeneration that parallels that seen in patientswith TULP1 mutations. Based on the localizationof Tulp1 and the features of the retinalphenotype in knockout mice, we hypothesize thatTULP1 is involved in the transport of proteinssynthesized in the inner segment compartment toits final location in the outer segment compartmentof photoreceptor cells.The steps and proteins involved in thetransport of proteins to the outer segments ofphotoreceptors is an essential but not wellunderstoodaspect of photoreceptor cell biology.The outer segment is connected to the innersegment via a narrow compartment, the connectingcilium. Outer segment-bound proteins aresynthesized in the inner segment and must beefficiently transported to their target location.The molecular basis of this transport systemremains unclear. Our localization of Tulp1 andanalysis of knockout mice suggest that Tulp1 maybe involved in this transport process.We are currently testing this hypothesis viaseveral approaches. We are generating an in vitrosystem in which to study the subcellular localizationand properties of wild-type and mutantforms of Tulp1. We are also searching forinteracting proteins by using yeast two-hybrid andimmunoprecipitation analysis. We are continuingto characterize the physiologicproperties of Tulp1 in vivo bystudying the knockout mice.We anticipate that results fromthese experiments will provideinsights into the pathogenicmechanism causing retinitispigmentosa and help us assignfunction(s) to a novelphotoreceptor-specific protein.As we continue tosearch and catalogue novelgenes causing retinal degeneration,the ultimate goal of ourresearch is to provide thefoundation for future studiesaimed at evaluating therapeuticmodalities that might slow,stop, or reverse the course ofretinal degeneration.164

Functional Consequences of HereditaryRetinal DiseaseOur laboratory is interested in hereditarydisorders that affect the outer retinallayers. These layers contain the rod andcone photoreceptors and the main second-orderretinal neuron, the bipolar cell. By usingappropriate stimulus conditions, the activity ofeach of these cell types can be monitored usingthe electroretinogram(ERG). In the mammalianretina, this method isparticularly useful fordiscerning the cones andbipolar cells, which arefar less numerous thanare rod photoreceptors,yet are key to manyblinding disorders.An importantfocus of our research ison congenital stationarynight blindness (CSNB),a class of retinal disorderin which communicationbetween photoreceptorsand bipolar cells issomehow disrupted. Wehave identified twomouse models of CSNB.One model, which wenamed nob (no b-wave),involves a naturallyoccurring X-linked trait.We have recently identified the nob gene product(nyctalopin), confirming prior results that the nobmouse might provide a model for CSNB Type 1.A closely related form of CSNB involvesnull mutations in the α 1Fsubunit of the L-typecalcium channel. Mice lacking the β 2subunit ofthis calcium channel in the central nervoussystem closely model the functional abnormalitiesfound in CSNB Type 2. In addition to indicatingthat the α 1Fsubunit depends critically upon theβ 2subunit to form a functional channel, thismutant mouse provides a model in which todefine the pathophysiological mechanismsNeal S. Peachey, Ph.D.underlying this rare retinal disorder. Besidescharacterizing these models, we have establishedan ERG-based screen with which to identifyadditional mutant lines generated by large-scalemutagenesis and to use these animals to identifynovel candidate genes for human CSNB.A second avenue of research involves thepossibility that visualfunction can be restored to aretina blinded by photoreceptordegeneration.Although this situation isencountered in retinitispigmentosa and age-relatedmacular degeneration, thereare few treatment options tooffer affected patients. Incollaboration withOptobionics Corporation, weare carrying out studies toevaluate prototype implantdevices that are designed toelectrically stimulate theouter retina from thesubretinal space. Implantedanimals are evaluated postoperativelyusing a variety oftechniques to establishimplant durability andbiocompatibility. Theseresults are used to identifyimplant designs suitable forapplication to animal models of photoreceptordegeneration, where the potential of this retinalprosthetic may be better evaluated.A general focus of the laboratory continuesto be development and evaluation of assays withwhich to better understand the functional effectsof gene manipulation on the mouse retina. Wehave now established protocols for evaluatingfunction of every cell type in the neural retina,and for the retinal pigment epithelium. As aresult, we can now thoroughly examine theimpact of experimental manipulation in themouse retina.THE PEACHEYLABORATORYPROJECT SCIENTISTMarc Schiavone, Ph.D.RESEARCH ASSOCIATESSherry Ball, Ph.D.Jiang WuTECHNICAL ASSOCIATESMelissa BlumBrett HanzlicekBoth at VA Medical Ctr.,Cleveland, OHCOLLABORATORSKenneth Alexander, Ph.D. 1Alan Chow, M.D. 2Steven Fliesler, Ph.D. 3Ronald Gregg, Ph.D. 4Vance Lemmon, Ph.D. 5Maureen McCall, Ph.D. 4Machelle Pardue, Ph.D. 61UIC Eye Center, Univ. ofIllinois, Chicago, IL2Optobionics Corporation,Wheaton, IL3Eye Inst., St. Louis University,St. Louis, MO4Univ. of Louisville, Louisville,KY5Case Western Reserve Univ.,Cleveland, OH6Veterans Affairs Medical Ctr.and Emory Univ., Atlanta, GABall, S.L., Powers, P.A., Shin, H.-S., Morgans, C.W., Peachey, N.S., and R.G. Gregg (2002) Role of the β 2subunit of voltage dependent calciumchannels in the retinal outer plexiform layer. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 43:1595-1603.McCall, M.A., Lukasiewicz, P.D., Gregg, R.G., and N.S. Peachey (2002) Elimination of the ρ1 subunit abolishes GABA Creceptor expressionand alters visual processing in the mouse retina. J. Neurosci. 22:4163-4174.Krishna, V.R., Alexander, K.R., and N.S. Peachey (2002) Temporal properties of the mouse cone electroretinogram. J. Neurophysiol. 87:42-48.Peachey, N.S., Stanton, J.B., and A.D. Marmorstein (2002) Noninvasive recording and response characteristics of the rat DC electroretinogram.Vis. Neurosci. 19:693-701.Gregg, R.G., Mukhopadhyay, S., Candille, S.I., Ball, S.L., Pardue, M.T., McCall, M.A., and N.S. Peachey (2003) Identification of the gene andthe mutation responsible for the mouse nob phenotype. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 44:378-384.165

Functional Consequences of HereditaryRetinal DiseaseOur laboratory is interested in hereditarydisorders that affect the outer retinallayers. These layers contain the rod andcone photoreceptors and the main second-orderretinal neuron, the bipolar cell. By usingappropriate stimulus conditions, the activity ofeach of these cell types can be monitored usingthe electroretinogram(ERG). In the mammalianretina, this method isparticularly useful fordiscerning the cones andbipolar cells, which arefar less numerous thanare rod photoreceptors,yet are key to manyblinding disorders.An importantfocus of our research ison congenital stationarynight blindness (CSNB),a class of retinal disorderin which communicationbetween photoreceptorsand bipolar cells issomehow disrupted. Wehave identified twomouse models of CSNB.One model, which wenamed nob (no b-wave),involves a naturallyoccurring X-linked trait.We have recently identified the nob gene product(nyctalopin), confirming prior results that the nobmouse might provide a model for CSNB Type 1.A closely related form of CSNB involvesnull mutations in the α 1Fsubunit of the L-typecalcium channel. Mice lacking the β 2subunit ofthis calcium channel in the central nervoussystem closely model the functional abnormalitiesfound in CSNB Type 2. In addition to indicatingthat the α 1Fsubunit depends critically upon theβ 2subunit to form a functional channel, thismutant mouse provides a model in which todefine the pathophysiological mechanismsNeal S. Peachey, Ph.D.underlying this rare retinal disorder. Besidescharacterizing these models, we have establishedan ERG-based screen with which to identifyadditional mutant lines generated by large-scalemutagenesis and to use these animals to identifynovel candidate genes for human CSNB.A second avenue of research involves thepossibility that visualfunction can be restored to aretina blinded by photoreceptordegeneration.Although this situation isencountered in retinitispigmentosa and age-relatedmacular degeneration, thereare few treatment options tooffer affected patients. Incollaboration withOptobionics Corporation, weare carrying out studies toevaluate prototype implantdevices that are designed toelectrically stimulate theouter retina from thesubretinal space. Implantedanimals are evaluated postoperativelyusing a variety oftechniques to establishimplant durability andbiocompatibility. Theseresults are used to identifyimplant designs suitable forapplication to animal models of photoreceptordegeneration, where the potential of this retinalprosthetic may be better evaluated.A general focus of the laboratory continuesto be development and evaluation of assays withwhich to better understand the functional effectsof gene manipulation on the mouse retina. Wehave now established protocols for evaluatingfunction of every cell type in the neural retina,and for the retinal pigment epithelium. As aresult, we can now thoroughly examine theimpact of experimental manipulation in themouse retina.THE PEACHEYLABORATORYPROJECT SCIENTISTMarc Schiavone, Ph.D.RESEARCH ASSOCIATESSherry Ball, Ph.D.Jiang WuTECHNICAL ASSOCIATESMelissa BlumBrett HanzlicekBoth at VA Medical Ctr.,<strong>Cleveland</strong>, OHCOLLABORATORSKenneth Alexander, Ph.D. 1Alan Chow, M.D. 2Steven Fliesler, Ph.D. 3Ronald Gregg, Ph.D. 4Vance Lemmon, Ph.D. 5Maureen McCall, Ph.D. 4Machelle Pardue, Ph.D. 61UIC Eye Center, Univ. ofIllinois, Chicago, IL2Optobionics Corporation,Wheaton, IL3Eye Inst., St. Louis University,St. Louis, MO4Univ. of Louisville, Louisville,KY5Case Western Reserve Univ.,<strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH6Veterans Affairs Medical Ctr.and Emory Univ., Atlanta, GABall, S.L., Powers, P.A., Shin, H.-S., Morgans, C.W., Peachey, N.S., and R.G. Gregg (2002) Role of the β 2subunit of voltage dependent calciumchannels in the retinal outer plexiform layer. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 43:1595-1603.McCall, M.A., Lukasiewicz, P.D., Gregg, R.G., and N.S. Peachey (2002) Elimination of the ρ1 subunit abolishes GABA Creceptor expressionand alters visual processing in the mouse retina. J. Neurosci. 22:4163-4174.Krishna, V.R., Alexander, K.R., and N.S. Peachey (2002) Temporal properties of the mouse cone electroretinogram. J. Neurophysiol. 87:42-48.Peachey, N.S., Stanton, J.B., and A.D. Marmorstein (2002) Noninvasive recording and response characteristics of the rat DC electroretinogram.Vis. Neurosci. 19:693-701.Gregg, R.G., Mukhopadhyay, S., Candille, S.I., Ball, S.L., Pardue, M.T., McCall, M.A., and N.S. Peachey (<strong>2003</strong>) Identification of the gene andthe mutation responsible for the mouse nob phenotype. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 44:378-384.165

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