Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...

Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ... Scientific Report 2003-2004 - Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research ...
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THE BERKNERLABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSWen Qian, Ph.D.Mark Rishavy, Ph.D.TECHNICAL ASSOCIATEKevin HallgrenKathleen L. Berkner, Ph.D.The Department of Molecular CardiologyInsight into Carboxylation of Vitamin K-DependentProteins Offers Hope for DesigningCoagulation Therapies, Hemophiliac HelpWe are interested in how vitamin K-dependent (VKD) proteins are carboxylated to render them active and in therole vitamin K plays in different biologicalsystems. Carboxylation involves the conversionof clusters of Glu residues to gamma-carboxylatedGlu residues in VKD proteins, using vitaminK as a cofactor. This modification generatescalcium-binding modules in VKDproteins, allowing them to exert theireffects in hemostasis, calcium homeostasis,bone development, cellular proliferation,vascular remodeling and signaltransduction. The enzyme that modifiesthe VKD proteins, gamma-carboxylase,resides in the endoplasmic reticulum,and carboxylation occurs during thesecretion of VKD proteins by amechanism that is poorly understood.Our recent work has revealed insightsinto the molecular mechanism forconversion of Glu residues to gammacarboxylatedGlu residues. In studiesthat represent a breakthrough formapping functional residues of thecarboxylase, we identified the active siteand implicated a mechanism ofsubstrate-regulated catalysis. Thesestudies are a critical first step towarddesigning superior anticoagulants thatdirectly target the carboxylase, ratherthan the indirect and nonspecific onescurrently in use. VKD proteins requiremultiple Glu to gamma-carboxylatedGlu conversions for their activity; forexample, 12 such conversions occur in thehemostatic VKD protein factor IX. We recentlyshowed that the carboxylase uses a processivemechanism to effect the multiple carboxylations,Pudota, B.N., Miyagi, M., Hallgren, K.W., West, K.A., Crabb, J.W., Misono, K.S., andK.L. Berkner (2000) Identification of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylase active site:Cys-99 and Cys-450 are required for both epoxidation and carboxylation. Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 97:13033-13038.Berkner, K.L. (2000) The vitamin K-dependent carboxylase. J. Nutr. 130:1877-1880.Stenina, O., Pudota, B.N., McNally, B.A., Hommema, E.L., and K.L. Berkner (2001)Tethered processivity of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylase: factor IX is efficientlymodified in a mechanism which distinguishes Gla’s from Glu’s and which accounts forcomprehensive carboxylation in vivo. Biochemistry 40:10301-10309.Pudota, B.N., Hommema, E.L., Hallgren, K.W., McNally, B.A., Lee, S., and K.L. Berkner(2001) Identification of sequences within the gamma-carboxylase that represent a novelcontact site with vitamin K-dependent proteins and that are required for activity. J. Biol.Chem. 276:46878-46886.Hallgren, K.W., Hommema, E.L., McNally, B.A., and K.L. Berkner (2002) Carboxylaseoverexpression effects full carboxylation but poor release and secretion of factor IX:implications for the release of vitamin K-dependent proteins. Biochemistry 41:15045-15055.i.e., all modifications occur as a consequence of asingle binding event. We are now determininghow processive carboxylation is accomplished,including whether a novel, second site of contactbetween VKD proteins and the carboxylase wediscovered is important for processivity.Our studies showing efficient processivityin vitro are of interest with regard to the poorefficiency of carboxylation that is sometimesobserved in vivo. Although normal physiologicalconditions result in full VKD protein carboxylation,there are instances when carboxylation issaturated, for example, in the expression ofrecombinant VKD proteins in mammalian cells.At low production levels, fully carboxylatedproteins are secreted, but at increased levels,undercarboxylated proteins are observed. Thislimitation has confounded the production ofVKD proteins, many of which have therapeuticpotential. The reason for such saturation is notunderstood, in part because the events involvedin VKD protein carboxylation and processing bythe secretory machinery are poorly defined. VKDprotein carboxylation places exceptional demandson the quality control mechanisms that facilitatesecretion: protein assembly is unusual because anenzyme-substrate complex is formed, and thecomplex must achieve full VKD proteincarboxylation. In addition, multiple VKDproteins (e.g., at least 10 in liver) engage onecarboxylase, creating a potentially competitivestate. To understand how this process is normallyaccomplished with such remarkable fidelity, wehave begun analyzing the intracellular events thatoccur during VKD protein carboxylation andsecretion. Our recent in vivo studies show, forexample, that saturation of carboxylation is notdue to limiting amounts of carboxylase. Theysuggest that the limitation in expressing fullycarboxylated proteins is due to vitamin Kbioavailability, and we are currently investigatingthis possibility. We are also determining howVKD protein carboxylation is regulated in vivo.We discovered that the carboxylase itself is aVKD protein that undergoes autocarboxylation.Preliminary studies indicate that carboxylasecarboxylation may function to downregulate theenzyme when VKD substrate levels are low.120

Role of Integrins in Thrombosis,Angiogenesis and Tumor BiologyThe integrin family of cell-surface moleculesmediates multiple, diverse cellularresponses, ranging from cell adhesion,migration and reorganization of extracellularmatrix to gene expression and apoptosis. Ourlaboratory’s overall goal is to understand the roleand the mechanisms of regulation of integrins inthe broad spectrum of physiological andpathophysiological responses, such as hemostasis/thrombosis, angiogenesis and tumor growth. Ourresearch focus is on the regulation of thefunctional activities of the integrin family ofadhesion receptors,specifically the beta-3integrins α vβ 3(expressedprimarily on vascular andtumor cells) and α IIbβ 3(platelet GPIIb-IIIacomplex).Our major project isto define the mechanismsof communication betweentwo receptor-ligandsystems, integrins/extracellular matrix andgrowth factors and theirreceptors. We recentlydescribed a new mechanismof vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF)action in physiological andpathological responses(Byzova et al., MolecularCell, 2000). We demonstratedthat VEGF candirectly activate integrin α vβ 3, leading toenhanced adhesion and migration of endothelialcells (ECs) to a variety of ligands. We found thatVEGFR2 (flk-1) ligation, but not VEGFR1 (flt-1) ligation, is responsible for integrin activation.Using several in vivo models of angiogenesis, wedemonstrated that VEGFR-2-specific (andVEGFR-3-specific) VEGFs can induce completeangiogenic or lymphangiogenic response (Byzovaet al., Blood, 2002). Because VEGF exerts strikingeffects on ECs, we are interested in the signaltransduction pathways leading from occupiedVEGF receptors to downstream responses such asintegrin activation, cell proliferation andapoptosis. We have generated substantial dataindicating the direct involvement ofphosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3k)/proteinkinase B (Akt) pathway, which is negativelyregulated by the phosphatase and tensin homologuedeleted from chromosome 10 (PTEN)tumor suppressor protein, in integrin activationby VEGFs (Byzova et al., Molecular Cell, 2000).We are also investigating the role ofVEGFs and their receptors in pathology,specifically in prostate tumor growth and in thedevelopment of bone metastasis. We found thatThe Department of Molecular CardiologyTatiana V. Byzova, Ph.D.enhanced recognition of bone matrix proteins bythe activated integrins contributes to prostatecancer osteotrophism. The angiogenic growthfactors may be released from tumor cells andengage receptors, which are also expressed by thetumor cells, leading to an autocrine mechanism oftumor-cell stimulation. To extend these ourstudies into the clinical arena, we are analyzingthe expression levels of VEGF/VEGFR andintegrins on prostate cancer cells and in the tumorvasculature to determine whether the autocrinemechanism of tumor cells stimulation is operativein vivo. These studies areconducted in collaboration withDrs. W. Heston and J. Brainard.Some of our studies focuson the role of thrombospondin(TSP)/platelet interactions in theprocess of thrombus formation.A recent large-scale genetic studyconducted at the Cleveland Clinicrevealed that novel variants inthe TSP gene family areassociated with familial prematuremyocardial infarction.Patients with the mutationN700S in TSP-1 have a nine-foldhigher risk of early coronaryartery disease. This novelobservation prompted us toinitiate a study focused on thefunction of TSP-1 in plateletaggregation and in EC biology.Since we have access to manypatients who are homozygous forthe N700S mutation, we are uniquely positionedto investigate the role of this mutation in TSP-1biology. The overall goal of this study is toinvestigate the molecular mechanism responsiblefor differential activities of N700S and WT TSP-1 that can contribute to the development of earlycardiovascular disease.THE BYZOVALABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSJuhua Chen, M.D., Ph.D.Sarmistha De, Ph.D.Natalia Narijneva, Ph.D.TECHNICAL ASSOCIATESVicky Byers-Ward, M.S.COLLABORATORSMarc Achen, Ph.D. 1Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D. 2Jennifer Brainard, M.D. 3Graham Casey, Ph.D. 4Nissim Hay, Ph.D. 5Warren (Skip) Heston, Ph.D. 4Ronald Midura, Ph.D. 6Maria Siemionow, M.D., Ph.D. 7Sanford J. Shattil, M.D. 8Steven Stacker, Ph.D. 1Eric J. Topol, M.D. 21Angiogenesis Laboratory, LudwigInst. for Cancer Res.,Melbourne, Australia2Dept. of CardiovascularMedicine, CCF3Dept. of Anatomic Pathology,CCF4Dept. of Cancer Biology, CCF5Dept of Molecular Genetics,Univ. of Illinois at Chicago6Dept. of Biomedical Engineering,CCF7Dept. of Plastic and ReconstructiveSurgery, CCF8Scripps Research Institute, LaJolla, CAByzova, T.V., and E.F. Plow (1998) Activation of α Vβ 3on vascular cells controlsrecognition of prothrombin. J. Cell Biol. 143:2081-2092.Topol, E.J., Byzova, T.V., and E.F. Plow (1999) Of platelets, integrin of α IIbβ 3and GPIIb-IIIa blockers: past, present and future perspectives. Lancet 143:227-231.Byzova, T.V., Kim, W., Midura, R.J., and E.F. Plow (2000) Activation of integrin α Vβ 3regulates cell adhesion and migration to bone sialoprotein. Exp. Cell Res. 254:299-308.Byzova, T.V., Goldman, C.K., Pampori, N., Thomas, K.A., Bett, A., Shattil S.J., and E.F.Plow (2000) A mechanism for modulation of cellular responses to VEGF: activation ofthe integrins. Mol. Cell 6:851-860.Byzova, T.V., Goldman, C.K., Jankau, J., Chen, J., Cabrera, G., Achen, M.G., Stacker,S.A., Carnevale, K.A., Siemionow, M., Deitcher, S.R., and P.E. DiCorleto (2002)Adenovirus encoding vascular endothelial growth factor-D induces tissue-specificvascular patterns in vivo. Blood 99:4434-4442.121

THE BERKNERLABORATORYPOSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSWen Qian, Ph.D.Mark Rishavy, Ph.D.TECHNICAL ASSOCIATEKevin HallgrenKathleen L. Berkner, Ph.D.The Department of Molecular CardiologyInsight into Carboxylation of Vitamin K-DependentProteins Offers Hope for DesigningCoagulation Therapies, Hemophiliac HelpWe are interested in how vitamin K-dependent (VKD) proteins are carboxylated to render them active and in therole vitamin K plays in different biologicalsystems. Carboxylation involves the conversionof clusters of Glu residues to gamma-carboxylatedGlu residues in VKD proteins, using vitaminK as a cofactor. This modification generatescalcium-binding modules in VKDproteins, allowing them to exert theireffects in hemostasis, calcium homeostasis,bone development, cellular proliferation,vascular remodeling and signaltransduction. The enzyme that modifiesthe VKD proteins, gamma-carboxylase,resides in the endoplasmic reticulum,and carboxylation occurs during thesecretion of VKD proteins by amechanism that is poorly understood.Our recent work has revealed insightsinto the molecular mechanism forconversion of Glu residues to gammacarboxylatedGlu residues. In studiesthat represent a breakthrough formapping functional residues of thecarboxylase, we identified the active siteand implicated a mechanism ofsubstrate-regulated catalysis. Thesestudies are a critical first step towarddesigning superior anticoagulants thatdirectly target the carboxylase, ratherthan the indirect and nonspecific onescurrently in use. VKD proteins requiremultiple Glu to gamma-carboxylatedGlu conversions for their activity; forexample, 12 such conversions occur in thehemostatic VKD protein factor IX. We recentlyshowed that the carboxylase uses a processivemechanism to effect the multiple carboxylations,Pudota, B.N., Miyagi, M., Hallgren, K.W., West, K.A., Crabb, J.W., Misono, K.S., andK.L. Berkner (2000) Identification of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylase active site:Cys-99 and Cys-450 are required for both epoxidation and carboxylation. Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 97:13033-13038.Berkner, K.L. (2000) The vitamin K-dependent carboxylase. J. Nutr. 130:1877-1880.Stenina, O., Pudota, B.N., McNally, B.A., Hommema, E.L., and K.L. Berkner (2001)Tethered processivity of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylase: factor IX is efficientlymodified in a mechanism which distinguishes Gla’s from Glu’s and which accounts forcomprehensive carboxylation in vivo. Biochemistry 40:10301-10309.Pudota, B.N., Hommema, E.L., Hallgren, K.W., McNally, B.A., Lee, S., and K.L. Berkner(2001) Identification of sequences within the gamma-carboxylase that represent a novelcontact site with vitamin K-dependent proteins and that are required for activity. J. Biol.Chem. 276:46878-46886.Hallgren, K.W., Hommema, E.L., McNally, B.A., and K.L. Berkner (2002) Carboxylaseoverexpression effects full carboxylation but poor release and secretion of factor IX:implications for the release of vitamin K-dependent proteins. Biochemistry 41:15045-15055.i.e., all modifications occur as a consequence of asingle binding event. We are now determininghow processive carboxylation is accomplished,including whether a novel, second site of contactbetween VKD proteins and the carboxylase wediscovered is important for processivity.Our studies showing efficient processivityin vitro are of interest with regard to the poorefficiency of carboxylation that is sometimesobserved in vivo. Although normal physiologicalconditions result in full VKD protein carboxylation,there are instances when carboxylation issaturated, for example, in the expression ofrecombinant VKD proteins in mammalian cells.At low production levels, fully carboxylatedproteins are secreted, but at increased levels,undercarboxylated proteins are observed. Thislimitation has confounded the production ofVKD proteins, many of which have therapeuticpotential. The reason for such saturation is notunderstood, in part because the events involvedin VKD protein carboxylation and processing bythe secretory machinery are poorly defined. VKDprotein carboxylation places exceptional demandson the quality control mechanisms that facilitatesecretion: protein assembly is unusual because anenzyme-substrate complex is formed, and thecomplex must achieve full VKD proteincarboxylation. In addition, multiple VKDproteins (e.g., at least 10 in liver) engage onecarboxylase, creating a potentially competitivestate. To understand how this process is normallyaccomplished with such remarkable fidelity, wehave begun analyzing the intracellular events thatoccur during VKD protein carboxylation andsecretion. Our recent in vivo studies show, forexample, that saturation of carboxylation is notdue to limiting amounts of carboxylase. Theysuggest that the limitation in expressing fullycarboxylated proteins is due to vitamin Kbioavailability, and we are currently investigatingthis possibility. We are also determining howVKD protein carboxylation is regulated in vivo.We discovered that the carboxylase itself is aVKD protein that undergoes autocarboxylation.Preliminary studies indicate that carboxylasecarboxylation may function to downregulate theenzyme when VKD substrate levels are low.120

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