Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

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Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a hormonesecreted by the heart in response toelevation in blood pressure and volume.ANP stimulates excretion of salt (natriuresis) andfluid (diuresis) and dilates arterial blood vessels,thereby exerting hypotensive effects. ANP alsosuppresses actions of neuronal and hormonalfactors that cause high bloodpressure. Thereby, ANP plays amajor role in regulating bloodpressure and body-fluid volumehomeostasis.ANP’s hormonal actionsare mediated by the cell surfacereceptor that carries intrinsicguanylyl cyclase (GCase)activity. Binding of ANPactivates GCase catalysis andelevates intracellular cGMPlevels. In turn, cGMP mediateshormonal actions of ANPthrough cGMP-regulated ionchannels,protein kinases, andphosphodiesterases. The ANPreceptor is a single-spantransmembrane receptor andoccurs as a dimer of atransmembrane polypeptidecontaining an extracellularANP-binding domain and anintracellular domain consistingof an ATP-binding regulatorydomain and a GCase catalyticdomain. ANP binding to the extracellular domainactivates GCase catalysis by an as yet unknownmechanism. The ANP receptor belongs to thefamily of membrane-bound, GCase-coupledreceptors having a similar molecular topology and,presumably, a similar signaling mechanism. TheseGCase-coupled receptors belong to the superfamilyof single-span transmembrane receptors, for whichthe mechanism of signal transduction has not beenwell defined.Our goal is to determine the ANPreceptor’s structure and to elucidate the mechanismsof hormone-binding and transmembranesignaling at atomic resolutions. We applystructural biology (X-ray crystallography), proteinbiochemistry, molecular biology, and biophysicsThe Department of Molecular CardiologyStructure and Transmembrane SignalingMechanism of the ANP Receptor:Development of Drugsand More Effective Treatmentstechniques to pursue our research goals.Our recent studies include identification of aconserved structural motif in the ANP receptor,termed GCase-signaling motif; expression andpurification of the hormone-binding domain(ANPR); determination of its complete covalentstructure by LC/MS; discovery of the chloridedependenceof ANPbinding; and determinationof ANP binding andreceptor dimerizationequilibria. We have alsodetermined the X-raystructures of the apo- andANP-bound ANPRcomplex and haveproposed a novel structuralmechanism for transmembranesignal transductionby the ANP receptor(submitted).Besides its majorrole in blood pressure andvolume regulation, ANP isinvolved in the pathogenesisof hypertension, heartfailure, and othercardiovascular diseases.Thus, the ANP receptorpresents an ideal target fordrugs used in treating suchdiseases. Elucidation ofthe ANP receptor’sstructure and mechanism of signaling will allowrational drug design. These studies will also give usbetter understanding of the pathophysiologicalroles of ANP in the cardiovascular system andpromote development of more effective diagnosisand treatment protocols.Kunio S. Misono, Ph.D.THE MISONOLABORATORYINVESTIGATORSP. Haruo Ogawa, Ph.D.Yue Sally Qiu, M.D.Xiaolun Zhang, M.S.COLLABORATORSEwa Folta-Stogniew, Ph.D. 1Earnest Freire, Ph.D. 2Craig Ogata, Ph.D. 3John Philo, Ph.D. 4Kenneth Williams, Ph.D. 11Dept. of Biochem. andBiophys., Yale Univ., NewHaven, CT2Dept. of Biology, JohnsHopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD3Argonne Natl. Laboratory,Chicago, IL4Alliance Protein Laboratories,Inc., Thousand Oaks, CAMisono, K.S., Sivasubramanian, N., Berkner, K., and X. Zhang, (1999) Expression andpurification of the extracellular ligand-binding domain of the atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP) receptor. Biochemistry, 38:516-523.Misono, K.S. (2000) Atrial natriuretic factor binding to its receptor is dependent onchloride concentration: A possible feedback-control mechanism in renal salt regulation.Circ. Res. 86:1135-1139.van den Akker, F., Zhang, X., Miyagi, M., Huo, X., Misono, K.S., and V.C. Yee (2000)Structure of the dimerized hormone-binding domain of a guanylyl-cyclase-coupledreceptor. Nature 406:101-104.Misono, K.S. (2002) Natriuretic peptide receptor: structure and signaling (Review). Mol.Cell. Biochem. 230:49-60.Ogawa, H., Zhang, X., Qiu, Y., Ogata, C., and K.S. Misono (<strong>2003</strong>). Structuralmechanism for transmembrane signaling by the atrial natriuretic peptide receptor(Submitted).125

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